1080. Chapter 1080 Spirit King (middle)

    “Why?”When the spirit said this sentence, his hand was already pierced by the light beam, but he was still in a state of nothing, Shen Sheng said, "…Will you appear here? ”

    At the moment when this sentence was finished, his sight fell at the end of the hall and saw the figure of Fu Ling.

    "Are you not very calculating?"Fu Ling took advantage of the spirit and stepped closer. "Let's guess for yourself…"

    "You are very strong…But it has not yet reached the level of the four-column god. ”Taking the spirit and thinking, while picking up, "Even if you can beat other squadrons with one enemy, it will take quite a long time, and…You can't be unscathed like this after the war. ”When he got here, he looked slightly changed, "so…Someone must help you. ”

    You guess right.At this moment, another voice rang and joined their conversation.

    Along with the voice, a black stone suspended in the air appeared in front of everyone.

    The volume of this stone is about three cubic meters. The texture is similar to crystal. The whole shape is irregular. The surface of the stone is also dotted with gray texture.

    Although it looks like an inorganic substance, actually…It is a creature called the invisible demon.

    "Oh it's you……"Looking at the invisible demon, the voice reveals a bit of remorse, "No…It should be said that it really is you. ”

    It can be seen from the demeanor and discourse of the spirit…His precepts to the invisible devil have existed for a long time.

    Among the nine skeletons of the Necromancer, the invisible magic has always been the most mysterious one. No one knows the limits of its strength, and it never reveals its own ideas.

    In the past years, the spirit has also been designed many times to put the invisible magic in danger, trying to test how strong this stone is, but the invisible magic can retreat in a clever way every time…It is impeccable.

    "After the last peak of the hegemony, you suddenly did not know where to go."After two seconds of winning, and then on the invisible magic, "showed here today, actually stood on the side of Fuling…Is it that you are the undercover that she placed? ”

    "Smirk!"There was a disdainful laughter in the pumice. His voice and tone were comparable to those of the radio announcer. It was warm and soft, and it was very good. "Get the spirit, don't underestimate what you don't understand…You still don't have the strength and qualifications. ”

    As soon as this statement came out, the demeanor and the king of the emperor were all changed.

    "You…Who is it…"The spirit is also a dew, "or say…Dos

    "If you can't do it as a king, you will naturally know."Invisible magic returns, "but now…Who will become the new king, or unknown. ”

    "Oh?"Hearing the spirit, he turned his gaze back to Fu Ling, "just because of you…Also want to compete with me for the throne? ”

    JokeFu Ling took the cold and cold, "This is…You should say to yourself. ”She swaggered toward the spirit and approached, and said with anger, "On the strength, I was the first spirit of the king of the world."What are you counting? On the qualifications, you used the power of conspiracy to defeat me and imprison…I have recognized this, after all, it is my own lack of ability. But now…You slam the king, try to replace it, ask the kingdom of the dead spirit up and down…Who will serve you? ”

    "Smirk!"qualifications……"Sneer sneer, "Do you still want to discuss with me the so-called name justifiable? Bored to see…"He shook his fist and said, "I want to be surrendered. The most reliable means is power!"

    So,Fu Ling said, "You will be a winner in power."

    "Heng!"The spirit is still sneer, "Fu Ling…After so many years, how come you grow up? ”He spread his hands and gestured to the four people around him. "This world…It is the world where the winner is king, and the process and means are ultimately elaborated by the winner…Why should I abandon the favorable situation and do the one-on-one, duel contest with you? ”

    "because……"At this point, the invisible devil spoke up. "This is the meaning of the seal."

    "You said……What?The name seemed to be magical, and the look of the spirit was suddenly changed.

    "Is it not clear enough?"At this moment, the king of the emperor, standing behind the side of the spirit, suddenly received such a sentence in a cold tone.

    Hehehe.Yan Zun is laughing, "You…too young……"He shook his head and took the road to the spirit. "You have both the city and the ambition, but unfortunately…Not old enough and comprehensive. ”

    What does that mean? What do you mean by this! ”The spirit of the spirit has instinctively improved, because an emotion called "fear" has faintly risen in its heart.

    "I don't understand yet?"Invisible Magic, "Why do I appear on the battlefields of Furing and Lingkui?" Those who can tell me this information in advance…Who else? ”

    Hearing this statement, the sizzling in the brain of the spirit, a bad smell in the chest.

    In other words …At this moment, Tali Ohm still remained calm. He used his usual, hazy tone to answer. "At the same time, when we set up our office to surround the King of the King, we also laid another recalculation outside this office… …"Said, he looked at the deity, "old old…This matter, you and Yu Wang also have participation, right? ”

    "Yes," Yan Zun leisurely replied, "unarranged arrangements…We are clear in advance; on the one hand, let the spirits inspire the tiger to leave the mountain, use the knife to kill people, on the other hand…Then let the invisible devil crouch in the dark, and after the spirit has left the battlefield, he will help Fuling. ”He caressed and smiled (the image of this time is a long-haired old magician), turning his head to win the spirit, "hehe…Want to replace the position of the four-column god, where is it so easy? Take the spirit, on the road where you are crowned king…Furing is an inescapable obstacle that must be crossed. You have to rely on yourself. ”

    "Okay, don't say anything extra…There are a total of seven people here. I really want to open the fight. It’s that you have three magical churches for us, and you’re measuring them…”Two seconds later, the founder Wang took advantage of the opportunity to take the opportunity to "take the spirit, the meaning of the seal is…Whoever you and Fu Ling won, whoever can be on the throne. You have said it yourself – you want to be surrendered, the most reliable means is power. So,Use your strength to open up the future. ”

    Damn it…At this moment, the spirit of the body is trembling, and the anger is unstoppable.You count me…"

    "Okay, don't put the sin of this pair that has not been opened yet."Samodil then said a fair word to his allies, "the unconscious approach…There is also some truth. ”As he spoke, he had already retreated to the side. "It is not so easy to replace God."The status that is not paid for the corresponding price will usually not last long. ”

    "Smirk!"Justified. ”Tali Ohm also immediately showed his attitude. "Get the spirit, will you become a surpassing our existence, or will it die here…Let us witness together. ”

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