The next morning.

The streets of Chang'an City were full of cheering people. They cheered for the Xiliang Iron Cavalry that saved them outside the city, and shouted the names of Ma Teng and Ma Chao.

Zhong Yao held a celebration ceremony for Ma Teng and Ma Chao, but after all, he is not the emperor... The so-called class teacher returning to the court was only out of respect for this Xiliang iron cavalry.

However, there should be some procedures. At least, Zhang Lu's corpse, who was beheaded on the spot, and Han Sui, who was detained in the prison car and despised by thousands of people, are now under the watchful eyes of the people. Moving slowly.

Chang'an has not lost any life, this is the best result.


"What's the matter? We have money, how are you guys happy today, let's go upstairs for a cup of tea?"

Boss Jia Qin, a rich man in the city with a big belly, brought a few friends of his own, and planned to take advantage of this auspicious day to celebrate the tea house on this day—

It's not that his boss Qin couldn't find the restaurant... The army is triumphant, and Chang'an is safe, how can I do something like a literati and elegant guest, the restaurant is full of smoke, how can there be a leisurely and elegant restaurant?

However, not long after going out, before coming to this restaurant, Boss Qin was full of anger.

What happened?

He was about to pack up the restaurant upstairs, but was told by the shopkeeper that someone had already taken one step ahead of him and packed the restaurant down.

This makes Boss Qin very unhappy.

"Master Qin... It's not that we don't want to earn your money. It's just that we each have our own rules. We can't just drive people out just because you're out more than the ones upstairs, right?"

The shopkeeper smiled embarrassedly. Earlier today, several people upstairs wrapped up the incident. If it was normal, his restaurant would definitely reserve a seat for the "Master Qin" in front of him. After all...

It's just that these few "grandfathers" today are not easy to mess with, no matter how you look at them.

The shopkeeper kept giving Qin Ye a wink, but unfortunately, Qin Ye is also a good-faced person. Several friends were watching him. He didn't care about the shopkeeper's problems, and only listened to the sound of "dong". , the sword from Master Qin's waist was unsheathed, and it was directly tied on the bench not far from the store.

"Fuck! Boss Su, I think you're not going to give me Qin Guan this face today?"

"Hey, hey! Master Qin! Let's talk about it! Who in Chang'an City doesn't know the name of Qin Guan, the mad swordsman? But if you want to break in here, you won't break the rules. In the future, others will talk about our Tianrun Teahouse. Come, I will say the last sentence, I Su Huan is not honest, seeing money, I can drive people out for money..."

"Also... Master Qin... The people upstairs... It seems that he is not easy to provoke..."

Boss Su's name is Su Huan, and he is indeed an honest man. He kept winking at Qin Guan, trying to make the other party realize that he was reminding him not to mess around - but this picture of Qin Guan is unreasonable. Appearance, Su Huan has the heart to cry.

He reminded quietly, but he never thought about it but made Qin Guan even better:

"Stop the nonsense! Brothers are going to pack up this upstairs venue today! I want to see what the holy place is upstairs. When they met Qin Guan, they dared not say a word of nonsense. ?"

"Go! Follow me upstairs!"

"Huh! Boss Qin is domineering!"

"Hahahaha! Following Boss Qin will definitely not be a loss!"

"Hurry up, you won't be able to see the parade team later!"

A few friends were teasing and flattering Qin Guan. Qin Guan felt that his footsteps were a lot lighter when he walked up, so he raised his head and squeezed Su Huan away, and Wang Lou walked upstairs.

Su Huan, who was pushed aside, had a sad face and watched several uncles boarded the teahouse. In such a good day, don't cause anyone to die.

Not afraid of [-], but just in case, Su Huan sat for a while, patted his head, and followed up unwillingly.

"Master Qin! You... Slow down..."


Chapter [-] If I can do it all over again, I will not step into that door

Qin Guan swore that if time could come back, he would never make the same mistake again... No... Today he felt that it was a mistake to go out.

If it weren't for my brains, I wanted to learn from those literati and elegant people to drink tea or something, and go to the restaurant to drink and eat meat, where did so many things come from?

But the fact is that, Qin Guan is standing in front of Ma Chao with his legs trembling at the moment.

Ma Chao——

It was the Xiliang general who single-handedly slaughtered Zhang Lu in the midst of the army.

Ma Teng...not to mention...the current Zhongchang Attendant, the Great Han's General Fubo, who has never heard of Xiliang Ma Teng's name?

Then there is the prefect Zhong Yao... Hearing that Zhong Yao is here, Qin Guan's heart is full of death here.

No, no, no, he is the local snake in Chang'an, but the local snake can't hold back the eldest man of the government... Zhong Yao is the only person he is afraid of.

Thinking about it again, the young man behind him... There is Ma Chao's sister by his side... Is he the uncle of the Ma family?

Qin Guan didn't dare to think about it any longer, because no matter which answer it was, he had no choice but to die.

In one breath, Qin Guan had a thousand lines of defense he wanted to say, but now he was too nervous to move his mouth and not make a sound.

Ma Chao looked suspiciously at the fat man in front of him, saw his twitching mouth, frowned and asked:

"What's the matter with you? Did you burn your mouth while eating?"

"Mr. Yi? Who is this person? If it wasn't someone you knew, I would have thrown him downstairs?"

The horse surpassed the trembling Qin Guan and shouted towards Yi Xiaotian in the distance.

Yi Xiaotian greeted with a smile:

"General Meng Qi, that is our honored guest, and I would trouble the general to invite him over. We have something to say!"

Yi Xiaotian smiled, and Qin Guan looked back at Yi Xiaotian's smiling face with a deflated face, and tears streamed down.

Now he really doesn't know whether to thank Yi Xiaotian or scold Yi Xiaotian.

This sentence just now is obviously Yi Xiaotian's relief for himself.

"I see."

Ma Chao suddenly dissipated the murderous aura in his eyes, grinned at Qin Guan and said:

"It turned out to be an honored guest! Hahaha, disrespectful! If you are out of Ma Chao, please call me Meng Qi. Meng Qi is a rude person. If there is any offense, please don't blame me."

"Hehe...hehehe...what...where, the general was joking, you did a good job! Xiaqinguan, yes...a businessman..."

Qin Guan grimaced, and under Ma Chao's hostage, he returned to the place where the dream began - unfortunately, it was not a beautiful dream, but a nightmare.


The girls in the banquet dispersed one after another and went downstairs to wait. Yi Xiaotian and others sat around a table, made tea, and then discussed the military—

The big crowd was full of ruthless people who could decide the future of Chang'an, but Qin Guan was caught in the middle, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

In the end, Yi Xiaotian spoke first, intending to deal with this Qin Guan matter:

"Boss Qin, why don't we continue the previous topic?"

"It's all... as you said!"

"Haha! Boss Qin is a cheerful person, Yi Mou said it clearly. Soon, I plan to open a blacksmith shop near Chang'an. There are still thousands of pieces of armor that have been looted in my house. Qin The boss did Yi Xiaotian a favor and helped me deal with this batch of armors... When I open a blacksmith shop in the future, Yi will definitely cooperate with Boss Qin again."

"No... no problem!"

Qin Guan resisted the urge to cry and responded to Yi Xiaotian's request with trembling all over.

Yi Xiaotian patted Qin Guan's shoulder with a smile and said to him:

"Of course... If it's just a blacksmith shop, I won't bother Boss Qin so much. To tell you the truth, Chang'an will have a lot of action in the near future. At that time, it must not only be a demand drama in terms of armor. Zeng, there will also be a substantial increase in materials for siege equipment and so on... I will be leaving Chang'an recently. During this time, I would like to ask Boss Qin to take care of me. I asked a few girls to handle business affairs for me, but in In terms of cargo routes, Boss Qin must be better at it."

What Yi Xiaotian said twists and turns, but it's just some scenes. Under the watchful eyes of such a circle of bosses, no matter how euphemistic what Yi Xiaotian said, it was actually a threat to Yi Xiaotian.

Qin Guan didn't dare to say the word "no".

Yi Xiaotian was about to grab it, Qin Guan was able to achieve the level of Chang'an's No. [-] soldier and armor merchant, could he not be clear in his head?

In today's transaction, he has lost his decades of old money. Not only does he have to help Yi Xiaotian deal with the armor and supplies at a loss, but also help Yi Xiaotian to contact the source of goods, manage the land for Yi Xiaotian, and finally he To the point of letting go of the armor market that I control...

This is as if he spit out all the fat he was about to swallow.

But...he had no choice.

"Just... just do as you say! No... if there's nothing else, we... let's say goodbye first?"

With an embarrassed smile, Qin Guan said that he was about to move his butt out.

"Boss Qin!"

Unexpectedly, Ma Chao on the side suddenly called him in a calm voice.

Qin Guan couldn't wait to fly up from the chair, his trousers were almost torn with both hands, and he had to reply with an apologetic smile:

"General, general, general... What else does the general command?"

"Hahaha, it's nothing, just look at Boss Qin, you are a little nervous, remember to take your sword-"

Ma Chao smiled meaningfully, patted Qin Guan's shoulder, and handed his sword to Qin Guan's hand.

Qin Guan hurriedly thanked Ma Chao for the reminder, nodded and bowed as he was about to stand up, but suddenly his breathing stopped abruptly.

Because he saw that what Ma Chao handed over was clearly a piece of iron that had been twisted into scrap iron.

Dumbly took over the twisted saber, Qin Guan mechanically nodded, and then left slowly.


Qin Guan didn't know how he got out of the teahouse, but... when he came back to his senses, he had already returned home.

Qin Guan, who was still in shock, looked at the sword on the table that even had Ma Chao's fingerprints.

"What did I do wrong?"

To a certain extent, Qin Guan's luck was pretty good... Once he went out, he bumped into the big bosses of Chang'an City again and again. It's just... This kind of experience doesn't seem to be very good for the heart.


Qin Guan is obviously just an episode of today.

The outsiders dispersed, and when Yang Song and Han Sui, who had long been brought to the teahouse, knelt in front of them, no one laughed anymore.

Ma Tie Ma Dai and others stood by, Ma Teng looked at his sworn brother with a sad face.

Ma Chao's hands creaked, only the trembling Yang Song and the disheveled Han Sui could best understand the anger of the group in front of him at this moment.

Chapter [-] Han Sui's fly in the ointment

"How is General Zhao's injury?"

"The injury is not serious. After resting for a few days, you will be able to move normally."

"That's good."

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