1059. Chapter 1059 is glued

    In the black beard's treasure space, Wang Shouzhi lost two fine weapons. However, he also succeeded in bringing out the "treasures" from the three treasures.

    The first one is an armor, [the shadow of the death knell]; the second is a magic guide, [Wolf of the Wolf – Speed]; and its three…This is the hair gun that he took in his hand at the moment…

    [Name: Captain's Call]

    [type: weapon]

    [Quality: Perfect]

    [attack power: medium]

    [Attribute: Fire]

    [Special effect 1: Every ten minutes, a black iron projectile is automatically generated in the gun. (This effect takes effect from the time the holder enters the script world. When the number of projectiles in the script reaches three, the effect stops; When the number of projectiles is less than three, the special effects are restored)

    [Special effect 2: Shooting in the sky, summoning all the characters holding the "black iron projectile" (cooling time is ten hours, a black iron projectile must be consumed when launching; when the special effect is launched, the player needs to have reasonable and safe The foothold can be held by the summoned person; the summoned person can refuse the summoning request)

    [Equipment conditions: General Specialization A or Shooting Specialization B]

    [Remarks: This gun has repeatedly helped the captain to reverse the situation in the negotiations, and sometimes he was used to test the loyalty of the crew; one day, he was drunk and drunk, and he immediately carved a line on the gun. – Everyone ~ come over! 】

    In addition, the derivative of this gun, as well as its own article description:

    [name: black iron projectile]

    [Type: Consumables]

    [Quality: Fine]

    [Function: Acting as an ammunition or special beacon]

    [Note: The black iron projectile that was launched as an ammunition can no longer act as a beacon, and the projectile used as a beacon will disappear. 】

    In summary, this [Captain's Call] is undoubtedly the reason why rain and flowers can appear in this place in time.

    Within half an hour after the start of the script, Xiaoshen had already handed two black iron projectiles to the rain and the flowers, as for the third…Nature is the one he just made to play in the sky.

    Not long ago, when the rain was still fighting with the shackles, the flowers in the spectator battle had already been born…

    Xiao Sheng’s “missing” is actually a planned strategic induction.

    The reaction of the three of the bloody roses is the same as expected between the flowers…

    "The water of the previous sword fight was too high…Well, I have no room for intervention. ”Looking at the sea otters and the wind letters in front of the flowers, he said, "So…I simply gave up the idea of ​​intervening; I chose to believe unconditionally…Rain sister can win. ”She paused. "If I think about it, I can concentrate on thinking about other things, let's say…"

    "You deliberately let the assassin disappear into our sights, thereby putting pressure on us…"When the hyacinth heard this, it was already faintly guessing something.

    "True."The flowers replied, "In fact, Xiaoshen did not go far. He just ran to the back of the group of martial arts masters at the fastest speed…But in any case, as long as you can enter your blind spot of vision. ”She smiled and said, "Once you have the idea that the enemy has already acted, you will definitely be unable to stay."

    Saying, there are three fingers in the flower: "According to my inference, there are only three kinds of actions you can make…First, rushed into the sword to kill the team and assist the captain. In that case, this is undoubtedly the best policy…"She stunned for half a second. "Second, bypassing the killing, rushing toward me, ignoring Yuan Hao and Wu Linqun, and trying to kill me." This……It is a Chinese policy. ”

    the result…You choose the best policy. ”At this time, Xiao sigh took the words and said, "You simply turned around and left the front yard, trying to find and kill the buddy."He spread his hands, "unfortunately…This policy is also in our predictions. ”

    Hello?It is the prediction of 'I'. ”The flower rushed to sigh and sighed, and then said to the two people of Red Sakura, "In short…Our assassin, but very good at tracking; when you three go, he quickly followed. The strategy I arranged for him was – 'Don't show up, wait until the enemy attacked the moment and then launch a surprise attack' because…That timing should be the time when you are most relaxed. ”

    When she said this, Xiao Yan sighed and sighed: "Hey…Who knows, even when you are screaming, you have not revealed any flaws. I was shot and I was not able to find a chance to attack. I was in a hurry and I came up with the idea of ​​using a dog to put a smoke bomb. Helpless…You have already fired two shots before the smoke takes effect. ”

    "You can probably guess the things that follow."If the rain is cold and cold at this time, "Small sighs use a certain means to summon us in an instant, and it appears…In front of you. ”

    The three people on the front line of hell, you said a word, I said, and walked to the front of the two people in the red cherry, standing side by side.

    "Although a little unwilling…"Tie Haitang also knew that the general trend had gone, but she never gave up the meaning of resistance. "But from the situation in front of us…We seem to have been put together. ”

    “hmm…Calculated very well…"The hyacinth also received. "Even if the winner of the duel is our captain, you can rely on the means of 'summoning' teammates to form a balance between the number and the number of people. In other words …When we choose the so-called 'top policy', at most we can only form a balance with you…"

    "Oh, don't overestimate me…"Huan laughed, "I am not unaware…I can't count those more and more fine things; in the face of sudden, unexpected variables, my urgency may not be as good as a small sigh. ”She calmly responded. "In all fairness, if the rain sister loses, I really don't know what to do. Maybe it will be killed by your captain."

    "Yeah, you are already strong, like the various actions just…In fact, it has already disrupted our plan. ”Xiao sighed, "If you don't think you are powerful…The sneak attack on the BOSS was not killed, so the situation is really hard to say. ”

    "Heng!"Thank you for your compliment. ”Tie Haiyan sneered, this moment, she also slightly turned his head, made a color to his teammates, "but…We haven't given up yet…"

    The hyacinth heart will lead the gods, quietly handing into the waist side of the bag: "Yes…The line that resembles the winner to evaluate the loser…You used it too early! ”

    When the voice fell, the hyacinth was soft and slammed, and a strange piece of metal was sprinkled forward.

    "I knew it was not so easy!"The flower room is also prepared as soon as a wand, and a trick is cast.

    [name: the wall of the tide]

    [skill card attributes: active skills, permanent mastery]

    [skill category: medical]

    [Effect: Create a defense field lasting for three seconds (cooling time is ten minutes, the user can adjust the size and strength of the barrier according to his own will, but the consumption will increase with the adjustment)]

    [Consumption: At least 30 points of spiritual power]

    [Learning Conditions: Medical Specialization B]

    [Note: The spells developed by some of the high-level sprites exiled to the depths of the ocean, the caster can use the power of the ocean god to resist all tangible and intangible damage]

    At that moment, the blue-green energy wall suddenly appeared with a burst of sea tide, blocking all the metal fragments.

    However, this wave of attacks did not end there…

    Two seconds later, the metal fragments grew and became a metal insect of the size of a thumb, resembling a bee.

    Because the duration of the tide wall is only three seconds, after three seconds…This half-energy, semi-liquid barrier disappeared, so…The metal bees that soaked in water broke away from control and flew up.

    "Let me do so!"Looking at the metal bees flying around, Xiao sighs and volunteers.

    If the rain and the flowers listened to him, he would not hesitate to flash to the sides, bypassing the bee colony and rushing toward the two Red Sakura players who had already turned and fled.


    The bees flap their vibrations very fast, and the sound is very similar to the real bees, but…Their lethality is much stronger than that of real bees; if a person is "squatted" by this bee, it is not the wound that is swollen…

    The front needles of this group of metal bees are not only poisonous, but they also try to get into the wound after cutting the human skin with a poison needle…Then, like the earth boring machine, I am desperately moving forward inside the torso…Create further damage.

    By the way…This kind of [mechanical killer bee] is not a drop in the script world, nor a system reward, but something developed by Tiehaiyu with A-level equipment specialization. Although the manufacturing cost is quite high (some raw materials need to go to a specific script world to look for), it can't be mass-produced, but in this game, the hyacinth and Tiehai's body are still brought together (about twenty-five). Props to cope with such a situation.

    "It’s not too fast to fly…"

    At the glance of the electric light and flint, the king sighs that are greeted by the bees, but the heart is calm and calm.

    "If you look closely…This is not every action that is doing according to certain rules of action…"

    At the moment, in the eyes of Xiaoshen, the mechanical bees fly so slowly, he is like watching a slow-moving movie clip.

    "And, in terms of the size of these bugs, there is no need to deliberately use the sword tip of the sleeve sword to destroy it. It is also possible to directly slash it…"

    He has not noticed himself…In fact, at this moment, he is already using the power of [the soul].


    [Atel's Touch] is sheathed, and there is a piece of Jianhua, which breaks the wind.

    It took only three seconds to jump up and rush into the bee colony. It took a very precise action and killed the twenty-four bees around it very efficiently.

    "Call–" He sighed, "I didn't expect…"During the conversation, he turned his hand back to his neck.


    The last mechanical bee was stunned by the sword tip of the sleeve sword and instantly exploded.

“……So easy." Then, Xiaoshen said that he had finished talking in his mouth…


    On the other hand, the seal does not touch one side.

    "Ahhhh……Again. ”The bloody corpse of the light came out impatiently, "I am not saying that…recently……Nothing, don't you call me out? ”

    Listen to him…It seems that at some point we didn't know, he and I didn't know about it.

    Of course, as an author, I can roughly reveal the situation.

    The experience of "the god of eternal life" on the rabbit star, and the process of contacting the "six-spotted mirror magic" with the buddy…Both have had a certain impact on the blood corpse god.

    After coming to the world of the thrilling paradise, he has seen many very powerful existences, stimulated by these creatures…This "evolutionary instinct" of "singularity" has once again awakened after many years.

    Recently, he seems to be preparing to break through some kind of bottleneck, which is quite popular…It is like a "closed" of the martial arts master. Therefore, he deliberately greeted the seal, so that the latter did not bother to disturb himself. And I feel that I naturally convey this to my teammates…If this is not the case, when I was in the front yard, Huajian and Xiaoshen had already called the blood corpse out to help, so that…Red Sakura was directly destroyed at the time.

    "Yeah, let's say it."If you don’t feel it, you will reply in a lazy tone. "So you should understand…It is now 'something'. ”

    CutThe blood god is still a look of displeasedness, "Okay…"He glanced at the bloody rose ten meters away, as if he had no interest in her; then, he looked at Cao Qin, who was tens of meters away from the side. "Oh? That seems to be edible. ”

    After so many scripts, the blood corpse gods undoubtedly know how to distinguish between players and NPCs; summing up from the perspective of a foodie is…The former will turn into white light after death, while the latter can become a delicious dish.

    "The one that can eat…Or I will deal with it. ”The seal did not even take the initiative to propose to fight with Cao Qin. "Your 'the trick' (he did not tell the fear to project it) should have no effect on him, in your current situation…It may not be his opponent. ”

    "Heng!"The blood corpse god wants to say "You know that I am in poor health now, and told me to come out?"But he thought about it for a moment, but he didn't say it. He just snorted and answered. "Oh, then I will deal with this riding tiger."

    When his voice was not over, the seal was not flashing, and he rushed to Cao Qin. He rushed and sipped: "Cao Gonggong! Sorry for the waitting! ”

    "Want to run?"The blood rose sees the other side rushing out, and wants to chase after the turn.


    The tall figure of the blood corpse god suddenly flashed out…Blocked in front of her.

    "girl."The blood corpse stopped a beautiful woman, but his sight did not fall on the beauty, but looked at the other side's armpit, "Your tiger…It looks so delicious…"

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