The torture of this countdown to life made her feel as if her throat was being pinched by a big hand... and then it got tighter and tighter! Until you can't breathe!

Ice Queen looks even worse.

She was always cold like a corpse, but now she was sweating...

Luo Xiu cruelly admired their desire to survive, and admired the beauty of life shrouded in the shadow of death.

"Ten seconds to go."


The Ice Queen couldn't hold it anymore, she cried loudly, "Pull! You should pull! Sacrifice 1 person, save 5 people! This is... the way a superhero should be!"

"Master Ge, you got the wrong answer! You took the initiative to kill an innocent person, you are a murderer, you are guilty!"

Feng Xue Ye Guiren silently chopped at her neck and beheaded.

Seeing this, Yu Xueer also drained the blood from her body with a ghost... turning her into a mummy wearing ice crystal high heels.

The blind witch is waiting for this moment. This question can only be pulled or not. As long as one party answers and gets feedback, the other party can know the correct answer!

Seeing this, she answered decisively: "No!".

Chapter 602 The history of this world is deterred by superhuman distorted demigods (thanks for subscribing)

"Ha! Congratulations!"

Luo Xiu smiled, and the blind witch was relieved. Then I heard him say:

"Wrong answer!"

The blind witch felt a chill in her heart. Feelings of grievance, puzzlement, and anger came up at the same time. She couldn't help but ask, "Why?!"

"You can save more lives, but let the tragedy happen - you are guilty!"

Facing the blind witch who was protected by the green fog, Luo Xiu did not wave the knife, but made a '-cut neck' gesture to Yu Xueer.

Yu Xueer nodded, the ghostly creature fluctuated like water.


In an instant, with the screams of the blind witch, her whole body's essence and blood were drawn away and flowed into the rolling ghosts, adding a touch of fresh blood to the dark red ghost.

The green mist dissipated, and she fell to the ground, who had been pumped into a mummified corpse.


Beitang Xuanming and Masha were both dumbfounded.

The other players and viewers in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.


Martha asked cautiously, "What is the correct answer?"

Luo Xiu squatted down, touched the mummy with the hand that ignited the flame, and rubbed it, the golden flames rose! The mummified corpses that have lost their moisture are inflammable, and they will be burned to ashes at once.

"There is no right answer."

After Luo Xiu burned the two mummified corpses, he said as a matter of course: "They killed innocent people indiscriminately and must die."

Beitang Xuanming was very puzzled; "Then why are you asking them this question!?"

"Isn't it too cheap to kill them because of their heinous crimes? I just want to see how they are afraid and struggling."

Luo Xiu's eyes widened, extraordinarily innocent, "Isn't it too much?"

Live broadcast barrage:

[It's not too much, you can say anything, just don't ask me questions (shivering.jpg)]

【This is so vicious... 】

[Suddenly feel that Luo Xiu is very suitable for the world of this dungeon]

【Using violence to control violence】

[Luo Xiu's temperament is indeed very suitable for these motherland-style superheroes. They are too ruthless and have abnormal killing habits.]

[Luo Ye is still a little different from them]

【what? stronger? 】

[Luo Ye likes to shoot at the strong]

【! ! ! 】


The system pops up a new prompt.

[The dungeon crisis is lifted, and the main task 1 is being revised...]

[‘Main quest 1 – Escape from this dungeon’ is revised to main quest 1 – Resolve the crisis facing this dungeon]

[Main quest 1 has been completed]

[Main Mission 2 - Participate in the Supernova Hero Trial and be selected into a team]

The three Luo Xiu were attracted by the new task.

"What is the Supernova Hero Trial?" Beitang Xuanming, an old antique, obviously had a hard time understanding such a new competition.

Martha touched her chin and said, "Some kind of superhero competition in this world?"

Luo Xiu guessed: "It seems to be some kind of competition with the nature of a variety show... The meaning of forming a group, in our case, it seems that various idol groups have debuted. Here, superhuman groups should also have the nature of idols, right? "

Beitang Xuanming frowned: "It sounds boring, I don't want to compete with anyone, and I don't want to be anyone's idol... I'm a devil."

Martha raised the corners of her lips: "I find it interesting."

She looked at Luo Xiu: "What do you think?"

Luo Xiu has already walked away, "I don't think it matters. The main mission does not give any other options. If we want to leave here, we must complete the mission... Now, I have to do more important things at the moment."

What's more important...

Just pick up equipment!

The first is the pile of ground fire spar left by Superman Black.

Luo Xiu picked up a piece and looked at it.

【Name: Earth Fire Spar】

[Type: Item (Energy)]

[Description: These white stones, which are cut into cubes, contain amazing energy...]

[Whether it can bring out the script world: yes]

[Note: Why is there such a high-energy ore underground? What is the energy inside? 】

Seeing this, Luo Xiu's first reaction was to think of Lingying Jade.

The two are different, but still very similar.

There are 920 white earth fire spar, and Luo Xiu rudely received all of them in his inventory first.

920 pieces, but it only occupies one slot in the inventory.

It is still very convenient to carry.

Luo Xiu said to the two teammates with a sullen face: "Well, these stones seem to be useless. I will keep them for you first. When this dungeon is about to end, I will give you points."

Live broadcast barrage:

[very familiar lines]

[Well, my parents used to tell me once a year]

[It's useless for you to hold these New Year's money, I will keep it for you first, and then give it to you when you grow up]

[Hahahahaha no sense of disobedience! 】

[Beitang, Masha: We really thank you! 】


Fortunately, they both have big hearts and have no opinions.

Luo Xiu then went to check the corpse of the werewolf chef.

This werewolf ate his headshot throwing knife, and he has been brooding about it, and he has to get something back to make up for it.

The fur on the werewolf was very hard, and Luo Xiu used a super alloy thermal sword to cut a piece and put it in his hand to see.

There is no prompt stating that a copy cannot be brought out.

He didn't give up, and went to pull the werewolf's teeth again.

After finally pulling out one, he finally got his wish.

【Name: Black Gold Wolf Fang】

[Type: Item (refining material)]

【Quality: Perfect】

[Characteristics: extremely hard, with gold-like chemical resistance, and electrical conductivity... (most energy can flow on this material with low loss)]


[Remarks: What kind of weapon is good to build... Corrosion resistance... Conductivity... emmm... Rich woman happy egg? 】

This werewolf has large and numerous fangs, 42 in total.

Luo Xiu spent a lot of effort, and finally got it all down and received the inventory.

Beitang Xuanming and Masha are "young" after all, it seems that they haven't been in the thriller game for a long time, and they didn't take these refining materials seriously.

They hugged their arms and chatted leisurely beside them.

A short while later, a group of soldiers ran up with rifles, followed by a less dark-skinned black officer.

He glanced at the tragic scene at the scene and couldn't help covering his mouth.

"Oh my god...that's...they're a bunch of super-powered beasts!"

Seeing Luo Xiu approaching, he hurried forward and introduced himself:

"Although I don't know who the three of you are, I must be here, on behalf of all the citizens of the FL dungeon, to express my gratitude to you! Thank you for saving us all!"

"I'm the lieutenant governor here..."

A soldier next to him reminded: "You are now positive."

He had no choice but to say, "The governor... unfortunately died. According to special terms XXXX, I will be automatically promoted to governor. You can just call me Marco."

Governor Marko shook hands with each of the three of them.

They thought that Governor Marko saw their heroic deeds in the video, and then there must be a compliment, and then the wine, food and beauty were entertained...

As a result, he said with a sad face: "Three heroes, there is no time, run!" Eight.

Chapter 603 The humanoid natural disaster that destroyed the city (thanks for subscribing)

"...Are you afraid that Superman Black will bring someone back for revenge?" Luo Xiu asked. "This possibility is very large!"

Governor Marko said anxiously: "We have seen your battles from the surveillance. It is undeniable that the strength of the three is very strong, and even the black superman Joseph is not your opponent... But you may not know that where Joseph is. In the superhuman group, there are 8 superhumans in total..."

"Six of them are beta-level like Joseph! And their leader is even an alpha-level superhuman! Do you know what that means?!"

I don't know what sounded, Governor Marko's eyes were full of fear, he swallowed, and said with a dry mouth:

"'s almost a demigod...the whole of Nilorida...the whole city...was destroyed by that person..."

Martha leaned over to Luo Xiu's "Nine Six Seven" and whispered, "It seems that we have to evacuate quickly."

Beitang Xuanming is a kind-hearted devil. At this time, he was still thinking about others. He asked: "We are gone, won't he bring people back to take revenge on you? Continue to slaughter and kill you? After we leave , how are you going to resist?"

"No resistance," said Governor Marko.

The three had different expressions, but they were a little surprised.

"Of course, I think... if you guys are gone, they shouldn't be slaughtering again..." Marko's tone was a little unconfident.

"Why is that?" Beitang Xuanming frowned and asked, "I don't even know why these lunatics are here to kill you, how can you guarantee that they won't do anything wrong in the future?"

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