Zhuge Liang probed into the car and shouted to Liu Bei, who was sluggish beside him.

Only then did Liu Bei realize that, he drew his long sword and shouted loudly in front of the generals:

"Army attack!"


For two days and one night, as Zhuge Liang said, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun were able to see Xiangyang City from a distance.

The [-] light cavalry was right behind them, and Zhang Fei had just ordered it, so the army stopped temporarily...because they had another purpose for their trip.

"Steward Li! We are here, the road ahead is up to you to go."

Zhao Yun greeted the silhouette of a horse not far behind.

Li Yue hurriedly ran forward.

"Two generals have worked hard! I won't bother you on the road ahead. The fourth master should have sent someone to meet me at this moment... Let's say goodbye!"

"Take care of yourself!"

"Take care of yourself!"

Li Yuechong handed over to the two of them, while Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun returned the salute with expressionless faces.

Taking advantage of the night, Li Yue rushed down the mountain excitedly.

Shili... The night was dark, and the scene in front of Li Yue was a little blurry, but he could still roughly see the outline of Xiangyang City, and even more...

"Sure enough!"

Li Yue excitedly looked at a little light in the dark in the distance.

The firelight swayed rhythmically on the ground, which was the code that Ma Liang had told him earlier.

Ma'er speeded up, and Li Yue couldn't hide his excitement. He felt that he must have done a shocking event this time, and finally gave Ma Liang a long face.

He even began to fantasize about how Ma Liang would reward himself when he returned to the city... He doesn't like jewelry, but he likes beautiful women... "Little Hongyuan! You, Daguan Li, are here!"

Little Hongyuan is the signboard of Du Wen's Red Sleeve Building. Li Yue felt that he was risking his life to send a letter to Ma Liang. Ma Liang greeted Du Wen Du's owner, so Xiao Hongyuan must not give him a hug?

I thought so in my heart, but suddenly, something went wrong.

The smile on Li Yue's face hadn't disappeared. As he got closer to the lights, he saw a maid servant who was extremely stiff and pale.

After slowing down, Li Yue finally stopped his horse in front of the servant.

Li Yue dismounted and walked in front of him. In front of the servants, Li Yue was absolutely majestic.

"You're the only one here? ... I'm asking you something! What are you shaking!"

Li Yue pouted, and his nose was about to go to the sky. He felt that when he came back, the other party should be a little more happy, right?

But the other party was shaking from the moment he saw him, and Li Yue's good mood dissipated like this. He slapped the other party with a face down.

"What are you doing, let's go! Lead the way!"

However, the other party trembled even more. He held a small lantern in his hand and his teeth chattered constantly. Finally, he looked at Li Yue in horror and squeezed out a few words between his teeth:

"Master... go... can't go..."

"Clam? Can't go? Why? Is your leg broken or mine? Just kidding..."

Li Yue looked angry, and was about to beat the servant, but suddenly heard a voice that scared him to the depths of his soul.

"His legs are not broken, yours is fast."

Li Yue froze... Before he saw the face of the comer, his body was as stiff as this servant.

He told the other party not to shake, but his mouth trembled.

"Strong... strong man... you... you... why are you here?"

"Why am I here?"

Xu Chu frowned slightly, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, and pressed it against the shoulders of the two of them.

"By Mr.'s order, I have been waiting for you here for two days!"

"No...no...don't! Don't hit me..."

In the darkness of the night, a scream sounded, but unfortunately, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei on the mountain did not hear it.

Chapter [-] The so-called big killer

"It seems to have gone far... Yide, it's time to go..."

Zhao Yun said sternly, he saw that Li Yue had disappeared in the distance, and reminded Zhang Fei next to him.

The two did not take advantage of the night to pass directly through Xiangyang City Zhou, just to prevent the sound of the march from disturbing Xiangyang and causing Li Yue to get into unnecessary trouble.

They had listened to Zhuge Liang's instructions over and over again in the army, saying that Li Yue was their nobleman and must be treated well.

With the previous lessons from Guan Yu, both of them treated military orders with caution, even Zhang Fei, who has always been reckless, now has a lot of thought...

"No... It's not yet time... It will be night now, and most of Cao Jun hasn't slept yet. We will wait here in the middle of the night in the mountain forest. After dawn breaks, we will recharge our batteries, and then we will detour to the north of Xiangyang..."

Zhao Yun was quite amazed that the lion head in front of him could say such a reasonable thing. After thinking about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case, so Zhao Yun agreed with Zhang Fei's decision.

The [-] soldiers and horses did not rush forward, but lay dormant in the mountains.


Outside the city of Xiangyang, where Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun could not see clearly, Li Yue was going through the biggest test in his life at this moment.

It is said to be the biggest test. In fact, Li Yue was only recruited after being stimulated for a little while, and all this was just as Yi Xiaotian analyzed to everyone.

Yi Xiaotian was gathered with Cao Cao and others at this moment, but this place was the so-called "command headquarters" they temporarily built outside the city.

Looking at Li Yue who was beaten beyond recognition, everyone looked at each other.

Because what Li Yue said just now is basically the same as what Yi Xiaotian predicted.

Cao Cao murmured:

"Sure enough, the other party will not simply kill us..."

Jia Xu was stunned. He looked outside the tent, and he could clearly see the distant Xian Mountain. Under the dark conditions, who could have imagined that there are [-] light cavalry in ambush at this moment?

"They... are they going to kill?"

"Then let General Xu Chu and Yue join them..."

"No need!"

Jia Xu was a little flustered, but Yi Xiaotian stopped him directly.

At this moment, Yi Xiaotian seemed to be the center surrounded by everyone, and Huang Yueying was also in the tent with him.

Although I only summoned Master Hide and others tonight, Yi Xiaotian didn't plan to let Master Hide take action. He just wanted to let these guys with low morale now take a good look--

See how he trumps this first life-or-death battle.

"The other party will definitely not attack tonight. As long as the other party uses a little brain, they will definitely be dispatched at dawn tomorrow. After all, that time is our normal most slack time."

"Then we'll take the plan... The other party didn't attack rashly, which naturally gave us more time to deal with..."

But having said that, after hearing what Yi Xiaotian said about the response, everyone swallowed and looked out the door.

Outside the door, although it was shrouded in darkness, it was so close that everyone could clearly see the many obstacles under that night...

In fact, from that afternoon two days ago... Yi Xiaotian had already been preparing for this battle, and in that "obstacle" like a mountain, [-] county soldiers who had been temporarily trained were standing guard—

With [-] county soldiers against [-] elite cavalry, if it wasn't for Yi Xiaotian's calm smile, Cao Cao and the others would be ready to flee now.

It was impossible for Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei to be killed. Two days ago...they were destined to become the stepping stones for Huang Yueying's fame.


two days ago.

Huang Yueying slowly woke up after eating some porridge and rice.

When he woke up, he only saw Zhen Luo taking care of himself, but not Yi Xiaotian.

"What about sir? The crossbow has not been handed over to the craftsmen... I have to..."

Huang Yueying propped up her weak body and wanted to get up, but was pressed down by Zhen Luo angrily.

"Look at you! Sister Yueying, Mr. knows that you will ask about the continuous crossbow when you wake up... You, just take a good rest, Mr. has already done all these things properly..."

"Then he..."

Even if Huang Yueying's skin was wheat-colored, she couldn't hide her weak and pale complexion at the moment.

Zhen Luo smiled helplessly, fed Huang Yueying another mouthful of porridge, and immediately replied:

"Mr. took Big Brother Xu to find Mr. Concealer. He said he was going to do a big thing... When you rest, let's go to see Mr. together..."

Huang Yueying breathed a sigh of relief, and finally lay down obediently.

"it is good!"

She nodded heavily, and Zhen Luo wiped her mouth with a smile.


On the other side, Cao Cao, who went out to breathe, had already arrived at the foot of Lumen Mountain.

In front of the mountain, the signboard of Youjian Villa has been hung high, but the door is tightly locked, and there is no sign of opening it.

"Prime Minister...or else...I'll go ask, ask Mr. Yi..."

Cao Ren wanted to say, and asked Yi Xiaotian if he was confident in defending Xiangyang, but before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the door opening suddenly from a distance.

"What a coincidence, I was just about to find Master Hsu and Master Ren!"

When Cao Cao saw Yi Xiaotian's haggard face, his nose was sore, and the grievances of the past few days almost turned into tears and rushed out of his eyes.

Yes, Cao Cao has never been so down in his life, and now Yi Xiaotian has become his last hope. When he sees hope, how can he not be excited?

Cao Cao pursed his lips, and looked like he was about to cry, and rushed directly to Yi Xiaotian, while Jia Xu was obviously calmer. The first thing he noticed was not Yi Xiaotian, but Yi Xiaotian's hand. That strange object...

"That's... a crossbow?"

Doubts arose in Jia Xu's mind, but the excited Cao Cao didn't even notice it.

"Brother Yi! You... you can figure it out!"

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