1081. Chapter 1081 Spirit King (below)

    This is the end of the matter, and the First World War is inevitable.

    Looking at the approaching approach of Fu Ling, the spirit of the spirit suppressed the panic in the heart, and temporarily lost the hatred of the seal.

    His heart is a surprise attack.

    Time flies, but see a violent murderous murder from the mouth of the spirit, and rushed to Fuling.

    This hit, the power of the giant, is really unexpected.

    Not only Samodil and Tali Oh, but even the Emperor and the King of the Kings felt wrong.

    It stands to reason that with the strength of the spirit, its instant moves should not contain such amazing energy.

    ButThe spirit is a special NPC. In addition to relying on his own abilities, he is also good at using various external conditions; for example, he will play tricks and tricks; for example, he will collect some similar [magic The legendary items of Ling Lingshu are used to enhance their combat power.

    From this point of view, he is like a player…

    At this point, it is the help of an item that relies on the cold arrow.

    [name: mad dragon's throat]

    [Type: Other]

    [Quality: Legend]

    [Special effects: When equipped, you can put a dragon through the mouth (cooling time 24 hours, consume 50% of the maximum spiritual value, the power of Long Xiao depends on your spiritual limit)]

    [Remarks: The legendary physician, the mad doctor Baikajia, had an adventurous operation when he was young. That day, he succeeded from a living, violent dragon…Completely removed this organ. Although this operation is already awesome, in order to show his own technology, Baikaga has gambled with the other party, claiming that he can transplant the dragon throat into the humanoid body with original magic surgery. And retain some of the original features. We all know about the later things. The knife and face that he bet with was lost because of losing, so he crossed into other planes and became an unlicensed doctor. 】

    "Heng!"Sure enough, your style…"

    Others may be surprised or unresponsive to the sudden onslaught of the spirit, but Fuling…No, definitely not.

    The pain and humiliation experienced in the swamp of Tsukuba Island is enough to change any arrogant creature. If Furing had not had long-term memory after being imprisoned for so many years, then she would never give her the chance to compete with the spirit.

    "At the beginning of the battle, I suddenly made a killer, and the enemy was not prepared…In this way, a decisive advantage is achieved. ”The early-prepared Fu Ling flashed through the attack of the other side and said, "The tactical level is really very clever, and this is where I am not as good as you…"

    CutSeeing the other side avoiding the dragon screaming, the spirit slammed back and wanted to take the crown of the dead spirit that fell to the ground.

    "It’s ugly…Win the spirit…"Fu Ling was not impatient because of the other party's actions. She raised her arms calmly and ten fingers sealed. The power of the dead spirit in the body ignited and led each other, and gathered at the fingertips that it was no less than the one that had just been recorded. energy.

    "The king is defeated…"The spirit picked up the crown and quickly put it on his head. "Failure is ugly…"

    At this moment, although Fu Ling’s attack has not been made, the hearts of the invisible demon, the emperor and the emperor are clear…Zou Jing wins!


    Two seconds later, the psionics rushed out and went straight to the spirit.

    The latter has also put on the crown and turned back to welcome: "I won!"

    The singer laughed and screamed with one hand.


    His ice-crystal body was bombarded into ice at the next moment.

    "What?"ProbableThis time, the spirit has changed back to a state with only one head, and it is a head with a desperate expression, "Impossible…I have worn the crown…I am the king of the dead! ”

    "I said it from the beginning…"Fu Ling came forward indifferently, responding when he stepped on the ladder in front of the throne, "…You also match? ”

    "Looking for the spirit, it seems that you misunderstood the nature of the 'Death Crown' and seriously underestimated the strength of the King of the Darkheart…"At this time, the gentle voice of the invisible magic sounded again. "The crown does contain unparalleled power, but it does not mean…Whoever is, just wear it and you can get this power. ”

    When the voice did not fall, Fu Ling had come to the front of the spirit.

    She did not hesitate to take the crown from the suspended, unmovable head, and took the invisible devil's words: "You must have enough will to let the crown surrender, in order to become its master, otherwise…This is just an ornament. ”

    "No…This is…"The power of the spirit is getting weaker and weaker, and he will soon be unable to maintain his existence.

    In his long life, he has never been as unwilling as he is at this moment…

    He is so close to his goal, at your fingertips, but everything has vanished and vanished at this moment.

    "If you go all out, confront me…The final death of the deer has not yet been known. ”Fu Ling looked at the spirit with a look of disdain. "Unfortunately…You have chosen a form of suicide. ”

    Eh…So, ah, smart guys are harder to persuade than full idiots. ”Yan Zun sighed and said, "When you take the spirit, when I convey to you the words "unspeakable," they have already hinted very clearly – 'On the road where you are crowned king…Furing is an inescapable obstacle that must be crossed. You have to rely on yourself. '"

    The king of the dynasty also answered: "If you can win the spirit by your own strength, you will naturally have the will to let the crown surrender, but you can only escape the fate of this fate, can only prove…Your amount is not the same as when you used the instrument to pull down. A character like you can't get on the throne. ”

    The words of the two seem to be conclusive in the demise of the spirit.

    And if you win the spirit, you can’t say anything about the rebuttal…

    His ambition, after all, was with him to become a dust in the main universe.

    like he said……The loser is ugly; this ugly can be forgotten by the world, and it is already a kindness given by the victor.

    So,After the disappearance of the spirit, Fu Ling looked at Samudir and Tali Ohm. "You…Want to avenge your partner? ”

    "Heng!"We are not the naive relationship you imagined. ”Samodier sneered. It seems that the death of the spirit did not cause him to have much emotional fluctuations.

    "The number of lives has been fixed, and it turns out that his quantity is just that…"Tali Ohm also said, "I can't find a reason to avenge this guy."

    "Great."After getting their reply, Furing stepped forward and turned back to sit on the throne.

    "Then please come and witness together…"Fu Ling said, raised the crown, "…From this moment on, the kingdom of the dead, there will be a new king – a queen. ”

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