Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1079 Tomb of the Tusi King (31)

When a family has a funeral, it is a tradition for the villagers to come to help. Yi Ling specifically said that there would be a funeral banquet at noon. At this time, the villagers put aside all the elements of terror and followed normal rural customs. An Xuefeng directly sent them to the fire house. It depends on whether these villagers recognize his orders. Normally, they are also 'guests' who come to help and have to obey the master's arrangements.

However, after An Xuefeng spoke, the several villagers standing in the main room hesitated for a moment, and then they were actually sent away, leaving only two. The two people were standing next to the drum in front of the shrine, seemingly ready to help beat the drum. But Wang Pengpai, who was strong and powerful, stood in front of the drum in advance. He smiled and said that they were going to live broadcast the cooking process of Tujia traditional funeral banquet dishes to the audience, and took the two people away with half force and half coaxing.

After Wang Yushu and Wang Pengpai left with the villagers, there were finally no outsiders in the hall.


Miao Fangfei finally breathed a sigh of relief and said hoarsely, "We actually scared me to death. I was always on tenterhooks just now."

Controlling the Li family to deceive the villagers was purely a dangerous move. Miao Fangfei had been worried that the villagers would fall out at any time, and An Xuefeng's command of those people to go to the fire room on behalf of Li Jun made her even more worried. The cold weather broke out in a cold sweat. It is still busy now. The villagers have left and the evil spirits are still there. They can't finish the poisonous insects. They have only managed to clear out a small area in front of the shrine that was relatively clean. Everyone gathered in front of the shrine and talked in low voices.

"Don't worry, Sister Miao. Director Ling attaches great importance to Team An, and the villagers will definitely give him face."

Mao Xiaole, who had just opened the door of the hall and looked out, was full of excitement, his eyes were bright, and he lowered his voice: "When Ling was going out just now, the whole yard of people made way for him, he was so handsome!"


Tong Hege, who spoke less, covered his chin and rarely responded: "Zero's power is very restrained."

"Zero Guide has revealed enough information to us."

An Xuefeng walked up to Bai Feibai, returned to him the notebook where he had just written down Yi Ling's words, and said in a deep voice: "The next step is for us to work together. Fei Bai."


Bai Feibai pushed up his glasses and held a shorthand notebook in his hand: "Now integrate the clues we have obtained so far."

"There are a total of seven children in the Li family. Professor Yu obtained a lot of information from the three skins of the Li family."

Yu Hehui pressed his eyebrows together, his handsome face showing undisguised exhaustion. Controlling three 'antique' human skins is a big expense for him, not to mention communicating with their 'consciousness' to explore the secrets of the Li family. A place like the Li family is very dangerous whether you sit on the ground or lean against the wall. He is now leaning on Wan Xiangchun, and when Bai Feibai mentions it, he can only have the strength to nod.

"Li Jun is the eldest son, and these three people are the second, third and fourth. We were led by the fifth before. The third and fourth are almost unconscious and cannot detect any information. Professor Yu's clues mainly come from the second. Will the old It was his idea to punish Wu by tearing him apart in front of the hall. Currently, Lao Wu is seriously injured and has not yet returned to his human form. He was put in a jar by Li Er in the form of pieces of meat and is currently placed in the fire room. "

Bai Feibai said: "Wang Pengpai and Wang Yushu will confirm its condition in the fire room and bring it back to the main room. But besides them, the Li family has two children, whom Li Er calls 'eldest sister, second sister'. Sister, she has been missing for many years, and he doesn’t know the relevant information.”

"Mr. Li is indeed their father, but he handed over the position of head of the family and Lin Jun to Li Jun many years ago. He lives in the grab bag room behind the shrine and never comes out. Delivering meals and pouring chamber pots Mr. Li does everything himself every day and is very filial.”

"But Mr. Li never took Li Jun to worship the mountain, nor did he recommend him to join the mountain worship sect. This made Li Jun very distressed."

At this point, Bai Feibai glanced at Li Jun who was kneeling in front of the coffin.

"His consciousness is still inside the skin, but he won't come out and refuses to communicate."

Mao Xiaole shrugged his shoulders, made a hand gesture, and said harshly: "Hey, Li Jun. I don't know what you are waiting for. My hand is already healed. I don't know how many more blows your skin can take."

There was a clicking sound, and Li Jun, who was kneeling in front of the coffin, was shaking and bleeding from all his orifices following Mao Xiaole's hand. But he still showed no sign of being willing to communicate.

"Look, that's it. Let Yushu come back later and ask questions."

Mao Xiaole spread his hands.

"Yesterday, Li Jun delivered dinner to the old man as usual, and then he brought the sad news that the old man had passed away."

Li Jun refused to cooperate, and everyone knew it. Bai Feibai continued to talk, Li Jun asked them to help not only for the incense ashes, but also because Mr. Li was a believer of the Mountain Worship Sect during his lifetime, and the burial arrangements for the followers of the Mountain Worship Sect after their death were normally required. People from the Sect are involved, and the coffin needs to be covered by the Baishan Sect, otherwise something terrible will happen.

Mr. Li's death was too sudden. Li Jun was not a mountain worshiper yet. They were still a little lucky. Last night they just beat the funeral drum and wore mourning clothes for Mr. Li, but in the end, horror befell their father—— Mr. Li's body has changed.

Therefore, they had to wait for people from the Baishan Sect to proceed with many rituals.

"It's just that they didn't expect that an adult of Yi Ling's level would come. Li Er said that they had never seen Yi Ling before, but after he arrived, everyone could feel that he had the most primitive, mountain-like nature in him. the power of."

"The most primitive power of the mountain."

Mao Xiaole couldn't help but let out a wow, and Lu Shucheng and Tong Hege also opened their eyes wide. But now is not the time to search for zero derivatives. Since the detonators would be deployed around Li's house later, Bai Feibai spoke very quickly. Li Jun didn't expect such a big shot to arrive, so they were very nervous from Li Jun to them, and they made a lot of mistakes because of it. However, this was not because they were disrespectful to Wuluo Mountain or the Mountain Worship Cult. Now they just hope that they can do well. After sending the old father to the funeral, he would worship the mountain and offer his faith to the mountain god. "

"Li Er and the others... although only their skins are left, they can't be considered dead."

Yu Hehui coughed hoarsely: "Their skins are not broken, but the evil will still occur. I can talk to their consciousness, but cultural relics can also deceive people."

So just listen to what Li Er said later about his only wish to send his father to a good burial. If you really believe it, you are a fool.

"He didn't say what happened to the tiger and the corpse in the room?"

Lu Shucheng asked.

"Li Er said he didn't know anything about it."

Bai Feibai said, looking at An Xuefeng.

"The female corpse is about 20 years old. The corpse is well preserved. The skin is covered with a layer of crystals. There are similar crystals on the tiger corpse."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "The blood vessels and muscles on the skinned tiger are still active, and it will bounce and twitch, and it is full of resentment. It cannot be ruled out that there are a lot of bugs in the tiger carcass... Li Jun, you should know better about this."

Li Jun remained silent, and An Xuefeng ignored him and continued resolutely: "What I will say next is based on insufficient evidence and can only be used as speculation."

"While carrying the corpse, I sensed the power of Mr. Li. He has the power of a tiger in his body. The corpse is transforming into a zombie, but it is not completely a human zombie. I am more inclined to think that he will turn into a human and Zombies in the tiger's fused state - this is the protection of the white tiger, but it shouldn't be like this."

An Xuefeng looked at the small shrine next to the main shrine. The wooden carving of a white tiger that was supposed to be enshrined there was now distorted into a different shape, at least it no longer looked like a tiger.

"Li means tiger in Tujia language, and Li Jun and Lin Jun are tiger kings. Lin Jun of the Li family should have been protected by white tigers and favored by mountain gods for generations. But new changes have appeared in his descendants. Now Li Jun is not Believe in White Tiger.”

Speaking of this, An Xuefeng felt a very sharp and malicious gaze. He looked over calmly and saw Li Jun, who was kneeling next to the coffin, raising his head at some point. His dark eye sockets were staring straight at him. This kind of 'gazing' If it had any substance, it would be as if a curse was about to envelope An Xuefeng.

But An Xuefeng didn't give him another look, and said shockingly: "Either something happened to Bai Hu, or Li Jun was contaminated by something and turned to evil ways, or... he was not the first choice of Mr. Li. An heir."

"The Li family once had a pair of female twins. The fusion of human and tiger corpses in the room behind the shrine made me even more convinced of this view."

"In the traditional house layout of the Tujia people, the grab-and-double room behind the shrine should have been the place where the head of the family and his wife lived."

Professor Yu's voice was a little weak, but he insisted: "There is definitely a corresponding meaning for the body of the human tiger to be placed there."

Either this female corpse is actually Mr. Li's wife and Li Jun's 'mother', or she is the 'head of the family' and was placed there with such an evil ritual.

"There are fewer evil spirits near the shrine in the hall than in other places, and there aren't any evil spirits around Mr. Li."

Bai Feibai answered: "The protection of the white tiger can dispel the darkness. Let me count both the evil and the darkness as one faction of pollution, and the white tiger as the other faction. Then the current situation will be very clear."

The Li family and even the entire Zhimata Village were originally a normal Tujia village that believed in the white tiger. The twin sisters of the Li family were blessed by the white tiger and would inherit the position of Lin Jun. The eldest son Li may have had a dispute because of this, and may have believed in other evil gods that were hostile to the white tiger, thus attracting misfortune. In the end, the Li sisters failed, and Mr. Li also failed. Li Jun became Lin Jun, dragging the entire Zimata Village into the abyss of evil pollution.

"Of course, the evidence we have currently obtained is not enough to prove this point of view. Whether the human-tiger fusion corpse contains the Li twin sisters still needs to be investigated, and we cannot draw any conclusions."

Following Bai Feibai's words, Li Jun's terrifying eyes fell on him. He was obviously controlled by the paper man, but Li Jun was trembling violently. The resentful and terrifying eyes almost seemed to have substance, connected to him. Everyone nearby could feel a chill, as if they would be cursed if he looked at him.

But Bai Feibai still finished calmly: "If we want to solve the problem of the Li family and even the entire Zimata Village, we must find more evidence and find the source of the mutation, so that we can break the situation. And these things must be done for Completed before Mr. Li’s funeral.”

"While the villagers are preparing for the funeral banquet in the fire house and it's dawn outside, we are going to search the entire Li family and the paper horse tower."

An Xueri ordered sharply: "Xiaolu, Xiaomiao, follow me. Together with Pengpai, we will search the outside of Li's house."

"The other family members are responsible for searching the main room. Fei Bai, I will leave the body to you. Xiao Le, keep an eye on Li Jun. If you have any questions, contact me immediately."


Mao Xiaole understood immediately with a roll of his eyes that what Team An said just now was to deliberately mislead Li Jun, making him mistakenly believe that they would stop here for a long time to search for evidence.

In fact, Team An is going to take people to plant detonators for the entire Li family!

There are also too few people who know this aspect, so Team An can only do it himself.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Mao Xiaole responded quickly and watched Team An leave the main room with Lu Shucheng and Miao Fangfei. Bai Feibai also took Tong Hege to the room behind the shrine to check the human-tiger fusion body. For a while, only Yu Hehui, Wan Xiangchun and him were left in the hall. Yu Hehui consumed too much energy and fell asleep temporarily from exhaustion. Wan Xiangchun supported him and was alert to his surroundings.

Mao Xiaole, on the other hand, was brave and talented. He walked to the shrine and looked down at the old zombie in the coffin. Although he is not a corpse-refining school, he is somewhat good at it. Mao Xiaole remembers that there was a Taoist priest a generation older than him on the mountain who studied this. The zombies he raised were pretty good, and they seemed to be almost reaching the realm of drought demons. They were very special. sharp.

That person should be interested in this old zombie. If he can take it out, he will definitely be able to blackmail him severely.


While Mao Xiaole was observing the corpse, the sound of heavy breathing suddenly sounded next to the coffin.

"Hey, don't be scary."

Wan Xiangchun immediately looked over with caution, like a nervous kestrel with its wings spread. But Mao Xiaole just chuckled, lowered his head and looked at Li Jun who had arrived at his feet at some point, and raised the corners of his lips: "Master Dao, I was so scared. Why, you were silent just now, and now you want to talk?"

At the same time, Mao Xiaole admired in his heart that Li Jun had been silent just now, it must be because Captain An was here. Captain An definitely discovered this. He left not only to arrange the detonator, but also to give him the opportunity to make excuses!


Li Jun laughed hoarsely and lowly. His mouth that could not be closed was covered with dense notes, so when he spoke, his voice seemed particularly strange.


"Zhi...? Do you think...this is Wu?"

"Oh? If it's not a disease, what is it? Tell me."

Mao Xiaole said casually, but in fact he had already put his guard up, with his fingers on the seal, ready to give Li Jun a hit at any time.

But Li Jun's next words made him take action.

"You... can draw thunder... you are... a Taoist priest... don't you... know that too?"

“Ho ho, ho ho ho ho—”

Li Jun laughed unpleasantly. There were dense black spots squirming in his deep-set eye sockets, like twinkling stars in the night sky, and like maggots squirming in the mud. His words sent a chill down Mao Xiaole's spine, and he actually felt Creepy.

"Insects... are so lowly... how can they be compared with it... White tiger... is just a beast..."

" God."

"It's the great Salt God... who has favored me!"

Li Jun's words revealed an abnormal enthusiasm and madness, and the words poured into people's ears like hot water: "It's time for the Li family... to change... I am... a believer of the Salt God, a believer of God..."

"What Lin Jun - what twin tigers..."

"I should be Lord Lin, the one chosen by God who can change the fate of the entire village——!!"

The author has something to say

I wrote more than four thousand words! I wrote an extra thousand words, so it took me half an hour to write. I’m sorry that the update is too late today. Let the God of Salt send you 500 red envelopes, bum bum bum!


[The allusion between Lin Jun and the Salt God]

Lin Jun took his earthen boat and led his tribe down the Yi River and arrived at Yanyang.

The Salt God, the daughter of the Water God, stopped Lin Jun and said: "There is fish and salt here, and the land is vast. I would like to live with you and don't leave anymore."

Lin Jun said: "I will become the king, so I have to look for land that can produce food. I can't stop."

The Salt God slept with Lin Jun at night, and left in the morning and turned into a flying insect. Various gods followed the salt god, and they flew up and blocked out the sun.

Lin Jun wanted to kill the Salt God, but he could not distinguish between heaven and earth and did not know the direction. This situation lasted for ten days. Lin Jun gave the green thread to the Salt God and said: "Tie this around. If it suits you, I will live with you; if it doesn't suit you, I will leave you."

The Salt God took it and wrapped it around him. Lin Jun came to a patterned stone and looked at the flying insect with a blue line on its chest. He knelt on the stone and shot it. He hit the Salt God at once. The Salt God died and the sky became brighter.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-0723:01:48~2023-12-0900:36:02~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: Chu Jiafan and the other two;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: Chu Jiafan, 3 young ones; I am Wenwen’s dog, CC 1;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the landmine: I believe that Qingfeng will not fail the exam, and Mu Aixi orders people to never wither and die. , Xiao Nie will not stay up late, by-Muchi, Xin Yao and 2 cat heads; 47484445, I am a warm dog, ax_The abyss butterfly can dream of Xiao, I am also getting angry today, Xiyan years, Chu 1 summer month;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 206 bottles of round fat rabbit; 118 bottles of Gulu Gulu Lulu; 100 bottles of Jianqiulan, Tanxi, and Yuyin; 80 bottles of Nanx’s dog; 50 bottles of soy milk and Double Ten and Twelve ; blue, cool 40 bottles; Frosty.34 bottles; error32 bottles; ax_ abyss butterflies can dream of small 27 bottles; catfish 26 bottles; zeenew 21 bottles; sariel, a boat full of clear dreams across the galaxy, 62123247, good night, bamboo tree 20 Bottles; 15 bottles for Concubine Mian Zhao and Yehenala; 13 bottles for Wang Lalan and Want to Sleep; Madam, please write quickly! 12 bottles; 6672426211 bottles; Meow Meow, Afu Z, 69052199, Sikoda Xi, Isn’t the Cat Cute, Committed to Falling into the Pit, Ri Oh, Yanwu Qing, Mao Tuaner, Bromothymol Blue Water Solution , Small Transparent ~ 10 bottles; Xiyan Years 8 bottles; Bamboo Forest Quiet Water 6 bottles; jedesire, Han Yumo, Li Xiaobai drinks without sugar ~, Sunshine and Cheerful Rat, Luo Dye, an Orange, Come back for a long time to take a look, Monarchy 5 bottles; 4 bottles when the iceberg meets the snow mountain; 3 bottles of Ruimu Mu, Yu Nanxue, Wandering Clouds, I am the Dog of Beng Beng Small Round Hat; 52095666, Chocolate, Yan Chenchen, Ruan Ling Gao, Qin Baochuan's Xue Stop 2 bottles; Hua Yu, Yan Ye, Xiao Ximi in the small town were played with by Xun Xun, Jiangshan old woman, Nao Taosi, Xiao, Ye Lingxue, Go Lai, Rui Nao Xiao Jin Shou, Ban Meng Fu Sheng , Lagrange, Little Demon Ory, Miracle Stops Without Hair, (ーー゛), Ling Lingzi., I want the moon? Come to me, P10, Ye Xuan and the top ten in grade always have to go, Hot Dry Noodles 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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