Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 102 Exploring Northern Tibet (45)

Can you also take risks against the owner of the item through the item?

This was something Wei Xun didn't expect. He immediately began to think about it. If an object takes a risk on its owner, will it consume the number of times against non-life or the number of times against life?

After all, you can take 10 risks against inanimate objects every 24 hours, but you can only take one risk against living creatures. The latter should be considered more carefully.

[It depends on whether the owner of the item is a living entity]

The hotel's answer was just as Wei Xun expected. The climbing rope is a very special item. Whether it is a prop obtained by Wei Xun or bought from the hotel, it is almost always in an 'ownerless' state, which means that anyone who can get it can use it.

Even the Devil's Insect Ball is only 'title-limited', not 'Wei Xun-limited'. Only for this climbing rope, Wei Xun failed when he first tried to explore its information. The hotel prompted "You are not the owner of the climbing rope and cannot see the specific information of the climbing rope." Only after Wei Xun became its deputy owner Only then can you use the climbing rope.

This climbing rope was brought by Wang Pengpai. Its owner is the brigade captain An Xuefeng, but at the same time its name is "* * * climbing rope". Let's look at the adventure tips at this time...

In other words, An Xuefeng and *** are both the owners of the climbing rope.

Wei Xun focused on the 'right' adventure and was eager to try it. This is so mysterious and dangerous that Wei Xun wants to explore it. He could look up a lot of information related to An Xuefeng on the hotel forum, but he couldn't find it anyway. It was because he didn't have enough authority and the other party was too high-level.

What kind of existence is the owner of the hotel?

Is he a human or a monster, a living thing or a non-living thing?

Does he... control the Thriller Global Hotel?

The more powerful, mysterious, and unknown it is, the more it arouses Wei Xun's endless desire to explore.

‘If I take risks with a living being, will the other person know? ’

Wei Xun asked, but the hotel didn't respond. He changed the question: 'If I take risks with an inanimate body that has an owner, will the owner of the other party know?' ’


Wei Xun understood, which meant that the former was not that the hotel would not answer, but that it was unable to answer, which meant that the hotel could not be sure whether the other party would know.

‘I’m going to have a * * climbing rope adventure’

As soon as Wei Xun thought about it, he saw that the [number of adventures against inanimate objects] changed to [1/10 every 24 hours]

【Adventure successful! You are attacked by * * * climbing rope! 】

The climbing rope that had stayed docile in Wei Xun's hand suddenly wormed its way through his cuffs like a flexible snake. Wei Xun's whole body froze and he sat there unable to move.

If someone took off his cashmere sweater at this moment, they would be able to see that the dark climbing ropes were tied everywhere on his body, from his neck to his ankles, like strange and alluring black tattoos, leaving red marks on his pale skin.

Wei Xun did not resist. As the deputy owner of the climbing rope, he did not feel that it had "murderous intent". It was more like a child who was troubled and needed an adult to coax him. Sure enough, after Wei Xun 'communicated' with the climbing rope, he found that as long as he sang three lullabies to it, it would 'stop counterattacking'

The only lullaby Wei Xun could sing was "Sleep, sleep, my dear baby". After he finished singing in Chinese, English and German, the climbing rope was indeed loosened and returned to his hand obediently.


Wei Xun couldn't help but smile. This was such a fun title. Sure enough, as the title notes say, ‘no matter opportunities or dangers’, everything is an adventure. In other words, no matter how Wei Xun uses the title, the first thing he gets is the [Adventure Successful] prompt. In human consciousness, success is always associated with good development.

When people see [Adventure Success], people will subconsciously relax their vigilance, but they don’t know that a successful adventure may also bring dangers, such as this ‘climbing rope backlash’. This feeling is like opening a blind box, which is really hard to extricate yourself from.

‘I’m going to have a * * climbing rope adventure’

Wei Xun immediately came again, and then he was trapped again. Wei Xun took risks three times, but was struck back three times. Apart from the backlash, there was no new progress, which made the smile on his face calm down.

It looks like he is opening a blind box, but in fact it is still a struggle between European Qi and Fei Qi. His luck is really not very good.

There were seven remaining times left for Wei Xun to explore Xiaolin Temple, but he was still not satisfied. He picked up the climbing rope again and looked at the prompt of "Adventure to An Xuefeng". Wei Xun's mind was filled with a battle between heaven and man.

For adventures in living things, use it once every twenty-four hours. The sooner you use it, the better.

He has never taken a chance on a living being, so he should look for someone who is sure of himself for the first time. He was not interested in other passengers, Lama Chongzhao was not sure, and the little golden and green fox cubs had no privacy for him in the first place, so there was no need to waste the adventure opportunity on them. Snow leopard...Snow leopard is a pretty good choice, to be determined.

An Xuefeng, what would happen if you took a chance on him?

Wei Xun was ready to make a move, but it was within control. After all, he had signed a contract with An Xuefeng. Just like a climbing rope, even a backlash will never hurt him. By the same token, it can be seen that if he takes a risk on An Xuefeng, neither of them will be in great danger.

What's more, An Xuefeng is outside the journey, and he is within the journey. After taking an adventure, Wei Xun can find out a lot of information, such as whether he can take risks with people whose level is too high, whether he can take risks outside the trip during the journey, etc. It is the perfect first adventure target.

‘An Xuefeng’

After several adventures, Wei Xun became proficient, holding the climbing rope and thinking of An Xuefeng's name.

【Adventure successful! You gain An Xuefeng’s exclusive desire! 】

Wei Xun:? ?

He subconsciously glanced at the prompt, and the [Number of Adventures on Life Forms] became [1/1.23:59:59], which meant that he heard correctly, and his adventure just now was indeed successful.

But why did An Xuefeng become possessive of him? Is this really a serious adventure? Is this what he, a majestic adventurer, does?

Wei Xun was simply unbelievable, but the next moment the tent trembled slightly and the door curtain was pushed open. Wei Xun's pupils suddenly shrank, and when he saw the swaying snow leopard that opened the tent door and came in, his expression softened slightly, and he couldn't laugh or cry. Just now, he was actually wondering if An Xuefeng suddenly appeared on the journey.

It seems that it is more convenient for people outside the journey to take risks, after all, the other party cannot immediately follow the journey.

The snow leopard was still very sleepy. After entering the tent, he lay down next to Wei Xun, resting his big head on his leg, yawned long, and continued to sleep. Wei Xun rubbed the snow leopard and became more energetic, his eyes shining - he hadn't had enough fun yet!

Just like a child who gets a new toy and wants to play with it to the fullest at once.

Risking something more? Climbing rope? Let’s see what else it can do besides backlash? Or change it to... hmm?

Wei Xun was surprised to find that when he picked up the climbing rope, the choice of 'adventure' was still there!

The option of 'taking risks with An Xuefeng' was gone, and that was as it should be. After all, you could only take risks with a living thing once in a twenty-four hour period. But why is the option to take risks still there?

Could it be that * * * is not considered a living entity?

The thought that he had suppressed came back again, and Wei Xun felt infinite curiosity in his heart. * * * What kind of existence does it exist, and who is the owner of the hotel?

And why do you value him so much?

Is it because of the Mariah butterfly fragment? What do these fragments mean? Why did * * * let him sign a contract with An Xuefeng and let him join the return journey?

* * * There are too many secrets in him, like a huge, dangerous mystery. Even though he knew that the 'unknown' represented endless danger in the hotel, Wei Xun couldn't help but wanted to give it a try.

When he came into the hotel, wasn't his biggest wish just to pursue excitement?

Since you are pursuing excitement, then follow through to the end!

'I'm going to take a chance on * * *'

Wei Xun said, but this time the hotel seemed to be stuck, and the prompt did not sound for a long time.

Was it a failure? Is the opponent too strong and too high-level to take risks?

Wei Xun waited patiently for a quarter of an hour, but there was still no response. Just when he thought the adventure had failed, the [number of adventures against inanimate objects] changed from [3/10 per 24 hours] to [4/ 10 every 24 hours]


Each sound of "Adventure Success" was long and thick, as if it sounded from a very far away place, and like a signal was interfered with. Each word conveyed a twisted, unknown, and creepy feeling.


The climbing rope quietly wrapped around Wei Xun's wrist, and countless tiny thorns suddenly appeared on the smooth surface like thorns, piercing deeply into Wei Xun's skin. The blood soaked into the climbing rope, and the surface of the climbing rope began to swell. The rope, which was originally as thick as a wire, suddenly became as thick as a fingertip, and the surface was twisted and uneven, like a black and red tentacle.

A scarlet eyeball quietly appeared on the 'tentacle', turned around and closed again, followed by a second and a third one, but Wei Xun did not react at all. He was still sitting there, seemingly without any abnormalities, but Wei Xun's eyes were completely blank.

Countless unclean, twisted, and powerful information impacted his consciousness. He felt as if his brain was swollen like boiling water, and it was so swollen that it was about to burst. At this moment, Wei Xun seemed to know countless things, but could not remember anything.

There was an unknown noisy buzzing in his ears, as if countless people were whispering. For a moment, Wei Xun almost thought he was going crazy, but in fact he was not crazy. From the fragmented information and unclear voices, Wei Xun almost thought that he was going crazy. He vaguely knew that it was because he had a contract with ***, so he was not polluted by the information and turned into a madman.

But... the contract... Wei Xun remembered that he was only with...

He couldn't think anymore, because there seemed to be a pair of gray-blue eyes opening indifferently from high in the sky, looking down at him. Wei Xun's spirit and soul were trembling uncontrollably. He was looking at Wei Xun and everything related to Wei Xun.

The invisible and powerful will swept across the entire journey, causing the magic fire in Xiaolin Temple to suddenly extinguish, and the expanding shadow in Serincuo Lake suddenly shrunk to a small point. The demonic energy swept up the eagle flute descendant and threw him out of the lake. The parasitic wasps in his body stiffened into stone sculptures, and the ghost hair broke. The Dingguo was unprepared and fainted again, and the connection between the cocoon in its fur and the mother wasp was instantly severed.

"What, what's going on?!"

Outside the journey to northern Tibet, in the hotel station, Taoist Bee, who was carefully transforming the third female bee, suddenly paused with a look of horror on his face, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge magic bee. The female bee in its hand exploded and shattered, but Daoist Bee had no time to care. Because he himself also hit the wall and the ground like crazy, leaving himself covered with bruises, dying of breath, and broken membrane wings before he finally fell to the ground unable to survive, lingering.

Scary, well, so scary.

Daoist Feng's mind went blank and he could not remember anything. Only the thrilling fear that made his heart explode still remained in his consciousness. Taoist Feng instinctively drank the purified magic honey without any reservations. He did not dare to think about anything related to northern Tibet. He even closed his mind on his own and resolutely let go of those polluted spirits.

The heartbreaking pain was nothing compared to the fact that his consciousness was completely lost in the chaos of gibbering. Taoist Feng drank twenty kilograms of purified magic honey before he finally felt that his spirit had stabilized. Not daring to think any more, he directly made a cocoon and wrapped himself in it. The body of the cocoon trembled slightly, as if he was still not free from fear.

"Ah! Ah——!!"

At the same time, in the forty-nine station of Ghost B, the giant black hair was rolling and colliding like crazy. Countless black hairs fell off layer by layer, but the shedding was not as fast as the growth of more black hairs. ! The huge eyeballs of Yi Forty-Nine are covered by the infinitely growing black hair. If you look carefully, it seems that even the surface of the eyeballs is covered with fine stubble, which is weird and terrifying.

"I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it-"

He screamed miserably and waved his hair wildly, but he could not break away from the ubiquitous murmur. The original trick of using hair loss to control SAN value changes that I was so proud of is now useless. The newly grown hair seemed to have sprouted from his flesh and blood. It was scarlet and wet, and several strands of hair were stuck together. There was scarlet mucus on the surface, and they looked like deformed and cracked tentacles.

"Help me, help me -"

Yi Forty-Nine's screams became hoarse and harsh, as if they had an accent. He used up the last bit of his strength to take out a strange clay doll from the crazy hair and threw it directly to the ground. When the clay doll shattered in response, he was also covered with a layer of dim gray light. Where the gray spread, all the hair became stiff and unable to move, until it spread throughout the entire hair mass.

But those mutated hair strands struggled so hard that the clay sculpture-like hair mass was filled with cracks - and it was finally sealed.

"Yi Forty-Nine used clay dolls?"

At the headquarters of the Shepherd Alliance, in the exclusive residence of the puppet master, the beautiful woman dismissed the puppet attendants and lazily took out a thumb-sized clay doll... But the moment she saw the clay doll, the smile on the puppet master's face disappeared. She only glanced at the dense cracks on the clay doll's body and immediately threw it into the sealed jar without hesitation.

"Don't listen, don't look, don't think."

The puppet master murmured, her eyes closed tightly. On her skin as white as snow, dark lines like the joints of a doll appeared vaguely on each joint, but the puppet master reacted in time, and these lines soon disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, the puppet master showed a rare look of fear.

"Who has the ghost B49 provoked? The dream chasers? The life-seeking people? Or those few in the West District... No, B49 is still alive. It's not specifically aimed at him. Mental pollution, could it be said..."

"Go and bring Taoist Feng here."

The puppet master ordered the puppet serving in front of him. Before she finished speaking, she changed her mind again: "No, you don't need to bring him to me. Go and see his condition. You know what to do."

After the puppet took the order and disappeared, she ordered the other puppets: "Let Pinocchio come to me."

"Master, Pinocchio is going to attend the death anniversary party held by the butcher's psychic tonight. He has reported to you."

The puppet said dullly: "The psychic also invites you——"

"The situation has changed. Tell Pinocchio to come to me immediately."

The puppet master refused to refute. She narrowed her eyes slightly and clicked on a few more people. Soon, in addition to the tour guide who was leading the team outside, the top leaders of the Shepherd Alliance gathered in the tower conference room.

The puppet master said: "All agreements and cooperation with the Butcher Alliance that are under negotiation are cancelled."

"Hehe, interesting, interesting, those crazy people are really going crazy."

A little man clapped his hands and applauded. His skin was a strange wood color, and the joints of his fingers and arms were all wooden balls. His facial features seemed to be painted on his face, and his huge eyes took up one-half of the entire face. He looked extremely scary. .

He stood on the chair, bowed exaggeratedly to the puppet master, and said with a smile: "My noble queen, are you ready to challenge the life-haunting person for the throne? I am willing to lead the charge as your most loyal knight!"

As he spoke, he took off his own head and put it in his arm, looking like he really wanted to take the lead in the charge. Some of the other tour guides other than him had expressionless faces, while others looked worried and hesitant. , but all looked at the puppet master, waiting for her to explain further.

Terminating all transactions with the Butcher Alliance will inevitably lead to enemies with the other party. If the Puppet Master hadn't wanted to overthrow the Ming Xi Ren and seize the A1 throne, it would be hard to explain her sudden order to do so.

"Don't ask, don't think too much, just do as I say."

The puppet master is dictatorial and has no explanation. But when the tour guide who originally looked puzzled heard her say, "Don't ask, don't think about it," his face changed dramatically, and he actually stopped asking everyone.

After the meeting, everyone else left except Pinocchio.

"You don't have to think about other things."

The puppet master solemnly said: "I want you to stare at someone."

The smile on Pinocchio's face became more and more weird and terrifying: "Say."

"The journey back, Wan Xiangchun."

* *

"Xiaopeng hasn't come back yet?"

Whether it was Bai Xiaosheng who was staring at the Inca Sun Gate or Wang Pengpai who was looking for bad luck from the Butcher Alliance, they all returned to the hotel. The six of them stood in front of a locked door with solemn expressions. The area of ​​the brigade station needs to be expanded from the hotel. Ten thousand points per square meter is a preferential price for tourists. Everyone in the returning brigade will live together, and the entire main station is nearly a thousand square meters.

But only the first 400 square meters has various functions and is a place for everyone in the brigade to live. A special door separates the space behind it. In addition to the captain, at least four team members can open it.

At this moment, the door was opened a crack, and there was deep darkness inside. No one entered, and the faces of Mao Xiaole and others had complicated expressions of fear, worry, and nervousness.

Until a bell rang, a strong wind blew through, blowing off the wooden hairpin on Mao Xiaole's bun and blowing off Wang Yushu's hat. Lu Shucheng pressed his wolf ears and looked back, waving in surprise: "This is Brother Peng!"

I saw a tall and thin figure coming with the strong wind and suddenly appeared behind everyone. Behind his shoulder blades is a pair of huge golden-red wings. Each feather is as bright as gold, but there is a layer of diamond-like shining crystal layer attached to the surface of the feathers, which is so dazzling that no one can look directly at it.

"The Maria butterfly fragment moved."

Before Wang Pengpai and others could ask questions, the visitor spoke first. He was young but had serious eyes and a serious smile. He held a crystal feather in his hand. The feather gradually turned into an ice crystal rose between his fingers.

Wan Xiangchun threw the rose into the crack of the door. There was just a sound of glass breaking, and a clear ice curtain spread outward from the crack in the door, and finally condensed into a thin crystal surface the size of a mirror.

Everyone stared nervously at the round crystal on the ground, and saw tiny white traces like spider webs reflected on it. Those traces gradually outlined an extremely beautiful white ice crystal rose. On top of the rose are dark blue-purple fragments of incomplete butterfly wings.

Maria butterfly fragments, Versailles ice crystal roses from the deepest part of the Antarctic glacier. Both are extremely rare items. Not to mention the Maria butterfly fragments, there is only one ice crystal rose in the entire Antarctic. Its growth environment is extremely harsh and can only be preserved at absolute zero.

The returning team put them together in the hope of using them to observe the situation of 'that person'.

"Amitabha bless you, is there any change? Why can't I see it?"

Wang Pengpai was so nervous that he babbled: "Xiao Le's lottery tube cracked, Shu'er's alarm went off, Sister Cheng lost her hair, Bai Xiaosheng's paper crane shattered, I can't breathe, it must be the captain... cough that Something big happened."

"Xiaopeng, can you see anything?"

Wang Yushu was rarely serious and looked at the ice crystal rose pattern on the crystal surface: "Is this flower... blooming a little?"

"In this hexagram, wood is used to wade through water. If it encounters water, it will be auspicious, and if it encounters fire, it will be unlucky."

Mao Xiaole held the compass god and said: "Water, soil and wind create mountains, and variables are hidden in the mountains."

"Mountains? Isn't this where the captain is now!"

Wang Pengpai lost his voice, turned around anxiously, and looked over: "Bai Xiaosheng, is there any new information?"

Bai Xiaosheng took his mobile phone to cast the live broadcast, but Wei Xun's split screen was still dark and nothing could be seen.

"From 5:48 in the morning to now, a quarter of an hour, there has been no change."

"Five forty-eight, five forty-eight..."

Mao Xiaole started calculating again, but Wan Xiangchun, who was standing silently in front of the crystal and observing, suddenly closed his eyes, and two thin lines of bright red blood flowed down from the corners of his eyes.

"Blooming flowers, sprouting, vitality, change."

Wan Xiangchun jumped out word by word. It was difficult to say at first, but gradually became smoother: "The flowers will bloom but have not yet bloomed, and the changes are unpredictable. The lower part of the pattern turns black, which means that the variables may die before they are stable.

Wang Yushu asked with sharp eyes: "Is it death by flowers or death by variables?"

"The variable dies. If the variable dies, the mutation will end. If the variable lives, the mutation will continue."

Lu Shucheng asked nervously: "What will happen if the mutation continues?"

"Butterflies fluttering their wings, ice crystal roses blooming, it's——"



Wan Xiangchun and Mao Xiaole spoke one after another. They were obviously speaking extremely solemnly and solemnly, but Wang Yushu and others were left speechless with strange expressions on their faces.

"Love, reproduction?"

Wang Pengpeng murmured: "Damn it, is there something wrong with my ears? I can't see how this is related to Lao Shizi's love."

"This is what the pattern/hexagram says."

Wan Xiangchun and Mao Xiaole said in unison. At the same time, the crystal surface extending out from the crack in the door seemed to be unable to withstand the energy and shattered.

"Anyway, there... there must be changes happening."

Bai Xiaosheng said calmly: "I suggest that everyone stay at the brigade station, and everything at the Sunset Brigade can continue as usual. There are people from the Shepherd Alliance and the Butcher Alliance who are sending ghosts and puppets on their journey to northern Tibet. The teacher has a close relationship, and Taoist Feng is used to being alone, so the Shepherd Alliance will test us... This is also good news."

Bai Xiaosheng rarely curled his lips: "As long as... there is a change, according to the puppet master's cautious temperament, I am afraid that the cooperation between the Shepherd Alliance and the Butcher Alliance will be suspended, which will give us more time. "

"No, I mean, that's what."

Wang Pengpai's expression was tangled, and the fat on his face was squeezed into a ball. He said with difficulty as if it was stuck in his throat: "If, if it is true that love breeds, we must first find out who this love object is?"

"We can no longer take the initiative to explore matters involving * * *."

Wan Xiangchun said coldly: "When the captain comes back, it will be clear who he favors more."

"Then Captain and Sanshui are already BEs, aren't they?"

Lu Shucheng blurted out: "Ahem, no, I mean, what if this is a bad design by the tour guide to make... the target become a certain butcher tour guide?"

"No one can figure it out except the hotel."

Wan Xiangchun said coldly, thoughtfully: "Perhaps, this is also a mutation caused by him."

"The seventh journey to 30 degrees north latitude has appeared, and it's almost time to give it a try."

Hearing what he said, everyone present had different expressions. Only Wang Pengpai was still worried and chanting something like "Tathagata, Buddha, Guanyin and Bodhisattva bless you."

"He's going to die unexpectedly, so he's not going to kill the person he's trying to kill."

Wang Yushu noticed the blind spot and exclaimed: "It's fatal. If * * * wants to kill someone, no one can stop him."

"Only the captain can stop it."

Lu Shucheng said helplessly: "But the captain is now a snow leopard, so even if he wants to stop it, he will still be unable to do so."

"Let nature take its course, let everything take its course, and good results will come."

Mao Xiaole solemnly said: "I have calculated that Fei Le will arrive, Yin Baitao, Ji Hongcai and others will all be safe."


Lu Shucheng didn't react. Bai Xiaosheng pushed up his glasses and said rationally: "Fei Lezhi and others are all alive, which means Wei Xun is healthy and fine. Wei Xun is destined to our brigade and the captain. Wei Xun If nothing happens, then the captain will be fine, and the brigade will have a turn for the better... This 'love' incident will go through smoothly."

"Also, how can we draw an equal sign like this?"

Wang Pengpeng was speechless, but Wan Xiangchun frowned: "Wei Xun?"

"It's Teacher Sanshui who Xiaole has been talking about for five years. He is particularly destined to our team. Peng, you have been away from home all the time. Don't you know."

Lu Shucheng relaxed a little after hearing what Bai Xiaosheng said, and said hello: "Come, come and see the snow leopard and Wei Xun hybrid cut made by Shu'er. Come and witness the snow leopard's love from the first encounter."

* *

Is there any love that wants people to die?

Wei Xun is now in an extremely dangerous situation. He was originally mentally disordered and lacked all five senses. He could only vaguely obtain effective information as fragmented as glass from the noisy murmurs. Just like the fruit of his adventure, Wei Xun cycle It took me a few times to finally hear it clearly.

【The adventure is successful! 】

【You get * * * love! 】

Some love! An inanimate body, the host of a hotel, talks about love and love. Wei Xun felt a toothache. The title of adventurer was really abnormal. People took risks for higher interests or more dangers and excitement. He took every risk, but why did he end up screwing people over?

He didn't feel any 'love'. The distorted information containing powerful pollution was still being poured into Wei Xun's brain. Wei Xun indeed seemed to hear someone whispering in his ear, that familiar elegance as low as a cello. Such a voice. But Wei Xun couldn't tell what the other party was talking about, and he felt like he was about to be suffocated by the noise.

If you say that you need to understand each other first when falling in love, just at the level of 'understanding' can make Wei Xun instantly die. But Wei Xun did not die, not only because those noisy murmurs, although noisy and making his head swell, remained at a critical point where he was about to collapse but not yet.

What's more, Wei Xun felt something bite his wrist tightly, and he wouldn't feel any pain. The bite was like holding the string of a kite, preventing him from getting lost in the chaos, and still keeping in touch with reality. No connection.

Can't look directly, can't hear, can't think.

My heart felt hot, like I was holding a heavy stove. With the force of the bite on his wrist, Wei Xun regained his sanity from the storm-like torrent of information. His soul and spirit became more tenacious and full of strength under the training of this baptism.

Although his eyes were obviously closed, Wei Xun seemed to be able to see the scene outside. He saw the snow leopard biting his wrist, sometimes whining anxiously at him, sometimes roaring fiercely in the other direction, waving its sharp claws as if fighting.

He 'saw' that the abnormal climbing rope that was holding his wrist was torn to pieces by the snow leopard and fell aside. The snow leopard came close to him, whimpered urgently, and licked his face. The snow leopard's head was getting closer and bigger in Wei Xun's eyes, and together with its body——

No, it's not that the snow leopard is getting bigger, it's that he's getting smaller.


Wei Xun heard himself making a cry as delicate as a newborn bird. His body was falling, but before he landed completely, something gently and powerfully grabbed the back of his neck, and then landed in a piece of soft and thick silver-white hair.

* *

"Breakfast is ready, do you want to call Brother Wei?"

At half past seven in the morning, everyone in the brigade packed up and sat around the fire. Fei Lezhi stretched his neck and looked towards Wei Xun's tent, but didn't see any movement.

"The guard is still resting, he just came back at four in the morning."

Fang Yuhang made himself a cup of hot coffee. Warmth flowed into his stomach, and he sighed softly in comfort.

"I'll go take a look. Brother Wei didn't eat anything last night. He must be starving when he returns from his adventure at Xiaolin Temple."

"I'm with you."

Yin Baitao carefully brought a cup of hot milk tea, a few pieces of tsampa and a bowl of freeze-dried vegetable soup: "Don't get bitten out by the snow leopard."

The two of them walked towards Wei Xun's tent and stopped when they were ten meters away from the tent. This is the warning line for snow leopards, but strangely, the snow leopards did not come out this morning.

Fei Lezhi and Yin Baitao looked at each other. Fei Lezhi coughed and bravely took a step forward on tiptoes.

no response?

He took another step.

Still no response?

Fei Lezhi's nerves tightened. Could something have happened?

"Brother Wei, Brother Wei?"

Too bad, Brother Wei didn’t respond either!

Fei Lezhi's scalp tightened, and he and Yin Baitao quickly walked to the tent. When he arrived at the tent door curtain, he heard the familiar low roar of the snow leopard that sounded like a warning. Feilezhi relaxed a little, carefully opened the door curtain with a hiking pole, and looked inside.

"Brother Wei——"

"What's wrong?!"

Feilezhi suddenly froze, which really made Yin Baitao beside her anxious. She pushed Feilezhi away and looked inside - but when she saw the scene in front of her, she and Feilezhi were equally frozen.

In the dim tent, they saw two snow leopards, one big and one small, stacked together, looking towards them.

"Haha, haha, Brother Wei is so powerful, he succeeded in transforming into a leopard so quickly."

Beside the tent, Fei Lezhi giggled in a lively manner: "When I first saw it, I thought Brother Leopard was a female who gave birth to a cub, hahaha."

Yin Baitao gave him an elbow and winked at Fei Lezhi to shut up. Then he turned his head, carefully but couldn't help but smile, and asked: "Brother Wei...can you still be a vegetarian?"

"Brother Ji, there are still some ham sausages there. Do you want some?"


Wei Xunyan chirped, and Xuefeng immediately stood up. With one sweep of his leopard tail, Fei Lezhi and Yin Baitao were driven away, along with all the people following them who came to care about the excitement. Then the snow leopard sniffed the cups and bowls that Yin Baitao placed in front of the tent, and cleverly pushed them into the tent with his nose.

Wei Xun stood up shakily, relying on the support of the snow leopard's strong tail, and took a few sips of milk tea. He didn't use his tongue skillfully enough and got it all on his chin. Then he was hugged by the big snow leopard and licked it carefully from beginning to end.

Wei Xun narrowed his eyes and let it lick him. Who knew that he was just a snow leopard cub now and had no strength to resist the big snow leopard.

The good news is that his wild mind successfully transformed into a leopard, and he was temporarily out of the state where his mind was about to be polluted. With the title of Wild Mind, when Wei Xun turns into a beast, he can get rid of all the negative states of being a human.

It can be seen from this that * * *'s love is also a negative state for him.

The bad news is that something went wrong and he turned into a snow leopard cub. And Wei Xun didn't know how long the "* * * love" would last in total.

Wei Xun could feel that the other party was not trying to kill him, but probably just glanced at him. But this glance plunged Wei Xun into a storm of mental pollution, and he almost couldn't come back. To be honest, this is too risky, too...

So exciting.

The title of adventurer suited him so well that Wei Xun couldn't wait to continue his adventure. But before taking any more risks, he must first figure out how long these 'exclusive desires' and 'love' will last.

It stands to reason that both An Xuefeng and An Xuefeng are strong men standing at the top of the pyramid. It is incredible that his adventure can succeed. And An Xuefeng, let alone the outside, has actually gained "love" for his adventure. This kind of thing was especially unbelievable to Wei Xun.

If, if all this is special, it is because of the contract between him and An Xuefeng... Wei Xun recalled that when he was caught in a mental pollution storm, he got a few pieces of information.

His contract with *** - but Wei Xun was convinced that he only had a contract with An Xuefeng.

An Xuefeng and *** are both owners of climbing ropes...

Wei Xun understood in his heart.

An Xuefeng and *** are probably the same person.

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