1049. Chapter 1049, 拈花,酒酒余杯

    The darkest moments before dawn, the light and fog in the funeral valley also dimmed a bit.

    After a night of killing, countless people have been buried in the valley forever.

    ButDu win, still not dead.

    He escaped from the Broken Soul Gorge and came to the front of the funeral mountain villa.

    However, waiting for him here…It is also a scene of blood flowing into the river.

    At this moment, the gate of the funeral mountain villa is open, from the threshold to the gate, to the courtyard of the villa, but wherever it is…Can see the body.

    Most of the bodies were fully armed court officers and men, and some were servants or dressed in flying fish suits. But to say the most eye-catching…I am afraid that there are still a few old corpses.

    Du Win is very clear, these old women who serve the king of the king, each is a master. They have been with the king for many years and have received more guidance than all the people in the valley. Among them, the worst martial arts, they can also rival the top leaders of the rivers and lakes.

    However, it is such a group of people who are now dead here with the officers and men…

    What happenedDu Win’s three views have been repeatedly refreshed several times in the past few hours. Compared with the shocks that Yuan Hao, Hong Ying’s team and Feng Shou brought him, his reaction to this scene seems to be somewhat It is dull.

    "Oh ?" Is there still a living here…"Suddenly, a soft voice was introduced into the ears of Du Ying.

    The moment when Du Ying heard the words, he only felt that the blood in his body was cold, because the place where the sound was heard was in the place behind it.

    “Who”Du win suddenly turned around, and it was like a bird of surprise.

    Then he saw Cao Qin.

    "Oh, it’s Du Win."Cao Gonggong looked at his face. "Are you escaping from the Broken Soul Gorge?"

    "You…u don't remember meDu wins involuntarily retreats. He doesn't know why, he actually instinctively feels fear. "Is these people killed by you?"

    "This seat, Cao Qin."Cao Qin carried his hands and replied indifferently. "These people…Some are killing me, some are not. ”

    "This…this…"What happened here? ”Du Ying asked in a hurry, and at the same time, he had secretly urged the real yuan to prevent the other party from making any unfavorable actions.

    "Does it really necessary for a person who is about to die to know so much?"Cao Qin was cold and cold.

    "Even if you want to die…"Du win tried his best to control his breathing and screamed back. "You can die to understand…It's always good.

    “hmm…Cao Qin heard the words and nodded. "It makes sense."He paused. "I am also a generation of masters, and when I am old, I will satisfy your last wish."

    Du Ying listened to this, and did not respond, but silently waited for the other party to say.

    Cao Qin thought for a few seconds and then he said: "Chang Wei, killed Zhu Zhixuan; then, the seven masters of the court, and killed Chang Wei; then, I and the king went to kill the seven masters, but they Scattered into the villa, and called the soldiers outside the door. So, I, the king, and the maids in this villa, took a lot of trouble and killed all these people. ”

    "you……"Although Du Ying listened to the whole thing, but did not understand the cause, his face was still amazed. "Who are you?"

    "He is like my father, my teacher."

    The person who answered this question turned out to be the king…

    At this time, her figure also appeared in the courtyard in front of this door, and her costume was exactly the same as Cao Qin…A plain robes wrapped around her enchanting figure; on her waist, a jug was hung.

    "What?"Du Win simply did not believe in his own ears. He thought that the cultivation of the king was unparalleled in the world, but he did not expect that today he listened to the king and said such things.

    So,Are you dead now? ”Then, Cao Qin asked.

    "I …Du Win did not answer Cao Qin’s question because he only had time to say a word and his head left his neck…Came to the hands of the king.

    It was a slender, white jade hand and a deadly hand…This hand may be deadly than any weapon in this world.

    "Four girls, you have been there for a long time, why not come out and talk?"Two seconds later, Cao Qin suddenly turned and screamed at the corner of the courtyard.

    There, there is nothing left. However, after Cao Qin finished this sentence, a layer of optical barrier suddenly disappeared, revealing the figure of the Red Sakura.

    "Since I have been discovered by two people, then I might as well blunt…"This time, Huaiqiu did not let the blood rose to negotiate, but directly said, "First…Are you even killing us? ”

    "That depends on a few attitudes."The king said, raising his hand to signal the body all over the place. "You guys…My maids are all dead, but I don’t know…Are the four girls interested in serving me? ”

    "If the negative answer is equivalent to death, then we may not be able to refuse."Go back and talk.

    Interesting…Why do you have such an unpleasant look? ”The king smiled, and the smile was so fascinating. "You should be happy, in fact…You are so lucky. ”She put on her sleeves. "In the past few years, my maids were also well-fed, but they didn't have any real good days; but from now on, they are different…Since today, I am the martial arts supreme. After you go out with me, you will have an infinite wealth. ”

    Just as she finished talking, and when she was still not responding, suddenly!

    "Wu? forest to Zun

    A sturdy, resounding voice, coming from the sky…

    The voice repeated the four words in a word and with obvious doubts and ridicule.

    CA: There's no question.There is only one person in the entire script who has the ability (the effect of amplifying the pocket watch) and who is interested in doing it.

    "Heng!"This is fun. ”Cao Qin closed his eyes and chuckled and whispered a comment.

    The next second, the unseen figure appeared on the towering courtyard wall of the villa. AlthoughThe gate is just a few meters away and it is still open.

    "This uncle is here! Who dares to claim to be the martial arts supreme? ”After he appeared, he came back with a sneer, and he did not put anyone in his eyes.

    At this time, Yuan Hao, the Hell Frontline Team, and the martial arts group hoists all passed through the village outside the villa and came to the gate of the villa.

    Hearing the comments of the brother, the look of Yuan Meng’s master became quite awkward; it is reasonable to say…As the martial arts lord, Yuan Hao is the person who is most qualified to say that sentence, but this kind of words…How could he say that he can export. However, he could not clarify that he was arrogant in his speech. After all, this kid is standing on his own side, and the martial arts are unfathomable. It is unwise to conflict with him at this time.

    Therefore, Yuan Hao can only pretend that he did not hear, and quickly transferred the topic: "Hey! Don't be your spring and autumn dream! ”He shouted loudly. "Today's heroes gather here, and you will never let you give the longevity to the DPRK…"

    When the word "court" came to his mouth, he just saw the body of the officer in front of the court, which made him swallow the second half of the sentence.

    "Say, why don't you say that?"The king looked at him, and the heads of the various factions behind him, and his eyes flashed with obvious hatred. "Do you want to say that I collude with the court, and then let me give you the longevity?"

    "Heng!"Yuan Yu’s big sleeves swayed and snorted. “Even if you haven’t colluded with the court, it’s true that you’ve been hiding the villains on the rivers and lakes over the years, like a scum like you…”

    "shut up!"At this moment, the king screamed and broke the words of Yuan Zhen.

    Time, the power of the sky, the spread of killing and sound waves…

    The four people of the Red Sakura team were also unlucky. Because they were close, they were inexplicably attacked by this sonic attack and lost 20% of their survival.

    The four men in the Hell Frontline team were a little far away, but they were not spared this AOE attack, and they lost about 15% of their blood.

    Of course, compared with the martial arts group players, the players are lucky…Because their power system is not based on the "internal force", this trick did not cause them full damage; they ate…It’s just the “sound wave” part of the damage, but actually…Another part of the damage based on "internal force resonance" is the most terrible.

    After drinking, in addition to the eight players, Cao Qin and Yuan Hao, the other people present were all shocked by the blood of the king, and they all fell down.

    These people, or the well-known rivers and lakes, or the masters of the famous school, there are young and promising martial arts wizards.

    Of course, none of these people can take advantage of this move.

    Although no one was killed on the spot, the internal injuries caused by this move made it impossible for them to stand up.

    This drink…Seemingly simple and rude, in fact, it contains incomparable and profound martial arts. Let’s not talk about the players, just talk about the martial arts people in this world…In order to prevent this trick, you must do two things – one, with more than 20 years of general internal force of martial arts, and the other, to sense and judge the mystery of the move at the moment of the other party's move. And immediately use his internal force to create a barrier inside the body, covering his main organs.

    Only by doing these two things can we complete the defense of this move, otherwise…

    "Smirk!"Yu Wang looked at the martial arts people who immediately began to meditate after falling to the ground. They sneered out, "What is the hero?"Are you also a hero? ”Said, she moved her eyes to Yuan Hao, "It is your chess piece…Also known as personal belongings. ”

    "Yeah, about this…I am also quite surprised. ”Cao Qin answered.

    "what are you guys saying……Who is the chess piece? ”Yuan Zhen’s forehead has been cold and sweaty. The martial arts repairs that the King’s attack just showed have made him almost desperate. If there are four co-channels with “tears of tea”, he’s in all likelihood. To surrender.

    "I don't understand, right?"Cao Qin smirked at him and said five words. Then, he suddenly changed his voice and changed the scorpion into a state of hoarseness. "That said me…Do you understand? ”

    "You!"For a moment, Yuan Hao’s spirit…It was forced to the edge of the crash.

    Because he knows that voice, it is a voice that he can never forget.

    "You…you are……"Yuan Zhen’s body and voice are shaking and shaking.

    "Yes, I am the nephew of fortune telling."Cao Qin carried his hands and looked at Yuan Yu calmly. "And you…It was a piece of chess that I buried in the rivers and lakes more than 20 years ago. ”

    "No…ImprobableYuan Zhen said with amazement, "You and I are just encountering…If I don't come to you fortune telling, you can't find that there is a life in my body! ”

    "Yes, you and I are really encounters."Cao Qin replied, "But you have to understand…With or without that encounter, the result is the same. ”He stunned for half a second. "In addition to the 'Destiny Xuan Gong', 'the one that can dominate the martial arts', I know at least twelve kinds; ten of them…I can teach it to others at any time. In other words …As long as I think, it is very easy to foster a martial arts lord. What I need…It’s just a person who knows how to cherish the opportunity, and the time of ten years or so. ”

    Hearing here, Yuan Zhen’s psychological defense line was completely broken, he realized that…The cultivation and calculation of this person in front of him is no longer the realm that mortals can reach; no matter what he does, he knows what he is doing…It is futile in front of this person.

    "Cao Gonggong, which one of you sang, can you explain it to us?"At this time, the seal did not open again, and his tone was unchanged.

    Interesting…Sealing the Lord, speaking up, this matter is also related to your broken sword tea. ”Cao Qin replied.

    "Oh?"The unrecognized reaction is almost unbelievable. "Is it ……Related to the 'Wingling Sword' of the year? ”

    CorrectCao Qin replied, "It seems that the Lord still remembers, then it is good…"He raised his hand and gestured to the king of the king. "Let me officially introduce you to everyone…This '阎王' is the legacy of the blue sky sword forest…Lin Yan. ”

    "Oh~" Just listen to this sentence, and I have reasoned about many things.

    And I ….Cao Qin looked at Lin Yan with a look. "It is her righteous father."

    After his two introductions were finished, Lin Yan moved the lotus step and turned to face the seal. He said, "Let the Lord, Lin Yan…Long-awaited your name. ”

    This sentence of Yu Wang…Can scare everyone from the Yuan Yu, to the Red Sakura players, to the martial arts group, and then to the audience outside the audience…All of them looked at the seal with a look of the gods.

    "Forty years…I dream of seeing you…"Then, Lin Yan’s face showed a strange smile. The smile was a little bit excited, a bit savage, and there was a little bit of incomprehensible subtle feelings. “You can’t imagine me in my dreams. How many times have you killed you…It is because of the hatred for you that I have created today. ”

    After all, she untied the hip flask at the waist…Tilting the upper body, lifting the pot to lead the neck, the lips are open, the dagger is booze.

    She drank so much forgetting, forgetting…Even if those jade liquids overflowed from their mouths, they flowed through her powder neck and plunged into her undulating chest…She does not care.

    Lone valley, residual autumn, under the fog, before the flower.

    But see, the beautiful beauty sipped a whole pot of wine, then gently twisted his waist, straightened up, and stunned with a pair of stunned eyes: "Today, I finally have to get what I want… …"The jug in her hand threw it out, spread her palms, and angered the real thing, "…Kill you and avenge your father! ”

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