1479. Chapter 1467 is too young

    When the system's "Fight" sounds, the isolation barrier suddenly disappears.

    At that moment, the bar code that had been aimed at for a long time launched the attack with the rhythm of the barrier disappearing without delay, and the double gun in his hand gave off a dazzling golden light.


    A total of twelve gunshots sounded and smashed.

    The skill launched by the barcode, called "High_Noon", is a special technique that only "male players" can learn and must be equipped with a revolver.

    Its "special" is that…In addition to the two "necessary conditions" mentioned above, if the player meets some "additional conditions", this will have an additional bonus.

    For example, in the arid loess to launch this skill, can increase the speed of the bullet, if the user dressed as a cowboy to launch, you can let the skill at the same time two revolvers, shooting two different targets; Of course, one of the strongest additional conditions is–if you use skills, In the environment time is "midday", then the user can be completely out of sight before shooting, close eyes shooting can also shoot a gun directly to the key, its bullet damage will greatly improve.

    For now, this battlefield is clearly not the arid loess, where there is no sun, there is no "good day" at noon, however, because the bar code under the order of the coat wearing a western cowboy outfit (just to strengthen the skills to wear), he can at least play a "double gun and shoot" this additional effect.

    When it was said that it was late, at that time, a few moments in the twinkling of an eye, the twelve golden bullets flew to the 12 key points of Vishnu and Kaloulu. This series of shots is not only a speedy thunder, but its power is also unbeatable, and it is by no means a general defense.

    But who knows, the gunshots are not exhausted, there is a "dangdangdang" sound like a bell ringing, it seems to be echoing with the gun, and finally…It also rang twelve times.

    CutI said that I don’t want to run or hide. Is it true that I have a strong defense ability?"When the barcode saw the "thing" that appeared in front of the two opponents and blocked the bullets, he couldn't help but scream.

    At this moment, the thing guarding the front of Vishnu and Kaloulou is a huge "arm of the mountain copper"; this object is a blue-blue color, the appearance is full of metal texture, the overall shape is like a very bloated and strong, Almost a gourd-shaped arm.

    As early as the final of S1, Vishnu had already demonstrated his ability to manipulate such "mountain copper material" to fight, but at that time, he used the use of his own psionic weapon [Oliha Gang Module]. Not very sophisticated, at most it is condensed into a variety of small cold weapons for attack and defense.

    But nowadays, Vishnu’s ability to use this object has already been in full swing. In terms of the real power of his psionic weapon, it is the skill of the bar code…At most it is just warming up.

    "I really can't care…"The offense and defense of the teammates is not over yet, and the sashimi will suddenly squint to the other side, and there is a word in the mouth. "It’s faster than expected…"

    When he said the word "fast", a figure appeared on his side.

    But see, the man holding a knife-retrograde odd-shaped machete, deceived to the left side of the sashimi at an incredible speed, toward the waist of the latter is a knife.

    MediumThe moment that the knife was thrown out, Jia Louluo has determined that this knife is undoubted.

    As a player who is known for his speed, he has used such a way to deal with countless people, so he does not have to wait for the knife to cut down, as long as he sees the other side's fine movements in the face of the knife and the blade is not at the basics. You can know if this person can avoid or block the move.

    CurrentNo exception.

    At the speed of sashimi, it is indeed incapable of avoiding the raid at this speed.

    However, just as the knife was about to reach the body of the sashimi, there was a strange feeling in the hand of Kalouro, just like…His blade suddenly plunged into a tough and powerful gummy candy…

    Along with the heavy sense of delay, Jialuo Luo's blade was slightly skewed, and finally the body that slid close to the sashimi did not hurt the other side.

    The fuck?!Kaloulou, who was blocked by the raid, immediately stunned in his heart.

    He knew that he should be blocked by a layer of invisible things like "colloidal armor", which made him feel a little depressed…Before the game, he didn't listen to the data analysis team. He said that sashimi has such ability. Fortunately, this is a defensive technique. If it is a counterattack ability, it is difficult to say how much this "outside intelligence" thing will cause a threat. It is.

    "Although you are very fast, compared with the 'the monsters', it is still a lot worse…"A second later, the sashimi followed the words and said a word, and hit a finger.

    What he calls "the monsters" undoubtedly refers to the savage, mad, and savvy masters of that level.

    A few months ago, the experience of being attacked by the sneak attack in Linyi Town has already caused a certain psychological shadow in the sashimi…Although the main reason for the murder was due to his own intentions – he thought that there were absolutely no enemies around, so he was completely undefended; but it is undeniable that even if the sashimi has certain defenses, It is possible to be killed.

    Therefore, after that day, sashimi began to study…How to deal with players who are faster or faster than themselves; after a period of trials, he touched a path – since it is hopeless to be as fast as those people in speed, it is better to change your mind…

    So, after several months of cultivation, he mastered the following tactical combination of skills and items…


    Together with the fingertips, the radio on which the sashimi was placed on the ground was activated and released a tremolo with the surrounding loudspeakers.

    When the sound of the waves opened, the bodies of Vishnu and Kaloulu were both stagnation. From their point of view, they can clearly feel…The “gravity” that it bears has more than doubled.

    "Destroy the props on the ground!"Vishnu experienced, he leaned against the "bronze arm" to pressure the bar code, while loudly reminded how the speed of Jialuoluo should be broken.

    Indeed, the ability of sashimi to “gravity oppression” depends on these props.

    The basis of this move is actually the passive skill [lower range] he showed at S2; this is originally an A-level spiritual skill, the effect is: buffering and eliminating (with a certain limit) into the radius of 7.4 meters All non-solid attacks and negative effects.

    After the sashimi exercise (don't ask me how the passive skills are exercised), the [Bass Zone] has now been upgraded to the S-class passive technique, not only the range of the original special effects and the endurance limit have increased, but also added The ability of "sound" – its principle is similar to that of the original equipment [Echo Acoustic Armor], but it is stronger. The reason why the ordinary attack of Shijiajialuo is invalid is because of his pursuit of speed, the attack power is not enough to break the defense of "sound".

    then…Let's say that this hand is "gravity oppression". This should be regarded as the active attack form of the [bass zone]; although the skill itself does not have any aggressiveness, the sashimi can be used for all the aids of the props on the ground. Enemies in the [Bass Zone] exert this additional negative effect.

    UnderstandJialou Luo, who was reminded by his predecessors, shouted and responded, and left the sashimi by a step…His next goal is obviously the few loudspeakers.

    "I am waiting for you…"For the weakness of his own moves, the sashimi is clear and clear, he has already prepared for this situation…


    In the next second, the hands of the sashimi have quickly released a number of [inferior sound waves] and went to Jialuo Luo.


    At the same time, the bar code that was forced to retreat because of the inability to break through the defense of the arm of the mountain copper, also used his two golden guns to launch a fire suppression against Kaloulou in the process of retreating…For him, it is basic skill to play while running. Anyway, it is idle without shooting.

    Although Jia Luluo is a young man, he is a fairly calm player. Simply put, he is the type that "has never been lucky, and is reasonable." At this moment, he analyzed the situation and felt that…It is very uneconomical to force yourself to destroy the props under the double suppression of the sound waves and bullets.

    After weighing the balance, he suddenly came to a change direction and began to escape in the opposite direction.

    After just a few seconds, Jialuoluo, who ran about 20 meters, felt a light body and immediately shouted back: "The scope is here!"

    Vishnu swept away with the light and saw the position of his teammates. He said, "Well."

    Then, he also controlled the arm of the mountain copper to protect himself, and in the other direction, he quit the scope of the [low range] without delay.

    They originally thought that after this party made this response, the opponent would have to change accordingly. Who knows…

    Eh…Was it discovered so soon…"When the sashimi saw the actions of the two opponents, he stood still in the same place and crossed his hands on his chest. He sighed with helplessness.

    "What did you find?"Even the bar code didn't understand him, so he asked.

    “hmm…The face of the sashimi with the hair on the lid of the sashimi replied without any waves. "The real weakness of my trick is not to be afraid of the other party to destroy the props on the ground, but…As long as the opponent ran 20 meters away, it would be useless. ”

    “Ha!The bar code squints teammates and presses down the voice. "You can't…"

    "Is it mobile with those devices?"The sashimi knows what he wants to say, so he interrupted it directly. "Unfortunately…No, I have tried all kinds of methods; if I use a portable sound amplification device to launch this move…Because the equipment is too close to me, it hurts me; but if I reduce the power, I can't exert the effect of 'gravity suppression'. ”

    After he finished this passage with his usual cold face and spit, the audience ushered in a silent silence of about five seconds.

    Five seconds later, the bar code looked at him with a look of innocence, and he calmly returned a word: "Oh."

    "You are too dull?"The sashimi is also very calm when he says this. "There is nothing in my heart to say, don't lie."

    ▢ LINEThe barcode was followed by a word, and then took a deep breath and shouted at the teammates. "You, he [哔-] is a funny [哔-]! The secret trick that claims to have been quietly practiced for a few months is such a tattered thing! Even the square dance's lethality is not as good! ”

    Eh…I am also desperate…"Sashimi doesn't even deny that he is a fascinating fact. "After studying for a long time, I realized that 'you can compete with them in the field of monster-level geniuses as long as you cultivate a certain ability." 'It is a wrong proposition itself…"

    "Do you have to think about it for a long time to understand this? Buy it! YOU [哔——][哔——]! Ask me early! Three seconds will give you the answer! If there is such a way, I have already squeezed the ghosts back to the team! ”It seems that the bar code has been bitter and deep, and his spurt is already unstoppable.

    At the same moment, in the battle space, the leaf paper looking at the situation on the field lowered his head and helped the crying, tearing the tears, and elongating the door and sighing: "Ah…Two big idiots…"

    This S3 competition will not broadcast the situation in the viewing space. However, the situation on the battlefield can be both live and video. It is conceivable that as the leader of the team (the default main pot), the players are seen. What kind of mood would it be like on the court?

    "Is it guilty…"On the other hand, Kalouro on the field undoubtedly heard a dialogue between sashimi and bar code…After all, the voices of the two talks are not small at all.

    As a professional player, no matter what problems the enemy team, even if the blatant scold, hang machine, send the head, and their own side of the natural or how to fight; So, Karura see this situation, do not hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity, again with their own speed advantage, with an arc-bit roundabout half circle …Killed behind the enemy.

    This time, his goal is barcode.

    Since the sashimi's defensive ability is strong, it will turn to the bar code, this shooting specialization player starts…This is indeed a very reasonable judgment.

    Garro's knife is very fast, although he has now re-entered the edge of the [bass], but the speed of the moment is still first-class. The body of the bar code couldn't keep up with this speed, not to mention his main energy, which was also put on the matter of "rushing his teammates loudly."

    Rime table

    Instantly, the reverse blade machete breaks the wind.

    The wind has just started and the blood is shining.

    That is the blood spurted from the mouth, the master of the blood…It is Jialouluo.

    When he was shocked, his feet were off the ground, and he flew backwards into the sky, his heart felt behind him – he really was too_young, too_simple…

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