1060. Chapter 1060

    When Yuan Zhen and the martial arts people who had completed the adjustment of interest had touched the cherry tree garden all the way, they immediately saw such a scene…

    But see, a "freak" who looks like a three-pointer and a seven-pointed corpse is chasing a woman riding a tiger.

    And the tiger is also very wonderful…It has two long, long teeth that are outside the mouth, and their body shape and coat color are only seen in their lives.

    Of course, compared with the "giant eagle" and "stone bird geek" that this woman rides in the Broken Soul Gorge, this tiger is quite normal…These gangs and masters have seen countless strange things that subvert their common sense and three views today. At this moment, there is basically no setting that they can't accept…

    "Lord! look! ”Soon, someone discovered two other figures in the garden.

    The two…Nature is the seal and Cao Qin.

    "Lord, do we want to…"When a head is ready to ask if Yuan Hao is going to help.

    Yuan Meng’s master has not waited for him to finish his words and said: “No…”

    His response, although somewhat ruthless, everyone understands…After all, the level of difference is too much, even if they are on, it is likely to die in vain, and even become a burden of ignorance.

    Who knows, Yuan Zhen’s words have the following sentence: "…I, alone, you stay here. ”

    When this statement came out, everyone would cast a look of admiration.

    Then, in the crowd, there was a burst of noise. People began to say something like "Alliance of Thin Clouds", "Allies are really heroes of the world", "I have not admire anyone in this life, but I have served today". Lines…

    Yuan Zhen did not care too much. He only waited a few seconds and then answered: "You…Cao Qin’s martial arts is so high that it is difficult to understand. Although we have not seen him, but from the way of his apprentice’s “King Wang”…He is no doubt in the realm of mortals. ”He paused. "And the guy who sealed the Lord…Mmm.Everyone has seen the sword of his lady…It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairy. ”

    Speaking of this, he paused for a moment to leave some thoughts to everyone.

    "The martial arts of these two people are all in my way, even if it is Yuan…There is no confidence that they can interfere with their outcome. ”Yuan Wei answered, "But…Today, if I don't go to the pond, I will…10,000 a lord finally lost, then Cao Qin will inevitably come to deal with us, when…We are also a dead end. ”The more he said, the more dignified the look, "hey…In short, can we leave the funeral valley alive today…I am afraid I still have to look at God. ”

    After the words, he stopped in front of him and was silent for a moment.

    Later, he seemed to have made a major determination, his eyes changed…Rushed out.


    On the other hand, fifteen minutes ago…

    "Cao Gonggong, I have kept you waiting!"When he returned to Cao Qin, he first greeted him.

    "No problem, I am watching the show."When Cao Qin answered, he also turned his head and looked at the bloody gods and blood roses in the distance. "Say it…The girl and her companions seem to have the same skills as your broken swords. ”His eyes changed slightly, "You…Who is it? ”

    "If I tell you, we are all from the 'outside', or…It is 'the projection of another world'. ”Unexpectedly, he tried to return. "Are you not playing with me?"

    "Oh?"Cao Qin heard the words, squinting his eyes and meditating.

    From the perspective of NPC, his level is undoubtedly high, his strength is a unique data, and his planet is also in the main universe.

    However, in terms of the world background in which the character is located, he is only an ancient person living in the Confucian world.

    Due to the limited natural science level and knowledge of the world in which he is located, it is difficult for Cao Qin to recognize the concept of “dimension”.

    In the world of technology, even some NPCs with low education level can know this information; in those worlds with myths and magic, there is a near-omniscient "high god". exist.

    As for the world where Cao Qin is located, it is unfortunate…If NPCs here want to perceive the existence of "dimensions", then they only rely on means such as "enter the road" and "become a Buddha."

    The world is not the kind of place where it is very convenient to cultivate…There is no such thing as a martial art martial art, like what exercises, medicinal herbs, magic weapons that bring old grandfather, etc…None at all.

    I want to comprehend here, either martial arts or meditation…

    The former must be trained to the extraordinary realm before it can touch the threshold of repairing the truth; the latter is more difficult than the former…I just said that there is no special practice or medicinal medicine here, so…The practitioners did not increase their lifelong means before entering the most basic period of foundation building. Unless you are the kind of savvy, life-like Buddha-like existence…Otherwise, you should sit on the meditation and sit on the power of Buddhism…No one hundred and eighty years of life is absolutely uncertain.

    In summary, although Cao Gonggong is very strong, the "forecast projection theory" that he said is not new to him is still a new thing for him, and it is a new thing that is hard to believe…

    Interesting…Hahahaha…"After thinking about for a minute, Cao Qin laughed. "This statement…It is really hard to convince, but…If you are telling the truth, all the doubts that have troubled me so far…There is a reasonable answer. ”

    "It’s not a Cao Gonggong. With this vision, you are much better than most people in the world."I don’t know that I used to be a person who doesn’t believe in ghosts and gods. He can understand Cao Qin’s mood at this time—probably the same as when he first met Woody.

    "Wangling Town or the Forbidden City…"Cao Qin did not respond to the praise of the brother, but went on to say, "…And today…Each of you has suddenly appeared, and finally disappeared. After a long time, goodbye, it is also a change of face…Plus the exercises, techniques, and strange artifacts you use…It is not like the things of the world. ”The more he speaks the faster the speech, this is the sign that the idea has been sorted out, "…Hey, a broken sword tea, I finally understood your secret…Hahahaha…"

    Cao Qin, finally relieved…

    As I said before, people like him can accept others better than him, he is afraid…Just unknown.

    "Looks like…I should tell you earlier. ”Feng did not feel the reaction of the other party, replied, "that way…"He turned to look at the body of Lin Yan in the distance, "…Things may not go to the present step. ”

    "Do you seem to be struggling with Lin Yan's death?"Cao Qin looked at his brother and took a look.

    "To tell the truth, I don't want to kill her."Feng did not know how to say, "She is a poor person, she did not do anything wrong."His eyes are stunned, "The wrong person…It's you. ”

    “hmm…Cao Qin nodded. "You are right. I am not her benefactor, but an enemy…Destroyed her enemies for more than 40 years of life. ”

    "But, in order to complete your 'ideal'…You will not care about this level of sacrifice. ”The seal did not feel the sound of the sound.

    “Ha!Cao Qin laughed again, this time…It was a bitter smile. "How do you know that I don't care?"

    "Don't you care?"Unconsciously, his face changed slightly and he was suspicious.

    "I didn't really care."Cao Qin replied, "At least when designing to kill her mother, I didn't hesitate."

    "Later"Your thoughts have changed? ”I don’t know how to seal it.

    "Yes."Cao Qindao.

    “Why?”I don’t know how to seal it.

    "Nature is because of love."Cao Qindao.

    "You are such a person…Will there be love? ”I don’t know how to seal it.

    "I am also a human."Cao Qin said, "The human heart is long and fleshy. If you are detached, you will have love."

    "Smirk!"I thought you had already lost your heart. ”I can't help but sneer.

    “hmm…Cao Qin sighed sighingly. "It is true that I have killed many people. There are good people and bad people, and more…It is an innocent person, the so-called victim; I have been in the ruling and opposition for more than 60 years, and have done so many evils, evil…It has already exceeded anyone's imagination. In my position…If you don't forget your conscience, you may be crazy or self-sufficient. ”

    At this point, he turned his head: "At first, I thought…I have long been ruthless and unintentional. But Lin Yan changed my opinion. ”He paused for a second and answered. "Lin Yan is my big hand…She has been clever and sensible since childhood, smart and intelligent, and sincerely regarded me as a father; she did not know…I am her biggest enemy, the misfortune of her family…I have direct contact with me, even I have contributed to it. ”

    "So you gradually developed guilt."I can't feel the direct view of the other person's eyes, he can feel…Cao Qin is not acting, and there is no need to play such a play.

    "Yes, I am the one who should be guilty, not you…"Cao Qin shook his head: "Until you were killed, Lin Yan did not blame me. I was always the benefactor and righteous father who raised her in adulthood."He clenched his fist. "Even if I have no affection for her, I have at least guilt."

    Ha haI heard this, but I didn’t know it, but I laughed. "Cao Gonggong, it seems that you…It’s just that. ”

    “What?”Cao Qin heard the words and showed a different color; a feeling of uneasiness…In his heart, he is rising rapidly.

    "Do you really think that…Lin Yan does not know that the mother's death is related to you? ”I will not return immediately.

    At that moment, the look on Cao Qin’s face suddenly changed dramatically.

    "I understand it?"I don’t know if the other person is a smart person, and I will pass it all at once. "You said that she is 'snow and smart'. How could it be that I have not noticed the truth of the past for forty years?"

    WellWhy is she…"Cao Qin’s speech was actually swallowed up.

    "because……She also has love. ”Feng Shuai interrupted. "She made a choice between hatred and kindness, so…She chooses to hate me, hate someone she has never seen before, and is likely to never meet. She transferred all hatred to me so that she can live more easily, she can…Continue to regard you as a benefactor and a father. ”His tone is not very enthusiastic, but every word he said is directed at Cao Qin’s soul. "In fact, she lives very painfully, more painful than you think…To this day,

    TodayCao Qin’s eyes widened and his body began to tremble.

    "No matter what you found as a master, I found out…"Feng did not know, "When I first played against me, although Lin Yan was very excited, but…She did not actually do her best. Whether it is subconscious or deliberately worth it…What I can understand is that she is more willing to be killed than me by killing me. ”

    "Lin Yan…IAt this moment, Cao Qin also turned to look at the body of Lin Yan, "She…"

    Eh…I am dead, who else can she hate? ”I can't help but sigh.

    Cao Qin choked, he lowered his head and whispered: "It's a stupid child…"

    He finally can no longer suppress his emotions, his eyes are wet.

    For decades, Cao Qin’s face has always been indifferent or smiling. He has long forgotten the feeling that the heart’s sourness and anger can not be self-made.

    Even at the moment Lin Yan died, he only showed a brief shock and anger; he almost immediately suppressed the emotional outburst, and put on the same attitude as before.

    But at this moment, Cao Qin is almost out of control.

    "Block the Lord…Sorry, Cao is out of order…"After another silence, Cao Qin wiped his face and made a whole look and answered.

    "No matter, people's nature."I don’t know how to seal it.

    "You still remember…Are my twelve students absolutely out of school? ”In the next second, Cao Qin suddenly changed the subject.

    "What?"Feng does not know, "Cao Gonggong still want to enlighten me?"

    "No…That is not what i mean……"Cao Qin’s language has a lot of warmth and has become more like an old man and an elder. In his eyes, there is also a touch of tiredness. “I just want to…Talk to you about a deal. ”


    Time has returned to the present, Yuan Yu has made a sudden effort, and he has passed through the forest. In the blink of an eye, he has already rushed to the side of Cao Qin and Feng Shou.

    And that Cao two people…It seems that I have just agreed on something and are waiting for something.

    "Block the Lord! Yuanmou will help you! ”When Yuan Zhen approached five or six meters beside them, he squatted and pulled out the sword at the waist.

    Who knows…

    "Yuan Mengzhu, you are here."Feng Buan turned and said, "We are waiting for you."

    kindWhat?Yuan Yu heard a word, and his body shape was also a stagnation.

    The heart of Yuan Meng’s Lord immediately whispered—“No? Are these two gods allied? Is this going to destroy the world? ”

    Immediately afterwards, the question was thrown out: "Yuan Mengzhu, are you interested in…When the martial arts supreme? ”

    The tone of his question is similar to saying "Is there any interest in going out with me?"

    “Ha!Yuan Zhen is obviously not a reaction.

    "If there is, let's talk about it…"I didn’t even wait for the other party to give an answer, and then continued, “As long as you follow my arrangement, after today, you can still be your martial arts lord, and…You can also learn a few martial arts that are not inferior to the life of Xuan Gong. As for the group of rivers and lakes you brought, let me teach you how to explain to them…The custody is in place and there is no trouble. ”

    "This…"Yuan Zhen heard this, it is already a heartbeat.

    "Of course, if you don't want to listen to my arrangement…Can also do 2v2 etcAfter the rest, I couldn’t help but feel that the lazy face was instantly replaced with an evil smile. "I will join forces with Cao Gonggong…"Play with you fiercely. ”

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