Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1091 Supplementary Update

"Ah." [I have encountered the statue of the Salt God, and I know what my father meant when he said that becoming a monster is more terrifying than death.]

Li Jun said coldly and tiredly that the end of life is death, and you will know nothing after you die. However, those horrible murmurs, horrible distortions, monsters that can't be said to be dead or alive are more terrifying than death. They are not human beings.


Yi Ling nodded in agreement. This is not the world of ordinary people. It is a terrifying reality with ghosts, zombies, and endless pollution.

"So you decided to bring the power of the Salt God to the village? You know it's not a good thing, right?"

The mouth-like gap on Li Jun's skin cracked, but no sound was made. After talking like this, the skin dissipated so much that only a little bit like a sugar orange remained. He was very tired, not much of his five senses were left, and Yi Ling's voice seemed indistinct. To him, everything was empty, as if he had fallen into the quietest darkness.

Of course, the power of the Salt God is not a good thing. From the moment he saw the statue of the Salt God, he knew that he could no longer escape and became a monster.

However, the Salt God is not a good thing, so what kind of good thing can the White Tiger, the ancestor of the tiger who turned into after the death of the original King Lin and the Tusi King who killed the Salt God, be? I'm afraid they are all monsters too!

There is no future, only despair. My father is still immersed in the dream of the birth of Tiger Ancestor, and the clan members are still immersed in the carnival of ignorance.

Was he going to wake them up? He wants to desperately wake them up and let them see clearly this cruel reality and know everything about this cruelty?

It was useless to wake them up. When the Salt God statue appeared in the village, Li Jun knew that their land had been 'locked', or that they had been 'contaminated' since his father first started dreaming.

The ignorant and pitiful tribesmen cannot wake up and will not believe it. In other words, if you wake them up, they will only collapse and die in despair. Human beings are simply unable to resist the power of this pollution and will only be lost in endless torture and pain.

In this case, there is no need to say it.

At least let the tribesmen retain their human form and not turn into monsters when they 'die'. Therefore, he will attract various kinds of pollution to compete with each other. With the formation of the Twin Tigers as the core, the Salt God pollution will not really turn people into the terrifying monsters in his father's dream.

The souls of the tribesmen are still not contaminated at all.

If they are really blessed by Tiger Ancestor, they will have the last chance to truly break away from the bondage and gain liberation.

I just didn't expect that my father would become a believer in the Mountain Worship Cult, and after his death, he would let him bring people to the house to disrupt everything.

But that's not bad either.

Li Jun thought of the huge white tiger that appeared in the ruins and everything in the past. He didn't know why he said this to Yi Ling. The resentment, pain, and arrogance and ambition of the past decades now seemed like a dream in retrospect. After waking up from the dream, he was in a daze. Everything in the past was like a paper horse tower village, completely transformed. For ashes. Maybe he just hopes that someone still knows what happened here.

What a relief.

Li Jun was groggy and completely plunged into darkness. He had already lost his five senses and did not hear what Yi Ling said after that.

"When I'm watching a movie, I hate it the most when people die mid-sentence without finishing their sentence."

Yi Ling complained that Li Jun still didn't explain many things clearly, such as what happened to the twin tiger formations and what happened to those strange human skins. He was really a very unqualified narrator. Want to escape from him by dissipating? It's not that simple. Yi Ling bent his fingers, and a very beautiful butterfly appeared on his fingertips, flapping its wings gently.

"Die Da, can you keep it?"

Yi Ling asked casually: "It is considered human skin now. You were also a human skin maggot in the past. Are there any special techniques for preserving human skin?"

Without him, we can only use the human skin map to absorb the last small piece of Li Jun, turn it into pure pollution energy, and then see if we can read some information from it. This is very troublesome, and Yi Ling is not sure that it will be completely successful.

Die Da flew up and flew around Yi Ling's fingers twice, conveying a very aggrieved emotion, and seemed to feel broken and helpless when Yi Ling called it a 'human skin maggot'. But the grievance is a grievance, and what needs to be done must still be done. Die Da flew to the side of Li Jun's human skin that was only the size of a fingernail, and spun silk out of nowhere, turning this small piece of human skin into a cocoon.

Li Jun's human skin has been dissipating, firstly due to the backlash of pollution, secondly due to the influence of radiation, and thirdly due to the fact that the entire Zhimata Village's belief belongs to An Xuefeng. After all, he was once connected to the beliefs of all the tribesmen, and the statues are engraved with the white tiger statue.

Die Da sucked away the remaining radiation on it, and also sucked away all kinds of miscellaneous pollution, including the Salt God, leaving only a piece of pure human skin, which was then wrapped in a cocoon. He was unable to be coerced by the faith of his tribe and turned to An Xuefeng. The last bit of his strength no longer disappeared, and he finally became a snow-white cocoon half the size of a palm.

But even if he hasn't completely disappeared, Li Jun has completely fainted now, and he won't be able to recover for a while. Yi Ling put on his gloves, picked up the cocoon and played with it, then lost interest. He was about to throw the cocoon to Die Da to put it away, but suddenly the white tiger that had been licking his back and rubbing his waist just now was gone for a long time. There was movement, and even the tiger's tail wrapped around his waist was no longer so tight. Yi Ling raised his eyes and caught Bai Hu's eyes hurriedly dodging to one side.

oh? interesting.

"Abai, Mimi, Mimi."

Yi Ling said with a smile, calling the white tiger like a kitten. When it turned its head to look over, he grabbed the long hair on its chin. He closed his mouth and opened a slit, then held the cocoon and tried to stuff it inside.

"It's delicious, come and try it!"

【delicious? What's delicious? ! 】

Using the back of his hand to block the tentacles of the corn shoots that were actively joining in the fun, Yi Ling put the cocoon to the white tiger's mouth with a wicked smile. The cat desperately tried to raise its head to dodge. This was the first time Yi Ling saw genuine fear in the white tiger's eyes.


Finally unable to hold it in any longer, Yi Ling burst into laughter, almost crying. It wasn't until the tiger tail wrapped around his waist was tightened like a belt, that Yi Ling smiled and coughed twice, barely regaining his composure, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the white tiger looking at him quietly, with complicated eyes. Just now, Bai Hu took advantage of the situation and used his tongue to push out his fingers. Now his mouth was closed tightly, and Fan's expression was cold and unloving. He was completely different from the clingy look just now.

"Do you have all the memories of White Tiger?"

Yi Ling asked him with a smile: "Did you regain your senses before Li Jun was sealed in the cocoon? Why, you can understand what he just said."

Bai Hu didn't say anything, just nodded slightly, looking calm and collected, which made Yi Ling want to throw the series of photos he just took at Bai Hu's face to see if his expression would break. However, it’s better to keep the photo behind for fun. Seeing the white tiger flicking its tail and stepping on the corn shoots with its front paws, it was about to stand up. Yi Ling directly pressed its front paws with his hands, put half of his body weight on it and went up, getting close and said: "Everyone else in the family is fine, don't worry. You are the only one with a bigger problem."

"Absorbing faith must have sequelae."

Yi Ling said in a long voice, deliberately squeezing his fingers into the gaps between the white tiger's claws and watching its thick and powerful claws open and close uncomfortably. He originally thought that he was simply interested in wild big cats, but he would quickly lose interest once it gained human sanity. However, the contrast between Bai Hu and Bai Hu just now was too great. The cold and taciturn look just now made Yi Ling feel itchy. Not to mention losing interest, he felt that his sexual fetish had been upgraded.

Especially when he pressed the white tiger's paws and deliberately moved his upper body closer, the fur on the white tiger's back burst out and he hid behind him. His long tail anxiously slapped the corn shoots, and from time to time he wanted to wrap it around his waist and then was controlled to move forward. Don't twitch, looking like you can't control it well. Yi Ling wants to laugh, just to avoid forcing An Xuefeng to break out. He still looks serious: "Baihu is the ancestral god of the Tujia people, and he is the ancestor of the Tujia people." There is a very deep connection between them, and Zimata is derived from the original Linjun, and the relationship is even closer, and it is more niche and exclusive. "

"This kind of belief is the most difficult to accept and integrate, and the sequelae will be serious. But don't worry, I can help you."

In fact, Yi Ling could tell at a glance that An Xuefeng was extremely talented. The thin halo of faith that had shrouded his kung fu skills had been completely absorbed by him. Li Jun did not last long and merged his faith with An Xuefeng too quickly. Related.

However, no matter how talented you are, it is easy to get into trouble when you first come into contact with this kind of thing. Beliefs passed down from generation to generation deep in the mountains are most likely to distort people's minds. Although you can survive it, it will definitely be better if someone can guide you. Yi Ling is very confident. He has Nordic Sunbird blood and is definitely experienced in this area. This time, not only An Xuefeng but also other family members have performed to his satisfaction. It is time to reveal more.

Moreover, the pollution here is really heavy. Yi Ling feels that his SAN value has dropped a bit. Maybe the thing will escape tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. He should warn his family in advance. While thinking about things in his mind, Yi Ling didn't notice that he was almost resting on Bai Hu's chest, and was rubbing the thick fur very skillfully, making Bai Hu's pupils tremble and his mood fluctuate too much.

Then when Yi Ling downplayed it and said that he was a little god, Bai Hu suddenly fainted and fell limply on the corn shoots like a fallen bag of rice. Yi Ling was startled and hurriedly checked it. He was relieved after confirming that it had really just fainted.

"Is this a side effect?"

He raised the white tiger's thick paw, grabbed it and shook it. An Xuefeng is a strange person. The concentration of pollution on his body has always been very stable. Even if he offended the village's beliefs, he did not get much pollution. In this case, the sequelae should be easy to deal with, and I will probably wake up within today.

An Xuefeng woke up earlier than Yi Ling expected.


When he opened his eyes from coma, before he could see clearly what was in front of him, An Xuefeng frowned because his senses had become overly sensitive. The heavy damp smell with the smell of rotting blood was very choking. The bedding under me smelled of having been there for a long time. The wood on the roof seemed to be rotten. I could hear a faint rustling sound. I didn't know it was termites. Walking through the wood or it was drizzling outside again.

The sound that shouldn't have been captured was now blasting in An Xuefeng's ears like noise. An Xuefeng looked at the roof quietly. He was back in the room of Tujia Amei B\u0026B. Maybe the corn shoots carried him back? An Xuefeng could clearly hear the voices of Wang Pengpai and Bai Feibai who were guarding the door outside. It should be fairly safe here. He didn't get up in a hurry, but spent two minutes carefully adjusting his overly sensitive hearing while listening to the conversation between Wang Pengpai and Bai Feibai at the door.

They were talking about some things collected from the ruins of Li's house and some clues they had collected from the houses of Zimata villagers. This should have been very important, but An Xuefeng was distracted from time to time. His keen hearing could pick up sounds farther away. An Xuefeng found that he was subconsciously listening to the voice of Yi Ling speaking in the hall further away. There was a period of time when he fully transformed into a beast, and his memory was relatively vague. He only vaguely remembered the pure emotion of warmth and intimacy, and an urgent desire to invade and possess. When he later absorbed all the faith and briefly woke up, An Xuefeng's first reaction when he saw the unsuspecting Yi Ling trapped in his arms was to pretend that he had not regained his senses and still acted like a white tiger - although he immediately After being discovered, Yi Ling is really smart.

Exhaling a breath, An Xuefeng suppressed his complicated emotions. He was about to close his eyes and rest and continue to digest his faith, but he couldn't help but continue to listen to the movement in the main room, like the uncontrollable tiger's tail, which made him want to hear More sounds of Yi Zero.

Then An Xuefeng heard Yi Ling preaching to the live broadcast, smiling and promoting Baishan Cult: "Viewers, look, this is the latest photo of the white tiger, the sacred beast of our Baishan Cult!"

An Xuefeng:? ! !

The author has something to say

Let Big Tiger send five hundred red envelopes to the babies today!


Zero Director [enthusiastic publicity]; Audience members, pick up a tiger, it has come home with me!


The flu has been really bad recently. My mother had a cold and a fever a few days ago. She is still catching a cold over and over again. I also got the flu. Now I don’t have a fever but I still have a bad cold. I really feel a lot weak after the new coronavirus. Dear babies, Please also pay attention to safety and it is best to wear a mask when going out!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-1923:00:45~2023-12-2002:46:24~

Thanks to the little angels who dropped shallow water bombs: Sensen 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: Sensen 2;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: Yin and Sensen;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 2 San Ran; 1 Xin Yao listened to Xun Mi praise Ximi and Yin;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 346 bottles in Yueshi; 91 bottles as long as you don’t sleep, you don’t have to get up; O. O38 bottles; Ah Ya Crow 25 bottles; Xi Yan, Bai Liu... My Bai Liu..., A Pig Under the Peach Tree, 10 bottles; Du Lulu, Poria Cake, (ーー゛),. , Talking nonsense, Taliu's marriage certificate (Little Hipmi, Wandering Clouds, 52095666, Miracle Stops Without Hair, Silence, Nidhogg, Be careful, G protein-coupled receptor, kua kakuyi1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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