Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 101 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (44)

'Master's blood...'

The fox cub was still hesitating. Wei Xun first denied himself and said: 'No way'

The blood in the butterfly tattoo is currently known to be useful against demonic insects, such as Xiaojin Xiaocui, etc., and can make them mutate and become stronger. It can be seen that the blood has strong abyssal energy. However, the Snow Leopard is resistant to the Abyss type, and feeding it blood may have the opposite effect.

And seeing how the Snow Leopard managed to beat Dingo half to death without a single slap when it lost control, its own potential is definitely greater than that of an inferior demon dog. Wei Xun is not easy to mess with. What if feeding him blood makes the snow leopard's condition worse?

‘Find the Dingo’

Wei Xun casually took off the cashmere sweater that was torn by the snow leopard and replaced it with a spare one. He brought enough spare clothes so he wouldn't be afraid of being torn apart by snow leopards. No longer wearing a jacket, Wei Xun even felt that it was too hot to wear just a cashmere sweater. He covered his mouth and suppressed the rising hot yang energy.

He had just opened the leopard blood-sucking essence and drank more than before... It was too much. The insects in the ball of demonic insects had less impact. Xiaocui was hiding far away outside, with patterns on his body. Changing to a dark green color, he hesitated and suggested to Wei Xun that a physique with less yang and more yin is the most suitable for raising demon insects.

After all, Xiao Jin, Xiao Cui and the others have a blood contract with Wei Xun, and changes in Wei Xun's body will affect the keen demon insects. Just like the excess of yang energy in Wei Xun's body now makes Xiao Jin and other male insects restless, Xiao Cui, as a female insect, has actually changed into a pseudo-male state. The bloody ladybug pretended to be dead even more completely, no different from a small ruby.

Although there is no big problem once in a while, if this continues for a long time, the demonic insects on Wei Xun's body may change in unpredictable directions.

Wei Xun was even more interested.

He was keenly aware that the potential of the snow leopard itself might be extremely strong. Wei Xun absorbed so much yang energy that it could even affect Xiao Cui. Moreover, at this level, the snow leopard only fell asleep and his body was not affected in any other way.

Could this be an ordinary snow leopard? Absolutely not.

Before, when sending Wei Xun off from Xiaolin Temple, Lama Cuocai lamented that the Buddha had predicted that there would be demon slayers next year to completely eliminate the demons raging in northern Tibet, but with Wei Xun here, they might not have to wait until next year to eliminate them. The devil is finally sealed.

Wei Xun did not miss the meaning of Lama Cuoca's words. He guessed that the current difficult journey of the brigade should not be related to contact with demons, or only a little bit, which was equivalent to a preparatory task.

Wait until next year for a journey to northern Tibet, a dangerous or extremely dangerous journey, that will involve the final elimination of the devil.

In this case, snow leopards are likely to be part of the next journey.

If they finally release the snow leopard into the uninhabited land of Qiangtang, perhaps during next year's journey, the out-of-control and crazy snow leopard will appear as a special mission. If the brigade does not realize the importance of the snow leopard, it will kill them. Without Snow Leopard, they would not be able to get help.

On the other hand, if they can cure the snow leopard, the snow leopard will appear as a true snow mountain holy beast and become their golden finger against the big devil.

Therefore, the snow leopard appeared on the novice off-road vehicle, and it showed many strange behaviors. Wei Xun was also the passenger closest to it, but he did not receive any special mission prompts.

The bottom line is that Snow Leopard actually has nothing to do with his current journey. It exists as a special mission for the next journey!

"How can this be done?"

Wei Xun ran his fingers through the snow leopard's soft, thick silver hair, his eyes deep. If the snow leopard is really just an ordinary wild animal and cannot be taken away, forget it. But since it is discovered that there is something magical about it...

Then he wanted to take this snow leopard away.

Lama Tsocha said that Wei Xun could do the job that was supposed to be done by the next demon slayer.

If you are doing the job that the other party should do, it is only natural that you can take away the snow leopard in advance. Looking at the sleeping snow leopard, Wei Xun pondered. One drop of purified magic honey didn't have enough energy to cure the snow leopard's abnormal mania. So if he fed a few more drops, or a dozen more drops, would the cure be successful?

"Oh, forget it."

It's better to be on the safe side. If it's not cured and the snow leopard goes crazy again, it will have to drink blood to control it. Wei Xun (and Xiaocui) couldn't bear the bad health of the snow leopard.

From this point of view, the key to stimulating the snow leopard's state should be at the third scenic spot, Serincuo, when he confronts the big devil.

* *

Me, am I not dead yet?

I don't know how long it took, but Dingguo came to his senses in a daze. His mind was buzzing, and his last memory still stuck on the terrifying aura that was irresistible and wanted to crush it completely. It was as if it was scared out of its wits. He couldn't return to normal for a long time and was numb.

When Wei Xun saw this, he didn't waste any time. He simply controlled Ding Gou and asked and answered questions. Soon he knew why Ding Gou was looking for him in such a hurry.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute is missing!

Right under Ding Gou's nose, the descendant of the Eagle Flute who was originally at the foot of Black Rock Mountain was dragged underground by a thick black demonic energy at a speed that no one could react to. The ground where he disappeared was still intact, without any gaps. If Ding Yi hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have known that the descendant of the Eagle Flute was dragged into the earth.

When Ding Gou mentioned Wei Xun, he thought of Fa Gui Yi Forty-Nine. Did Fa Gui Yi Forty-Nine finally take action?

But the parasitic wasps in the successor of the Eagle Flute are still there. If Yi 49 were to take action, he should kill the parasitic wasps first. Moreover, the two ghost hairs in the body of the successor of the Eagle Flute did not move at all.

‘It’s the devil, the devil took away the heir of the eagle flute’

Ding Gou said dullly, his voice trembling slightly. Although he was under control, he was still instinctively afraid, 'Feng Taoist contacted me and wanted to kill the Eagle Flute Successor tonight, but now the Eagle Flute Successor is missing...'

It turned out that this was what he was afraid of. Ding Gou couldn't talk to Taoist Feng in two-way and could only accept orders. Moreover, he blocked the live broadcast under Wei Xun's order, so Taoist Feng could not get his information in time.

Now there is only one wasp cocoon left. If Taoist Bee wants to kill the eagle flute successor at all costs tonight, and after the cocoon hatches, he finds that the eagle flute successor has disappeared, and Dingguo did not report it in time, wasting the parasitic wasp, he will definitely be furious. of.

It’s not a ghost or Taoist Bee, that’s... the main line of the journey?

Everyone knew that Wei Xun threw Dingguo aside and thought to himself that the second scenic spot had reached the middle. As the guide, the descendant of the Eagle Flute who was closely related to the main line of the journey should also show something strange...taken away from the underground by the devil's energy. , the opponent's strength exceeds that of Dingo, is he a resurrected great devil?

Is the Heir of the Eagle Flute related to the devil? He seems to be looking for the bone flute of Dapeng's golden right wing, but is he actually looking for the great demon Chabalaren?

Wei Xun recalled the hotel prompt he heard when he just left Xiaolin Temple.

[The total progress of branch attractions is 100%]

[Lama Cuocha has regained his senses and told you everything that happened in Xiaolin Temple a hundred years ago. The demon that resurrected a hundred years ago is ready to move today a hundred years later. The black Dangra Yumco Lake, the ruins of Shangshung buried by the earthquake, the demonic fire that once again raged and destroyed everything, and the darker and darker shadows in the Selincuo Lake. When will the desolate and sad eagle whistle stop, and how can the land of northern Tibet return to peace? 】

[Your secret experiencer is not the terminator. You have done everything you can, and leave the next thing to those who come after you]

The branch attractions stopped abruptly at Xiaolin Temple, and did not involve Selincuo Lake at all. Obviously, judging from the difficulty of the journey, they should not face the original demon. Just as the hostel and the Cuocai Lama originally said, 'Leave it to the next generation' and let the next brigade deal with it.

But Wei Xun just listened to these words and didn't take them to heart at all. And he realizes that his exploration and exorcism may have changed his journey. Just like now, the descendant of the Eagle Flute was suddenly captured by the demonic energy - if it was a normal difficult journey, this kind of thing would definitely not happen.

Wei Xun will definitely do the main plot of the journey, which is closely related to the Descendants of the Eagle Flute. He will definitely face the big devil.

In this case, you have to make preparations in advance.

"Guard, you are back!"

Seeing Wei Xun coming, Ji Hongcai and others who were watching the night stood up excitedly. Wei Xun raised his finger and said, "Don't wake everyone up."

"I'm here to move the tent over."

In order to observe the sleeping snow leopard at any time, Wei Xun simply moved his tent to the edge of the ruins of Xiaolin Temple. After everything was packed up, it was half past five and it was almost dawn. Wei Xun didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply sorted out what he had gained from his profession.

Except for the demonic energy absorbed from the scorched corpse, a large ball of demonic energy condensed into spider silk, and the demonic energy transformed like a giant snow crab, there was nothing else.

On the contrary, he gained a lot from various tasks. Except for the side attractions with no additional rewards after complete completion, Wei Xun's two title tasks have made progress.

[Task name: Dominate]

[Task Introduction: Phased Title Task]

[Task reward: unknown title]

[Mission Progress: 17.5%]

[Task Tip: Observe more and have more resentment]

After a trip to Xiaolin Temple, the task progress increased by 2.5, which is really fast. Wei Xun thought that after completing Serincuo and meeting the original devil, the progress of this task should be increased to 20%.

20% is like a key node. In the previous title missions of the Wei Xun Treasure Hunter series, after the mission progress reached 20%, the archaeological expert (green title) was obtained, and after 40%, it was a critical point. In the past, the progress of the Sang Shung Ruins reached 35% and refused to increase any more. After exploring the Xiaolin Temple, it finally increased by 5%.

Wei Xun thus earned the title of ‘Adventurer’!

[Task Name: Treasure Hunter Series]

【mission rewards:

Archaeological expert (green title) [obtained]

Adventurer (blue title) [obtained]

Treasure Hunter (purple title) [not obtained]]

[Mission progress: 40% (after completing one hundred adventures, the progress will continue to increase)]

[Adventurer (blue title): You are a very bold adventurer, and adventure is the whole meaning of your life. You can have an ‘adventure’ on anything! 】

[In ‘adventures’ with inanimate objects, you may obtain various conveniences (such as obtaining information, opening secret doors, opening treasure chests, etc.), and you may also encounter various dangers. When you ‘take risks’ with living beings, you may obtain high rewards (such as contracting the other party, discovering the other party’s secrets, gaining high favor with the other party, etc.), but you may also be hostile, killed, or imprisoned by the other party]

【Whether it is opportunity or danger, it is all adventure! 】

[Number of adventures against inanimate objects: 0/10 per 24 hours]

[Number of adventures against living creatures: 0/1 every 24 hours]

This title is very interesting. It is said to be an 'adventurer', but it can be said to be a 'Russian turntable'. Whether it is good or bad all depends on luck. One thought of heaven and one thought of hell - it is simply the most exciting thing!

Wei Xun feels that this title suits him very well! He was ready to move and immediately wanted to find something to try.

However, the number of times is limited and cannot be tried randomly. Suddenly, Wei Xun thought of something. In the dark tent, he took out the '**** climbing rope' that Zuimei Xiangxi got from Wang Pengpai.

[Due to the specificity of the items, do you want to take risks on the ‘* * * climbing rope’, or on ‘* * *’, or on the owner of the climbing rope, An Xuefeng? 】

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