Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1078 Tomb of the Chieftain King (30)

What detonator? What high explosive?

Yi Ling was stunned for a moment, his brain went blank for a moment, thinking of his conversation with Bai Feibai just now, he felt it was a bit absurd.

It was strange, he was talking about zombies, pollution, white tigers and ghosts in this Tujia old house, and Bai Feibai was talking to him about detonators and high explosives.

No, didn't you just help Mao Xiaole control the paper man? You also saw him use the thunder-inducing spell, isn't this thing more powerful than explosives?

"Zero guide?"

Yi Ling felt that Bai Feibai was still staring at him, and asked abruptly: "Can you use explosives?"

"Yes, you can."

Yi Ling repeated: "Yes, you can."

He looked at Bai Feibai, Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole thoughtfully, and then looked at An Xuefeng who was paying attention to this side not far away, and his mind suddenly became active.

Wow, these people actually brought detonators and explosives in!

How strange! He had seen Mao Xiaole use the Lightning Induction Technique, and had seen dense and dense swarms of fireflies in the air, but he had never seen explosives detonate! Hey, explosives blow up the Li family, how interesting! Are these the people from the big city? How interesting. What kind of explosives did they bring? The legendary C4? TNT? He didn't know much about this.

"But it depends on how powerful the things you bring are."

Yi Ling suppressed his excitement and pretended to be indifferent: "With so many villagers here, it's not easy to blow them all to death."

"Yes, Brother Feibai, ordinary explosives may not work."

Mao Xiaole also came back to his senses from the initial "What? ? Explosives? ? ", and said half excitedly and half worriedly. His Lightning Induction Technique was by no means small in power, but it couldn't completely blow up the skin of the Li family, and Li Jun's skin was not damaged at all.

What the Lightning Induction Technique couldn't do, could explosives do? Mao Xiaole, who is on the metaphysical side, had the same worries.

"It's not ordinary, it's a specialty of Team An."

Bai Feibai smiled: "It's powerful, of course, if you want to deal with all the ghosts at once, you do have to take some risks."

"So I have to ask you, Xiaole, whether it's detonating the mine tube or checking for leaks, I will need your help at that time."

"Of course I have no problem."

Mao Xiaole raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "But I still have to tell you, Brother Feibai, if it's other Taoist priests who come to do the task, according to the normal process, they have to investigate everything clearly, and then kill those who should be killed, and fulfill those who should fulfill their wishes. In short, it's very troublesome."

For example, if a fierce ghost appears in a mountain village, the entire village will be polluted and affected by the ghost energy and become a ghost domain. If you want to kill ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, you need professionals or try to invite spirits, or open an altar to pray. In short, you need to use various methods to weaken the resentment of the evil ghost, including investigating the cause of the evil ghost, judging the source of her resentment, etc., so that it is safe enough. After all, if a thunder strikes directly, if it does not kill the evil ghost, it will definitely make it extremely angry and completely crazy, just like the boss is directly detonated to the second stage, which will be extremely dangerous. "Don't worry, now we are just making some preparations in advance." Bai Feibai pushed his glasses and said steadily: "We have collected almost all the clues of the Li family. We have basically understood the relevant situation and will be ready." "Ah?" Mao Xiaole was stunned. When did Bai Feibai and the others collect almost all the clues? Why didn't he know? ? But he was only stunned for a moment, and then he believed it: "You are worthy of being Brother Feibai." Mao Xiaole exclaimed: "Everyone has his own expertise. I am too lazy to understand zombies and evil spirits." Mao Xiaole's black and white eyes have a kind of coldness and interest that makes people creepy: "Whether it is investigation or resolving resentment, it is ultimately to weaken them, and finally kill them." Mao Xiaole is too lazy to understand whether ghosts have grievances or zombies have ideals. He does not have enough empathy to empathize with non-human creatures. No matter what he does, it is just a means to kill the enemy. It seems safer to investigate and explore the reasons why the Li family was polluted and cursed. To be honest, the task given to them by Zero Director is just to send them to the funeral. They can go back before dark. Mao Xiaole guessed that Zero Director must have a way to protect them. When the funeral is over and the "trial" is over, they will be sent back safely, but in that case they will have to stay here for a day. If a person stays in the ghost realm for a long time, he will be infected by the Yin Qi and ghost Qi; if a person stays in the corpse raising ground for a long time, he will be infected with corpse poison. And the Li family is simply raising Gu here. So many kinds, so many terrible pollution curses are all gathered here. It is too dirty and too dangerous. If it were normal, Mao Xiaole would not be so risky to directly use the seal as a medium to attract thunder. At least he would use peach charms, copper coins, cinnabar threads and other means of testing first.

But Mao Xiaole couldn't bear it. Last night's walk on the side of death made him more sensitive to danger. He could clearly feel that the longer he stayed in the Li family, the more his body was undergoing some creepy deformations.

This place really can't stay, let alone stay until night. Every hair on Mao Xiaole's body is clamoring to leave quickly. The sooner you leave, the better, even if it means taking risks.

"It is the easiest and simplest way to kill them directly with a thunderbolt."

Mao Xiaole stared at Bai Feibai and said very calmly: "They have to die. We have no way to escape."

All the villagers in Zimata Village have become evil people, and they are like a "whole". If we don't take advantage of the opportunity when they all gather to kill them all at once, as long as there are still a few alive outside, the evil will quickly infect the entire village again.

"So I have to try using explosives."

Bai Feibai nodded. The right time and the best means. Mao Xiaole's lightning can't kill all the ruffians at once. If they want to leave and destroy this place as soon as possible, they don't have many other options.

“My family always surprises me.”

Yi Ling smiled and said with emotion, very cordially: "Although according to the rules of our worshiping mountain sect, I can't provide you with direct help, but a little help is still ok -"

He stretched out his hand towards Bai Feibai: "If the explosive can hurt the corn shoots, then it will be no problem to kill the stubborn man."

"It would be great if Director Zero is willing to help."

Bai Feibai was very knowledgeable and called Wang Pengpeng over and gave Yi Ling a thunder tube. What they brought over were more stable lightning tubes, which required electric current to detonate. They were not big, and were a metal tube shorter than a finger with a bundle of wires attached to the back. Yi Ling had never seen this thing before. He took it very solemnly and couldn't put it down. It was like he got a new big toy and couldn't wait to go out and play. He was in a good mood.

So when Wang Pengpai flattered him and asked him to take a look at Tong Hege's situation in a low profile, Yi Ling smiled and agreed. He waved to Tong Hege, who was following Wang Pengpai with his head down, and picked up his chin to look at him. . After a while, Tong Hege's chin got worse. A lump as big as a small cantaloupe bulged and hung on his chin. It was green and black, and the skin was swollen extremely tight, like a balloon filled with water. It will explode when touched.

"It's just stained with some dirty blood."

Yi Ling wrote lightly, loosened his hand and took out the scarlet whip. Before anyone could react, he held the whip and pierced the lump on Tong Hege's chin like a needle. !

Wang Pengpeng's eyes widened, Mao Xiaole took a breath of air, and Tong Hege couldn't help but want to step back, but he didn't because he could see that the swelling on his chin was disappearing rapidly! Along with those monsters that had integrated into his body and made him extremely anxious and uncomfortable, they also disappeared a lot! Yi Ling moved quickly, just pricking him once and then withdrew the whip. When he saw Tong Hege subconsciously taking a step forward and trying to pass his chin over, he couldn't help laughing: "Okay, the blood has been taken away."

"You should be able to feel it, but this is just treating the symptoms, not the root cause."

"Then it's up to the family members to work hard."

After saying that, he stopped staying and walked out of the main room.

"Let me ask again, can we leave now?"

When he walked to the door, An Xuefeng's words made him pause.

"The Li family's funeral is not over yet."

Yi Ling shook his head and said softly: "You can't leave until you finish here."


There was nothing strange on An Xuefeng's face, he just asked. There are two ways to say the end of the ceremony. Staying at Li's house and following the funeral process is an end, and settling everything violently in advance is naturally an end.

"If we use explosives, do we need to sacrifice to the mountain god?"

he asked again.

"No, this is still far away from Wuluo Mountain."

Yi Ling said slowly, showing a sly smile: "Lord Mountain God will not pay attention to such trivial matters."

"Even if this involves the followers of the mountain god?"

An Xuefeng asked. A shorthand notebook and pen appeared in his hand at some point, and he quickly wrote and drew in the notebook: "Won't the mountain god be angry?"

"The mountain god will not care about dead believers. Of course, living believers will not be favored by the mountain god."

Yi Ling smiled and looked back at him: "My family members are really cute. They don't really believe what I said before, 'if a believer dies, the mountain will also be sad for him.'"

"The mountain god will not be sad for the death of the ant, nor will he be moved by the faith of the ant... Maybe it will be in the past."

"But it's not the same now as it was then."

After saying this, he left the main room without looking back. An Xuefeng, who was standing at the door, saw it most clearly. The people who almost crowded the courtyard were jostling each other, like Moses parting the sea. Make way. The white-haired guide raised his sleeves to cover his mouth and nose, and walked out like that. After him, the bad people quickly gathered together again, like the closing sea, leaving no trace.

For them, they have to risk their lives to deal with a stubborn person, but they are docile and obedient to Yi Zero.

Yi Ling, who is he?

Is he human?

What is his ultimate goal?

An Xuefeng's heart sank, like a lead weight. The villagers finally finished paying their condolences, and most of them were standing guard in the yard. There were ten people standing in the main room. They all had white linen tied on their heads. They seemed to be closer to the Li family. Their sunken eye sockets sometimes looked at the Li family. , sometimes looking at Li Jun who was kneeling in front of the coffin without saying a word.

Li Jun, who was still controlled by the paper man, naturally would not respond to their gazes, and An Xuefeng would not give them a chance. After holding up the door of the hall and closing it, An Xuefeng walked to the shrine and said to the sullen villagers:

"Please go to the fire room and help."

"Today's funeral banquet will be held by the villagers."

The author has something to say

Tomorrow we will speed up the pace and rush forward!


Q: Aren’t zero guides unable to help passengers?

A: Beating passengers with a whip to suck their blood is considered bullying by a local butterfly (bhi)!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-0623:04:02~2023-12-0723:01:48~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Lin Moyan 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: Maomao wants to go to the sky, Yu Jiao 2; dal, Ni Hao, 374016321;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 3 Ni Hao; 2 Xin Yao, Xin Yao Xi Cat Head and Yu Jia; 53261608, 2 Hua Nongying, 48571713, DYX; 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 200 bottles of Huimengdie; 170 bottles of Yuhua; 160 bottles of Yueyinminghai; 154 bottles of Tide; 140 bottles of Hibiscus; 121 bottles of Luo; 120 bottles of Evening Bird; 100 bottles of Bao and Teyvat; 79 bottles of "Xin Qingfeng a" does not fail the subject; 78 bottles of "I am the most happy when it is broken"; 70 bottles of "No Worldly Desires"; 54 bottles of "Nine Ring Hours"; 50 bottles of "Wang Lalan Wants to Sleep"; 45 bottles of "Lazy Fish"; Psyche's Tears 38 bottles; 5152903634 bottles; 5395776930 bottles; gs28 bottles; Chacha Liz26 bottles; Wang 25 bottles; I am super good 23 bottles; Tuanfan, Guozi, zeenew 20 bottles; Ink 17 bottles; Muyao 14 bottles; ... 12 bottles; Hibiscus, Hui 10 bottles of Feidianyu, Yuzhi, Jinjiang Xiaoshou, Snacks Leqian, Jungejin, Nihao, Yeliangrushui; 8 bottles of black sesame flavored paste; 6 bottles of Linglingzi; Lemon with many beneficial bacteria , Luo Ran, Wandering Clouds, Bai Ziliang, Flying Deer, 5 bottles of YYACT; Ruan Ling Cake, One Pot of Mushrooms, 3927 Summer Garden, Mu Muzi, 2 bottles of Hube Shangshu; Hot Dry Noodles, Xiyan Years, Lagrange, Save a Pocket of Xinxin, 70262462, Poria Cake, Yu Nanxue, Jiangshan Old Woman, Xiao, I Love to Eat Oranges (˙?˙), Nagging, Mikey, Miracles Stopped Without Hair, Died Luo is a dice mother, one and three, floating in a dream. , 1 bottle of Qingxiao;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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