1003. Chapter 1003 A sinister military division, and an idiot

    Ten minutes later, the hell front line meeting room.

    “hmm…I have collected very interesting data. ”I was sitting at the conference table and looking at the projection screen in front of me.

    At this time, his four teammates were also sitting on the side of the conference table, watching the interesting games on their respective projection screens.

    Why? The order and the ice emperor's game is over? ”If the rain heard the words of the brother, he turned and asked.

    "Although the final outcome has not been separated, the situation is basically clear."Feng Shuhui replied, "The sashimi was named difficult for the three groups to be flat; the traces were invincible and drunk; the drunken sorrow and the sacred sacred Xuan were once defeated by the king; and Samodier was ghosted. Beaten the scars and walked away…"He thought about it a little, and said again, "I estimate…The emperor Wang and the ghosts have to fight for a while. After that, it was the victory of the sneaky and named three-person trio. ”

    So,If the rain is half a second, ask, "What do you think will result?"

    "Smirk!"I don’t know how to laugh, "Of course, the order team will win."

    I said.As soon as I heard this, the flower room next to me couldn’t help but turn my head and interrupted. "Is it true that you use this kind of tone?" So what are you doing to help the Ice Emperor before the game? ”

    "I didn't do anything for the ice emperor."Feng did not deny the statement between flowers, "My layout…Mainly for my personal service. Ice Emperor…Just just 'take a ride'. They have gained a strong 'potential' in the game without much effort, and I use their power to get what I want…"He paused, "…Intelligence

    So all hail to that.Have you not felt that the Ice Emperor will win from the beginning? ”Xiaoling also joined the conversation.

    ‘Yes!I can’t help but calmly say, “In fact…Not to mention the ice emperor, even if the team that catches up with me is a god, I don't think they have a chance to win. ”

    HeyWang Sangzhi, who is sitting opposite the buddy, also answered. "That is too exaggerated?" As you said, the order team is not invincible? ”

    "No, no, no, too." Feng Wei shook his head and shook his head. "The order team is not invincible, but…In terms of the individual combat power of the player, [swallowing sneaky] can basically be regarded as invincible. ”

    "As you said, isn't there any chance that our other teams are not there?"If Rain says, "People will pray together not to encounter a team of orders before the finals, and then fight for the second?"

    "I didn't say that."Feng Shuai replied, "In my opinion, no one can't beat it…include mySelf Of course, to deal with the monsters of the level of ghosts, you need some planning and preparation. Today's game is part of the preparation work. ”

    UnderstoodXiaoling nodded. "You want to push his limit in this script?"

    "No."The unanswered answer almost blurted out.

    "No."Xiaoling’s eyes widened and he was suspicious.

    "No."Unexpectedly, I repeated the answer and explained, "If you want to push out the limits of sneaky, you must have a four-column god level of combat power. Ability is below this level…For example, the official, the juror, the deceased, and so on, will have at least four. ”He put his elbows on the table and asked one hand, "As for the players…If you are drunk and dream of that level, you may have a chance to make up seven or eight. ”

    He paused for a few seconds and then said: "All in all, relying on the four emperors, plus the king of the king and Samodier…It is not possible to force the limits of sneaking unless…The other three of the order team did not help at all, watching them play six sneaks. ”

    EhXiao sigh did not understand, "You said these strengths contrast…Are they based on the glory of the heyday? But today, isn’t he playing in the front of the Fantasy Church? It should be impossible to play all the strength. ”

    "That's not as good as you think."Feng did not feel the way back, "I let Samodier set up their array…Its main role is to weaken the player's 'calling skills' and 'psychic weapons'. ”He sighed and said, "Only these two capabilities are limited, and the impact on the ghosts is not that big. andAccording to my observation, shortly before the emergence of the king, the sneaky scorpion has already discovered the effect of the squad, so so far, he has not used those two abilities at all. ”

    "What is the meaning of your test?"Indirectly, "Is your real purpose to be an ice emperor?"

    ‘How?’Feng Shuyi pointed to the screen in front of him. "If I didn't act in the dark, now the ice emperor can let the order team lose three people in the situation of only one dead person?"

    When I heard this, put the elbows of both arms on the table, and then crossed the fingers and placed both hands in the person: "As for the meaning of my 'test'…Isn't that clear? ”He put on the signature posture of the commander, and smiled. "I just want to see the most basic and strong ability of swallowing sorrows – fighting specialization."

    “hmm…A few seconds after the news, Xiaoshen thought thoughtfully and nodded. "After you said this, I suddenly realized…Ghosts in the previous game, it seems that they are basically relying on summoning creatures to fight. ”

    "Yeah."Xiao Ling also answered. "Looking at the video of his game played in S2 is exactly what a caller is."

    "Heng!"He felt cold and snorted. "That is because this kid has long been unable to find an opponent worthy of his shot in fighting."He licked his lips. "I personally think that during the S1 period, there were only five contestants who could compete with the sneaky ones on the 'fighting' – seven kills, dreams of sorrow, drunkenness, and laughter. Heaven, and Xiao sigh."

    “Ha!One of Wang Xi’s listeners, and then he was shocked. “Is there me?”He paused for a second, "And I have no you?"

    This was natural.Feng did not feel calmly returning. "It is also a gift to fight this kind of thing. Obviously I don't have the talent in this area."He sat up straight and spread his hands. "Even now, my fighting specialization has reached the S level, but this does not mean that I am a fighting master."He said, looked at the rain, and then looked at Xiao sigh, "with the same physical strength, with the same weapon or bare-handed confrontation…I am definitely not your opponent with Ruoyu. ”

    "Oh?"Xiao sighed and touched his chin and said, "It is such a calculation."

    ‘Yes!Feng Jie did not know: "But unfortunately, two of the five people I listed are sneaky teammates, and the ability to laugh and ask Heaven is a little worse than the rest of you, so… ”He tapped the table with his index finger. "Now, these five people can compete with the ghosts in the fight, and only you and the seven kill."When he got here, he yawed again. "Of course, this is not a rain, there are three people."

    "I can understand it…"At this time, if the rain is silent for a long time, the rain will open again and look at the side of the eye. "The purpose of this layout today, and your plan…I almost guessed it. ”

    Tee hee.I also guessed it. ”Xiaoling also quickly picked up.

    But Xiaoshen and Huanhua didn’t understand it. The two asked with a puzzled look: “What is it?”

    Feng did not smile and replied: "That is…"


    At the same time, another script.


    After a loud bang, a tall building collapsed.

    If you look at it from a distance, you will find that the tall building with more than forty floors is cut obliquely from the middle.

    The cut surface of the fracture is very straight and flat…As a result, in the first few seconds of the collapse, the overall sliding of the "first half of the building" appeared.

    "Coughing…AHEM!After a short time, a few coughs were heard in the smoke of the ruins.

    Then, the coughing person jumped and jumped over a height of more than ten meters and landed on the roof of a building next to it.

    "Ah~ It seems like it’s a bit too hot."After standing, Oda loved to take the knife into the sheath and whispered to himself.

    When the voice fell, but I heard the sounds of "嗒", "嗒", "嗒"…Three light figures fell to a few meters behind her.

    "I said that let you control the strength."Uesugi’s first opening, “Every time.”

    "I am too lazy to spit…"Takeda immediately followed, "You are a strange woman…"

    "Are you not already vomiting?"Oda loves to go back and puts a dead fish eye on the petite martial arts Takeda.

    CutTakeda Chi is not to be outdone, and uses his hands to pull his face and retaliate with a grimace.

    "Okay, it’s a game, don't make trouble."The most sensible and wise letter of the four people said at this moment, "Love, you really have to pay attention later. Disregarding the chaotic environment like you, it is equal to giving the other party a chance…Let it escape by the smoke. ”

    "That is…"Takeda immediately responded. "There is only one person left in the opposite direction. In this situation, he will definitely run away. Is it too much trouble to find?"

    "You don't have to worry about this."When Oda loved it, he turned his gaze back to the dust under his feet. "Although I am not familiar with this, I know…He will never run away. ”

    “Ha!Takeda had a sigh of relief, and then laughed a few times, "Ha! what are you thinking about? ”She ran to the edge of the roof and pointed her finger at the pile of ruins hidden by dust. "Is there a kind of confidant who knows that all teammates have been killed, but also have a fool of the enemy?"


    Her voice did not fall, and there was a muffled sound in the smoke. Then, a figure that stepped on the ground was flying.

    Two seconds later, the figure fell steadily on the railing on the edge of the roof, and the chest was raised on the iron and stood upright.

    But see, this person is a white Pegasus Saint cloth, thick eyebrows, strong momentum, just say its existence…It gives a feeling of bringing BGM.

    "HEE-" Takeda saw this scene and rolled his eyes. Her throat instinctively gave a strange whisper and answered. "What is this guy doing!"

    Even the more sensible wise letter and Uesugi Ren changed their look because of surprise, and they both read in their hearts…

    What happened Didn't you notice that we are here? ”

    "What does he want to do? Does he have the same killer? ”

    "Ha ha ha ha…The red-haired one, you did a good job! ”The sky is empty and the hands are crossed on the chest. When he speaks, he swings his arms and looks at Oda, who is next to me. "The next turn is me!"

    "Do you think this is a turn-based game…"Takeda, who was standing closest to him, immediately spit a slot and raised his hand to get a weapon to marry him.

    Perfect.Who knows, Oda Ai, who is not far away, immediately responded with a loud voice. "No one of you, I want to kill him alone!"

    Hello?Are you also stupid with this fool? ”Takeda wisely turned back and yelled at his teammates. "This is a fool who jumps in front of the other four and puts an unguarded look to prepare for a dead battle!"

    When Takeda sent out this slot, there was obviously a plan to attack the little horse. But the next second…She suddenly saw the wise letter in the distance. She shook her head slightly and made a look.

    At that moment, Takeda Zhi thought a little, as if he understood something, then she stopped talking and retreated to the side.

    "Do we really not help?"Two seconds later, Uesugi Supreme lowered the sound channel to the side of the body.

    "This is a good opportunity, benevolence."The wise letter also replies with a whispering general volume. "You don't forget, the other party is the champion of the peak S1…"

    Uesugi’s words are mixed and his expression changes: “It’s so…”She immediately understood the meaning of her teammates. "Let's the trump card of the Warring States defeat the S1 champion in the 'heads-up'…"

    “Correct.”The wise letter said, "Although the sky is not the most recognized player, the title of the champion is not empty. Kill him under the siege, and defeat him in the heads-up…The meaning is very different. ”

    At the time of their conversation, the other side of the battle has also started.

    "watch out!"In line with his usual style, he must first inform the other party before he shoots, and then report the name of the move.

    Well, everyone, you must have guessed that the skills that Xiaoma Ge will put, naturally is that…

    "Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

    Drinking sounds, fists and shadows.

    The sky and the sky are both interlocking, and the silver-white fists are like big waves, surged, and they all hit Oda.

    You sucker!…When Oda loves to talk, his right hand has already held the samurai handle on the left waist. "Whether it is in the video of the game…Still just…It’s only the trick to use it! ”

    When she said the last two words, her tone has become a roar.

    And the samurai sword in her hands…Also sheathed.

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