Zhou Yu rolled his eyes without a trace, and hurriedly dismounted and rushed over to Liu Bei.

Everyone was chatting, and quickly walked towards the city, and the officers and men in the city were already ready to set off, taking down Xiangyang in the north in one fell swoop and completely defeating Cao Cao——

That night, in the camp, the coalition forces decided that Zhou Yu would be the main commander and Liu Bei would be the deputy commander, and the next day they would immediately lead the army to Xiangyang.

Moreover, in order not to give Cao Cao a chance to breathe, Zhuge Liang proposed the strategy of going light and cavalry first.

"Xiangyang must be short of troops at this moment. General Zhang and General Zhao lead [-] cavalry to intercept Cao Cao's retreat and block the opponent's reinforcements. We must make a quick decision. As long as things are successful, Xiangyang will be captured in a short time..."

Chapter [-]: The surrender of Ma Siye

The cavalry marched first, the infantry after the merger advanced steadily, and Huang Gai led the navy, up the river, and blocked three roads. If Cao Cao was not stupid, he should have given up when he knew such news.

Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang both thought so, but soon...they received a secret letter from Xiangyang...

At midnight... Jiangling was silent.

And this silence was completely broken by the rapid sound of hooves.

From north to south, the guards of the coalition army rode fast horses and led a tall and thin man to the tent at the moment.

Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, who were awakened in their sleep, were quite puzzled.

"Where's Liu Yuzhou?"

Zhou Yu hurriedly put on his shirt, and when he went out, he saw Kong Ming walking towards him with disheveled hair.

Seeing that Liu Bei did not appear, Zhou Yu asked suspiciously, but heard Zhuge Liang helplessly say:

"The lord fell asleep, I went to call him, but he was kicked out..."


Zhou Yu's hand was raised high, and his eyes were about to pop out. Where is the demeanor of "Zhou Lang"?

Perhaps the person who pushed Zhou Yu to such a level was Liu Bei over the years.

"Captain, calm down, get used to it slowly..."

Seeing Zhou Yu's anger like this, Zhuge Liang felt a sense of relief, probably the kind of feeling that when the victim didn't know he was alone, he could only make fun of it.

He hurriedly fanned the red-faced Zhou Yu, and then said beside him:

"I heard that the person who came was sent by the Xiangyang family, if I guessed correctly..."

Zhuge Liang took out a letter from his sleeve, took out the letter, and showed Zhou Yu its contents.

"Mr. Shuijing is my friend. Although we were driven to Xiakou by Cao Cao, I asked him to record the affairs of Xiangyang with me every once in a while... These are some things that happened in Xiangyang some time ago... Please also take a look at the governor. ."

Hearing that it was Sima Hui's letter, Zhou Yu hurriedly took it. Looking at the letter, his doubts gradually turned into shock, and then he confirmed to Zhuge Liang in a tone of horror:

"Then Yi Xiaotian has arrived in Xiangyang?"

"Not only that... He also turned the seven great families upside down in Xiangyang... Ma Su, the young master of the Ma family, was also beheaded by Yi Xiaotian in the street... It can be said that in Xiangyang at this moment, except for those useless people, the rest of the aristocratic families are basically They all have intentions to deviate from Cao Cao..."

"Especially... that white-browed Ma Liang!"

A cold light flashed in Zhuge Liang's eyes, and others might not know it, but at this moment, only Yi Xiaotian was in his eyes, and his heart was extremely excited, because he finally got the chance to confront Yi Xiaotian.

"If I'm not mistaken, the person here must be the white-browed Ma Liang's messenger!"


Slap, the tea cup falls.

In the bright tent, Zhou Yu stood up excitedly.

"Mr. Ma really gave our army a great gift!"

Zhuge Liang smiled lightly, and the feather fan in his hand shook slowly, which also represented that he was quite relaxed and in a good mood at the moment.

Everything is just as Zhuge Liang said, Ma Liang, who hated Yi Xiaotian the most, really had the idea of ​​rebelling because of Cao Cao's defeat.

Zhuge Liang even felt that now he could see the scene where Ma Liang wrote the letter word by word and handed it over to the person in front of him.

He sneered in his heart:

"Hehe, Yi Xiaotian, you are careless..."

"There is still a gap between you and me..."

Zhuge Liang felt that he had won the victory, and the reason was very simple. Cao Cao...or Yi Xiaotian, at this moment in Xiangyang, had lost the people's hearts - the people's hearts here are actually the big families in Xiangyang.

To put it badly, although Zhuge Liang himself has been farming for many years, in his bones, he is a man of the gentry class.

The people he knew were the aristocratic families, and those so-called commoners were completely burdensome to Kong Ming... Yao Yao remembered the first meeting with Liu Bei before, if Liu Bei insisted on dragging those burdens to escape, how could they have Escape in such a hurry?

As for Zhuge Liang's own foundation, if he did not have the background of the gentry class, how could he have learned to such a degree?

His older brother, Zhuge Jin, had long been an official in Soochow, and he himself had never had the idea of ​​hiding in the world. Everything he did was to become an official, to show his talents in this troubled world, so his heart was full. It was placed on top of assisting Liu Bei in his struggle to dominate the world.

"Although Liu Xuande and Cao Cao are always a lot worse, but ah... Yi Xiaotian, you lose because your heart is not pure!"

Just as Zhou Yu and the messenger who was missing the front teeth sent by Ma Liang kept chatting, Zhuge Liang's eyes had already passed through the tent to Xiangyang, and only Yi Xiaotian was in his eyes.

"Is there a villa? There is a tavern? There is a salt shop? You are greedy for money and beauty, and you still want to enjoy luxury and freedom in this troubled world?"

"You are a secular businessman, what are you fighting against me!!"

Zhuge Liang suddenly punched the table, startling Zhou Yu and the envoy. The envoy thought he had done something wrong and quickly apologized to Zhuge Liang:

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm sorry, Mr. Wolong! The villain, Li Yue, doesn't know the etiquette... There are many... many offenses, but we are just an errand... You... you must not..."

"Ah! It turned out to be Manager Li... Hehe... I heard about you, don't be nervous, I just suddenly thought of something..."

Seeing that he scared the other party, Zhuge Liang quickly appeased Li Yue's emotions.

Li Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again.

"Kong Ming! Director Li not only brought information about the defenders in the city, but even gave us a detailed map of the vicinity of Xiangyang City!"

Zhou Yu smiled happily, took out the map that Li Yue had just handed him, and put it in front of Kong Ming.

"So good!"

Kong Ming also smiled and nodded.

Seeing that both of them were very happy, Li Yue hurriedly added:

"The Governor, and Mr. Wolong, don't you know that at this moment, the people in Xiangyang City are struggling to live, because of that Yi Xiaotian... This time, Xiaotian not only represents the fourth master, but also the other six The head of the house…”

With a treacherous smile, he said viciously:

"As long as the army reaches the city and the time is right, we will fan the flames in the city... It's a pity that our family has been severely damaged, and we have no spare energy to fight the army... Otherwise, when the two soldiers are under the city, the fourth master will definitely help the two to open it up. The city gate…”

"No need! Since that Yi Xiaotian wants to fight, it's exactly what I want! Let's give him this chance!"

Zhuge Liang flicked his feather fan, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he snorted coldly.

"That's it! That's it! The Governor and Mr. Wolong joined forces. This Yi Xiaotian won't cry without seeing the coffin. He must teach him a lesson..."

"Humph! This Yi Xiaotian, who helped Zhou to abuse, helped Cao thief hold the emperor to keep the princes from talking, and even attacked an innocent commoner like Ma Siye! His sins are monstrous, but he will not change after repeated teachings, Li Guanshi can rest assured that Ma Siye has been punished. For oppression, we will definitely pay it back tenfold!”

Zhou Yu raised his head and said quite righteously, without feeling ashamed at all for classifying Ma Liang as an innocent commoner.

If Yi Xiaotian listened to Zhou Yu's words, I'm afraid he couldn't help laughing.

Chapter five hundred and forty-two I have been waiting for you for a long time

Seeing that Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu had high fighting spirit, they seemed to share the same hatred as Ma Liang and him in the matter of Yi Xiaotian, Li Yue hurriedly agreed, and Lin finally mentioned the last thing Ma Liang explained to himself:

"There is one more thing that the fourth master explained to us... Now I don't know whether to say it or not..."

Li Yue shrank his neck, looking a little wretched, and there was some cowardice in his tone.

However, Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu were happy, so they said to Li Yue:

"Steward Li said it's okay, the fourth master of the Ma family has helped us such a big favor. As long as we can do it, we will definitely satisfy the fourth master!"

When Zhou Yu spoke, his title changed. He called Ma Liang's fourth master directly, which was regarded as giving Ma Liang enough respect.

When Li Yue heard the show, he immediately smiled:

"The fourth master hates Yi Xiaotian to the bone... My son-in-law was humiliated to death by that Yi Xiaotian. The fourth master does not ask for money or officials, but only wants to be able to let the four Master also participated... If you can cut off that Yi Xiaotian's head with your own hands..."

A cold light flashed in Li Yue's eyes.

Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu just thought for a moment, then nodded heavily.

"It's easy to say! As long as the city is broken and Yi Xiaotian is captured, this butcher's knife will be handed over to Fourth Master Ma!"

Zhuge Liang clapped the table and agreed to Li Yue.

In the darkness of the night, in the bright tent, the sound of three people laughing sounded.


The next day, according to the previous instructions, Huang Gai went straight to Xiangyang along the waterway. [-] sailors led nearly [-] ships of various sizes, and the vast Tangtang went up the river. ring.

"As long as General Huang arrives at Fanshui, we will attack Xiangyang together, and we will definitely call that Yi Xiaotian back and forth!"

Zhou Yu watched the boat leave, with a smile on his lips, looking confident.

In terms of water warfare, he is an expert, so Zhuge Liang did not interfere at all.

According to Zhou Yu's thoughts, because of the news sent by Ma Liang yesterday, they learned that there are only [-] people in Xiangyang at the moment, and they can't defend the city, let alone start a war with them on the water.

Yi Xiaotian must have wanted to use Fan Shui as a barrier, focus on defending the city, and give up the water battle.

But how could a shrewd person like Zhou Yu let Yi Xiaotian avoid the heavy and take the light?

"Yi Xiaotian must think that Fanshui east of Xiangyang will become their barrier, and I will let Yi Xiaotian understand what it means to attack by land and water!"

Zhuge Liang also smiled. The cavalry he sent out, the [-] light cavalry led by Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun, as long as they could intercept the rear of Xiangyang, then Xiangyang would become an isolated city within a hundred miles.

"In addition to my tactic of besieging Wei and saving Zhao, we have already won the battle in Xiangyang!"

Yes, because of defending the city, it is impossible for Yi Xiaotian to go out to fight. Zhuge Liang thinks he sees it thoroughly.

And the tactics of besieging Wei and saving Zhao could not be better at this time. If Cao Cao had reinforcements to rush to assist Xiangyang, then Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei could easily kill the enemy and bring a heavy blow to Cao Cao... Not only the force, but also the blow morale.


Zhuge Liang got into the car with a smile, and Zhou Yu got into the car with a smile—only Liu Bei was sandwiched between the two, looking around like a fool, not knowing what the two were talking about.

"It's still heartbreaking..."

"My lord, it's time to go, order."

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