Thriller Tour Group

1017 The old dream repeats itself, cutting off the connection of rules

"In what form will the old dream happen again?"

When he stood up, Wei Xun asked doubtfully: "It shouldn't be the same as visiting scenic spots, right?"

Wei Xun experienced a reenactment of the Apocalypse Explosion when he was in the funeral palace on the outskirts of Beijing, and he also experienced a reenactment of the ancient oasis when he was in the Sahara. The difficulty and level of these two reenactments were completely different, and the latter could almost be regarded as opening up. This is the second line of the journey to 30 degrees north latitude. Chen Cheng and others, who have long since left the hotel and went to the battlefield, can even appear in the reenactment.

Of course, this is most likely due to Taoist Ban-life's half-life and butterfly eyes, as well as the fact that the hotel does not have strong control over the journey to the 30th North Latitude, and the rules will not affect this...

In other words, if he summoned Chen Cheng and others to show up during his journey to the 30th degree north latitude, it would be difficult for the hotel to interfere.

Wei Xun was distracted. When he was dealing with the pollution in Qingcheng Mountain, he was thinking that battlefield pollution could come with the help of the turmoil in the mountains. Could Team Chen and the others, who were still persisting on the battlefield but were almost assimilated by the pollution, also be able to do so? Taint's identity back?

Of course, it is impossible for him to conduct this kind of experiment in reality, it is too dangerous and uncontrollable. But if it is a journey to the 30th degree north latitude, then maybe there is no need to be so constrained... Wei Xun is thinking about the Tomb of the Tusi King. On this journey, there is the severely polluted Wuluo Mountain, and there is a high probability of a flower petal. There are also a large number of butterfly fragments dropped by Wei Xun. It will definitely be no problem to use them for experiments to welcome visitors to the 'battlefield'.

"It's definitely not as difficult as the scenic spots, but it shouldn't be underestimated. After all, the reenactment is a performance in itself."

Yu Xiangyang said solemnly, pulling Wei Xun back from his thoughts. He wrote down the plan for the experiment and discussed it with An Xuefeng later. Wei Xun brought his attention back to the present.

"The upper limit of a performance has always been linked to the organizer."

Although there are people playing the role of the three goddesses of fate this time, the organizers of the reenactment of the old dream will most likely not be handled by the hotel themselves, but the organizers this time are terrifying enough... An Xuefeng, the life-haunting person, and Puppet Master, the reenactment of the old dream organized by the three of them is hard to say whether it will be more reliable than the hotel.

"Hey, I think he's worse than a hotel director."

The werewolf Walker next to him rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue: "Maybe we will be played to death in there."

When he spoke, he was like a werewolf habitually flicking its tail, and the newly grown wings on his back flapped violently, almost hitting Lisa and the others in the face. Even if we had known that Werewolf Walker was disguised as an angel, his wolfish energy would still make it easy to ignore the big wings on his back. However, Yu Xiangyang, who was beside Wei Xun, opened one of his wings in time to prevent Wei Xun from being slapped above his head.

Yu Xiangyang followed the main line of Iceland throughout this competition and scored very high. Although they are not newcomers in the next era, unlike Wei Xun, Dan Lin and Miao Fangfei who have extra points from hotels, they are still in the top ten overall.

The angels and giants played by the top ten tourists are all named. For example, Yu Xiangyang plays the god of healing Raphael... It is strange for the hotel to let a zombie play the role of the healing angel. In addition to him, Yu Xiangyang and Werewolf Walker, there are also Uriel, the Light of God, played by Dan Lin, and Gabriel, the Left Hand of God, played by Miao Fangfei——

All in all, the passenger Wei Xun made a good start as Michael. Now the top seven tourists in this competition: Wei Xun, Dan Lin, Miao Fangfei, Yu Xiangyang, Miranda, Werewolf Walker, and Shao Yuan are the seven major players of the Explorer. They looked like angels. The crowd of Wuyangyang surrounding the tour guide Yi Ling felt like the end of the world. Even their big wings were squeezed one by one.

It was the first time for many people to meet again after the match, and they naturally began to discuss the reenactment. There were twenty-two participants in the reenactment. At that time in Iceland, Wei Xun’s entire brigade and the Devil Everyone in the merchant's entire brigade has to participate in the performance, and now they have to wait in another room outside the hall. The movement of about twenty people standing up and walking out together was not a small one.

Although Wei Xun is now in an elevated state, the 'giant' played by the passenger is even more taller than two or three meters. Even though there were many tourists with high ratings on their side, if they were blocked by six or seven tourists dressed as frost giants, it would be impossible to see anything. Wei Xun, the devil merchant and several tourists dressed as angels were completely submerged in the crowd. In the shadow of the giant. In this way, there are no other people looking at each other, and it is more convenient to chat.

"What kind of show is this?"

"Maybe a sitcom or a stage play."

"I don't think it's possible for the hotel to reenact old dreams in the virtual lobby for all the audience to watch."

Lisa said thoughtfully: "Not everyone can see this."

Indeed, when they thought about returning to the hotel and knowing that almost all the middle and lower-level viewers of the hotel (watching the live broadcast) had been resurrected by the hotel again because the live broadcast content was too brain-burning, the top travelers couldn't help but feel a little silent.

"Maybe it's the wired type?"

Miao Fangfei, who loves watching the Spring Festival Gala, said hesitantly: "Just like that, let's connect with someone far away, and someone can send a congratulatory message."


Wei Xun pondered. He hadn't watched the Spring Festival Gala in more than ten years. He vaguely remembered watching it a few times with his brother when he was very young. He had the impression that he was very interested in such a lively program as the Spring Festival Gala from the beginning and stayed up late with great interest. I went to watch it and asked my brother to find the videos of Spring Festival Galas from previous years to watch. But he soon lost interest in this kind of "fun" that was only shown on TV, and later he preferred to run around. Before his brother disappeared, he had not watched the Spring Festival Gala for a long time.

Wei Xun didn't have much impression of the 'connection' segment that Miao Fangfei mentioned as a must for the Spring Festival Gala.

When Miao Fangfei mentioned this, she only thought it was a possibility. Even Miao Fangfei herself didn't expect that she could actually guess it -


"Hello, dear audience friends, we are now connected to the best tour guide Yi Ling."

An old dream replayed, in the ice and snow, a big white Maine cat squatted in the snow, and was blown into a big dandelion by the whistling cold wind. A pair of blue eyes looked at the glowing screen faintly. When the 'connection' that felt like a thread was connected to it, the big cat followed the host's voice that sounded in his mind and meowed to greet him, causing the audience to cheer excitedly, shocking Wei Xun's cat ears into airplane ears, and the whole cat looked lifeless.

This matter has to start with the replay of the old dream.

"East, West, South, North, and Central, all people are celebrating together."

"In addition to the main venue in the virtual hall, we have also set up a celebration venue in Iceland, Northern Europe."

"Tonight we will spend this unforgettable day with everyone and celebrate the carnival."

"Next, we will connect to the Fountain of Destiny and take everyone to relive the old dreams."

On the Rainbow Bridge, the four hosts were all present. They held the microphone and spoke the host words in a rhythmic tone that did not match their image. Behind them, a huge, round-moon-like white screen rose to the air and burst into light. Then, in the expectant eyes of the audience, the round screen rippled with water, and gradually reflected the shadow of the Tree of Life, as well as the three "goddesses of destiny" sitting or standing under the tree. After walking on the rainbow carpet, An Xuefeng and the costumed people of Ximing appeared again, triggering a very warm cheer from the audience.

"Through the Fountain of Destiny, we have seen the images of the branch venue."

The astrologer said expressionlessly: "First, let's connect to the goddess of destiny □□de."

The figure of the tour guide who played the goddess of destiny □□de on the big screen quickly enlarged, and finally occupied the entire screen. The unlucky leader puppeteer showed a standard elegant smile when operating the Shepherd Alliance. Just now, she, An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren exerted their full strength and successfully constructed the ghost image of the old dream without spending a penny on the hotel.

Since she was the only orthodox goddess of destiny who had a dress customized by the hotel, An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, the two invited guests, could only infuse their power into her, and then the puppeteer would construct it as a medium. After the power passed through two hands, the hotel was relieved, and the puppeteer was heartbroken. She had reason to suspect that the two wanted to kill her - because of the dirty tricks she had complained to the hotel before.

The puppeteer has always been flexible. After the hotel had no intention of intervening at all, she endured it - but she didn't want to work with these two people anymore! When the host connected to her, the puppeteer said a few perfunctory words and immediately opened the golden net representing fate in his hand to cover the imaginary Fountain of Fate. In the eyes of the audience outside the venue, the circular screen was divided into 22 grids, each of which showed different scenes and different animals.

Just like the old dream, Wei Xun and the others all turned back into animals after entering the reenactment! They were not given any time to explore freely. Almost the moment they fell into the ice and snow, Wei Xun was connected to the network of fate. Knowing that his every move was being broadcast live, the snow-white cat meowed a few words and then stood up and simply patrolled the snow. He found that the place he could walk was not large, about a circle with a radius of ten meters.

At the same time, he also read the connection requirements for reenacting the old dream several times in his mind-this reenactment was a regional reenactment, and only some major events were reenacted. The twenty-two of them were placed in different periods and different areas of the old dream scene, and they had to show/introduce the scene they were in and the wonderful events that happened to the audience through the connection within ten minutes. This was considered a connection replay, which was the "rule" of this performance. When entering the replay, they must abide by this rule and cannot violate it.

After circling the snow, Wei Xun also understood where he was placed. The snow here seemed flat, but there was actually a hidden, downward snow cave behind the snow pile. He had hidden in

Obviously, the hotel was not giving up at all, and wanted to trace the source to find out how the Taoist Kongkong who disrupted the entire competition came and how he "returned" to the hotel. No, Wei Xun didn't even need to repeat the explanation. When he revisited the old place and began to "recall", Wei Xun felt that some pictures were being transmitted to the hotel along the connection - it was his memory!

So that's it, it turned out that the hotel wanted to play this trick, and the big white cat understood! But it just narrowed its eyes, meowed a few times like a smile, and then raised its paw. In a flash, the cat's hook-like claws became sharper, as if they were embedded with some blades. It was the spirit knife!

"Meow, meow, meow." (At that time, my friend was very polluted)

The big white cat meowed and moved its claws. The spirit knife that broke through the memory rules seemed to be just a virtual slash, but in fact it cut off the invisible "connection" that was about to transmit his memory!

The spirit knife can't cut everything, but Wei Xun, who returned from the competition, has mastered the authority of the three goddesses of fate and obtained the real web of fate. The hotel transformed the web of fate as a connection for transmitting memory, based on the power of An Xuefeng and the playful people, so Wei Xun cut the connection just like cutting his own things.

With a swipe, the invisible connection was broken. Immediately afterwards, there were more connections trying to connect. The big snow-white cat smiled and raised its beard. Its claws slapped the air like a non-physical performance, and flashes of cold light flashed.

"Meow meow meow, meow meow meow." (Yes, at that time, I had Wei Xun transforming into a snow leopard, Yu Tuan transforming into a red-haired cat, and the Lizard Duke. Unexpectedly, the Lizard Duke was also there.)

"Meow meow meow meow -" (I just cut, cut - cut off all the pollution on them)

For ten minutes there were attempts to connect, and Wei Xun kept cutting for ten minutes. Although it doesn't have any big moves like other tour guide animals that reenact old dreams, but just seeing the big white cat that the explorer has transformed into, listening to his soft meowing, and watching it slapping with its cat paws Snowflake, just hearing it talk about cutting pollution for the Lizard Duke is enough to make the audience say wonderful!

The Lizard Duke was obviously not from their team, but he still found a way to enter the old dream. He is worthy of being the director of S2. This is huge news that has never been seen before. It is really exciting!

"Meow meow meow." (What a pity, the replay of the old dream separated us all)

Ten minutes passed by in a blink of an eye. When the connection was no longer attached and the reenactment was about to end, the big white cat swung its tail, deliberately slowly, patted its paws at the camera, and chopped off the hotel connection group scattered on the ground. The ball became a ball of regular strength, swallowed it in one gulp, and licked the tips of his teeth.

"Meow meow meow~" (I can't actually show it to everyone)

"This is the guided tour explorer, bringing live reports of old dreams to the audience."

When the cat's meow turned into a human voice, the figure of the big white cat disappeared from the wind and snow, the replay of the old dream ended, and Wei Xun returned to the virtual hall!

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