"don't want!!"

However, Zhang Lu had no chance to beg for mercy again.

The spear was picked up, and Zhang Lu's head flew into the air - the "king" of Hanzhong for decades, finally died under Ma Chao's gun on this day.


Chapter [-] A hundred people and a hundred horses are better than ten thousand horses

the other side--

Han Sui woke up leisurely... But the stinging pain behind his back only made it difficult for him to speak.

With a cracked voice, he called out to his lieutenant. The lieutenant heard Han Sui's voice and rushed forward with great excitement:

"General...you are awake!"

"Before you hit an arrow, everyone was worried that it broke... Fortunately, you wore an extra layer of mail today... Only one arrow pierced through the armor... But now... The end has already bandaged your wound..."

"This is... where is this?"

Han Sui strongly supported his body, got up from the horse, and looked at the surrounding scenery with hazy eyes——

The sky in the distance is already bright, but the bright moon hanging in the east is still stubbornly hanging in the air.

Looking through the branches, the sky seemed to form a line—no matter how he opened his eyes, there was only one long and narrow strip of sky, and Han Sui felt a tightness in his chest... He couldn't help coughing.

"Back to General... It's Ziwu Valley... We have already passed through Wukou and retreated all the way to the southwest. After passing Zikou and returning to Xicheng, it's not too late for us to rest..."

That lieutenant is indeed a cavalry general who has followed Han Sui for many years, and everything has been arranged for Han Sui...

"How about our casualties?"

This was probably what Han Sui cared about the most... What about Zhang Lu? That's Zhang Lu's business. He, Han Sui, regarded his troops and horses as more important than life.

Having said this, the vice general finally lowered his head, and his tone became extremely sad:

"General... Our army suffered heavy casualties... Now there are only [-] soldiers and horses, and only less than [-] soldiers are left... When we retreated, many soldiers and soldiers separated from us, and some... have been Died on the battlefield..."

There are only [-] soldiers left. This is not a question of whether the casualties are heavy or not. After this battle, Han Sui's trump cards in the past ten years are all empty, let alone a comeback... Now they have to face the next step if Cao Cao slows down. Afterwards, the ensuing revenge——

Before he came, he had heard that Xiahouyuan and Xiahou Dun from Bingzhou were already rushing towards Hanzhong... That's why they had to fight quickly... It's just... The fiasco this time was something he didn't expect...

"In the end... Who the hell broke us up... and again..."

Han Sui's mind was a little dizzy. Just after saying this, he suddenly recalled the scene on the battlefield before——

It's Ma Dai... Ma Teng's youngest son who stayed in Liangzhou. When he left Liangzhou, he only thought that Ma Dai was useless. Even if he didn't kill him, there would be no problem... Now that I think about it... those three arrows...

"Ma Dai... This bastard, eating inside and out, actually wants Lao Tzu to die!"

The anger came up, and the internal injury also came up. Han Sui spat out a mouthful of blood, causing the generals around him to exclaim in surprise.


"I'm fine! I'm much better now, let's keep going..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Han Sui seemed to have a lot of lucidity.

Thinking that there was an unfamiliar man beside Ma Dai, thinking about it like this... Han Sui realized how he was defeated——

"Who is the young man beside Ma Dai? Could it be that he rescued Ma Teng... Ma Dai and the others will rush back to Chang'an?"

After asking three questions, no one in the surrounding generals knew the man Ma Dai was standing beside him at that time.

But as soon as the question was asked, someone from North Korea and South Korea shouted:

"General! We don't know who that young man is... But... the enemy general who broke our formation seems to be Cao Cao's fierce general Xu Chu..."


Han Sui was silent because he realized that he was completely defeated. Not only did Chang'an not be defeated, it was very likely... their plan had also been exposed... The generals thought that Han Sui rushed back to the city to rest... But Han Sui had already started Thinking about how to escape so as not to be chased by Cao Cao.

"Thinking about it this way... Yang Jin hasn't sent me any news for a long time, could it be... at that time..."

The more he thought about it, the more hair he felt in his heart, Han Sui couldn't help lowering his body.

The wind made him aching all over, but the more he did, the more sober he became.

However—before Han Sui could recover, the person he was most afraid to meet appeared in the corner of the deep stream in front of him.

There are only a hundred people and a man as strong as a mountain...

Perhaps they could not fully hold even the narrowest passage of the valley.

That's how it happened... This cold cavalry army of only a hundred people gave Han Sui an unparalleled sense of oppression.


The horse seemed to be affected by the murderous aura, and he was trembling all over and stopped.

Before Han Sui could speak, the lieutenant beside him shouted loudly:

"There is an ambush! The whole army is on alert! Protect the general!"

It is said that the underdogs will be defeated. At this moment, the Xiliang iron cavalry, which is desperate, seems to have condensed the final fighting intention. They all bared their teeth and exhaled a scorching breath, and there were only nearly a hundred cavalry in the distance.

It seems that just waiting for an order, they will scream and charge.

Han Sui hurriedly retreated to the rear in shock, but before he had time to issue an order, he heard a roar from the general led by nearly a hundred cavalry at the other end of the valley:

"All-army assault!"

This group of people from Xiliang are stupid. They only thought that the other party was setting up a battle to stop them, but they didn't want the other party to rush directly towards them who were crushing the number of them.

They were despised.

An extremely heavy feeling of humiliation filled the lieutenant's chest, and he squeezed out the voice from between his teeth:

"I don't know whether to live or die... Kill them all for me!"


In the sound of shouting and killing, Han Sui looked at the soldiers beside him and rushed towards the cavalry that seemed to be coming to die.

The strange thing was that Han Sui thought that the next moment he would see the army being easily defeated by the opponent, even though they had an absolute advantage.

"Stop thinking about it—"

He laughed at himself. Although he had not seen the strength of the opponent with his own eyes, no matter what, a hundred people can't defeat thousands of people, right?

However, his smile may have only lasted less than ten breaths.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by bursts of miserable mourning, the soldiers who rushed to the front with their lieutenants fell down in pieces under a terrifying rain of arrows.

Han Sui looked at all this in a stunned manner. It seemed that it was not the first time that such a terrifying scene had been staged.

But the last time... he fainted completely, and he didn't even see what the weapon in the opponent's hand was.

But this time, Han Sui, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, felt that his entire world collapsed at this moment.

The lieutenant was obviously unable to believe this fact.

There were only a hundred people on the other side, and they moved forward steadily, but he could only see sharp arrows flying past his eyes.

"Bastard...Fuck! Die!!"

Unable to bear such tragic casualties, the lieutenant shouted and charged forward with his sword.

However, Xu Chu would not let this happen.

At a young age, Xu Chu, who was even able to walk over deep streams in the mountains, chased the tiger, dragged the Huoyun Dao, and pulled out a slash that was so fast that afterimages appeared.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, a knife slashed the body of Han Suijun's lieutenant in half.


Chapter [-] It's better but Chang'an is safe

When the blood of the lieutenant had really shot at Ma Teng's feet, this unreal feeling made Ma Teng realize that they should never use common sense to measure the hundred cavalry in front of them.

Especially the leader, the one with the Fire Cloud Saber in his hand was staring at the cavalry he killed.

- It's Xu Chu.

Xu Chu got Yi Xiaotian's order and said that if he wanted to capture Han Sui alive, then Han Sui's subordinates became targets that Xu Chu could easily slaughter.

What a bizarre battle this is—

Nearly [-] strong Xiliang iron cavalry, driven by a hundred tiger and leopard cavalry with moon-chasing crossbows, were defeated.

From the time when the army's lieutenant was killed, to when Xu Chu grabbed Han Sui from his horse, it might have taken less than a cup of tea in total.

The army fell in pieces, and no one dared to stop Xu Chu and the others at the back.

They screamed and ran towards both sides of the mountain stream. Even if Xu Chu was close to them, they didn't dare to even take a look at Xu Chu's side... Han Sui's army, who lost their armor and armor, had truly lost everything at this time. combat power.

The only difference between them and those people who fled due to war may be that they still have excellent war horses under their crotch.

But at this moment, because Xu Chu didn't intend to pay attention to them at all, even if they rolled to the ground now and crawled out of the valley, there would not be any danger.

"Guan...Guannei Hou...forgive...forgive my life..."

Han Sui was held by Xu Chu's hair, trembling all over in the air.

And the [-] cavalrymen who had been doing something special before, are now in this valley, and even the shadows can't be seen.

At Xu Chu's feet were the corpses of those who were unrepentant, especially the lieutenant who couldn't even close his eyes even though he was dismembered.

Han Sui cried, and at this moment he finally felt an unforgettable fear.

He began to repent, regretting his sin of drawing a sword towards Chang'an for the sake of glory and wealth, and began to repent... Confessing that he did not want to make progress, and even colluded with Zhang Lu, intending to subvert the Central Plains...

But these, Xu Chu did not intend to listen.

This is not his task, the interrogation is done by Yi Xiaotian.

So, in the sound of Han Sui's begging for mercy, Xu Chu immediately slapped Han Sui.

With a buzzing mind, Han Sui saw a few big white teeth flying out of his mouth, and felt the burning pain on his face, and finally gave up talking because of the pain.

Xu Chu nodded in satisfaction, then threw Han Sui onto his saddle and waved his hand—

This "beheading" operation of [-] people resisting [-] people simply came to an end...

I don’t know how many years later, no one dared to enter the Meridian Valley, where so many wonderful wars broke out. I heard that every night, the wind screams in the valley, like a ghost who is desperate for his life, and the soul is crying... I don't know if it's true or not... But in short, following Han Sui's capture, outside Chang'an City, the battle that should have been earth-shattering finally ended with someone's repeated manipulations.


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