1436. Chapter 1426 to Black Night (2)

    The Kingdom of the Dead, once a piece of silver land built on the bone sand.

    But now, it’s already beyond recognition…

    The raging magic gas stained every white sand on this land into black, and the sky became low.

    Here…It seems to have become the border of "chaotic scorched earth", waiting to be "assimilated" and "engulfed"…


    Above the scorched earth, a rune of a magical array is beeping.

    Next to the line, stood a geek dressed in a black robe, draped in a gorgeous cloak, white skin, and two pupils in each eye.

    His name..It is Tali Ohm, the two popes of the current Demon Church (there are three, but only Tali Ohm and Samodier after the death).


    After the buzzing continued for a while, accompanied by a sound of energy, three figures appeared in the array.

    "Call ~~~~~~"Finally succeeded. ”When he saw the three men, Tali Ohm breathed a sigh of relief, and the body did not consciously shake a few times, as if they were almost out of force.

    "Tali Oh?"After the players got the ability to act, Xiaoling recognized the goods in the first time and shouted the other's name.

    "Ahhhh…"Tali Ohm also looked up at the rain, the little spirit and the flower road. "Long time no see…"Necromancer three knights. ”

    "Where is this?"If the rain observed the situation around, then he asked, "Is you calling us?"

    "I can’t recognize it…"Tali Ohm smiled, "Oh…Here is the kingdom of the dead that you swear allegiance. ”

    "What?"The flower was shocked, "This is…"Instead of talking through the words, she looked around the scene and asked directly, "What happened during this time?"

    "Speaking long…"Tali Oh said, "This place should not be left for a long time. Please ask the three to go to see the Spirit King first. When she arrives at her, she will explain it to you."

    "WaitAt this time, Xiao Ling answered with vigilance, "Your magical church…When did you become a subordinate of the Spirit King? ”

    Ha haTali Ohm smiled happily. "Not a subordinate, a league…"He paused and looked at the distant sky. "You don't know…After the 'things' took place, there is almost no single-handed force in the main universe. Even if it is just 'lived', it will take many parties to form an alliance. ”

    Having said that, he took his eyes back and sighed, saying: "In short, you are leaving with me…The fact that I launched the law array has already caused the attention of 'they'. It will not be too long for a 'complex soldier' ​​to come over to the inspection. It is troublesome to be dragged by those guys…"

    In the case of Tali Ohm, the players only understand the part, and there are many questions that come with it. To solve these problems, they only have to take a step.

    So, if the rain three of them followed Tali Ohm, the four entered a magical passage through a hidden entrance, and gradually entered the underground of the Necromancer…


    The words are divided into two, and then I can't seal them.

    These people, who are on the real chaotic scorched earth, also ran to a place similar to a underground cave with Lao Wang and Zun Ge.

    All the barriers here are made up of rocks that exude high temperatures. Except for the absence of smoke, the feeling is followed by the sauna.

    Feeling brother and Xiaoshen did not go far, it was already sweating, and it was too hot to spit out his tongue.

    However, it seems that it is not hot at all. Seeing her temperament, she has no trace of sweat on her face. Presumably, there is a way to escape the heat.

    I said.Xiao Yan, why are you…"Feng did not feel that I had to ask here, but did not say anything, but inexplicably stopped the words in half.

    "Why what?"Take care of you.

    Youknow it.That is,Unconsciously speaking, he made a very flattering movement with one hand and then began a "magic Mike" style performance. He only saw him licking his neckline while spitting his tongue and gently strokes his hand. Drop the sweat on your skin.

    "Ha ha ha ha…"At the time, I was laughing and squirting.

    Xiaoshen is twitching at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes are vomiting: "If you don't write a book in the future, you are ready to take this craft as a meal…"

    "Unless you start to popularize 'academic knee dance', I am afraid I can't rely on it to eat…"Unexpectedly, he stopped his very amateur striptease writhing and snarled, "But I mean you understand?"

    “Ha!Feng Huai slowly pressed the smile down and answered. "Probably understand…"She paused and explained, "In fact, this is not complicated, just one of the high-level methods of energy use…The technical principle used when dealing with the 'audio detection' of [sashimi] is similar, of course…The isolation temperature 'is much easier and less laborious than 'resonance'. ”

    Regarding the things in Linyi Town, they had already had exchanges before, so she said this now, and she felt that she basically understood it.

    "Oh, but if you want to say it again, I am going to be hot again…Nor will it…"Feng Huai said, but also held the wall with one hand, but she did not do the same action as the brother, she just vomited her tongue and made a face.

    "Cut~ I am active in the atmosphere."Shuai shrugs and shoulders.

    "When you want to use a similar method to activate the atmosphere next time, can you say hello to me first…"Unexpectedly, at this time, the founder Wang who walked in front of them spoke to the channel. "Give me a few seconds to dig up my eyes first."

    "You are so annoying, is it a rebellious period?"He also vomited back without saying weakness. "Is it lonely and confused, and I am puzzled and afraid of starting some hair in some places?"

    Pharaoh did not feel snoring with him, because he knew that he was not an opponent, so he just continued to move silently, and he felt his middle finger erected.

    Although players can't do this kind of action between players, NPC can have no such restrictions. In a sense, this is a kind of preferential treatment…

    The crowd went on for a few more minutes and went deeper into the deeper layers of this underground cave. After passing through a few dangerous and dangerous trails that can see the magma, finally, there was a huge space with a very high dome, and the players were suddenly clear.

    "It's us, I don't know they are here."After entering the space, the king of the singer shouted a scream.

    His words echoed in this empty, huge cave, and then a burst of heavy rock friction sounded.

    What appeared with the sound was a distortion of space…

    A few seconds later, on a piece of empty space that was originally empty, a large piece of something that looked like an optical camouflage was "opened". Until the "invisible stone door" was pushed open by a third, Xiao sigh and sighed to realize that there was another "entry" (there was a data perspective when it came here); if not Someone opened it from the inside, and it was impossible to see the stone door from any angle.

    "I can see you looking forward to it…"The door was not fully opened, and Billy’s voice was already ringing.

    ButHis voice sounded strange, as if he was talking in the tank, a bit stuffy.

    The players immediately look around and see…A giant armored doll with a height of about two meters and a large body is pushing the stone door and coming out of it, and Billy's voice is from the "body" of the doll.

    When the armored dolls completely walked out of Shimen, they felt that they were looking at it again, and they suddenly found out…Just in the left rib of the doll, there is a large, broken mouth that runs through the front and the back; the irregular shape of the edge of the gap looks like it is "punch through" something.

    At the moment, both sides of the gap have been sealed by glass, and inside the glass…Actually placed Billy's head.

    Heywhat's the situation? ”Jue Ge immediately said, "Are you fitting with your brother?"

    Of course, I also recognize that the armored doll is Billy’s younger brother Bill.


    The voice of the buddy did not fall, and on the square "display face" of Bill, he made one: (such a face text.

    "Smirk!"Billy heard the words, it was a bitter smile, "I can say that…"He added, "In two sentences, it is…In one battle, I lost my limbs outside my head, and my brother lost power and ability to speak. ”He paused again, "Well…To the benefit of thinking, now his 'face text' function is much richer. ”

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