1482. Chapter 1469 Fighting (below)


    The voice did not fall and the gun rang.

    A black object was ejected from the muzzle of the finger of the ancient god, and it was bombarded on the huge arm of the mountain.

    These objects look like shrapnel, but in reality they are a kind of "biological"…An organism that emits a corrosive explosion upon attachment to the surface of the object.

    It can be said that this is a means of attack specifically designed to deal with that kind of "strong defense."

    Even though the protection of the arm of the mountain copper is very high, it is unbearable after the attack of the finger of the ancient god.

    It was only a shot, and the seemingly strong "arm" was blasted out of a crack…

    After seeing it again, the inside of the arm of the mountain copper is hollow. It is like a very thick porcelain on the outer wall; as long as there is another shot in the crack, the other side of the shell is also broken. Even if it is played, it is called "pairing."

    "I have to remember correctly…"In the face of such powerful shootings, Vishnu seemed to be unhurried. "You have this gun…Only two rounds can be played in ten minutes. ”


    Responding to him is not a language, but a second shot.

    The bar code does not change his actions because of this sentence. He decisively aimed at the crack on the arm of the mountain copper to shoot the second shot, crushing the outer shell of the other side of the target.

    Unsurprisingly, the arm of the mountain copper was hit "paired", and the bar code and the sashimi's line of sight could pass through the two holes on the object and directly see Vishnu himself.

    However, Vishnu's face did not have the slightest panic.

    "I knew it……"He looked at the two through the hole and said calmly, "With the professionalism of both of you, you must have thoroughly familiarized all the relevant information before the war."He paused, "so…You can make this second shot very resolutely. ”



    His words have not been finished, the sashimi has been aimed at the hole on the arm of the mountain copper, came a few [inferior voice]; the bar code is also replaced with a gold double gun, launched a round of continuous shooting.

    Energy and bullets rushed through the defensive that had been penetrated, flew to Vishnu, but at the moment of the upcoming hit…


    With a strange sound like a bell, another mountain copper arm appeared between the previous arm and Vishnu, and easily blocked the attack.

    Corresponding to the "left arm" that has been pierced, this time the "right arm" appears.

    "Unfortunately.A second later, the voice of Vishnu sounded from the newly added arm of the mountain copper. "Information is sometimes a double-edged sword."

    He is fully grasped, and the opponent does not know that he can summon the second arm, because in all publicly available videos and occasions, he only recalls a mountain arm.


    The bar code and the sashimi still ignored him. At this moment, they both stepped on the ground and ran to the left and right sides of Vishnu with the fastest moving speed they could use…In a blink of an eye, they flew for a few tens of meters.

    After all, it’s two old fritters. I don’t have to discuss it. I know how to play in this situation…

    "It is the backbone of order…"When Vishnu saw it, he said in his heart, "The situation outside the information appeared, without any confusion, and immediately made the most correct response…"

    As he thought about it, he waved his hand and summoned a creation that was even bigger than the arm of the mountain.

    This object is a weird statue made up of a flat-shaped head, an armor-like torso and two vertical olive-like thighs. The whole body is cyan, with a blue scroll pattern on the torso and a waist. Suspended around a green and white "halo".

    At this point, Vishnu’s psionic weapon is the whole picture…

    [Name: Mountain Copper God Puppet]

    [Type: Psionic weapon]

    [Quality: Legend]


    [defensive power: extremely strong]

    [Properties: absorption, refraction, isolation, buffering]

    [Special effect one: Olihagang's cockroach (the complete body of this psionic weapon needs to be called "the left arm of the mountain copper" and "the right arm of the mountain copper" can be called out)

    [Special effect 2: The soul of Gigas (only when a mountain copper arm exists, once this arm is structurally damaged, you can summon another mountain copper arm)]

    [Special effect 3: Chidara's shackles (When the mountain copper gods appear, all the damage sustained by the gods in the battle will increase the attack power of the gods, and the ascension will be zero when the gods are disbanded or the battle ends. )]

    [Special effect four: Diaporos's thoughts (when the mountain copper gods appear, every ten seconds, you can instantly exchange the position of users and gods)]

    [Special effect five: the power of the snake god (the sacrifice of the mountain copper god, summoning the snake god)]

    [Equipment conditions: the ability to use the power of Ollieha has been affirmed by the snake god]

    [Remarks: The mysterious giant, born from the omnipotent substance containing the dark power, "Oliha Crystal" is both a weapon and a creature, and has the power to summon evil spirits. 】

    One thing to note about this psionic weapon is that it is a weapon that has evolved over a long period of time and is "evolved" like the mad magic poker.

    Therefore, compared with the [Oliha Gang Shield] exhibited by Dragon Pride in the S2 period, although both are equipped with the "Oliha Gang" series, this [Shantong Puppet] is obviously stronger. Grade.

    "There is still a third part…"After a few seconds, I stalked the sashimi on the side of Vishnu and looked at the huge god, heart, "but…Three or four?Unless you cover the whole body and prevent it from falling, otherwise…We can still find defensive loopholes. ”

    He is right, even if Vishnu can use the unbroken right arm and the body of the gods to defend against attacks in two different directions, but this does not solve the problem…Because his opponent is always moving, and it is moving separately; wanting to prevent two, not only need two moving speeds to keep up with the opponent's defenses, but also need to be able to monitor the observation of two targets at the same time. ability.

    For humans with a field of view of only 120 degrees, it is definitely necessary to rely on other perceptions other than vision, such as the "hearing" of sashimi, but Vishnu has no such skill…


    Soon, the sashimi captured the loopholes in the opponent's defense in the lateral movement, and released several sound waves to the gap between the defenses.

    It is a pity that Vishnu was lucky to escape when his attack was about to hit.

    Why is it "lucky"? Because he didn't notice the attack before he did the evasive action…He just chose it for the second, and launched a raid on the bar code, which brought a forward displacement.

    Vishnu is also a master, how to fight in a pair of two, he will not know…

    In this situation, blind defense is useless, one against two…Even if it can be prevented for a while, it is only a matter of time before it is broken.

    The correct idea should be a storm. First, stare at the enemy who is better killed. If you can kill each other, even if you can’t…Well, it also avoids the development that is left to be consumed in the original place.

    Right now, compared to the sashimi with the [bass area], the barcode is obviously the enemy of "better kill", so Vishnu rushed toward him without hesitation.

    "Heng!"I was also underestimated…"Looking at the figure that was hit by the rapids, the barcode will double the gold gun in both hands, making up the bullet (this is a skill, you don't need to change the clip or plug the bullet by hand, you can complete the ammunition in the hand for a week. Fill), the alignment is a round of continuous shooting.



    Just at the moment when the first bullet flew out of the muzzle, the figure of Vishnu suddenly enlarged, and instantly became the huge body of the mountain copper god.

    Undoubtedly, this is due to the transposition effect of Vishnu's "Diaporos's thoughts".

    Look at the barcode side…The bursts have already come out, and I can't close my hands. The twelve rounds of bullets all hit the mountain copper gods.

    The attack power of the gold double gun is the defense of the mountain copper. He has already tried it before…The trouble is that at this moment, the damage of these bullets is also turned into the attack power of the gods.

    What is even more troublesome is that at this moment, the mountain copper gods who exchanged positions with Vishnu have inherited a part of Vishnu's moving speed and inertia, and slammed into the bar code with a very fast speed.

    Such a hard colossus…"Duang suddenly hit it, and it was almost the same as being hit by a train in reality.

    The bar code that was too late to escape flew out a dozen meters away at the time, and a blood spurted out.

    Fortunately, this mountain copper god is not long before it appears, its attack power is not high; plus…Although the transposed spouse inherits the moving speed of a part of the exchange object, it will also decay rapidly in a short time.

    Therefore, after paying the price of 70% of the survival value, the barcode has saved its life.

    Bah.After landing, I stabilized my body shape and spit out the barcode of the bloody foam in my mouth. I couldn’t help but say, "Just kidding…Anti-high is also considered; anti-high, attack is not low, and can also swap positions with the owner…Is it too much? ”

    Yes, it’s too much, but the game of Thriller Paradise is like this, there is no over-extension, only more excessive…

    To defeat this "excessive" opponent, you either find out the weakness of the other side or use the ability that is too much.


    The bar code just stood for a second, another wind broke, and that…It was the second rush of Vishnu.

    Vishnu can't stop, stop, and don't say that sashimi will come to support at any time, even more terrible…It is the time when the opponent will also get thoughts.

    ThoughtIt is the basis of the trick. If the other party has observed and thought that "the minimum cooling time of the exchange location is ten seconds" or other weaknesses, it is possible to use these for counter-calculation.

    Pong, pong, pong…

    At the time when Vishnu re-run from the place where the position was changed, the attack of the mountain copper god did not stop. The giant image was “capped” like a seal and slammed into the barcode every time. The air pressure makes a heavy collision with the ground.

    howeverAlthough the momentum of this attack is sufficient, the speed is not very fast, and the barcode only needs to be skipped backwards to avoid effortlessly.

    At this time, a dozen meters away, the left arm of the mountain copper and the right arm of the mountain copper are also flying toward the bar code, but the moving speed of the two parts can not be compared with the body of the owner, if the bar code continues to move toward the far side. These two arms don't know when they can get close to each other.

    “hmm…Only Vishnu’s own speed is comparable to ours…”On the other hand, the sashimi that came to support also blinked over the two arms, closely following the back of Vishnu; in the running, he was thinking, "The three things he called…When you fix the defense, you can't see it. When you do a straight line move, the limit speed will be clear at a glance; at present, in the sports battle, the two arms are basically useless…What is troublesome now is the 'transposition' ability between him and the giant elephant…"

    Just as he thought about it, suddenly!

    Vishnu, who was running against him, had an emergency stop and folded back, and slammed into him with a side lying and rushing.

    At that moment, the sashimi had a bad voice in his heart, but he wanted to do something more in action…It is too late.


    Even though the sashimi has already come to the ground with a sudden brake, he was still hit by a mountain copper god who was "changed".

    At the same time, Vishnu's body appeared in front of the bar code, and in his hand, he condensed a wide-edged sword composed of Ollieha crystal, not to mention the enemy.

    Eh…I didn't want to expose this trick in the first round…"The bar code looks at the gradually approaching Jianfeng. I don’t think that there is not much choice for myself. So I sigh in my heart. "But the matter is here, the opponent is the gods, even if it is used…There is nothing to say on the top…"

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