Chapter 299 Bingzhou is the god of war, the war is evil, the tiger is crazy

Along the way, Ma Chen can be regarded as seeing the sinister environment along the way.

The more you go south, the air will feel humid, and there will be pouring rain from time to time.

Then, the poisonous beast came out of the woods.

The peaks along the way are endless, but quite verdant.

When you pass a mountain forest, you can see the itch like purple mist.

Miasma is poisonous. Once inhaled, it will inevitably die on the spot.

Ma Chen looked down, and ordered the soldiers to take the herbal medicine developed by Hua Tuo.

After taking herbal medicine, this オ is not afraid of healing qi.

Even those herbs can get rid of poisonous insects and snakes.

As for the beasts that haunted from time to time, they became the rations of Ma Chen’s soldiers and horses.

Soon, he arrived at thirty miles outside Nanhai County from Yangzhou.

At this time, the black ice platform was passing messages back and forth.

“Lord, Lu Bu, Nanhai County, “703” seems to be volting outside the city.

As soon as these words came out, Ma Chen looked stunned, then he laughed, and said: “Just because of the brave and inexperienced Lu Bu, still want to set up an ambush?

Lu Bu does not have a high IQ. He is a brave and capricious general.

Upon hearing this, Xu Shu told Ma Chen: “Lord, if this is the case, we can pretend that we don’t know it and let Nalu Bu’s ambush fail.

Upon hearing this, Ma Chen nodded and discussed with Xu Shu how to counter the ambush.

In the afternoon, two generals, Dian Wei, Xu and Chu, escorted grain and grass to Nanhai County.

After all, the soldiers and horses have not moved, the food and grass go first.

But in the grain and grass, it is not grain, but some sandy soil.

The people Nalu Bu sent to ambush when they saw Na Dianwei and Xu Chu escorting grain and grass, they suddenly showed excitement.

They feel that taking food and grass is easy.

After all, Na Dianwei and Xu Chu’s subordinates were nothing more than thousands of soldiers and horses escorting grain and grass.

Therefore, the ambushing general ordered the soldiers not to act rashly.

Just waiting for the army to pass for more than half a time, it suddenly shot and intercepted the grain.

At this time, I saw Na Dianwei and Xu Chu, pretending to be unaware, and heading for Nanhai County.

Halfway through the ambush circle, they saw crossbow arrows on both sides blasting. Dian Wei and Xu Chu knew in advance that the second general pretended to be ignorant, and said in a deep voice: “Quick, retreat quickly.”

The more flustered they were, the more excited the military commander who ambushed.

I saw the general yelled and slapped out, behind him was about 10,000 Jiaozhou soldiers.

There are only a thousand people left in Lu Bu’s camp.

Therefore, this general led 10,000 Jiaozhou soldiers and ambushed from both sides.

The military commander exclaimed with great excitement: “Kill this group of Han troops and snatch food and grass.”

Although, this group of state soldiers yelled and chased Dianwei and Xu Chu.

But Na Dianwei and Xu Zhu suddenly laughed coldly, and saw the second general shout out, Dianwei waved the double iron halberd and killed the general.

The military commander felt Dianwei’s double iron load, very powerful, and he couldn’t help showing a look of horror.

The military commander was shocked and couldn’t help but said, “It’s not good.

He slapped his horse hurriedly, but saw Dian Wei catching up and shouting: “Lie down for me.”

With a loud shout, Na Dianwei’s double iron halberd pierced the general’s chest.

Seeing that the military commander uttered a loud voice, he died violently.

The generals are killed, how can those handover soldiers stop it?

Under the rush of thousands of soldiers and horses, it was instantly broken in half.

Some fled to Nanhai County, some fled to nearby mountains, and some couldn’t escape, so they knelt on the ground and surrendered with their heads in their arms.

Na Dianwei and Xu Chu laughed loudly and led thousands of soldiers and horses to chase Nanhai County.

In Nanhai County, Lu Bu learned that the general had been killed and couldn’t help but angrily said: “Damn it.

At this time, Dianwei and Xu Chu were in a battle under that city.

Lu Bu said angrily: “Damn it.” Holding the Fang Tian painted halberd, he walked quickly to the gate tower.

But outside the city, two generals, thousands of soldiers and horses, were calling for battle under the city.

Lu Bu could see that the two generals in the lead were Na Dianwei and Xu Chu.

Both are military commanders under the command of King Ma Chen.

Dian Wei held a pair of iron carriers, looked at Lu Bu, and shouted: “Four surnamed domestic slaves, dare you come down for a fight?”

When Lu Bu heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily: “Dian Wei, would you dare to run wild with me?”

With a loud shout, Nalubu held a Fangtian painted halberd, rode a red rabbit horse, and led 10,000 soldiers and horses to the outside of the city.

The two armies are facing the circle.

I saw Lu Bu holding a Fangtian painting halberd and shouted: “Dian Wei, Xu Chu, why did you two offend my realm?”

The second general, Wei Xu and Chu, said in a deep voice: “Lu Bu, my lord is the prince of the Han Dynasty, and the Jiaozhou scholars have changed and occupied Jiaozhou. It is time to return it to my lord.

Upon hearing this, Lu Bu couldn’t help showing an anger.

He knew that the king of Han Ma Chen was the prince of the Han Dynasty, the son of the first emperor.

But he knew that the military merits that Ma Chen obtained, so much of the Greater Hanzhou County, were not his identity, but his strength.

Now, if the state is handed over to Ma Chen, how will he survive in the future?

Lu Bu’s eyes sank and he hummed: “Now, the big man is in troubled times, troubled times, no masters, Dianwei, Xu Chu, since you two have come to Nanhai County, Jiaozhou, I, Lu Bu, will fight with you.”

With a loud shout, Lu Bu was holding Fang Tian’s painting halberd, killing Xiang Dianwei and Xu Chu.

Upon seeing this, Dian Wei hurriedly blocked Lu Bu with a double iron halberd.

Then Xu Chu also wielded his weapon to kill Lu Bu.

Lu Bu, known as the God of War of the Union State, was not afraid of danger. He shouted, Fang Tian painted a halberd, like a dragon going out to sea, more like turning a lantern, and stabbed Na Dianwei and Xu Chu.

Although Dianwei and Xu Chu look down on Lu Bu, they also see that Lu Bu is very powerful.

The Fang Tian painted halberd in Lu Bu’s hand was sprinting back and forth, but Na Dianwei and Xu Chu couldn’t get close.

The two looked at each other and knew that Lu Bu was strong, and if he continued to fight, he would only consume his energy, and even would be captured by Na Lu Bu.

The two looked at each other and nodded together.

Immediately, he jumped out of the circle and shouted: “Retreat, retreat.”

With five thousand soldiers and horses under his command, he already knew that he would follow the two generals, Dianwei, Xu and Chu, to retreat outside the city.

Lu Bu’s troops were about to chase after him, but he was stopped by Lu Bu’s hand.

Knowing that there must be an ambush ahead, he ordered everyone to return to Nanhai County.


When he arrived in Nanhai County, the generals under his command clasped his fists in salute and said, “The Lord Lord is really a divine power.”

“Na Dian Wei Xu Chu is very powerful, but he was defeated by the lord. In this way, the Han King Ma Chen is not a problem.”

“Lord, next, there will be a fierce battle that determines the existence of life and death.

Lü Bu frowned when he heard the words, but he thought of something.

He looked at all the soldiers under his command and said solemnly: “All the soldiers, there will be a fierce battle next, and they will all show me the intent to fight. As long as I fight back Ma Chen, I will have many rewards.”

The battle of Lu Bugang really boosted the morale of all the soldiers in Nanhai County, and they saw that all the soldiers said in unison: “No!”


Lu Bu’s eyes flashed, and he lowered his head to caress: “Before, I could not defeat Ma Chen at Yanmen Pass. This time, he must fight Ma Chen.”

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