1052. Chapter 1052 Mission

    "You seem to…Feel guilty. ”Looking at the slow-opening of the seal, Cao Qin said indifferently.

    "No, I am just not worth it for her."After the seal was fixed, Cao Qin cast a cold gaze. "As a chess piece, her life has been too heavy and sad."

    Piece?Cao Qin slowly said these words, and then smiled, "Block the Lord…There seems to be nothing in this world that can win your eyes. ”

    "Now, Lin Yan is dead, can you always tell me the ins and outs of things?"I don’t know what to do next.

    "Can it be…"Cao Qindao, "But…Is that really necessary? ”

    "Cao Gonggong has a wonderful plan and a far-reaching layout. If you don't find someone who can understand you, say this…"I don’t know what to say, "Isn’t it a pearl?"

    "Smirk!"AlrightCao Qin smiled.

    After he paused for a few seconds and sorted out his thoughts, he said: "This is…I have to start from the year of the spirit of the sword. ”

    "Fang, listen to your ears."Feng Jie did not pick up.

    Cao Qin nodded and continued: "In those days, the sword was on the rise, and the world was shocked. Lin Chang and Jin Yiwei commanded the collusion of Qian Qian, and it was undoubtedly introduced into the ears of the Emperor. The emperor thought that this matter should be taken as a warning, not to be despised…If the forces of the rivers and lakes and certain forces in the DPRK secretly form a party, they will soon become a force that no one can control, and even pose a threat to the imperial power. ”He tweeted for half a second and answered. "So…In the near future, a long-term, heavy mission fell on my shoulders. ”

    So it isFeng did not ask, "has started since then…"

    Cao Qin did not respond to his words, but then wrote: "In order to achieve this mission, I need two pieces, one of them…It is a person who has a martial art to win the world and listen to me; the second…It is a person who is ambitious, persevering, and who knows how to seize opportunities. ”

    "It is Lin Yan, and Yuan Wei."Feng Jie did not pick up.

    "Smirk!"Cao Qin smiled and didn't answer. He said it himself. "It takes time to train the first person. Fortunately, the most important thing for me is time. Since there is no shortage of time, the next thing to be determined is the candidate. ”He paused, "Lin Yan…It is a perfect candidate. ”

    “It’s easier to control a little girl like that?”Feng Shuo said coldly.

    "It's not as easy as you think, but…I am indeed successful. ”Cao Qin quite proudly returned a sentence.

    Then, Cao Gonggong untied the hip flask hanging from the waist, and then took a sigh of relief and said: "After Lin often died, his widow with his bereaved son was driven out of Yefu. I sent the spy of the East Factory to stare at her for a few years in the dark, and wanted to see if she could find out the secrets of martial arts from Lin Chang. the result…I didn't find 'too imaginary big law', but…My spy unexpectedly discovered that Lin Chang’s daughter was a brilliant wizard. ”

    When it comes to this, Cao Qin also subconsciously glanced at the body of Lin Yan: "I have waited for five years, I feel that time is almost…So he sent someone to release a message saying that Lin Chang’s widow was hiding in a small town with the secret of her husband’s peerlessness.

    Sure enough, after half a month, some rivers and lakes that smelled the smell were tempted.

    That night, I crouched in the darkness, waiting until they had killed Lin Yan’s mother alive, and then rescued the hoe.

    Since then, I have become her righteous father. ”

    "And then you sold me out of the house?"Unexpectedly inserted a sentence.

    Interesting…Seal the Lord, you have to understand. ”Cao Qin said, "If people want to grow up, they must have motivation. The mother’s death is really great for her, but the murderer has been solved on my own; I have never thought about it…Deliberately let a few people leave, let them become the revenge goal of Lin Yan's future. But to be honest…That class of goods is simply not qualified. With Lin Yan’s qualifications, they can be revengeed before they are ten years old. ”

    So…My 'killing the enemy' is the best choice. ”Feng Jie did not pick up.

    "She is seeing her martial arts now."Cao Qin extended his hand and gestured to the corpse on the other side. "You should feel honored to seal the Lord…Without you, there would be no Lin Yan today. ”

    "You still go to talk about your mission."I didn’t feel that I hadn’t turned my head to look at Lin Yan’s eyes. I just looked at Cao Qin and talked with her in a less friendly tone.

    "After more than a decade, Lin Yan's martial arts can be described as a thousand miles. Her savvy is extremely high. Since she was six years old, she has built a foundation with her life.By the time he was eighteen, there were not many characters in the martial arts who could stand shoulder to her. ”Cao Qin said, "And most importantly, she is very obedient…In contrast to hatred, she is grateful to me for this 'savior' and 'teacher'. As long as it is the task I let her perform, she will not hesitate to complete. ”

    "If I didn't guess wrong…"阎王', was it born at that time? ”I didn’t know what to ask.

    CorrectCao Qin replied, "The existence of the funeral heart valley, and the legend of the 'King of the King', 'the immortality'…It's all part of the plan. ”He drank another drink and looked at his gaze with a weird look. "You should be able to understand that the practice of youthfulness is not a 'wu' but a 'dao'. “What about me?”It’s just that when I’m over 50 years old, Lin Yan’s occupies my light…In order to keep her young and to show her "not old", I will pass on some of her Xuan Dao skills every year, and instruct her to meet with all the residents of the funeral valley every month and let them be a witness. ”

    "But doing this…Is it different from real longevity? ”Feng Jie did not pick up.

    "Nature is different."Cao Qin said, "Have you seen it before…Once the skill is dissipated, her body will multiply aging. ”

    "to be honest……You are overdrafting her life in advance. ”I don’t know how to seal it.

    "I am also very helpless…After all, Taoism is different from martial arts, and it is not something that her age can easily build. ”Cao Qin raised his hand. "In order to make her face look old, this is the only way."

    WellAnd what happens when we moved on?I didn’t want to listen to this again, he asked another question.

    Cao Qin also calmly said: "Twenty-one years ago, the things in the funeral valley have basically settled down. I think the time is ripe and I start looking for the second piece. ”He looked up at the cherry tree around him and seemed to remember what happened. "That year, it was the first year of Shengping, after the emperor died, Prince…That is, the emperor of today is just ascending the throne. It was a period of murder, and there was a rush of blood in the middle of the country.

    In the ten months of that year, I was racking my brains to a group of people who stood in the wrong team and sent them to the execution ground.

    Until the twelfth lunar month, I had some free time, turned into a fortune teller, went to the rivers and lakes and walked away…"

    "It was at that time that you selected Yuan Hao."Feng Jie did not pick up.

    "Smirk!"Cao Qin said, "It can also be said that Yuan Hao himself has found me."He took another drink and said again, "It is a coincidence that he met with him. At first I thought that he didn't meet my requirements very well, because he was really mediocre and his age was not too small; but then I found out…For this reason, he is the best candidate – the more clearly a person realizes his mediocrity, the more he knows the value of opportunity. Again…Yuan Zhen himself has half a set of life Xuan Gong in hand, but also saved me a lot of trouble. have to say……This is the opportunity. ”

    "At this point…Both pieces are buried. ”I don’t know how to seal it.

    "Also."Cao Qin laughed. "I will do it later…Just wait, waiting for the opportunity to arrive. ”

    "And the emperor…I chose the timing for you. ”Feng Jie did not pick up.

    "What do you seem to know?"Cao Qindao.

    "I knew from the beginning that behind this incident, the emperor was pushing hands."Come back, "I want to…Is he not at risk? ”

    "Hahaha!"Cao Qin laughed, "Great."

    "There is nothing powerful, very simple reasoning."Feng did not know, "If the emperor really wants to find 'the technique of longevity', directly ask you that the more lively and younger the East Factory is, why bother to find what '阎王'…"He paused. "In addition, after listening to your explanation, I can basically confirm…The king's things, as well as the mission of the emperor, the current emperor also knows all. It can be seen from this that the so-called "seeking surgery" mission actually has another purpose…"

    "It’s easy to chat with the main buddy~" Cao Qin nodded. "You are right…This trip is actually a 'cleansing' mission. ”When he said this, his look became a little more serious. "Today's holy year is already high. There is only one young child under the knee, and there is no official prince. And Jin Wang Zhu Zhiyu…The age of the year is just right, and the morality of the people is also quite high. Although he himself has not moved any thoughts, he wants to push him…And there are not a few people who can take advantage of this.

    Those civil servants are easy to handle, I have a hundred ways to kill them; but Jin Yiwei, the capital of the capital, the ban, even those in my factory…It is not so well handled. ”

    "At this moment, should these people be dead?"I didn’t feel that I saw the bodies in the villa, so I guessed one or two.

    Interesting…But of course!Cao Qindao, "This trip to the heart of the funeral, I have put together the most killings…It can be solved once, it is very worry-free. ”

    "What mission did the Emperor give you?"I asked if I couldn’t help.

    "That's ……"Cao Qin’s look changed slightly. “I used the technique of 'Longevity' as a bait, and led Yuan Hao to lead many martial arts people to gather here. I wanted to let them and Lin Yan’s trained people in the Valley fight for both sides…The homeopathic martial arts of the Central Plains martial arts will be wiped out at one time. ”He paused for two seconds and said again. "After that, I just need to let Lin Yan go to the martial arts to open a sect…For up to three years, she can dominate the rivers and lakes. ”

    "So one…Rivers and lakes have become the things in your palm. ”Feng Jie did not pick up.

    "No…It is the object of the emperor's palm. ”Cao Qindao, "…I am just a person who does things. ”

    "Let's talk to you…"Feng does not know, "but…Now Lin Yan is dead. ”

    "Yeah, she is dead."Cao Qindao.

    "Who will do this martial arts supreme?"I don’t know how to seal it.

    Interesting…Anyone can, anyway, you can't. ”Cao Qin smiled.

    “Why?”I don’t know what to ask.

    "Because you are an uncontrollable person."Cao Qindao, "Even me…I am also afraid of you. ”

    SoFeng did not tell the other party to say.

    SoCao Qin finished drinking the last bite in the pot. "You'd better die here."

    "I thought we were friends."I don’t know how to seal it.

    "We do have friendship, if possible…I don't want to kill you either. ”Cao Qin said, "But for my ideals, I must kill you."

    To-BeUnexpectedly, I showed a dead fisheye. "You are a person who is entering the road and still working hard for the court. I will not vomit…"He laughed twice, "but…Do you actually say that you have an ideal? ”

    Yes, Cao Qin certainly has an ideal.

    As mentioned before, he is a transcendent person.

    It is indifferent to him to be famous for his richness and richness.

    He has already had the invincible martial arts in the world.

    Beautiful beauty…This is not to mention.

    In short, the things that most people in the world are pursuing are not what they are pursuing.

    Of course, Cao Qin still has an ideal.

    What he considers is not so much a personal "ideal" as it is a "idea."

    "Confucianism is confusing, and Xia is banned by martial arts."Cao Qin’s voice suddenly became high and his eyes became very fierce. “In a word…In order to put an end to party struggle. Only by unifying the rivers and lakes can there be no more so-called 'river lakes' in the world.

    It is easy to kill people, and it is difficult to make a heart. The funeral valley is not only a person but also a heart.

    I said that……I have time, even if I spend another 50 or 100 years, I will finish it all.

    On the day of my success, my Da Ming Jiang Shan will be able to carry out a long time and a good fortune. ”

    "Good~ Ah~ it’s very good."I couldn’t help but put my hands in my pocket and said, "But it’s really time, you yourself…Doesn't it become a heresy that must be removed under this system? ”

    "This…this…"You don't have to worry about it…"Cao Qin said, throwing away the jug on his hand and exposing the inside.

    At that moment, the surrounding cherry blossoms collapsed like snow, and the mist of the sky swirled like a whirlpool.

    The dawn of dawn is also just falling from the sky at this time…

    For many years, this is the first time Cao Qin has exercised with a serious attitude. Because he knows…This opponent in front of him is worth doing.

    "The Lord is not required to be polite."In the chaotic flower, Cao Qin’s palm was turned up one by one. “You and I are fighting today, life and death are from heaven, no regrets!”

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