1478. Chapter 1466 Stress

    The fists can be rushed and the fighting is staggered.

    The ultimate goal is to make the whole space stir.

    The strong will of the two, so that every bystander is moving.

    But in the end, there is only one person who can win.

    "Aha……Aha……"When the gas cloud and the light scatter, on the battlefield, the victor, who was lying on the ground on his back, gasped with exhaustion.

    And the loser, already smothered by the energy released by the move, turned into white light.

    It's me.Did you win…"At this time, Ashura has returned to the normal state from the state of [Muwu-Shuluo] and has entered a state of exhaustion; let alone sit up, it is difficult to move the fingers.

    Although he did defeat the opponent, psychologically, he did not feel the slightest "victory".

    It’s not surprising that everyone who survived the battle like the one that was evenly matched.


    At the same time, the order team is watching the space.

    "Hey, everyone, wait a long time."Was sent back to the drunk, and greeted the teammates with a very normal attitude.

    HeyWhat kind of tone does it seem like you are victorious? ”When the ghost saw his attitude, he couldn’t help but swear. "You lost to the little devil. Are you already ruined?"

    “Ha! Are you not a kid? I won you once every three or five times. If every time I lose my name, then my frustration is already cracked into powder. ”Drunken and stunned, raised his hand and rubbed his own noodle, and smiled back.

    "Although I lost, but you feel pretty good…"Wu Jian Xuan Xuan looked at him, and his eyes were empty.

    "Ahhhh……Because playing is still very enjoyable. ”Drunken and stunned, "again…Since the results have come out, there is nothing to tangled. ”

    "嗝儿~" At this time, Meng Jingchan came to the wine cellar and interjected, "Oh…On the mentality or hello, this kind of 'death before the end of the game does not give up and not let go, the end of the game, regardless of the outcome of the game can be released immediately, is really enviable. ”

    "Heng!"The sashimi heard the words and said, "You are the one who is free to fly anytime, anywhere, and is the least qualified to say this…"

    Judging from the fact that the five players had nothing to do with each other, the defeat of the first battle did not seem to have any effect on their emotions.

    However, the other two in the team are still a little nervous.

    The two, the ace sniper of the order [barcode], and the auxiliary stream player [leaf paper] in the team.

    At S2, they were all members of the "Order of the Second Order"; at S3, they were incorporated into the seven-person team under the arrangement of the studio due to changes in the system.

    In this contest, the pressure on the bar code is quite large; he was originally a player in the same level as the "Drunken Dream" in the studio, but because of the sneaky addition, he has already been squeezed into the position of the "sixth person"…Considering that his age is not small, if he is early in the competition, he will leave the game early, I am afraid that he will be transferred to the "second-line lineup" after the game. That's it…The resources that the studio puts on him, including his personal income, his popularity among fans, etc., will be affected.

    TheseIt is a very real problem, and every professional player who is getting closer to retirement age must face it.

    In addition, the leaf paper here…There is also pressure; her situation is similar to Jianghu's [Laughing to Heaven], although she is still participating in the competition, but in fact she is now half-retired, as soon as S3 is over, she is ready to transfer to the company management. As a member of a "quasi-management team", she certainly does not want her team to "happiness, no regrets, and then be eliminated in the first round."

    You guys!Sure enough, after listening to the cheerful dialogue of the players for a while, the leaf paper was sullen and slowly recited, "…Are you already aware? ”

    When others listened to the leaf paper and spoke, and the tone was not good, they quickly closed their mouths and turned their heads to listen to the "leadership" speech.

    UhYe total…"It’s not stupid to be drunk, but he always has a good time when he communicates with “leaders”. “You’re talking about “enlightenment” means…”

    "Look at what you look like…"Leaf paper picks up, "I must have confidence…Even if the first game is lost, it will not change the result of our team's final victory.RightShe paused and her face suddenly smiled. "You should also know that if we [order] was eliminated in the first round, and we still lost in the hands of the enemies [the gods], what will the media tomorrow? Report it?"

    Although her demeanor is not scary, her momentum has scared the rest of the six people, and even the sneaks have swallowed nervously.

    "Don't think that the penalty for losing this game is just a bonus."When I said this, the smile of the leaf paper became more and more splendid, and a pair of alums laughed and laughed. The tone was very kind and embarrassing. "I am a girl, a player, and a leader. I will accompany you to train the idiots." Work overtime as a manager…The pressure is really big; in the event of a situation in which the 'order studio was defeated in the first round of the S3 contest', the result was that the sister who had been able to rise directly to the manager level after retirement…Become an assistant girl who is drinking tea…"At this point, her smile and tone like a spring breeze reveals a burst of chill, "…The girl killed you with my own hands. ”


    The five-minute break quickly passed, and the second game of the [order] and the "God of God" – 2V2 battle, the battle was imminent.

    With the voice prompts [the game will start after thirty seconds], the players of the two teams were introduced to the battlefield.

    The two players who played in the order team were [Sashimi] and [Barcode].

    At first glance, this is a combination of good at long-range operations. The former's wide-area reconnaissance ability and the latter's shooting ability are perfect match.

    At this moment, because of the “incentives” of Ye Zi’s sister, the sashimi and the bar code that just stood in the field, they used a kind of eyes to smother their lives, even though there are barriers, but they The momentum of "you die and live" has been well communicated to the opposite side through the barrier.

    On the other side of the gods, [Vishnu] and [Gaillou].

    The former is one of the four kings of the gods. What level is his combat power? Let's take a look back at the rankings on the S1 battlepower rankings. At the time, the top ten were [swallowing sneaky], [crazy] (anonymous), [wet], [drunken], [Wu Chai Shu], [laughing to ask the sky], [Vishnu], [Big Brahma], [Enhanced Shen Xuan Xuan], and [No Knife].

    Of course, that was the ranking of nearly a year ago. Now the players’ fighting power has changed dramatically. Many of the top ten or twenty players who didn’t have a game character at the time are now Hard power may have surpassed several of the above ten players.

    But no matter what, from the original position, Vishnu is definitely the strongest of the first echelon.

    Then, let's say [Gallouro], this is the main force of the "two gods of the gods" in the S2 period. When it was S3, it was promoted to a team.

    Like Ashura, Kaloulou is also a young player who just turned 18 this year.

    Here is a digression. In fact, in the e-sports circle, some people can already be called "old veterans" when they are 18 years old…Mainly look at the project.

    Different from the "sniper combination" of order, [Vishnu] and [Gallouro] are composed of a "speed combination" that focuses on mobility and is good at medium-distance combat.

    This victory and defeat is indeed very worth seeing.


    “hmm…It seems that the first defeat caused the other party to exert a lot of psychological pressure. ”When there were still a dozen seconds from the start of the game, Vishnu, who was doing the preparatory work, could not help but lower the voice, and the teammates who rushed to the side chanted such a sentence.

    "Yeah."Their expressions look terrible. ”Gaillou also nodded. "I am the main member of the order. I still see this kind of look like I have to put on my life in the real world…"

    In a sense, his idea is correct…

    On the other hand, the "sniper combination" of sashimi and bar code is a bit strange; they don't choose to pull away the distance like Xiaoshen Xiaoling, but they start to "cloth" directly while they are holding their opponents. Array."

    But see, the sashimi took out an old-fashioned radio from the bag and a few megaphones, and spread it on the floor. The bar code took out two golden revolvers. With one hand in each hand, aiming at the opponent directly through the barrier, ready to go.


    Soon, the system's last five seconds countdown has already sounded, but the two teams are not good at melee combinations, there is still no team to plan to back off…

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