1426. Chapter 1416 says my name (9)

    In the "Bright" Gotham City, there will be nights.

    Whenever the night falls, the hazy sky and the whistling north wind…It will always remind some people of a period of time.

    Just in the past that was not too far away, here is still a city of sin full of corruption.

    At that time, officials and gangs called brothers and brothers, and the police were the umbrellas of criminals…The whole Gotham is like a gloomy cement forest. At night, the street will be filled with low or sad roar…It seems to never stop.

    But those have become the past…At least, it looks like this on the surface.


    Later, at 7:30, Gotham "East District."

    Three years ago, the Eastern District was a terrible place, and it can be said…It is the worst place for the whole Gotham.

    If you think the scorpions at Robinson’s Park are terrible, it’s because you haven’t seen the half-snapped addicts in front of the Finge Memorial. If you think these addicts are awful, it’s because you haven’t seen them yet. Passing the tramp at the door of the Spoon rescue station, lying on the ground with a stranded dead fish.

    However, compared with the situation in the Eastern District, these people have already been considered "to go."

    In the eastern part of the year, it was a red light district where even corrupt policemen were reluctant to get involved. On the street, you can see the roar of the nose and face (for these women, being beaten by pimps is common), and even the cubs; the fierce and mad gangsters dare to commit crimes in the eyes of the public, and the people around them will not see I don’t care about it.

    Even today, three years later, under the premise that the above situation has converged, this is still the highest jurisdiction of Gotham.

    Cheap bars, cheap hotels, cheap apartments, cheap shops…Everything here is cheap; it is this "cheap" that allows those living on the bottom of Gotham to survive.

    However, "survival" and "life" are different. Poverty is the trigger that can easily lead to crime. This is the unchanging truth.

    Therefore, this "cheap" place has naturally become the last gray area of ​​Gotham.


    "Call ~~~~~~"This is the air in the slum…"Stepping into the place, I consciously inhaled the turbid air into the lungs, and looked up at the neon-sparkling streets. I sighed with some emotions. "Although it is not good, it can make people feel from the heart." Feel solid…"

    Of course, he knows that looking for the clues of those "super villains", this Eastern District is a must.

    However, he did not go straight into the city of Gotham and went straight to the place…Before coming to the Eastern District, I did not feel that I had gone to two other places.

    The first place is the institute under the name of a pharmaceutical company located on the edge of the city.

    It was not far from the exit of the sewer that he passed through when he entered the city. He basically went in by the way.

    As a person who knows a lot about the various plots of the DC universe, of course, I don’t know that "Mister_Freeze" is working in this company; like this kind of villain who has had serious work, it is actually Very easy to find…

    It’s not too much trouble to sneak into the facilities of such a private enterprise.He got a piece of cleaner's one-piece coat in the tool room and put it in the office area. After a while, he found the person he was looking for in the lounge on the second floor – the cryologist "Victor" · Fris."

    After talking with himself and several of his colleagues, he quickly grasped the following information – the Fries of this universe apparently did not become cold-blooded due to experimental accidents, and his wife did not die; although his wife It is still a serious degenerative disease like the one that I know, but it is clever…Shortly after the disease was diagnosed, the research and development department of Wayne Group developed a special medicine to cure the disease. Therefore, Fries's wife was saved, and his current family and work are also stable.

    After collecting this information, the hidden task progress reached 3/10, indicating that the whereabouts of the frozen person were found.

    Then he went to the second place…Gotham University.

    If it is said that the sneak into the private enterprise facilities is to take in the sacs, then the place that is mixed into the university is the same as that of the singer. It took him 20 minutes to find one of his goals on the campus. Pamela Lillian Esley, known as Poison_Ivy.

    Pamira of this universe was not selected by the botanist Jason Wood because the Jason Wood was killed in a fire a few years ago, and his research materials were also burned with him. .

    That is to say, the person who should have used Pamela has already died, and the plant toxin that caused Pamela to mutate has never been invented.

    In the library, Feng Shou pretended that the students had been talking with Pamela for a while, and they got the above information, and he was naturally misunderstood as a non-speaking, less intelligent stalker.

    Jue Ge ended the conversation before the other party's attitude became colder and the atmosphere became embarrassed. With his 4/10 mission progress, he went to find another goal of the same Gotham University – Jonathan. Klein, AKA…Scarecrow.

    For the reason why the Scarecrow is not blackened, it is also very curious to be closed, because this role is basically due to the various bullies received during the student era.It is not blackened by an unexpected event experienced in adulthood.

    As a result, after chatting with the psychology professor at Gotham University in the cafeteria for more than half an hour, I felt that I finally put the answer in a roundabout way – the boys who had overrated Jonathan and the girls who refused and teased him. ……All of them suffered a mountain disaster in a classmate trip after many years. When the police found their bodies, many people had been eaten by the beasts in the mountains.

    And our Jonathan…Or the gentleman who should have been a scarecrow. Because he was like hell in his school days, he didn’t have any feelings with these classmates. He didn’t go to the party…So lucky to escape.

    After that incident, Jonathan’s mind changed a lot, as if some of his knots had been solved…Of course, it can be said that it is a kind of mentality of "great hatred, God has eyes."

    In any case, the reason why the Scarecrow is not blackened is roughly the same…After hearing these, the progress of the unrecognized task was also updated to 5/10.


    When I left Gotham University, it was already in the dark, and I felt that time was almost the same, so he ran to his third stop, the Eastern District.

    Hey, you floating shred! Are you jealous? ”When I stopped standing on the road and stopped looking at it, suddenly, someone hit him with a heavy shoulder and preached such a sentence.

    This kind of routine, I feel very familiar with…Anyway, it’s not about touching porcelain or looking for it.

    It’s not necessarily polite to the average person, but to those who obviously want to do things…That attitude can be imagined.

    “Ha!The next second, I felt that the bad boy’s sorrow was on the line. He turned his head and squinted at the person who had just passed by him. He answered, “Are you talking to me?”

    NonsenseIt was a bald man. The cold day was actually bare-chested, and there were a lot of tattoos on his torso. He couldn’t find a good skin just below his neck. "You don't stop…Also his mother is stunned? ”

    The moment he finished the sentence, the lower body was kicked.

    Then he instinctively grabbed the crotch and smashed it down…

    “Ha! What do you say? I still can't hear…"I couldn’t help but feel that the squatting legs of the ankles were extremely sudden. After the kicking, I still had a look of nothing. The tone of the speech was like a big-headed man, "…You can say it again loudly. ”

    "You…you……"The bald head wants to swear, but the violent egg pain makes him only squeeze out sporadic words. He also wants to stand up and beat people, but before the pain in the stock eases…He probably has to keep the legs together for a while.

    "When you can talk about it, come back to me."Unconsciously, looking at the other side with a condescending gaze, shrugged his shoulders and left such a sentence, then turned and left.

    He knows that this gang will definitely catch up with it and retaliate against himself, and it is very likely that he will be called some accomplices…And this is exactly what he expected.

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