Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1041 Tomb of the Tusi King (1)

At 2:36 in the afternoon, the high-speed train stopped at Changsha South Station. Amid the bustling crowd, An Xuefeng put his hiking bag on his back and pulled his suitcase toward the transfer channel. He is over 1.9 meters tall and stands out in the crowd, like a wall.

Being tall has a filter bonus. Even if he wears sunglasses and covers half of his face, he still looks very conspicuous. Not to mention that he has a cold and aggressive air about him that doesn't allow people to approach him. Feng didn't look like a good person, and the flight attendants looked at him a little warily along the way.

"Hey, wait for me, wait for me!"

Hearing a breathless call from behind, An Xuefeng finally stopped and turned sideways to wait for a while. Then he saw a fat man who was also at a high altitude, carrying large and small bags, and squeezed out of the crowd and trotted to his side. Although he also wears sunglasses, An Xuefeng looks like a cool bodyguard on a mission when he wears sunglasses, and Wang Pengpai looks a bit like a gangster when he wears sunglasses. The sunglasses look particularly pitiful on Wang Pengpai's face, and they cannot cover his face at all. There were two marks on the temples, which bumped and bumped as he trotted, which was a bit funny.

After he quickly followed, An Xuefeng didn't wait long and continued moving forward without hesitation. Wang Pengpai chased after him bitterly, and finally got on the elevator. He heard An Xuefeng in front of him said in a deep voice: "You are too weak. You will follow the mountain when you get to Zhangjiajie, so just stay in the city."

"Who said I have poor physical strength? Lao Wang, I drove for forty-eight hours straight without sleeping a wink."

Wang Pengpai smiled happily and said with a shy face: "Didn't you agree that you will take me to see the world? You, the old man, always keep your word, promise a thousand pieces of gold, and keep your words true... But you can't give Old Wang half-hearted words." I'm leaving you alone."

After looking around and seeing no one around, Wang Pengpai lowered his voice: "Besides, I know that place is dangerous. I even wrote a suicide note before setting off. Really, I just want to go in and see the legendary tomb with my own eyes. , otherwise my father and grandfather would be so stubborn that they would have to come to teach my unfilial grandson a lesson in the middle of the night. "

"what ever."

After hearing what Wang Pengpai said, An Xuefeng didn't comment and just said: "Call me Team An, don't shout outside."

"Okay, okay."

Wang Pengpai agreed repeatedly, and Le Diantian took the initiative to step forward and help An Xuefeng carry the suitcase. But after getting out of the elevator, An Xuefeng walked very fast. Wang Pengpai kept chasing him until he got on the high-speed train bound for Zhangjiajie but failed to help An Xuefeng carry his luggage.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the high-speed train started and headed for Zhangjiajie. On the way, An Xuefeng took off his sunglasses and closed his eyes to rest. Wang Pengpai took a piece of bread with one hand and started eating. With the other hand, he was flipping through a tattered-looking ancient book. He was mumbling something, as if he was reading with his hands on his back.

Wang Pengpai used to run a street stall in Panjiayuan. He had a sharp tongue and was particularly good at deceiving people. He sold a lot of fakes. But he spent money lavishly. He earned three melons and two dates over the years and then threw it away to hear the noise. Later, Panjiayuan rectified the situation and stopped setting up street stalls. In order to get out of the house, Wang Pengpeng shamelessly borrowed money from An Xuefeng and opened a small shop, selling ornaments, skewers and the like. He had connections and could live a comfortable life. , usually stay in his own piece of land and rarely go out.

There is of course a reason why I came to Zhangjiajie with An Xuefeng this time.

‘How much do you know about the Tomb of the Tusi King in Wuluoshan’

It was an afternoon, and Wang Pengpai was picking his teeth and watching a TV series when he received a special call from Captain An. In addition to opening a small rag shop, he also worked part-time as an informant for the young and promising SWAT Captain An Xuefeng. Speaking of the ancestral inversion craftsmen in Wang Pengpai's family, they are also tomb robbers. It is said that the ancestor served as a gold-touching captain under Cao Cao. During the Republic of China, when Sun Dianying excavated Cixi's Mausoleum, they were also members of the Wang family.

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It may be that bad deeds are often punished by God. The Wang family, which was originally not very prosperous, began to decline in the late Republic of China. The unfilial descendants who were deceived by gamblers, smokers, and smokers came one after another, destroying all the family property. When Wang Pengpai He is the only one left in this generation. I heard that his grandfather wanted to regain his glory and improve his ancestral business. He searched for dragons and mountains and found a big tomb, but he never returned. Wang Pengpai's father was a filial son. He went to the mountains to look for his father, but he was gone. Wang Pengpai's mother took care of him for two years through all kinds of hardships, but she couldn't bear it and ran away with someone else. At this point, Wang Pengpai was the only one left in the family, and his family property consisted of a few inverted manuscripts that his father had personally compiled.

Wang Pengpai grew up eating the food of hundreds of families. At that time, his father still had some reputation in the Taoist community, and he had some connections. The people he knew were quite loyal. Wang Pengpai had a tiger-like appearance and a bright mind. He could talk to others and talk to ghosts. Damn it, he actually managed to become a bit of a human being after growing up, and he took over these hidden connections. This was also his capital to later become an informant for Captain An.

As for Wang Pengpai, who has a good heart and a fat body, and is living happily until now, there is only one obsession that cannot be eliminated, and that is the mountain that swallowed up his grandfather and father. In fact, it is normal for tomb robbers to die in tombs. The problem is that every time Wang Pengpai celebrates the death anniversary of his grandfather and father, he will have recurring dreams that night. In his dreams, there is a dark and gloomy mountain. This mountain looks like a huge and terrifying monster, which makes people feel scared at the sight of it. Frightened, horrified. When Wang Pengpai woke up from the dream, he was as listless as if he hadn't slept for several days, and the sheets were soaked with cold sweat.

Dreaming every year, Wang Pengpai also murmured in his heart, did his father encounter something dirty when he went into the mountains? Did you offend the mountain god? But he racked his brains and couldn't remember what the mountain was called, and there was no name of the mountain in the notes left by his father and his father. Wang Pengpai scolded and cried, went to various Buddhist and Taoist temples to burn incense and buy talismans, donated money to clear his name and became an informant for the police, and even said that it was useless to stay up until dawn that night, and the mountains would still be in his mind. appears in.

But as he grew bigger and bigger, the mountain that only appeared in his dreams became closer and closer to him. Before, he was still looking at it from a distance, but then the mountain came to him. In his most recent dream, Wang Pengpai was already standing there. In the dark mountain forest. Although the dream was blurred, the fear of dying was deeply imprinted in his soul. Wang Pengpai had a hunch that if he could not solve this problem, he would definitely wait until his father's death anniversary next year to dream again. dead.

However, there is no end to the road. Team An called him that day and asked about the tomb of the Tusi King in Wuluoshan. Wang Pengpai didn't listen. He jumped up as soon as he heard about Wuluoshan! Yes, it was Wuluo Mountain. Without any reason, Wang Pengpai knew that the mountain where his father and grandfather died was Wuluo Mountain, and what they were going to explore was the tomb of King Tusi!

Wang Peng was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He stalked Team An and finally joined him in the investigation.

An Xuefeng is the youngest, most promising and capable SWAT captain, but he rarely appears in public. Ordinary policemen don't even know there is such a capable person. Because most of the cases he solved were mysterious cases that needed to be kept secret and could not be known to ordinary people. An Xuefeng recently took over a transferred case.

This is a disappearance case. So far, no less than fifty people have disappeared. The missing persons range in age from eight to eighty years old, and most of them are male. It is said that he joined some evil cult organization spread on the Internet. The cult group circulating on the Internet is called "Baishan". It uses a blue-purple butterfly as its symbol and worships the mountain god of a non-existent mountain - Wuluo Mountain.

Since Wuluo Mountain is a mountain that does not exist in reality and cannot be found, the case was eventually handed over to An Xuefeng's elite team. His deputy Wei Xun has already infiltrated into the evil cult group. It is said that because he activated his money ability, he successfully became a protector and got the latest news. There is a so-called "Baishan Practice Experience Tour Group" within the Baishan Cult, which takes believers to worship at Wuluo Mountain for free.

There are not only believers in this tour group, but the Mountain Worship Sect will also post the itinerary information online. It is said that only those who are destined to Wuluo Mountain can see this itinerary information. According to Bai Feibai, who works part-time in the team to collect information and forensic medicine , the Mountain Worship Cult is looking for sacrifices with strong 'inspiration' and 'fit' with the power of Wuluo Mountain.

When the number of applicants reaches eleven, the applicants will receive the real itinerary information, and they will go to Wuluo Mountain to worship and practice under the guidance of the local tour guide of the sect. This is likely how the missing persons disappeared.

Wei Xun got a lot of information in the organization. An Xuefeng and the others were people with special powers. Wang Pengpai's elder died in Wuluo Mountain, and he knew various secret techniques of visiting tombs and feng shui passed down from his ancestors. It was considered a fate. , they all registered successfully. But it was impossible to directly reveal the identity of the detective police. For this reason, An Xuefeng and the others adopted other identities - Wei Xun got a partial list of people who visited the mountain this time. Among them was the dean of the School of Archeology and Wencheng of NTU and a professor of archeology. Yu Hehui and his graduate student Wan Xiangchun.

Since many mysterious cases in the country are related to ancient culture and ancient folk customs, An Xuefeng has a good relationship with Professor Yu and has collaborated on many occasions. Scientific researchers need bodyguards to conduct mystical explorations in the mountains and rivers. An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai and Bai Feibai suddenly transformed into bodyguards with mysterious powers specially hired by Professor Yu to protect him and his students.

They set off separately and gathered in Zhangjiajie. Bai Feibai walked with Professor Yu and Wan Xiangchun, and An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai walked together. The high-speed train they chose did not go directly to Zhangjiajie, but transferred in Changsha. Because according to the news secretly sent back by Wei Xun, this Mount Worship Ceremony is particularly important. The top figures of the Mount Worship Church, the Holy Son Ghost Butterfly, the Left Protector Bee Taoist, and the right Protector Silverfish are all said to have arrived at Wuluo Mountain. Apart from them, There will also be a big shot coming, who is said to be the most mysterious, sinister and vicious leader of the Baishan Church!

Wei Xun's status was quite high, and with the opportunity to meet the leader, he might not be able to deliver any more news before the worship began. He finally communicated with An Xuefeng and said that he would find a way to pass on the leader's information and hand it over to the hidden stakes in Changsha so that Team An and the others could prepare in advance. This is too dangerous, and you will definitely die if you find it. An Xuefeng actually disagreed with Wei Xun's approach, but Wei Xun finally convinced him.

When changing trains just now, An Xuefeng successfully connected with the hidden pile and got the relevant information about the leader of the Baishan Sect. There was only one word on it.


The leader of the Baishan Sect, his codename is Zero!

The author has something to say

There will be an extra chapter tonight!


Let’s talk about the comments made in the past two days.

1. There was no response to what I said yesterday.

The reason I didn’t respond to my comment yesterday was because I didn’t read the comments from the previous day at all, so I didn’t know something was wrong with the comments! I don’t read the comments for every chapter because I’m easily influenced by them. Whenever I see an argument in a comment, I can't help but respond immediately, just like now that I see a comment, I quickly write an advance update in response.

The day before yesterday, I took a leave of absence and stopped reading the comments. I concentrated on sorting them out. Yesterday I finished writing the update too late, so I just corrected the typos and went to bed. I just read the comments at noon today and I was confused. Some readers just thought of me. 'Read the comments but don't respond' started to criticize me for the hypothesis, saying that I am arrogant and look down on people. I can only say that you have too much imagination, but whenever I see the comments, I will definitely respond!

2. Regarding the issue of update frequency.

There are indeed too many leave requests this month, which has disappointed many readers. Some of the promised extra days have not been fulfilled, and many promises have not been fulfilled. It is indeed my fault, and I am really sorry. But my writing really depends on my state, and I need a lot of emotions and feelings. Three-dimensional things also affect me a lot. My grandfather was critically ill and was admitted to the ICU and is still hospitalized. My mother and I had a severe cold and fever, which directly affected my writing state. It’s hard to block this thing. If you don’t feel the emotions well enough, the writing will be terrible. Sometimes I’m really tired, I’m not in good shape, I’m stuck, and I’m procrastinating, so I ask for leave. In this case, I can only give out red envelopes to compensate. There is no other way. If I directly asked for a period of leave, it would be even harder to write since I would lose my status, so I could only let this period of time pass first.

I think it's unnecessary to say something like "I gave up and came back to buy a chapter to ridicule" and "Everyone who talks to the author has hairy legs and is stupid and sweet", right? Why are you so malicious towards me and some readers? If I were really a show-off, then my fate would be changed directly, and there would be no need to give out red envelopes every time I ask for leave. The red envelopes I give out are basically worth three thousand words, and I can give out one thousand or eight hundred red envelopes in a month. I have indeed asked for a lot of leave this month, and many promises have not been fulfilled. You can criticize me, but I will give advice based on the facts. I will apologize and reflect on it. Don't think of what you think: 'the author deliberately asked for leave', 'deceive people to play', and ask for leave. I'm being slapped with "purify and differentiate" and other imaginary comments. I'll delete these purely imaginary and malicious comments after I finish writing the update in the evening. I've already said what I said, so don't ask me why I deleted it later.

3. Questions about adding updates.

I don’t count every double update as an additional update of nutrient solution. You can look at the summary. This month’s 1010, 1015, 1019, 1027, 1031 are all the second update. What I wrote is either the second update or the second update. It is a supplementary update, or although it is written as an additional update, it does not indicate the nutrient solution. This means that these pictures are supplementary updates and do not account for the share of the supplementary update of the nutrient solution. 1040 I also wrote 6,000 words directly, and updated them the day before yesterday and yesterday, not counting additional updates. In Chapter 1034, my target is ‘Nutritional Solution 322 Extra Update’, which is considered an extra update. So there is no such thing as "normal updates should be added" or "normal updates should be added". You can check the summary of the content to see if updates are added.

My area will be relatively stable in November, but no one can guarantee whether there will be any emergencies. I will try my best to add updates every other day, but I will not give a preview in advance (today’s preview is even more smooth and can be written smoothly). If I don’t do it, readers will be more disappointed. I will really reflect on this.

4. Questions about the overall article.

First of all, the tour group is a cool article, I have said this before. It is a light-hearted novel with a cliched happy ending plot at the end. There is no absolute villain. The crisis comes from the collapsing world and various pollutions as well as the outside world. The hotel as a whole is struggling to survive. Cui Dao leads everyone to change their destiny. The tour guides each have their own crazy ways. It’s different from the general approach, but it’s not the kind of world-destroying villain. This is not the kind of story that ends with the villain.

At first, I also thought about many plots of human creation, such as the protagonists sacrificed their lives one by one, Cui Dao's brotherhood went wrong, the life-seeking man gouged out his eyes and took his life but was teased by fate, the dream chaser could not get what he wanted in his life, the three generations of metaphysics Tragedy or something like that. Tragedy and emotionally intense plots can indeed inspire me more and leave a deeper impression, but the tragedy of sacrifice and the protagonist carrying everything forward is a plot I have written about in other articles before. This travel book At the end of the group, I wanted to write about going through all kinds of hardships, but because of the miracle director Cui, there was a light, and everyone was HE in the end.

If anyone really wants to watch the "If", you can suggest it later in the extra chapter. Anyway, the main text is HE cool text and will not be changed.

5. Others

Regarding typos, I replied to Zhu Chong when I saw it in the comments, ‘Thank you, baby C Chong! ', but sometimes I don't read the comments. I really don't read the comments for every chapter. Usually I only read the comments when I think the chapter is particularly well written and interesting, and readers will definitely have a lot of jokes. Read the comments on this chapter. Because my mood is indeed seriously affected by comments. A negative comment will flash in my mind repeatedly, and I will wake up in the middle of the night and beat the bed with regret. So sometimes I don’t see people quarreling, and I don’t respond the next day. I might miss it when I look at the comments on a whim, but it’s really not like ‘the author read the comments and didn’t reply on purpose’

If I really knew this, I would not be able to sleep if I didn't reply.

I had a few friends who joined a group on vx before. I told them in advance that I didn’t watch the group very much. Occasionally, I checked into the group and saw them discussing interesting things. I responded with a hahaha message, but one of them scolded me for snooping and kept watching the group without replying. I was so angry at that time. When I was having lunch today, I looked at the comments and suddenly found someone calling me ‘arrogant! ’ ‘Deliberately not responding! ’, that’s how I feel. So I quickly wrote a chapter in response.

If something like this happens again in the future and I don't respond, it means I didn't read the comments in those few days and there is really no need to think of people so maliciously. I can't read comments every day, it will really affect my emotional state, and I won't read the comment section anymore recently.

Finally, I hope you all enjoyed reading the article. I enjoyed writing about the tour group, and I also hope readers enjoyed reading it. If you feel that your recent experience of following articles is not good, then you should improve it. If you don’t like it and don’t want to read it, then you don’t have to read it. It’s enough that it has brought you happiness.

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