1053. Chapter 1053 Swordsmanship (on)

    Time, a little backwards.

    And look at the entrance to the funeral mountain…

    At that time, the sky was unclear.

    In the hospital, murderous.

    Under the faint light and fog, the two singular figures are silent.

    Li Ruoyu, vying.

    This is the first time the two have officially played against each other.

    WHONot willing to lose to each other.

    "To tell the truth, I don't want to fight with you."After tens of seconds of confrontation, I took the lead and said, "Because you may be stronger than the seal."

    This sentence is not a manifestation of tactics, it is not a misleading statement, but a sensation.

    "To each other."If the rain response is short, the tone is calm.

    They all expressed their concern for their opponents, but they did not put away their own killings.

    and alsoTheir hands are always on their own blade.

    "But you have to fight…"When he said this, the vindictiveness of the whole body increased sharply again. "Then I will win."

    UnderstoodIf the rain is clear, "Would you like to use 'that' at the beginning?"

    Hearing the words, he was slightly stunned, but she quickly recovered the calm color: "Yes!"

    Good.If the rain is over, then the left hand is slightly raised, and her psionic weapon is raised – [the original water god sword], "then we will directly enter the battle of that level."

    What they said, others may not understand, but that doesn't really matter…Because people can quickly "see" what they are going to do.

    Another short silence…

    After about ten seconds, suddenly!


    A slap in the air, a certain force in the body has finally broken through the boundaries.

    This…It is her soul – [Soul Pro].

    In the "Butterfly Battle" of S1, Feng Huai had acquired this ability with special items [Bajing Xia Pill]. But at the time, this was still a force she could not fully control and play.

    However, after that game, her combat instinct has faintly remembered and inherited the shadow of some souls.

    Finally, when I reached the full level, this ability awakened as her soul…

    The effect of Soul Edition [Soul Pro] has two. One: Restore all survival, physical and spiritual values ​​at the moment of launch. Second: in the next five minutes, you can arbitrarily use the "foreign swordsman's tricks", and use these moves without consuming physical fitness.

    Compared with the item version, the Soul version removes the invincible effect of “blood, body, and spirit are infinite” when it is launched, and changes to the setting of “not sending physical strength”; correspondingly, it also deletes the soul. After the end, the player's values ​​are all 1% side effects. Of course, there is another change…Each script can only be opened once (generally, the cooldown of this type of skill in the free exploration mode is twenty-four hours).

    Other aspectsThere is nothing much to say. The power of this move has already been demonstrated in the first time when he played against the brothers.

    Seeing this, some people may be surprised that since this move also comes with the effect of "full state reply", why do you wait for a while and Li Ruoyu fights for a while and then open it?

    That's simple.Her instinct tells herself that if she does not enter the state of "Soul" at the beginning, she may not lose the opportunity to open.

    And on the other hand…

    If the rain is also at the beginning of this war, it will open the soul [limit efficiency].

    Moreover, this is the first time she has used the martial arts learned from the wind marks in the battle.

    Wind marks, magic flow sword.

    Two kinds of swordsmanship, one is calm and happy, and one is wild and crazy.

    The trace of the wind can be used to separate the two swords, but Li Ruoyu can't.

    However, if there is another way to rain…

    After getting the guidance of the wind marks in the unparalleled martial arts meeting, if the rain will integrate the learning, and carry out a lot of training in combination with the special effects of the seventh [Ming Yugong], the two masters successfully grasped the left and right hands respectively. sword……At the same time, the skills of the two swordsmanships are brought out.

    Here, by the way, if the rain now [Ming Yu Gong] has been the eighth realm, the specific effects are as follows…

    [Name: Ming Yugong (8th floor)]

    [Skill card attributes: special skills, permanent mastery, ability to improve with practice]

    Skill Type

    [Effect 1: The beginning of the magical power, the internal interest sinking] (the energy consumption rate is reduced, and it can be active for a long time under the anaerobic state)

    [Effect 2: qi go to the governor, reborn for the bones] (basic body skills increased slightly)

    [Effect 3: If the heart is clear, the sky is not shocked] (the resistance is increased when the mental system is negatively affected)

    [Effect 4: Lingfeng Treading, Stepping into Shadow] (Active Technology, let the player make a theoretically implementable limit dodge action)

    [Effect 5: with soft gram, light weight] (physical damage ability increased by 1.5 times)

    [Effect 6: Transfer the jade, the ghost is unbeatable] (Active skill, rebound the attack power of half of the active damage skill to the releaser, and release the player to the player)

    [Effect 7: Do what you want, into the microscopic environment] (perfect control of itself, so that the body can make any fine adjustments that can be achieved theoretically)

    [Effect 8: Power is inexhaustible, Xuanjin is like ice] (You can attach ice attribute to any attack skill)

    [Learning conditions: female players, level 35 or above, fighting specialization A, open the spirit specialization]

    [Remarks: The Quaternary martial arts of the Shihua Palace, the inner family is perfect. The great achievements of the gods, the power is endless, the mysterious is like ice, the youth is forever, the world is invincible. 】

    The contents in parentheses are not the instructions that come with the skills, but if the rain is grasped one by one through repeated trials and groping.

    In fact, [Ming Yu Gong]'s own skill description is only the previous part, this point…Similar to Xiaoshen’s [Revolving the God of Heaven and Earth], look at the text…I don't know what it is.

    Then, here again, we will focus on explaining the special effects of the seventh layer of Yugong [as you like, into the microscopic environment]…

    The so-called "perfect control of oneself" does not seem to be a particularly difficult thing at first glance; because the body is its own thing, control can be taken for granted.

    However, this is not the case…

    Indeed, each of us is the master of our own body, but the human body is not so easy to manipulate.

    For example…

    Ok, I know, reading this, there are definitely a lot of people who will think of some wretched things, so let me first declare that I am a man of the festival and will not write those.

    Then continue…For example…

    A more classic example is that people can't blink at the moment of sneezing.

    There is…The right wrist and the right ankle rotate clockwise and counterclockwise respectively; the tongue rotates clockwise in the mouth, and the head rotates counterclockwise; and the left hand draws a circle, the right hand draws a square…

    There are many similar examples. Some of the obstacles are derived from the physiological limitations of the nervous system, and some are due to the fact that it is difficult to perform two tasks at the same time in the same region of the cerebral cortex.

    These are just issues that most people can directly understand. andThere are also examples of body manipulation that go beyond common sense, such as "manipulating the ear", "manipulating the hair", or even "manipulating the bones", "manipulating the organs", "manipulating the blood", and so on.

    Said so much nothing more than a meaning…Controlling your body is actually very difficult.

    Then put it in the example, since the "left hand draws the circle, the right hand draws the square" is so difficult, then the difficulty of "using one set of swords in the left hand and another set of swords in the right hand" can be imagined.

    Even if it was lifted to the seventh floor, it took a long time to practice the ability of this "left and right fight".

    In summary, these two…All have the culmination of excellence, superb excellence, and…They have reached a consensus, abandon all the temptations, and directly launch the most peak contest!


    The dawn is approaching and the fog is getting thicker.

    Under the light, the war will be awkward and the sword will be double-knife.

    No more words, everything, has been clarified in the vindictiveness of the confrontation.

    The two men’s swords have not yet been handed over, and the gas field of the sword and the sword has expanded again, almost covering the radius of 50 meters.

    The players around, as well as the NPCs, can all feel the power of this stock, they have been forced to retreat more than ten feet, away from the chill.

    Finally, when the vindictiveness of both sides rose to a critical point, at the same moment, the two…Moved.

    Fast, incredibly fast, and fast-moving.

    At the moment when the sword was shot, the two figures disappeared into the sight of people almost at the same time.

    The three members of Red Sakura could not see their movements.

    Yuan Zhen and the martial arts group members who were present could not see their movements.

    Even the flowers can't see their movements…

    Among all the people present, there is only one of Wang Shou…Under the premise of opening the [Eagle Eye Vision], they can keep up with their fighting rhythm.


    In the shadow of a vague and messy sword, only the dense, quirky humming sounds were heard, but there was no sound of a half-sounding gold and iron.

    Only Xiao sigh understands…That's because the two men's soldiers are too strong, and the energy on the surface of the weapon is so repulsive that they can't touch each other.

    If the rain [Xuanyuanjian] is a tangible holy sword, its psionic weapon [the original water god sword] is an invisible sword. Neither of these weapons has specific effects or attributes specific to the player, but their attack power is strong enough. Although the [original water god sword] that has not yet fully grown up is inferior to the Xuanyuan sword in terms of strength, but with its "can not be destroyed" characteristics, it is still no less than any god soldiers.

    The double-knife is also a psionic weapon, and it is a psionic weapon that has grown up…

    Left knife:

    [name: falling flowers]

    [Type: Psionic weapon]

    [Quality: Legend]

    [attack power: extremely strong]

    [Attribute: None]

    [Special effect one: flower opening (300% killing when attack hit)]

    [Special effect 2: Hua Xie (offset 60% damage when the block is successful)]

    [Special effect three: Falling flowers fly (exclusive, double-knife combined with the move, cooling time of four hours)]

    [Remarks: People in the world are very popular. 】

    Right knife:

    [name: fly floc]

    [Type: Psionic weapon]

    [Quality: Legend]

    [attack power: extremely strong]

    [Attribute: None]

    [Special effect 1: Wind fly (100% attack speed after each attack hit, this effect lasts for 10 seconds, up to three times)

    [Special effect 2: flocculation (50% moving speed after each block success, this effect lasts for six seconds, up to four times)

    [Special effect three: Falling flowers fly (exclusive, double-knife combined with the move, cooling time of four hours)]

    [Remarks: A smile in the world. 】

    The effects of these two weapons are even more amazing, whether it is against players or monsters…As long as it is a melee fight, it can exert extremely terrifying power.

    If the rain does not open the "extreme efficiency", it is really difficult to cope.

    However, if the rain has extreme efficiency, there is also a soul in the air…

    After a 30-second speed attack and defense, the two found…So far, the battle has been quite equal.

    Maybe in the first ten seconds, if the rain is more advantageous, but when the two effects of [Flying] gradually add up, the situation will be saved.

    But, so…Still can't tell the difference.

    If the rain knows the existence of [Soul Pro], she will only ask when she sees the tricks, "Would you like to use 'that' at the beginning?"

    However, I don’t know the specific information of [extreme efficiency]. After all, there is no such thing in her team that can see through the enemy data, so…She does not know how long this "extreme" state of rain can last, and how it changes.

    In this case, it can undoubtedly play more positively if you can only open the five-minute soul.

    So, when the battle went to the 31st second…The first move has changed.

    "Rotary dance.Day

    In fact, it is a person who likes the name of the newspaper. In fact, the studio also has regulations for them in this respect…In view of the fact that this behavior can enhance the value of fashion, the studio encourages players to fight…Can report to the newspaper.

    Of course, this kind of thing is a matter of opinion. Some people report that the name of the move is mad, cool, and cold.But some people appear to be ashamed or even wretched when they report it.

    To say where the standard is…Look at the face in seven points, look at the temperament in three points…

    In short, in the situation where the conventional confrontation has no fruit, the goddess of the florist has taken the lead in seeking change.

    See this scene, if the rain says how to say it…

    "Magic sword…"If the rain is explained by the action, I will also report the name of the move, "…SwordWeeping rain. ”

    Even if she is doing this kind of secondary school, she can reveal a kind of high coldness, which is not easy.

    "The mark of the wind…"And the two sets of swords that she has left and right hands, are still two different moves, "…The wind is easy to trace. ”

    When the two voices fell, the moves were also intertwined.

    That second, the vindictiveness of the collision was actually the sound of screaming like a thunder.

    The intertwined energy is also a beautiful streamer.

    After the break, but see…

    The two figures are wrong, apart from each other…At this point in the battle, the figure of the two was still stagnant for the first time.

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