Luo Xiu looked at him: "You speak like a hero, like Guo Jing."

Beitang Xuanming corrected him: "I'm a devil! I just don't like killing innocent people!"

Governor Marko did look a little anxious, he just wanted to get rid of the three of them.

"Oh, don't ask, let's go! If you continue to stay here, maybe... it may also drag us down!"

Beitang Xuanming's face flashed with a hint of irritability, "Do you know how good this fellow is!"

Martha grabbed Governor Marko's neck from behind in a flash, and a sharp black iron rod was aimed at his chin.

"Governor, are you... trying to drive us away?"

The soldiers around to protect the governor raised their guns one after another!

Luo Xiu glanced at them, and they all put down their guns and raised their hands.

Those who know the times are Junjie!

Just kidding, the showdown between this Asian man and Black Superman, they also saw the situation from the surveillance just now!

Roxiu rubbed his hands: "I have some questions. After I ask them clearly, we will leave. I hope you can cooperate with us, Governor Marko."

"Ask... a question?!" Governor Markle was about to cry.

Couldn't it be the trolley problem just now that no matter how you answer it, you'll die? !

Oh, God!

You shouldn't be so impatient! Shouldn't reveal the anxiety of chasing people!

The three of them are really not good people! !

"first question……"

Luo Xiu was serious, "How many years is it now?"

Governor Marko was dumbfounded. He didn't know what the trap was in this question...


Martha exerted some force on her hand, "What? Is it difficult to answer?"

"No no no! It's not difficult to answer!" Governor Marko said quickly: "2...2000! Millennium! I thought...everyone knew!"

"Okay, second question... When and how did superhumans appear?"

Marko found that the other party really didn't seem to know these things, and was really asking questions instead of digging holes for himself.

Although he was puzzled, he dared to answer, " the year when the ground fire spar was mined, right? I seems like it was 1943 or 1944... Anyway, it was during World War II. Son!"

"It's been this long?"

Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, "Then... how did World War II end?"

Governor Marko felt that the other party seemed to be assessing his knowledge of history textbooks, and he was completely confused.

Are they traversers from another world?

Why don't you know anything?

He answered honestly: "It's two beta-level superhumans! This evil war has ended! One is the 'Neutron Man' of the United States, and the other is the 'Kuimu Wolf' of the Xia Kingdom."

Speaking of Kuimu wolf, Governor Marko used an English word that Luo Xiu had never heard before. He estimated that it should be the original English word for Kuimu wolf in this world...

"The Neutron Man defeated the steel troops of the Third Reich head-on, while Kui Mulang killed the Emperor in the mainland of Yingdao, and Benzol announced his surrender..."


Rosio slowly learned the background information of this world from the mouth of Governor Marco.

History has gone astray since the middle of World War II.

One of the important nodes is that Su Weiai has come up with a geocentric project.

They drilled a well.

a deep well.

A large well tens of kilometers deep!

What they originally planned to do, no one knows, only that since then, Su Weiai has mined a rare ore deep underground.

In these ores, there is a huge energy that cannot be explained by science!

Later, this batch of ores with different colors, different purities, and different energy densities were called earth fire spar.

The earliest superhuman beings were two scientific researchers who had been in contact with the fire spar for a long time.

There is no airtight wall in the world, and it didn't take long for other countries to follow up this geocentric project, and began to probe everywhere, dig holes, and look for these geothermal spar.

When the earth fire spar was first mined, almost no one could use the huge energy in it. Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits, we chose to let more people have the opportunity to contact this magical stone to see if it is possible. Unlock the restriction of genes and upgrade to become a superhuman with 0.8 superhuman strength.

In times of war, all aspects are extremely sensitive, and this kind of superhuman who can change the outcome of local battles has certainly attracted the greatest attention!

Even if no one knows what Earthfire spar is, no one knows how Earthfire spar changed human genes.

But since this stone can create superhuman beings, then countries will try their best to let more people come into contact with each other in turn.

After a period of research, they found out.

The younger the child, the more likely it is to mutate and upgrade his genes when he comes into contact with the fire spar.

Therefore, a large number of ground fire spar was equipped to hospitals and schools...

Batches of superhuman beings have been artificially created.

In the superhuman arms race, the U.S. and Xia won, which was sloppy and absurd, ending World War II. .

Chapter 604 Rear-end a team participating in the Super League draft (thanks for subscribing)


After that, even if it officially entered the era of superhuman proliferation. The atomic bomb was actually invented in World War II. However, superhumans have obviously robbed nuclear weapons of their due light.

After the war, cunning rabbits died and running dogs cooked. Ordinary people in various countries began to preach the threat of superhuman beings out of fear of superhuman beings.

For a brief period of time, the transhumans were in the same situation as the Judeans of yesteryear...

The number quickly dwindled.

But they, after all, have powers that are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

They began to resist, and most of the world fell into turmoil again...

In the early 1960s, the Superman Federation was first born in the United States.

The superhuman federation is the concept of a state, a country ruled and governed by superhuman beings.

They began to completely separate themselves from ordinary people, namely Homo sapiens, with a distinct hierarchy.

In the Superman Federation, ordinary people can still engage in their original occupations, seemingly without discrimination, but in fact, they have lost most of their rights.

In a certain dark period, superhumans do whatever they want to ordinary people in the superhuman federation...

Any terrible, inhumane thing can be done without any taboos.

It is said that it is much better now, after all, if it is too much, no one will work in the Superman Federation...

After all, from the perspective of the population base, ordinary people still account for the vast majority.

Now the scope of the Superman Federation has been distributed in dozens of countries.

Each federation has the right to self-government, which is a loose association.

The Homo sapiens Federation is a relative concept. The parts of these countries that want to compete with superhuman beings call themselves the Homo sapiens Federation.

In addition, there are countries like Xia who have been in peace for a long time.

Because they didn't persecute superhumans at the beginning, they weren't attacked by superhumans.

In such a country, superhumans are still real superheroes, protecting the safety of ordinary people.

Over the years, the Sapiens Federation, the Transhuman Federation, and the Neutral Nations have maintained a dangerous balance.

For example, the state of Lorida, although it is also in the United States, already belongs to the Federation of Homo sapiens... Of course, due to a certain natural disaster-level event, the city was destroyed by superhumans, and because of the supreme leader of the Superhuman Federation, Sera What Na said, they built this dungeon.

Who would have thought... What Serana said was obviously not very binding.

Something happened today.

"They really came to kill you for fun?" Beitang Xuanming asked in shock.

"should be."

Governor Marko said sadly: "Except for Joseph... This black superman seems to have a clear purpose, which is to take away the earth fire spar that is the core of the Gaia robot."

Having said that, he looked at Roxiu.

In the surveillance, he saw that the pile of spar was not taken away by the black superman who fled, but disappeared under the touch of Luo Xiu.

"Look at me?"

Roche pretended as if it didn't happen.

Governor Marko sighed:

"It's okay if you take it, we won't ask you for it... The Gaia robot plan seems to be a joke now, they can't even cause a little damage to Black Superman."

"There's no way, our technology level has never been able to obtain the power in the fire spar, and some superhuman beings can naturally extract the power from it and turn it into a crisis..."

"Just like Joseph the Black Superman."

"As far as I know, the black gem on his forehead is an extremely precious earth fire spar."

"In order to make himself stronger, he directly embedded this black spar into his skull."

Luo Xiu touched his chin: "Oh... it turns out to be like this, so it's useless to leave it to you, it's better to let me develop it."

The other soldiers looked at him with dark eyes, thinking,

Even if we wanted to take it back, we wouldn't dare to mention it...

Fire spar is very valuable.

With the human and material resources of the entire dungeon, they excavated a small piece of earth fire spar deposit, and together they produced 920 Gaia cores.

It's alright now, they've all been raided and taken away!

"Then what are you going to do next?" Luo Xiu asked casually.

Governor Marko was silent for a while, then clenched his fists and said, "We may choose... surrender..."

Since the Gaia plan is a joke.

Then, even a small dungeon with nuclear deterrence has not been established, so why do you ensure your own safety in this land?

It is better to surrender, even if some civil rights are lacking, even if it is a second-class citizen...

Better than dead, right?

In fact, they have already contacted the diplomats of the Superman Federation just now, and they can hear it from the inside and outside of the words. The other party will only condemn the behavior of these guys in Black Superman.

Others, don't want to care at all!

Think about it, a few superhumans can break in on a whim, and they can slaughter at will.

How many more will there be after that? How about a dozen? How about a few hundred?

An isolated dungeon with no guarantees.

Governor Marko has made a decision.


As for other cities that are still affiliated with the Homo sapiens Federation, let's see how long their nuclear deterrence can last.

Regarding the destructive power of the atomic bomb, the Superman Federation is still somewhat apprehensive.

However, this degree of jealousy is similar to...

I don't want a wild dog to break into the house and ruin the expensive decoration of the house.

"Your decision is very wise." Luo Xiu patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, then you can send us away."

Martha let go of his grip and put away the sharp iron drill.

"... really spineless."

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