1435. Chapter 1425 to Black Night (1)

    [Insane, level 57]

    [Like the rain, level 54]

    [Sigh, level 55]

    [sorrowful smile, level 54]

    [Stone Flower Room, Level 54]

    [絮怀殇,Level 55]

    [Please select the game mode that the team wants to join. 】

    [You choose the team survival mode (nightmare), please confirm. 】

    After the people were ready, they were still captains and led the team into the queue.

    [Your team is joining the team survival mode (nightmare), the team has reached the upper limit: six people. 】

    [Your team has entered the queue. 】

    [Coordinating neural connections, script generation…]

    [Load start, please wait a moment. 】

    When the system voice is brushed out one by one, everyone in the landing space simultaneously produces the familiar feeling of weightlessness and falls into the darkness.


    "Welcome, horror paradise."The hoarse male voice said this opening statement.

    [Loading is complete, currently you are working on a team survival mode (nightmare). 】

    [This mode provides a brief introduction to the script and has a chance to have a spur/hidden mission and a special worldview. 】

    [Screen Customs Reward: Optional Jigsaw Card *4]

    [A brief introduction to the script will be played, and the game will start immediately after the playback is completed. 】

    When I saw this customs clearance, all the members of the front line of the hell were shocked; know…Even if it is a "random jigsaw puzzle *4", it is already a very rare reward, but this time the reward of the customs is actually four "optional jigsaw puzzles"?

    In today's version of the puzzle, no matter which player's storage space is perennial with so 35 cards to be used, if you give them four "optional" cards, then they just with their original cards together, and then go to exchange for a change, it is very likely to come up a set of a lot of, And very difficult to gather together the puzzle card, further said …This is equivalent to giving a strong legendary equipment.

    "Although there is a hunch when joining in the form of a six-person team…"It’s just a matter of heart, “But from the content of the reward, maybe this script will be harder than I expected…”

    【Abnormal. 】

    [Reloading the introduction…]

    The next second, an abnormal situation that has never occurred, confirms the hunch of the feeling.

    [The script has an unknown error and is disconnecting…]

    [Unexpected data flow traction, start emergency process…]

    The last part of the system voice is like a truncation by some kind of power.

    And the players…It has not been disconnected.


    Chaos scorched earth, bloody and ubiquitous.

    The dark clouds cover the sky and are covered with ash.

    At this moment, in this killing land full of demon monsters, a transmission array surrounded by dozens of magic reliefs is emitting brilliance that is incompatible with the surrounding environment.


    With a beep, three figures appeared in the lineup.

    WellIt is three players: [Insane], [Sighing] and [Fan Huai].

    "It’s been a success…"When they felt that they were present, a teenager who looked fifteen or six years old but had a veteran face stood by the sidelines and chanted.

    "Pharaoh?"When I saw it, I realized that the other side was "the king of the king."

    "I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know."The king of the emperor was obviously too lazy to spit out the name of his own brother. He only greeted him directly without hearing it.

    "Hey, I haven't seen you for a while, you grew up a lot."When I saw the last time I saw the king, the latter’s appearance was still a child.ThatIs it part of your new look? ”Saying, Jing Ge cast his gaze to a strange bird standing on the shoulder of the King of the Duke.

    It is a white-backed owl creature with a brown body and a larger body than a normal owl. The head is completely cat-like. It is a veritable "cat head" eagle.

    It's me.Unexpectedly, after a second, the owl actually spoke to himself and responded to him.

    "[哔——]" said that he had a masked interjection and then recognized the identity of the strange bird. "Respected brother?"

    "Yes, it is me."Yan Zun said, "A lot of things happened during this time…In short, I can only exist in this form at present, in terms of strength…It is a lot weaker than before. ”

    "Although I don't want to bother you to tell the old…"At this point, I suddenly interrupted, "But I must remind you, it seems that something has come…"

    She is a superb master and very sensitive to the perception of danger and hostility.

    Just as her voice fell, a monster with a batwing suddenly smashed out from the air of about 20 meters from the crowd, and the claws rushed.

    This monster is like a gargoyle, but it is purple and extremely thin; it should be invisible and silent, because its shape is still in a state of concealment before its speech, its flying sound. It is also hidden in the wind and extremely difficult to detect.


    It’s too late, it’s fast!

    The monster's smothering action just started, and the sound of a broken arm of the sleeve arrow also screamed out.

    Then, I heard a bang!

    Xiao slam launched the attack with [Atel's Touch], and hit the head of the monster accurately, just in the strange eyebrows.

    Even if the monster is very strong, the brain is not saved by the arrow. After a few seconds, it falls down with the inertia and falls heavily on the ground. The twitching body and the brain that sheds on the ground announces its death.

    “hmm…After entering this book, there is no 'safe time' to adapt to the environment…"Xiao sang is now used to the various situations in the game, and is accustomed to voicing a slogan after calmly handling such a sudden crisis…

    "Smirk!"Wang Wenyan, who laughed at the scene, said, "Being in chaotic scorched earth, what is safe? It is not safe to breathe here."

    While he was talking, he snorted from his shoulder and quickly landed next to the dead monster, bowing his head and licking his brain.

    Zun Ge Bian also said: "These embossings are indeed too conspicuous. Let's talk to another place."

    "I don't ask you to call me with a transmission array. What do you want to do…"I didn’t know what to say about the other’s brain-feeding behavior. He knew that the demeanor’s behavior must be justified, so he directly said the right thing, “I will ask…Why are you doing this on Chaos Scorched Earth? Isn’t it right to be in the reasoning club? ”

    Good question.The founder Wang looked at the indifference and looked at an amazing news. "Let me tell you a news that is not a big deal at this stage – the reasoning club has been destroyed."

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