Thriller Tour Group

1016 The passenger performance is over, the stamina is too great

When the warm, light white light enveloped all the audience in the virtual hall, some people prayed with Wei Xun as he said, while others looked on coldly, not bothering to experience the feeling of connection, and just used Wei Xun's performance to resonate and improve their own. strength. The tour guides seemed to be watching a good show. Unlike the tourists who longed to connect with tour guides, they themselves were tour guides.

Instead of focusing on experiencing this performance, it is better to reminisce about the performance just now - the performance just now with the Explorer double guide team gave them a great shock and harvest, and they can relive it many times! But no matter what the audience thinks, this performance in the hotel is compulsory to watch. When the light completely envelopes the virtual hall, the audience seems to have lost their real bodies, and only their souls are left under the clear light.

When the heavy body exists, it is difficult for people to feel the dust accumulated on the soul. But when the soul is independent of the light, everyone can feel the weight of their soul, the pain of pollution burdened on the soul, and the exhaustion spreading from the deepest part.

It's exhaustion.

Travel guides, East and West, strong and weak, everyone is struggling to survive on a hopeless journey. Maybe there are many people who have climbed to high places and are living a good life. Their strong strength prevents them from feeling tired and they can still be full of energy even if they don't sleep for days and nights.

But this fatigue is spiritual and psychological. The more powerful a tourist guide is, the more he can see his own future - that is, there is no future. No one can escape the hotel, no one can escape death. They are like a group of chess pieces destined to be abandoned, a group of garbage bags, filled with garbage and then thrown out mercilessly by the hotel. They have no other value and no other possibility.

People are destined to die, but it cannot be said that they are born just to wait for death. The experiences of people in this life are rich and colorful, and they are enough to understand and feel. However, knowing that you will die is different from knowing that you will die in ten/fifteen years. As people move forward in despair, this numb fatigue will become deeper and deeper, especially since their bodies are covered with pollution, and many titles and powers also come from pollution. Pollution adds value to negative emotions and distorts people's minds.

No matter how mentally stable and self-regulated a great tourist or tour guide is, there are times when he loses control and goes crazy. Someone as strong as An Xuefeng used to go crazy from time to time, and he was also moody and angry.

Maybe what they want is just an end, a visible end that can break away from these hopeless fates and have a new ending.

But does such an endpoint exist?

What is there at the end but death?


Actively sensing the power contained in Wei Xun's performance, the tour guides and tourists who prayed with him were the first to feel the warm light. This light shone down on their souls, stirring up the emotions hidden in the deepest souls. . Uneasiness, panic, anxiety, depression, despair, these negative emotions rose up and stirred in their souls, like trapped beasts, struggling and roaring but with no way out.

Until the light shines into the depths of the soul and shines on these turbulent negative emotions, people can't help but look forward to it. Is this the legendary relief? Is the tour guide going to clean up the pollution for them?

Some people were looking forward to it, some were dubious, and some were wary. However, Yun Tianhe, who prayed most devoutly in the Golden Palace Hall and was deeply involved in the performance, slowly smiled.

No, this is not a one-time relief, nor is it just a mental soothing.

This light is a kind of companionship and a kind of guidance.

It cannot be replaced by purified magic honey that reduces pollution. It is a true feeling of connection. Just like when a person reaches the end exhausted and bruised, what awaits him is not the empty nothingness. There is a pair of hands waiting at the end of despair. These hands will hold him and walk together to the end.

This feeling is so wonderful.

Yun Tianhe couldn't help but think. He closed his eyes, but it was as if he was looking at the light. Greedy, pleading, and pious, he felt the faint connection and felt the firm and unwavering will. Let Yuntianhe's spirit be like a sprouting new shoot, pray to the explorer with all his strength, and pray to resonate with him.

In this performance, the audience realized the connection between Wei Xun and the Explorer, and what they felt was Wei Xun's feelings. The explorer guides Wei Xun, and Wei Xun trusts the explorer, and this feeling is so beautiful and stable, like an ever-bright beacon, illuminating the dark road ahead, making those who were originally exhausted and lost themselves on this road Each blurred person seemed to be reborn in the light.

This emotion is so strong that even tourists and tour guides who are wary at first and don’t intend to understand it deeply can’t help but sink in deeply once they feel it - yes, the tour guides in the virtual hall are also gradually sinking into this performance. middle.

What the passengers felt was Wei Xun's emotions, and what they experienced was the connection between him and the explorers. At first, many people thought that this was a show more targeted at tourists. However, great guides like psychics were already keenly aware of this. I feel that this performance is not simple. Just as Wei Xun's poster has the silhouette of an explorer on the back, his performance about connection also has the shadow of an explorer. Anyone who only thinks that this is a show only for tourists would be wrong. In this show, tourists can bring in Wei Xun, while tour guides can bring in explorers.

The tourist audience prayed to the explorers and contributed their faith, while the tour guide audience was affected by the performance and opened their hearts to Wei Xun, couldn't help but look at him, and used their own strength to provide him with protection.

Both parties take it all. Wei Xun's performance was so great that both he and the explorers benefited. All the tour guides and tourists in the hotel were prostituted for free.

The psychic couldn't help but sigh, but he also allowed himself to be immersed in the performance. He is arrogant in his bones, and has been recognized by only a handful of people in his life. Even psychics who are equally capable as great guides/grand travelers may not necessarily be immersed in them. Even in the performance with the Explorer just now, he has always been He retains the calmness of a bystander, because he has followed Master Xi Ming through thousands of mountains and rivers. For him, no matter how difficult the journey is, it is part of his old experience and is not surprising.

But being brought into the world as an explorer, as an adult's younger brother - and then having an adult's younger brother as a connecting traveler, he has never encountered such a good thing! Even the psychic couldn't resist this temptation. He immersed himself in the performance and provided Wei Xun with several waves of power. When the performance ended, he still felt that he was still satisfied.

It wasn't just him. When the performance ended and the light covering the entire venue faded away, and everyone suddenly woke up, they all felt that they still had something to say and felt lost. It was as if the promising future had fallen into a hazy darkness, and the tour guide/tourist who could fully share joys, sorrows, and joys and walked together, like a half-body connection, disappeared like bubbles in the water.

It is only after experiencing this closest connection that one can vaguely realize the loneliness deep in his soul.

"This performance has so much stamina, it's even greater than when all the Dream Chasers went into their dreams."

After waking up, Lizard Duke couldn't help complaining: "But is this what deep connection feels like? I understand."

The tourist guides who were already connected were the least affected in this performance, but they also gained a lot of insights - because Wei Xun and the explorer themselves are one, and the tourist Wei Xun is a part of the explorer's sunbird form. , the 'emotion' between them is the most sincere, and the connection is the most intimate. They are truly half-body of each other. This 'connection' is deeper than any deep connection.

It made the tour guides and tourists who already had a deep connection think deeply and clarified the direction, and also made the Lizard Duke, who had never experienced a deep connection, set an excessively high standard.

"I suggest you don't use me as a standard. The deep connection between each tour guide is different."

Wei Xun politely advised him that he did not want the Lizard Duke to feel that his deep connection was not strong enough in the future and doubt the loyalty of Fenrir Wolf (Silver Moon Killer), thereby angering the little wolf.

"It turns out that the connection between guides and brigade can be so deep."

The dream chaser sighed with understanding. He knew Wei Xun's two identities, and he also knew that the close connection between Wei Xun and the 'Explorer' could only be regarded as a hypothesis. No one could really reach this level, just like Like the most beautiful dream, no matter how true the dream is, it is still false.

However, no matter how impossible it is for Wei Xun, it can still become possible. Dream Chaser was really curious and lowered his voice and asked Wei Xun: "Can the connection between you and Captain An reach such a depth?"


Wei Xun raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were a little wandering, and the memory flashed. An Xuefeng was not the person created by his ribs, and the relationship between them was not as truly one and the same as he and the puppet. However, Wei Xun has experienced this deepest connection. Only by experiencing it personally and performing it can it be so real——

That was when he got the chrysalis bookmark and An Xuefeng swallowed a whole petal. When they were deeply connected, Wei Xun felt like he had returned to the beginning of everything, the tightest and most intimate state. That deep connection allowed Wei Xun to really penetrate deeper into An Xuefeng's soul. Even thinking about it now, Wei Xun is still moved by the firm will he felt at that time.

"The way home..."

What a word full of hope. It is the name of the First Brigade, and it is the expectation in everyone's heart. Everyone hopes to find their way home and be relieved in the end. Even Wei Xun and the explorer's "connection" realization is that the connection is like a pair of hands at the end of the road. The guides and tourists will support each other all the way to the final destination.

However, the deepest part of An Xuefeng's soul is firm and rational. He knew from beginning to end that there was never any way back.

Even knowing this, he kept walking forward, walking and walking, always moving forward, never stopping.

After recalling the performance just now, and thinking of An Xuefeng, Wei Xun couldn't help but immerse himself in it and experience it over and over again, and he had few words to say. Not only him, but the entire Golden Palace and even the entire virtual hall were much quieter than before. The stamina of Wei Xun's performance was so strong that it seemed to overdraw people's emotions. No matter how excited everyone saw the settlement screen next, After seeing so many wonderful performances, it is difficult to arouse emotions. Both the performers and the audience are as if they are all impotent. Their brains are empty and their eyes are dull. Occasionally, they come back to their senses and subconsciously pray to the explorers. A few words, and then continue to be in a daze.

It wasn't until the passenger settlement and the performance ended that the top source of stimulation came on stage, and the audience became active again - the performance after the passenger settlement was a re-enactment of the wonderful scenes from the competition! The most exciting task selected by the audience at that time was the old dream of all the bosses turning into small animals! When An Xuefeng and Mingxiren are the two big ones - oh, there is also Black Angel. When the three goddesses of destiny walked onto the Hongqiao to start reenacting their old dreams, the audience finally burst into warm cheers again!

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