1481. 1708 at the beginning of the month

    First of all, thank you for your concern, my stomach is no problem.

    This is August.

    Considering that the wife's expected date of birth is early September, the second half of this month should be in a state of ready for war.

    In the first half of this month, I have to deal with some moving things…

    Still very busy.

    Therefore, I have reiterated the video and live broadcasts, and it is only possible to return in December at the earliest.

    In terms of novels, the plan remains unchanged, and “competition” is completed within this year.

    The rest of the story is not much, so it is relatively simple to preview.

    This month naturally continue to write the S3 game.

    There are a total of fifteen rounds of S3, and there will definitely be a detailed and abbreviated part; including the game of the front line of hell, I will not write it in detail every time.

    Most of the characters that appeared in the previous story will be re-appeared or mentioned in the S3 game, but I can't guarantee that each character has too many plays.

    Although I can't determine the number of words in S3, I plan to finish the game story in October, because there is still a long "final story" behind S3.

    At the end of the last, there will be some subversive reversal, which will lead to some dramatic changes in the plot, and then the end.

    All in all, the time that "Stunning Paradise" can accompany you is almost the same. I will also cherish this time and work hard to complete the longest novel I have ever written.

    Well, this month's notice is here.

    Here is another mention – if you want to listen to something I have to do outside the novel, you can pay attention to my micro [preventing harmony] Bo "three days and two feelings are also", or my public micro [re-defence A harmony] signal "three days and two feelings (or search for santian-liangjiao)".

    Mmm.See you next month.

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