Cavalry generals like Zhang Liao and Yu Jin were finally able to look into the distance from the big boat, not to mention how excited they were.

I just don't know... Can the navy on the other side be able to withstand such a menacing armada?

Cao Cao was refreshed. This time, he was standing on the bow of the boat, and his mood was completely different from the previous days.

He gestured to the ships on the other side with his hand, and he had already begun to imagine that the Sun and Liu coalition forces would disintegrate in an instant, and his army, with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops, defeated the six counties of Jiangdong all the way, and defeated all the top princes in the world. one scene.

"Ah... is this day really coming?"

"Yao remembered the day when I met Brother Yi, who would have imagined that I, Cao Cao, would be able to have such a glorious day?"

The advisors beside him responded one after another, only Jia Xu looked at Jiang Mian in the distance with a strange expression on his face.

"Wenhe? What's wrong? But what's the trouble?"

Xun You poked Jia Xu, whose body was a little stiff, and asked with a smile.

And Jia Xu didn't say anything, just pointed at the river face doubtfully:

"There... is there a ship coming towards us?"

"What? Wen He, didn't you read it wrong? Where else would anyone dare to..."

Xun You waved his hand, thinking that Jia Xu had just read it wrong, but heard Cao Cao suddenly exclaimed:

"The boat on the river, is it the boat of Soochow?"


Under the circumstance of being completely on guard, the boat slowly sailed into the navy camp.

The people on the boat, dressed in very ordinary clothes, seemed to be fishermen on the river, but the moment the other party took out the letterhead, everyone gasped.

"I am a military advisor under the tent of Huang Gai, the general of the Eastern Wu side. My name is Kan Ze. This is the letter of my general. I would like to invite Prime Minister Cao to see it!"

Taking off the hat, the person standing on the boat is not angry and arrogant, Kan Ze...

When Cai Mao and others heard that Kan Ze was here, they immediately explained to Cao Cao:

"Prime Minister, this Kan Ze is a famous person in Eastern Wu. I heard that he is familiar with the astronomical calendar, but because of his qualifications, he can only be a counselor in the army... If he came to deliver the letter, maybe Huang Gai..."

Before Cai Mao could finish speaking, the letter was handed over. Cao Cao glanced at it and shouted directly to the army:

"Huang Gai is going down?"

"Do you really think that this Prime Minister can't see through your swindle to surrender? Stupid!"

"This person, dragged out and beheaded!"

Cai Mao shrank his neck... he didn't dare to say a word.

When everyone heard that Huang Gai was about to surrender, they all had the same idea.

"Prime Minister! Don't you want to listen to my explanation again, why does my general want to take refuge with the Prime Minister at this time, at the risk of being discovered?"

The soldiers had already disembarked, and they took Kan Ze to the big ship.

It's just that even though Kan Ze was stabbed with a few large knives on his neck, his expression remained unchanged.

This made Cao Cao a little more suspicious. He raised his hand and everyone let go of Kan Ze. Kan Ze also stood up from the ground and saluted Cao Cao with a smile:

"The prime minister doesn't know anything, Zhou Yu's child is full of unrealistic plans, arrogant, and does not stop talking about veteran generals like General Huang. General Huang contradicted Zhou Yu's child a few words yesterday. The general wanted to behead General Huang in public for disturbing the morale of the army!"

What Kan Ze said was indignant and lifelike, and many people gradually believed in Kan Ze's words:

"Fortunately, there were people who interceded for General Huang, but Zhou Yu was unwilling to forgive him. In the end, he beat General Huang's fifty major boards... General Huang worked hard for Soochow, but ended up like this..."

"So Huang Gai is about to surrender?"

"Your words on this side are quite smooth, do you think that this Prime Minister does not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong?"

Cao Cao didn't believe it at all. Everyone has a mouth, and they can say what they want to say.

Kan Ze shook his head helplessly, as if he had planned to give up.

Cao Cao was about to behead Kan Ze.

At this moment, Cai Mao suddenly said...

"Prime Minister... The clan brother of the humble post has been in ambush for a long time in Soochow. Yesterday, it was rumored that Huang Gai was tortured in the army. The humble post did not dare to say it. I didn't expect that Mr. Kan would come to ask him to surrender... Prime Minister, I am willing to serve Huang Gai. The general guarantees that General Huang was indeed punished for his disobedience yesterday..."

Cai Mao's words can be regarded as a stone that has stirred up a thousand waves, because if it is true that according to what he said, Huang Gai is sincere to surrender, then the battle of Chibi...

Cao Cao was silent, silence only represented one thing, he hesitated...


Chapter [-]: Beating the Snake and Playing Seven Inches

There are not many things that can make Cao Cao hesitate. If Cai Mao really saw the moment when Huang Gai was tortured, then this letter...

Cao Cao picked up the letter on the ground again, and carefully read the contents of the letter again.

The content is so tempting.

Cao Cao has an army of [-] people, but to maintain the consumption of this army of [-] people is also a heavy burden on food and grass.

Before Cao Cao came, Xun Yu had repeatedly told Cao Cao that he must fight quickly, but Cao Cao might not know that in the bag that had been stolen by Xu Shu, Yi Xiaotian also told Cao Cao unabashedly that he must do so. The winner is decided in the first few days.

It was impossible for Cao Cao not to understand.

It's just... Cao Cao couldn't help but be cautious after experiencing this defeat again and again.

The consequence of this is that he has more concerns about how to reduce the current losses.

If it really is according to what Huang Gai said in the letter-

"Kan Ze, the Prime Minister asks you, how many soldiers and horses can Huang Gai bring? How many ships can he bring?"

Kan Ze knew that Cao Cao had taken the bait, so he became more and more confident:

"There are nearly a hundred ships large and small, all of which are the main fleet under Zhou Yu. There are more than [-] elite sailors, which is nearly [-]% of Zhou Yu's trump card."

Xun You, Cheng Yu and the others swallowed their saliva.

They all saw surprise and excitement in the eyes of the other party.

Jia Xu whispered a few words in Cao Cao's ear:

"Prime Minister, we must guard against..."

"I know... So I plan to keep the whole army on guard and wait for the opponent to come and vote in person... If I can really get a fierce general like Huang Gai, Chibi... can be broken in one day!"

When Jia Xu heard Cao Cao's decisive words, he knew that he could not persuade him.

Instead of arguing with Cao Cao again, it's better to hurry up and prepare to accept Huang Gai's army later...


Kan Ze returned in a small boat, and Cao Cao announced a three-day deadline... Three days later, Huang Gai came to cast, as long as Huang Gai did not lie, then they could wipe out the Soochow army in Chibi in one fell swoop...

And on the other side of the moment-

In the city of Xiangyang, under the prefectural shepherd's house.

Because of the death of Ma Su, the young master of the Ma family, unimaginable turmoil occurred in Xiangyang.

At first, people decorated with lanterns, just like the Chinese New Year, celebrating Ma Su's death. Ma Su died, and the happiest people were the merchants who had been exploited by him.

Unfortunately, the good times don't last long.

An organization called the Aristocratic Family Alliance suddenly swept the entire Xiangyang City overnight.

Kuai, Xi, Xi, Zhang, Wang, Huang, Cai, Luo, Du... With Ma Liang as the leader of the alliance, the nine great aristocratic families all share the same hatred and want to "bring Yi Xiaotian to justice".

Bring to justice?

It's just a nice rhetoric. In the final analysis, Yi Xiaotian violated their common interests.

Not to mention Ma Liang, his own younger brother was beheaded, no matter how playful his younger brother was during his lifetime, they were all his blood relatives. It was only through the concerted efforts of their brothers that they were able to develop into what they are today.

Now that Ma Su is dead, Ma Liang only has the idea of ​​seeking revenge.

And what about other families...

Ma Liang just told them some very simple facts, and forced these aristocratic families to unite together.

"Youjian Villa's business is all over the north, and now it is marching into the south of the Yangtze River with a sweeping trend. If we don't respond now and don't protect our foundation, when Yi Xiaotian and Cao Cao join hands, we will only be excluded."

"I don't want to say that Yi Xiaotian's business in the villa covers all walks of life... It's just his business of iron and iron, and he and Cao Cao have seen no less than a million dollars... If he is not willing to just earn this iron and iron What about the money?"

"What do we have?"

Ma Liang threw a question, and the patriarchs of many aristocratic families shook three times.

Salt-iron salt-iron, Kulai salt-iron is a family, the government has always taken back the private ownership of salt-iron, just because if it is not controlled, just relying on the minds of the nobility to pursue capital and profit, the market of salt-iron will soon become obsolete. gradually disorganized.

Therefore, since the Eastern Han Dynasty, the imperial court not only did not give the private ownership of salt and iron to the people, but instead strengthened the control of the private ownership of salt and iron again and again.

Xiangyang is different…

The cooperation with Liu Biao has benefited many aristocratic families, especially the four families of Xi, Zhang, Wang and Luo who rely on them the most.

Cai and Ma were both involved in salt and iron.

Six of the nine families cannot coexist with Yi Xiaotian, so naturally the remaining three families cannot rely on Yi Xiaotian.

This is how the alliance was formed.

However, on the second day of the establishment of the Aristocratic Family Alliance, which was also the first day of their official representative meeting, they received an even more exciting news.

"Four... Fourth Master! No... it's not good!"

The venue for the meeting was chosen to be above the Ma Mansion. Although the death of Ma Su had just happened a few days ago, the matter had come to an end, and there was no time to put on sacks and filial piety, but the Ma Mansion was the first to cheer itself up. There is Ma Liang's push.

Ma Liang raised his hand high in the air, and before he could speak, he heard the call from outside the door, and he couldn't help frowning:

"What's the matter?"

I saw a rather plainly dressed middle-aged man who seemed to be a long-term worker, running from the door with a panicked expression.

As soon as he arrived in the courtyard, he saw a bunch of family owners sitting in the main hall, and his courage broke.

Everyone was very upset when the meeting was interrupted, and the person who interrupted the meeting was still sitting there like a piece of wood, wasting everyone's time—

As a steward, Li Yue naturally stood up and kicked the lowly worker directly.

"I asked you to talk! Is it possible to make the masters wait for your servant?"

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