1050. Chapter 1050 has no choice

    Jiao Yan exports, the palm of the hand.

    Lin Yan made the…It is a kind of palm that has never been seen in the rivers and lakes. Its palms are like smoke and clouds, and there are nowhere to escape.

    However, attacks that ordinary people can't avoid can be avoided if they don't know.

    The way he ducks is also very simple…Just down the road, I came to a free fall…Dropped outside the wall.

    Fuck that, man.Was it useful to leave the wall without leaving the door? ”

    "I thought he was just like a slap in the air, purely to make a debut at a high place…"

    ActuallyNot necessarily, maybe his intention is just to be handsome, this time is just a random response…Just used the terrain. ”

    Who knows?Are you sure that these are not in his calculations? He is crazy…"

    "Yeah."That is madness…"

    In the eyes of the audience watching the live broadcast, it is obvious that there is some demonization in the audience. No one guesses what he is thinking, and no one can say clearly whether his every move is casual or early calculation…In a sense, it’s a nightmare for professional analysis teams.

    "Cao Gonggong, I can't understand this~" After a few seconds, the sound of the unconscious sounded from the outside of the courtyard; this time, he walked in directly from the gate and walked along. "In the past, I met Lin Chang, you. But it’s also working…Could it be…Have you concealed this from Lin girl? ”

    "What do you think?"Cao Qin smiled and asked.

    “hmm…You don't seem to need to do this…"Unexpectedly, he walked over from the group of martial arts masters who were meditating and he continued to talk with Cao Qin.

    "That's right, no need…"Cao Qin answered. "On the first day of seeing Lin Yan, I told her everything that happened in the town of Cangling, including the cause and effect of the whole thing, and what her father did. RemainingGive it to her own judgment. ”

    "This is strange…"At this time, I went to the front of the crowd and stood beside the teammates and Yuan Zhen. "Since you know everything…"He looked at Lin Yan and asked, "Why don't you look for Cao Gonggong to seek revenge?"

    "The righteous father is only performing his duties, and…He did not directly deal with his father. ”Lin Yan replied, "Hands…It’s your broken sword tea. ”During the speech, she turned her eyes to Yuan Hao and the masters of all the gangs. "And my father and my family are forced to go astray…It is this group of so-called 'Wulin Orthodox, Heroes.' ”

    When talking about the last eight words, Lin Yan’s tone was marked with irony and grievance. Her "hate" is not pure, but her hatred for these people…Also with a strong contempt.

    “Ha! Hahahaha…"After hearing the words, Feng did not feel a little silent for half a second, then…Laughter

    Friends who are familiar with Jue know that this kind of laughter is the signal that logic is coming…

    "It's a joke!"I couldn't help but akimbo, and sighed at Lin Yan. "According to your statement, I didn't shoot you directly." He spread his hands. "You are being used by one of my clients." Killed, shut me up?"

    "You said that your hacker killed, how can it not be your business?"Lin Yan asked.

    Nonsense She is her, I am me, who is going to kill you who is going to go~" Fengshou will cross his hands on his chest, and he is very sorrowful. "This is clearly posed…For example, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the court, and one of them is a traitor. Of course, it is to arrest him. Do you go to the general to ask for a crime because of a small crime? ”

    "you……"Lin Yan wants to refute, but she can't find any loopholes in this sentence for a while, so she can only drink, "…This is not the same thing at all! ”

    "Then you are talking about how different ways?"I didn’t know what to ask.

    "This…"Lin Yan’s face was red, and the more she was anxious, the more she couldn’t say why, but in desperation, she could only pick up. “Then you said…Who was the one who killed me? ”

    "died."I didn’t want to think about it when I didn’t want to go back. It’s like I’ve waited for the other person to ask. “It’s been forty years, and people are already dead.”

    "No way?"Lin Yan answered. "Do you think that I don't know how the martial arts of your broken swords and teas have the effect of youthfulness?"

    "Yeah, yes."Feng did not feel nodded, "But I did not say that she is old and dead? Can't people have an accident? ”

    What a load of balderdash! Who will believe you! ”Lin Yan angered.

    "You love it or not."Unexpectedly, he looked at Cao Qin again. "Cao Gonggong, you can testify. Among the few hackers I brought, can I have the little girl?"

    “hmm…Cao Qin’s attitude is always calm and objective. “There is no such thing.”

    "You see, no."Feng did not feel stunned and took the lead.

    "She is not here, it doesn't mean she is dead!"Lin Yan said again.

    "Well ~" Feng shrug shrugged. "You have to say that she is still alive, then I have nothing to argue with you…This vast land, the ends of the earth…You have the ability to find it yourself, right…Do you want me to give you the whole portrait? ”

    Unjustifiably!Lin Yan’s anger is unstoppable. “You shameless, when you are in trouble, push the responsibility to a dead person…What is a hero? ”

    "We are telling the truth now, not about my character."Feng did not know, "I will not say that I am a hero," he said. He smiled and said to Lin Yan. "No one said that I am a hero. Do you not say that I am a shameless person?" ?"That's how he is. People say that he can say three sentences at once, and he can still be justified. "But even if I am a shameless person, you have to figure out something…You are not killing me. ”

    Damn it…Lin Yan is a slap in the face. She is really an enemy in her words. "Whether or not you kill, I want you to die today!"

    When a person’s obsession is deep enough…Right and wrong, true and false…It is no longer important to her.

    Forty years of hate, forty years of persistence, that desire for revenge, accompanied by Lin Yan for a lifetime. To deny this now, it is equal to her entire life.

    Therefore, she was unable to be convinced from the beginning…

    It’s natural to know this, he said these things…In fact, it is only to disturb Lin Yan’s mood, so that the BOSS he is destined to face becomes better to deal with some.

    "Yuan Mengzhu!"When the battle will start, I will not be able to say aloud, "Make sure my hackers can help!" I am going to deal with you! ”

    After all, I feel that my brother is in a hurry…Ran.

    His actions have always been so unexpected. In this situation, he did not escape to the vast space outside the villa, but instead ran to the interior of the funeral mountain villa.

    I didn’t feel so decisive and so slick…Don't look back.

    Lin Yan…I really went after him. She is like a moth that rushes to the flames. Even if she knows that the other person is leading herself to chase, she is not turning back.

    "Heng!"I will let you succeed…"Two seconds later, the first reaction came to her, and she immediately turned and walked out, trying to chase the two.


    At that moment, a figure flashed like an electric light.

    An icy, real-life killing immediately opened up, blocking the path of enthusiasm.

    "Sorry,"If the rain surface sinks into the water, look at the few meters in front of you, "I can't let you go."

    The footsteps of the hustle and bustle, stop here…

    In just one moment, she knew…The people in front of us will not let themselves succeed in the past.

    "This is something between me and the seal."It’s like watching the rain, and screaming.

    "I am standing between you now."If the rain's answer is quite subtle.

    "He owes me a victory."It’s awkward and confusing.

    "Sure.If the rain says, he has put his hand on the hilt, "…So I will come back for him. ”

    Their communication is very brief, and even let others hear the clouds, but the two parties themselves seem to have reached a certain consensus…

    In the next second, two shocking gas fields exploded and formed a confrontational trend.

    Sword, cold, sly, sinking.

    Knife, Ling, Li, Lie.

    When people came back to God, the range of more than ten meters around them was covered in a gas field, as if even a fly or a leaf could not enter this range.


    After the interest rate, a dead leaf that fell suddenly fell into the sword and killed it. The sound of being shredded by the invisible gas field also opened the prelude to this sword…


    On the other hand, the heart of the funeral mountain.

    It’s quite fast to seal it, maybe a lot of people have forgotten it (I didn’t forget it, really), and one of the special effects of “Twilight” is “double the limit running speed”.

    Therefore, it took only three minutes to complete, and he ran a few kilometers away from the bend and came to the depths of the villa.

    The area of ​​the funeral mountain villa is quite large, not counting the king himself…Each of her maids also has their own house, as well as many functional buildings or boundaries, such as kitchens, book houses, alchemy houses, weaving workshops, and even hot springs…These are all built within the scope of the villa.

    In addition, there are many different courtyards and gardens (but no farmland or pasture), because the farming and herding of the Heart Valley is done by those who live in the village, who regularly send the crops and slaughtered fresh animal meat to the villa, and the design of each courtyard is a masterpiece.

    Right now, wherever you are, you will find a cherry tree garden.

    “hmm…Running so far, it should be almost the same. ”Finally, under the white sakura, it was stopped and fled.

    Lin Yan also chased the vicinity in a few seconds, and jumped to the front of the buddy, and stood up against it.

    Why? Bring me here…Any intention? ”Lin Yan’s unclear deceit was also heard, so Zhang mouth asked.

    "Smirk!"I couldn’t help but smile. "Reassured, I have no conspiracy. I will lead you here because…Although your martial arts is high, it is obviously not as good as Cao Gonggong. If I play with you directly, it will inevitably affect the people around me. ”

    "Block the Lord…It’s really hard work. ”Lin Yan went all the way, and the previous anger also subsided a lot. At this moment, she sneered coldly. "But if you are pretending to be a big man, is it late?"

    “Ha! There are only you and me here, I have something to wear. ”Feng Jie spread his hands and said, "Is it for you?" What do I figure? ”

    "Maybe I will spare you for your 'righteousness'?"Lin Yan answered.

    "Smirk!"Do you believe this yourself? ”Feng did not smile and asked.

    "Smirk!"Lin Yan also smiled and sneered. "Okay…I doubt that.

    "Since I haven't been able to convince you with 'facts', it's a joke to use 'Benevolence' to touch you."I didn’t feel it suddenly, but I’m imagining…After your father's death, your family will experience a rather tragic change. I am also very clear about…Despair and sorrow will lead to the darkness of the human heart, and the irony is…The darkness that inhabits the heart can often make people stronger. ”

    Jue Ge said that this plausible two-word is very infectious. He can even make those who do not meet his description produce a kind of "诶? I seem to be like this. The illusion.

    "I don't know how you have identified 'killing the seal and avenging the father' as the goal of life."After stopping for two seconds, I stopped and said, "But I think…When you have identified this, you have lived a lot easier. This idea has become the way you vent, the motivation to live, and the strong roots. ”He looked at Lin Yan indifferently, as opposed to his four eyes. "Today, you are strong enough, your mind is mature enough, and you still have peerless martial arts…In this way, you naturally have other flaws. ”He raised his arm and made a "please" gesture. "It's time to erase the word 'vengeance' from your heart…Kill me, you can start the next stage of life. ”

    At this point, Lin Yan’s look has changed.

    After a moment of silence, she spoke again: "If you say this to make me shake…you made it. ”

    "Smirk!"I don’t know how to laugh.

    However,Lin Yan said, his eyes are stunned. "Even if you are right, I have no choice!"

    After the speech, she was in a shape to break through the sound barrier and attacked the seal!

    Lin Yan has been a true biography of Cao Qin since childhood, and she has countless achievements. In addition, her own talent is also a rare encounter in a hundred years. Its martial arts repair is high, and I am afraid that only Cao Qin can give it to the right.

    This time, she tried her best to attack, speed…It was actually three points faster than the singer!

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