Chapter 298 The magical doctor Hua Tuo, sent troops to Jiaozhou

Yangzhou government office.

Ma Chen summoned all the soldiers under his command to discuss attacking Jiaozhou.

Jiaozhou pastoral change is a family of Jiaozhou.

Moreover, Jiaozhou is located in Lingnan, where there are many miasma insects.

Moreover, Jiaozhou is close to the sea.

Under Ma Chen’s command, the adviser Xu Shu, military commanders Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Yu Daxian, Qi Jiguang and Yue Yun were seated separately.

Everyone looked at Ma Chen together, and a flash of light flashed in their eyes.

Among them, Na Xu Shu heard the words and told Ma Chen: “Master, Nanhai County and Cangwu County in Jiaozhou border Jingzhou and Yangzhou. Now, if you want to break through Najiaozhou, you must have land and water.”

Ma Chen heard this, and this thought flashed in his mind. He looked at the soldiers and said in a deep voice: “Jiaozhou is located in Lingnan, and there are many miasma and poisonous insects in the territory, so there must be a way to crack it.

When Xu Shu heard the words, he pondered for a moment, and said, “Master, when General Mu Guiying and Li Siye broke through the Wuling Lingling Tombs, they ran into Mr. Hua Tuo. I don’t know where Mr. Hua Tuo is now.

“Hua Tuo?”

Ma Chen frowned when he heard the words. He has been here for so long and he has not yet met Hua Tuo, let alone Zhang Zhongjing.

As for his Sun Sikao, he is in Luoyang.

“Lord, Mr. Hua Tuo is a famous doctor in the world.”

Ma Chen heard the words and nodded slightly. Of course he knew that Mr. Warren was the famous doctor in history.

In history, Warren died at the hands of Cao Cao.

Now that Cao Cao committed suicide ahead of time, Mr. Hua Tuo might be able to live a long time.

But he is in Yangzhou now, how can he find Hua Tuo?

Can not help but show a sigh.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a black ice platform, coming to report: “Master, there is a fairy teacher outside the door, come to visit the master.”

As soon as these words came out, Ma Chen couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

He immediately thought of something and said: “Hurry up and ask.

He believed that this fairy master must be the hidden Mr. Hua Tuo.

When Xu Shu and others saw this, they also felt that the identity of the person outside was definitely not simple.

Immediately, everyone went out together, and saw that the person was quite immortal, and it was Hualun in Zhuojun.

At this moment, I saw that Hua Tuo held his fist to Ma Chen and said, “Well, see King Han.”

Xu Shu said to Hua Tuo: “Mr. Hua Tuo, the Lord just wants to find a gentleman.”

After hearing this, Hua Tuo couldn’t help but glanced at Ma Chen, showing a look of approval.

This is the first intersection between Ma Chen and Warren.

Hua Tuo saluted Ma Chen and said: “The old man learned that King Han was in Yangzhou. He expected that King Han would inevitably go to Jiaozhou. The land of Jiaozhou was full of miasma insects and the air was humid. Therefore, Old Fu specially came to see King Han.”

Ma Chen heard the words, holding Hua Tuo’s hand, and said solemnly: “That’s it, sir, please.”

Immediately, Ma Chen invited Hua Tuo to the mansion.

At the mansion, Ma Chen and Hua Tuo were seated separately.

Hua Tuo clasped his fist to Ma Chen and said, “Congratulations to King Han for taking Yangzhou and destroying the mountain thief.”

Hearing this, Ma Chen smiled faintly and said: “This journey to Jiaozhou is very dangerous. I don’t know what the husband has prepared for this king?”

Hearing this, Hua Tuo clasped his fist and said: “Master, I have a secret herbal medicine that can get rid of miasma and poisonous insects and beasts.

Immediately, he handed a packet of grated herbs from his arms to Ma Chen.

Ma Chen heard this and asked Hua Tuo briefly about the efficacy of the herbal medicine, and then smiled: “Thank you, sir, sir, would you like to stay with this king?

When Hua Tuo heard the words, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he clasped his fist and said: “Hua Tuo is willing to worship the lord.

Since then, Hua Tuo has returned to Ma Chen.

One day in the future, Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing and Sun Simiao will become the three most famous doctors in the world.

On the same day, Ma Chen ordered the soldiers to take Hua Tuo’s herbal medicine when they arrived in Jiaozhou.

Immediately, he ordered Yu Daxian to lead 10,000 Daming Navy from the border of Yangzhou, along the sea, to Nanhai County.

Upon hearing this, Yu Dayou clasped his fist to Ma Chen and said, “No!”

Immediately, I saw that Yu Dayou led 10,000 Daming navy and hundreds of warships to the Nanhai County of Jiaozhou.

At this time, Ma Chen ordered Hua Tuo Yueyun to be in Yangzhou, and he led Qi Jiguang, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liang Wangyu, Dianwei, Xu Chu and other generals, led troops and horses to Nanhai County by land.

At this time, Ma Chen led the army and left Yangzhou and went straight to Nanhai County.

Along the way, Ma Chen Qiu did not commit any crimes and won the support of the people along the way.

At the same time, the black ice platform shuttled back and forth, passing news.

At this time, I saw the meticulous work sent by Nalu Bu and hurried back to Nanhai County to inform Lu Bu of what he saw.

Then Xiazuo hurriedly said: “General, the big matter is not good.

0………Look for flowers…

Upon hearing this, Lü Bu hurriedly asked: “How?”

“Report to the general that King of Han Ma Chen is on the way to Nanhai County.”

As soon as he said this, Na Lu Bu was shocked, and he was extremely shocked: “Ma Chen’s speed, so fast?”

Lu Bu seemed to have thought of something. He didn’t expect that he would meet Ma Chen so soon.

When he killed Dong Zhuo at the beginning, he was also instigated by Wang Yun and Cai Yong. Now that I think about it, he suddenly felt that he was too reckless.

For a moment, Nalu Bu showed a sigh.

Thinking of Ma Chen approaching the city, how can it be?

He, of course, knows the strength of Han Wang Ma Chen, and at the same time, he also knows that Han Wang Ma Chen’s generals are very powerful.


However, thinking of Shixie’s reuse and future development in Jiaozhou made Lu Bu deeply sigh.

He feels very entangled now.

Lu Bu looked left and right, they were all brothers he had promoted to fall into the camp.

He said solemnly: “Brothers, we are going to meet the Han King Ma Chen again. I don’t know the brothers, what do you think?”

As soon as he said this, he saw one of the generals and said in a deep voice: “Lord, if Han Wang Ma Chen is not removed, the lord will not be peaceful.”

This sentence made Lu Bu suddenly think of something. He solemnly said: “What he said is extremely true. Except for the Han Wang Ma Chen, I will run for my life like the bereaved dog. Hateful Ma Chen.”

Unconsciously, his heart was full of hatred for Ma Chen.

At this time, Ma Chen certainly didn’t know Nalu Bu’s hatred.

Lü Bu looked at the soldiers and said in a deep voice: “In that case, we will definitely defend Nanhai County this time. In addition, the land of Jiaozhou is full of high mountains and many poisonous insects and beasts. Even Ma Chen is extremely powerful. For a while, Don’t want to come in either. This gives us some time.

However, he saw a counselor next to Lu Bu, and said in a deep voice, “Lord, if this is the case, you can stay outside the city.”

Lü Bu was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at the counselor, and asked, “How to set an ambush!”

“My lord, Ma Chen’s troops came from a long distance, and they were quite tired, and we were able to defeat them first by waiting for work.

As soon as this statement came out, Nalubu’s eyes sank, and then he said solemnly: “In this case, the generals, set up an ambush outside Nanhai County.”

“Nuo!” Factory,

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