1425. Chapter 1415 says my name (eight)

    [Hide task has been triggered]

    At this moment, the system voice was heard in the ear.

    He immediately opened the taskbar and saw the word [personally confirm the whereabouts of at least ten super villains]. Moreover, when this task was just brushed out, there was already progress, and the following paragraph [current progress 2/10] .

    "Twenty to two…"I thought about it and said, "The killer crocodile in front of you must be one, Halle Quinn…Or, Dr. Kui Yin, definitely counted as one. ”He paused. "But if you count the penguin and the two-faced person, then I have four people who know the whereabouts."

    Read this, unconsciously, the line of sight was removed from the wall, and the light from the flashlight was focused on the torso of the cheekbones.

    “hmm…UnderstoodWhile investigating, he was also distracted to post information related to the task, and quickly reached the correct conclusion. "Through the 'introduction to the script' to learn about the whereabouts of the villain, it is not in accordance with the task description 'personal confirmation' For this precondition, I have to do 'live to see people, die to see the dead'."

    As the facts think, this hidden task is not just as simple as intelligence gathering; the player must find a certain villain in person, or find conclusive evidence that the villain has died, in order to "confirm its whereabouts."

    As for other methods…For example, through television, newspapers, the Internet, the phone book, and even the way to hear the relevant information, it is impossible to unlock the progress of the task.

    "Let's take a look at this shackle…"Unexpectedly figured out the task, he put most of his attention on the "metal vest" on the cheekbones.

    There is a clasped lock on this cooker, but there is no keyhole at all, that is to say…The man who made the cookware did not intend to take it off from the beginning. From the size of this cookware, it is undoubtedly "tailor-made" for the killer crocodile. If you change it to a person who doesn't feel this figure, you won't be locked at all, because he can shrink his shoulders. Drill out from the inside easily.

    "Smirk!"Sure enough, hard. ”I didn’t feel that I could use my grip strength to try to bend this shackle, but it didn’t work, but it was also in his expectation—if even his power could not bear it, How could it be possible to lock the killer?

    "Yeah?"Just when he was ready to let go of the cookware, suddenly, his hand felt strange…

    At this moment, a gravitational force appeared in the place where his skin and cookware came into contact with him, and spread slowly through his palm to his forearm, causing a feeling of weakness in his entire arm. .

    This is a very subtle feeling…It's like there is a black hole that is constantly expanding in your body, and in the process of expanding it sucks all the energy around you.

    oh shitAt the same time, the swearing words were exported, and people quickly rushed to withdraw.

    And after his hand got out of the cookware for a few seconds, the strength on his arm quickly recovered…

    "This stuff…"Jue Ge immediately alerted him, "It is not a common metal in the human world…"

    During the talk, he once again took out Crazy Poker and wanted to try to cut the material with poker; however…Playing with poker is also constant.

    "嚯~" This unconscious curiosity is even more prosperous. He took out the [Autobiography of Chuck Norris] from the bag and used it to analyze the metal data in front of him, and he got The result is…

    “Ha! Mass production of Inetlon alloy? ”I was shocked when I saw this data.

    For the substance of "Initron metal", I still know a little about it…That's one of the hardest and densest metals in the DC universe; the most common description of it in comics is "indestructible," and it comes with things like "can reflect any light, ignore temperature effects, insulation, and The substance becomes a gravity-free state and so on.

    However, "production of Inetlon" is a slap in the face, and I don't know much about it. He also saw this term back today.

    Heyhang onAfter a few seconds, he realized what he was aware of. He followed the chain on the cookware and touched the bed frame next to him. Then he grabbed the bed frame and tried to shake it a few times. His expression changed. “Is the chain and bed also made of this material…”

    In this case, I have answered a few doubts in my heart…For example, why does the killer crocodile not break the chain to escape, why not take the bed to escape, and why he does not drag the entire bed to run together…

    So it isIt took a while to test a few times, and I generally understood the effect of this alloy. "If the contact time is short, don't force it…"The 'power loss' effect also appears slow and not obvious; but if you struggle with staying in contact, you will soon become weak. ”He touched his chin and said, "Well…Good thing, if you can use this alloy as a handcuff, the majority of the 'star-level' (here he used the Yuchao's rating system here) should be able to easily adjust. ”

    I want to think about it, but in fact he has no way to do it.

    Today, there is no prop or skill that can be used to cut this alloy…The cookware, chains and beds in front of them are all connected together. Obviously, he can't put the whole bed into his own bag.

    At this point, he began to miss [the blade must be broken], and if there is one, he can easily take away all the "production of Inetlon alloy" here; think of it…He couldn't help but scream at the "mad eyes" in his heart.

    Eh…Forget itIn the end, I can only comfort myself by comforting myself before leaving. "I don't have the technology to make this alloy anyway…"

    He reluctantly searched the "room" again. After confirming that there is no other FLAG-like setting in addition to "trigger hidden task", he will pack all kinds of props and return the original way.

    Restarting the running in the sewers, the pressure in my heart is slightly larger, because at this time, he has already figured out the people who trapped the killer crocodile here…Eight achievements are that Batman has not run.

    If this is a DC universe that I know more about, I can do it better, even if Batman is very powerful in setting, relying on my heart and mind, plus intelligence advantage…It is not impossible to Raiders. ButAn unfamiliar, strange universe, and a Batman who uses science and technology that he doesn't even know, and whose style is not clear…It is not so good to deal with.

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