Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1042 Nutrient Solution 323 added

At 7:30 in the evening, the high-speed train arrived at Zhangjiajie West Station. An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai got into a taxi after leaving the high-speed rail station. There is no one from the Baishan Sect to pick them up at the airport. They have to go to the hotel where they are staying today and set off together tomorrow.

"Master, go to Tujia Amei's holiday homestay."

Wang Pengpai consciously sat in the passenger seat and greeted the taxi driver enthusiastically.

The driver asked: "What is the specific address of Tujia Amei Holiday Homestay?"

"Let me take a look... Oh! There should be a village at Zimata. You can just take us to the entrance of the village."

"Paper horse tower."

The driver muttered and asked his cell phone to navigate. When the route came out, he looked embarrassed: "This location is in the National Forest Park, but the forest park at this point is closed and you can't enter."

"Then just send us to the door."

Wang Pengpai said with a smile. He glanced around and saw that the driver's fingernails had yellow marks from smoke. While waiting at the red light, he took out a box of Soft Chinese and handed one to the driver. The driver couldn't resist, and after putting away his cigarette, his attitude was obviously much more enthusiastic, and he chatted with Wang Pengpai all the way. An Xuefeng was sitting in the back seat, seemingly closing his eyes and concentrating, but in fact he had been analyzing and integrating clues.

"Where are you from, and how many days are you here to play?"

"Why do you come here to play in this season? Oh, come and see the red leaves."

"Forest Park closes at six o'clock. It's already seven o'clock now, so I'm sure you can't get in. But if you want to go, I'll take you there. Then I'll park at the southeast gate, right next to the temple and pagoda, which is close to the Paper Horse Pagoda. Just leave it there and I’ll leave.”

"Tujia Amei Holiday B\u0026B... I've never heard of it. Hey, if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have known there was a place to stay there."

The driver is an ordinary local, and locals need navigation when going to many places. Unlike the driver masters in those novels and animations, the protagonist group can ask about local supernatural legends, local secrets and the like with just a few questions. However, Wang Pengpai and An Xuefeng were both mentally prepared and were not disappointed.

But as of now, many mysterious events of supernatural resurrection are closely related to local legends and myths. Wuluo Mountain is in the Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in western Hunan, and the hotel they are staying in tonight is called Tujia Amei Holiday B\u0026B. There must be some inside story for being chosen by the Mountain Worship Cult as a gathering place. Wang Pengpeng found out that the driver's wife was from the Tujia ethnic group, so he led him to talk about some local customs and habits.

"Oh, my wife's family is from Wulingyuan. In the past, it was called Wulingman. They call themselves 'Bizka', which means local people. They call the Miao people 'Baika' and the Han people 'Paka'. '.

"Baika means neighbor, and Paka means outsider. The Tujia and Miao people are native to that place, and the Han people moved here later."

"Worship the mountains? Oh, it's not just the mountains. They all worship nature. My wife said that when she was a child, her Bapu - her grandfather, before going into the mountains to hunt, she had to worship the Meishan Empress. This is the mountain god in charge of hunting. There are sacrifices there. There is more land for worshiping mountain gods. My wife said that there is a shrine in her hometown that enshrines a wooden tiger, and they respect tigers very much. "

"Hey, but this is all in the past. Today's young people... whether you believe it or not, I would rather believe it than believe it. The one before was just the old earthquake. ? And what’s more—”

The driver's words gradually went astray and he began to talk about contemporary young people. Wang Pengpai tried to pull back the topic, but when he couldn't pull it back, he simply started chatting with the driver, and he didn't stop talking all the way. An Xuefeng, who was sitting in the back, pressed his temples. The street lights outside flickered, and the light spots were reflected in front of his face. Those dark eyes seemed to glow with amber light, cold and indifferent, not like human eyes, but like the eyes of a human being. ——What a beast.

An Xuefeng, the captain of the SWAT team, is not only proficient in fighting, firearms and all kinds of cold weapons, but also has otherworldly and amazing mysterious powers, but he doesn't use them often. Because this power has great drawbacks, partial transformation is okay, but if he completely transformed, he would almost lose his human rationality, leaving only the instinct of a beast.

But if the leader of the Baishan Sect this time is from the ancient Tujia faith, then his extraordinary power should be able to play a big role.

"Sixty-eight dollars and a half, just scan the QR code!"

After more than half an hour's drive, the taxi stopped not far from the southeast entrance of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. The driver chatted with Wang Pengpai on the road and rolled down the window to look outside: "The ticket check-in area over there is no one. Are you really gathering here? Otherwise, I will wait for you. It’s not easy to call a taxi.”

Obviously, the driver felt that they had probably made an appointment at the wrong place, and would take them back if they didn't see anyone.

"It's okay, master, it's right here."

Wang Pengpeng laughed: "Our old friend is right in front, someone will pick us up."

After that, he and An Xuefeng got out of the car, took out their luggage from the trunk, and walked into the darkness ahead.

"Strange, there is no light over there in the security room?"

After closing the door, the driver muttered doubtfully, turned on the lights and prepared to turn around, his eyes fell on the backs of the two tall young men. However, for just a moment, their figures were swallowed up by darkness, as if these two people had never existed.

"Holy shit! What the hell???"

The driver was stunned and frightened. Subconsciously I opened the door and walked around, but I didn't see anyone. The evening breeze was getting colder, and when he saw that his car's headlights seemed to be swallowed up in the darkness, completely unable to illuminate the road ahead, he suddenly shivered and froze, not knowing that he was pissed and ran back to the car. How could he step on the accelerator and turn around and run away quickly?

When he drove back under the streetlight and saw the traffic beside him, he suddenly felt as if he had returned to the human world. Only then did the driver realize that he had broken out in a cold sweat, and his whole body felt as if he had a fever.

He simply parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and sat on the curb, holding his cell phone and hesitating, not knowing whether he had seen a ghost or whether he should call the police. He didn't even dare to go home, for fear that he would bring something dirty home - isn't that what horror stories tell.


After hesitating for a while, the driver still felt that he had to go to the police station to at least let his yang energy flow. At this moment, he saw a driver sending a long string of voice messages in their driver group chat on his mobile phone. The distracted driver clicked on it casually without adjusting the volume, and his ears were almost deafened the next second. The driver whined in a heavily accented dialect mixed with Mandarin, like a ghost crying or a wolf howling, which scared the driver so much that he almost jumped up and felt angry in his heart. Just as he was about to curse, he heard this long series of ghostly cries and wolf howls interspersed with several sentences: "There's a ghost! I caught a ghost! Damn it, it was gone in the blink of an eye as soon as I got out of the car. It's really a ghost." ! Can you hear this voice? ! Am I going to die? Someone over there in Forest Park calls the police. Am I going to die?

What? Forest Park? ghost? ? The master driver suddenly became excited. He was not alone in seeing the ghost! No, since they both saw it, is it still a ghost? Are ghosts heading to Forest Park? Are you going to stay in that paper-mata Tujia Amei B\u0026B?

The driver hurriedly chatted privately with the unlucky master. On the other side, An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpeng carried their luggage to the southeast gate. Just now, they were waiting at the door with the same large and small bags. Yu Hehui, Wan Xiangchun and others who had arrived earlier were waiting at the door. Bai Feibai joined in. Before they could chat in a low voice, they heard the sound of cars and people not far away. The sound was quite noisy and getting closer and closer to them. Soon, one high and one high appeared. The two shorter figures walked towards this side, and the taller one laughed loudly as he walked:

"Hahahaha Xiaole, he thinks you are a ghost, we have become ghosts! Hey, is there such a short kid? He didn't see the Taoist robe you are wearing, right? I said - oh, don't hold the sword Slap me, it hurts, camera, be careful with the camera!”

An Xuefeng glanced around and saw that the man who was laughing was tall and handsome. He had a selfie stick in his hand and a camera hanging in front of him. He might be an anchor. He had empty hands and looked like he was on an outing. The young man next to him wore his hair in a Taoist bun and had a stinky face. Carrying large and small bags, carrying all kinds of luggage, and still finding time to stab the tall man in the waist with a wooden sword, he looked like he had good physical strength.

"Oh my god, they can't be that Wang Shuren and Taoist priest Xiao Le!"

"Is the big anchor also on a tour group with us?"

A muffled exclamation came from beside him. An Xuefeng had secretly looked at everyone when he arrived. There are eleven people in the worshiping mountain cultivation tour group this time. He, Wang Pengpai, Bai Feibai, Wei Xun, Professor Yu and Wan Xiangchun are the six people. Except for them and Wei Xun, who will come with the worshiping mountain cult, there are six people at the door. There are three more people.

There are two people who are more suspicious. They came together, a man and a woman, and they both have evil spirits on their bodies. The material on the woman's waist was uneven, and there might be a knife hidden there. The man looked kind-faced, but An Xuefeng smelled the cold smell of a gun in the bag on his back. There was anxiety hidden on their faces, especially the women. There was a fierceness in their eyebrows, like wild beasts in the mountains. They looked at An Xuefeng for a long time before giving in and lowering their heads, saying that their name was Lu Shucheng, companion. His name is Tong Hege. A family member went missing in the mountains and came here to look for someone.

But An Xuefeng suspected that the two of them were poachers. Maybe some of their companions were missing, but they definitely had blood on them.

Another woman who came alone was named Miao Fangfei. She was dressed plainly and had two pigtails. She looked like a college student. It was said that she was returning to her hometown in the mountains to visit relatives. But An Xuefeng smelled a mixture of snakes and various herbs on her body. This person might not be as harmless as he appeared. She was the one who spoke just now.

After being looked at deeply by An Xuefeng, Miao Fangfei was thinking, why, wasn't her introduction unnatural? But this is already her lifelong acting skill!

Sure enough, it's best to ask a dream chaser to come to the dreamland to hypnotize her, otherwise something will definitely go wrong. It would be really unlucky for her to be targeted by the security team's SWAT team!

The author has something to say

This time, Team An and the rest of the team have sealed their memories and created characters, striving to enter the Tomb of the Tusi King in the most original tourist state!

Only Miao Fangfei basically doesn’t know any rules, such as the core rules of 30 degrees north latitude, and she is protected by Grandma Miao’s Golden Silkworm Gu Wuluo Mountain, so she has a little memory to guide the team’s goals at critical moments. Click it!

For example, Xun Xun, who will appear in the next chapter, looks like a villain at first glance, hahaha.


Miao Fangfei: I have dedicated my life's acting skills!

An Xuefeng/Wang Pengpai/Bai Feibai: Suspicious, so suspicious!

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