1002. Chapter 1002 Mirror Wall

    The voice did not fall, and the sound of the rumble sounded in the forest.

    Not long after, a giant figure walked out and entered the eyes of everyone.

    But see that the monster is more than two meters tall, with a pair of giant bat wings, fangs, claws and lions. The strong sense of existence and the momentum of Ling people are undoubtedly the embodiment of unique data.

    "Samodir?"Two seconds later, Wu Shen Xuan Xuan recognized the comer, because he also encountered this BOSS in a previous script, but there was no positive conflict.

    What happenedThe sneaky turned and looked back, and the light flowed in the eyes. "You obviously don't know the time…"

    "It wasn't long ago."Samodier answered. "But I have a way to make you feel 'I am."

    The sneaky singer immediately understood the meaning of the other party: "You deliberately created the 'time of the official' and made me feel so that I can lead me to this…"

    "Great."Samodier is cold and cold. "You can figure it out yourself and save me a lot of tongues."

    Hello?Ghostly, what is the current situation? ”After another BOSS-class monster appeared on the scene, the drunkenness of the battle posture was already faintly felt a little wrong, so he turned his head and whispered a teammate.

    "The situation…"Ghostly look calmly, "You and the captain will soon be killed…"

    "Smirk!"The drunken sighed and twitched and smiled. "So…"

    As he said, he turned his head and turned to see the dead and Xuan Xuan made a look. Just a glimpse of the eye, Wu Shen Xuan Xuan grasped the intent of his teammates.

    In the next second, they almost rushed out at the same speed, and the battle was awkward, and their goal was the same – the track.

    The audience who were watching the game never dreamed that today, they could watch the two superstars in the live broadcast and use a similar sneak attack to capture such a small person.

    But this scene really happened, and…Reasonable.

    because……From the sneaky screaming of the words "killing" to the time when the drunken sorrow and the sorrowful sacred eyes exchanged the eyes, in less than five seconds, the two professional gods have already finished their accounts in the brain:

    First of all, although the sneaky words sound unbelievable, he is obviously not joking. Considering that this kid's prediction accuracy of the battle results is 100%, it is basically certain that the strength of the combination of the King of the King and Samodier can crush the two people.

    Secondly, the sneaky only said that "you and the captain" will soon lead the lunch, but did not say that they will hang, thus visible…Even on the premise that the players are killed, he is quite sure of his life.

    Combine the above two, drunk and stunned and enlightened Shen Xuan Xuan thought…Since the positive result of our anus is definitely dead, let's make a contribution to the team before we die. And what is the "contribution"? Nature is to kill the traces.

    to be honest……It took them five seconds to accept the fact that their lives were not long-lived, and reached a consensus on "what else can I do at this moment" – the two do not do the two BOSS, Is it possible to join hands and still not miss your trace?

    Thinking about it, drunkenness and death will do their best together.

    When it was said that it was too late, the two men had already killed the front of the track in the blink of an eye…Drunken and straight into the sword, directly released the strongest boxing in the skill bar – [Dragon Boxing – Outbreak]; and Wushen Shenxuan is also unceremonious, using a pair of spray paint cans to make a control field big move – – [Graffiti field].

    These two strokes, one stroke is enough to kill the high-defense player's absolute killing; another trick is to combine a series of negative effects such as reduced attack, slowdown, break defense and other super-strong control skills.

    In the face of this horrific combination attack, let alone the traces, it is replaced by Shiva here, as fierce.


    What happened next, but shocked the drunk and the death.

    Not only them, but in addition to the tracker, every party present, as well as everyone who is watching the live broadcast, were all stunned by the follow-up response of the track.


    On November 10th, at 9:30 pm, the conference room was closed.

    "It’s almost like this, have you recorded it?"Jue brother lazily sat on the main seat of the conference table and completed a rather long narrative.

    "Of course, who are you based on?"The traces were crossed with his hands on his chest. He was sitting on the back chair on the left hand side of the brother, and he replied in a natural tone. "Don't say that it is a set of twelve sets, that is, twenty sets are not in the words."

    "That's good……"I felt that I should have a sentence, and then I suddenly remembered what it was like. The words turned and said, "Oh…Yes, I have to remind you of something. ”

    “What else?”Asked the track.

    "There is a suggestion on tactical details, I hope you can adopt it."After sealing, I paused and asked, "You have a skill that can only be used once, called [The Mirror of Ice Edge] Right?"

    oh shitThe traces heard the words, and the look changed abruptly. "How do you know?"After he had asked this question, he seemed to have added an answer to his brain. "Don't you put an undercover in my studio?"

    "Do you think you are taking a police film?"Feng Shuhui whispered back, "Where is there so much undercover in real life…Not to mention whether your studio has the value of sending undercover, just say me…I am not a professional player. I have no conflicts with you. I have to send a undercover to you. Is it to fight for you? ”

    “hmm…The traces also squinted, and looked back at him with a suspicious look, silent.

    Eh…Jue brother looked at his reaction, sighed and answered. "My last sentence is that the rhetorical question is not a question."

    "Oh?"The trace was relieved, "Scare me…"He paused for two seconds, then the previous question, "How do you explain what you know about my skills? The only thing I have with this skill is that people in our studio know that even the peripheral members who are recruited by the community don't know. ”

    WellI didn’t feel it for a few seconds, replied, "Well…Telling you is no problem. ”He suddenly asked, "Have you seen "The Matrix"?"

    "I have seen it, of course I have seen such a classic film."Trace back, "Hey? What are you asking about this? Want to transfer the topic? ”

    I didn’t care about him, and I took care of myself: “Simply…Like the protagonist in the movie, I have the ability to see through the 'matrix code' in the game world. ”

    “Ha!The track immediately laughed loudly, "Ha ha ha ha…"And laughing very fake, "Why don't you say that you have super powers in the real world?"

    "I have it."I didn’t feel the expression on my face, and I calmly replied, “It’s just that I haven’t fully mastered the usage yet.”

    "Oh?"The track nodded, learning to look like a brother, and looked back seriously. "Really…I suggest that you go to a better hospital and take a look at the psychiatric department. ”

    Who knows, Feng Shou still replied calmly: "Psychiatric, I went to see it in the fifth grade of elementary school. At that time, I found two adults with handles in my hands to pretend to be my parents. The hospital has undergone comprehensive inspections and tests."Having said that, he gestured with a quotation mark in his hands. "They gave me a 'all normal' appraisal report."

    After stopping for two seconds, I couldn’t help but laugh twice: "Oh…However, I recently learned that at that time, I was already monitored by a mysterious government department. So now I am not sure…The report I got at the time was already 'processed'. ”

    Rowyou are vicious……"The track department raised one hand and shook his head. "You are a novelist, I can't pull you…I don't ask, let's be when you are…"He also raised his head, and his index finger and middle finger extended his hands to make a quotation mark, "…'Can see through the matrix code 'good. ”After all, he brought the topic back on track. "In short, I do have the skill of [Ice Edge Mirror Wall], and it is indeed a consumption technique that will disappear once used, so?"

    "I just want to tell you…"Feng Shuai replied, "No matter which program you choose in the script, once I set the 'bureau' to take effect, you – trace…Accompanied by two NPCs, they will face two or three players in the same order. Among them, one person must be swallowing, and the other two…No matter who they are, as long as they find that the situation is not good for themselves, it is very likely that they will attack you at all costs. ”He spread his hands and answered. "When this happens, you should understand even without any analysis…"Drunk, life, dream, death, the combination of any two of the four, have the ability to spike you. ”

    "What you mean is that when that moment comes…"The traces followed the thoughts of the geeks, while thinking about one side, "…I will decisively use them to fight back against them. ”

    “No.”The seal refused to deny.

    “Ha!The track is smashed, "No?"

    Unexpectedly, an evil smile was revealed: "When that moment comes, you should…"


    Time, back to the present.

    [Graffiti field] and [Dragon fist-outbreak] came at an instant, and the track department was already ready.

    I saw his hands and hands, the aura of the whole body is steep, with the launch of the skills, a silver-white, translucent giant spirit wall appeared.

    [Name: Mirror Wall of Ice Edge]

    [skill card attribute: active skill, disappear after using once]

    [skill category: spiritual skills]

    [Effect: Make a mirror wall that can maintain ice for five seconds. All the attacks on the mirror wall will be absorbed and converted into pure energy; these energy can be blasted to any target within 30 meters according to the user's will. The energy that is not released after five seconds will burst in place as the mirror wall disappears. 】

    [Consumption: 50% of maximum physical and spiritual values]

    [Learning Conditions: Level 50, Spiritual Specialization B, Fighting Specialization B]

    [Remarks: The Spirit of Ice created by an unknown master has absolute defense ability for all S-level skills, and can absorb 70% of the power when attacked by S-class skills. 】

    This skill, if replaced with a "permanent master" version, is properly S-level. However, this "consumer version" of the track is still the same as the permanent version, but the learning conditions are reduced.

    When the traces were launched, the king and the singer had already seen what the special effects of the skills were. They also thought that the squad would use this trick to counter the drunkenness and the sacred sacredness.

    BUT…The track did not do this.

    After the moment, the skill effect of the sacred sputum and the stunned fists fell on the mirror wall. Then, the translucent mirror wall was filled with a mottled amount of energy and a golden dragon.

    The two forces blended in the mirror wall and quickly formed a hustle and bustle of the hustle and bustle. Then they broke through the ice and rushed straight into the sky.

    CutWell done…"

    In all fairness, the sneaky anti-attack on the track was unexpected, and he rarely showed some confusion.

    However, that's all…

    "But it is useless to me!"In the face of the huge energy ball that could not be dodged and rushed to his door, the sneaky snorted and lifted his right arm sideways. "[No right hand]!"

    The audience did not know what kind of skill this [right hand of veto] was. In fact, if the sneaky scorpion didn't report the skill name in the middle, they couldn't even determine whether it was a skill.

    But the effect of this skill can still be seen by people…

    But the sneaky whole arm was covered by a white stream of light when it was used to make the skill. Then he used his right hand palm to catch the flying energy ball…

    "This kid…DidSeeing this scene, Samodier’s look in the spectator’s battle has suddenly changed, and the heart is dark, “Oh…It seems to have been mad by the madness…He shouldn’t want to kill someone by knife and kill me…”

    I see……No wonder he is going to hunt the official…"On the other hand, the king of the meditation is thinking about something else. "Since it has already obtained the 'right hand," it shows that he knows the secret of the 'left hand'. If the gods were allowed to collect the '12-hour official power' before the dusk, the situation could not be controlled…"


    After a few seconds of stalemate, the energy ball is like a ice-cream ball that is baked under the spray gun, and it spurs out.

    "Call ~~~~~~"After taking a breath, the smirk's arrogant laughter came back to the face. "The trace is…I used to think that the captain of the Ice Emperor was a parallel, but now it seems quite capable. ”

    "Is this guy too strong?"On the side of the track, although the surface is still trying to put on a calm look, but the heart is already on the verge of collapse. "The trick of using the drunkenness to hit me should be [Dragon Boxing – Outbreak] is correct, because it is an S-level skill. I also ate 30% of the damage, and this 30% also made my survival value drop by half…But the goods actually blocked the double-skilled energy of the refracted mirror wall with one hand, and it was as if nothing had happened…"

    "Well, warm up is almost the same."The voice of the sneaky voice soon rang again, and his gaze moved to Samodier. "The number of you is the highest, it will start from you…"

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