Because there is Yi Xiaotian's good bag, if this letter is brought to Cao Ying, Cao Cao will see at a glance that this is Zhou Yu's counter-plan.

And knowing that Zhou Yu designed Jiang Gan, then Pang Tong, who was then invited by Jiang Gan to Cao Ying, will definitely be detained by Cao Cao, and there will be no chain link.

Things went wrong again and again, and a series of deviations occurred, but by accident, Pang Tong's life was saved and Soochow's last chance to attack.

It can only be said that Soochow is very likely to be angry.

Chapter [-] To be a twenty-five boy, you must be confident

Yes, in the end Jiang Gan did not steal the book, he chose to hide it in order to keep his best friend Cai Mao.

Then, before leaving Soochow, he visited Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan, who was praised by Zhou Yu overnight.

Pang Shiyuan pretended not to expect Jiang Gan's arrival. It seemed that after careful consideration, he decided to embark on the boat to Caoying.

This made Jiang Gan somewhat more at ease.


The next day, in the camp of the Wulin Navy, a small boat came on the waves.

On the boat were the exhausted Jiang Gan and the confident Pang Tong.

After explaining the purpose of his visit, the entire Cao Cao generals and counselors came out to see what the virtues of Mr. Feng Chu, who was named after Zhuge Wolong, were.

Just seeing Pang Tong's unremarkable appearance, some people think that Pang Tong must be a farmer that Jiang Gan randomly found from somewhere, right?

Some people questioned, and Jiang Gan also wanted to refute, but he didn't know that Pang Tong himself had a more violent temper.

"Whoever said that he is a country farmer who doesn't have long eyes?"

Huh, Pang Tong's aura was also flourishing, and he was not at all timid in the face of the generals and dignitaries in Cao's camp, but even this courage made Cao Cao a little admired.

Recalling that when he assassinated Dong Zhuo, he was also so fearless. Maybe he really thought of what he used to be. Cao Cao smiled and made a round.

"Hey! How do you talk? Could it be that the advisers around me, Cao Cao, rely on their looks to get a place? I'm afraid I won't be laughed at if I say it."

"I love hearing what the Prime Minister says! Hahahaha!"

Pang Tong twisted his moustache and laughed, but Cao Cao shook his head with a smile when he saw Pang Tong smiling happily.

"This prime minister naturally doesn't care what other people look like, but can Mr. Feng Chu be able to solve the current predicament of my Cao Cao?"

This is the test.

Everyone was quiet.

Whether it is a mule or a horse, pull it out for a run, if Pang Tong has a real talent and learns, even if he doesn't help Cao Cao break the game, as long as he gives an outline, everyone will agree with him.

While Jiang Gan was in a hurry, Pang Tong bluntly stated Cao Cao's current symptoms of acclimatization and seasickness, and then put forward a chain of iron tricks, which was called self-confidence, and directly calmed everyone present.

Cao Cao was also a little confused. Although Pang Tong's words were not bad, Cao Cao always felt that there was something obedient.

Iron chain?Can the boat still run?

And Pang Tong's self-confidence actually added a layer of protection to everyone's doubts.

Pang Tong's strategy was licking blood at the tip of the knife. If Jia Xu and others reacted faster, they would find that this was not only a strategy to defeat the enemy, but also a restriction on himself. One thing that is certain is that Cao Cao never thought about failure.

Since Cao Cao had never thought about failure, he could not have thought of the drawbacks of this chain of chains.

"What do you guys think? Honestly thinks that if it can really make the soldiers no longer suffer from dizziness, the combat power of our navy can be greatly increased by a few percent!"

Cao Cao's eyes flickered, and the most important reason was that Pang Tong gave him an opportunity to command his own troops and horses on the water... He believed in Cai Mao, but the Xiangyang navy under Cai Mao was only a group of soldiers in the final analysis.

Seeing Cao Cao's high spirits, Jia Xu and the others seemed to be infected too. Everyone didn't think about it, and the generals were eager to try it. Finally... everyone gave me a glance, and finally overwhelmingly agreed with this strategy.

"Mr. Fengchu has great talent!"

"As expected, it is worthy of the name of the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix... Seeing it today is a feast for the eyes!"

"Mr. Feng Chu! I apologize to you for the previous abruptness!"

Suddenly solving a big problem for everyone, Pang Tong suddenly became famous.

Jiang Gan on the side was finally relieved. He was also worried that he would be blamed for not persuading Zhou Yu to surrender. Now it seems...

Cai Mao was full of joy, walked over from the side, and patted Jiang Gan on the shoulder with a smile:

"As expected of my good brother! I, Cai Mao, didn't see you wrong!'re going to rise to the top!"

"Hehe... maybe it is..."

Jiang Gan glanced at Cai Mao aside, and then said something serious to Cai Mao, which made Cai Mao confused and at a loss:

"I can only help you here for my brother, my ten-year old friend... I hope you, Cai Mao, will not forget the days of taking care of you for my brother, and remember to treat my wife, children and children well..."


Cai Mao looked at a loss, but until Jiang Gan left here, he didn't see him say a word.


Cao Cao is really happy today. Wolong and phoenix young, Wolong and phoenix young. Since the last time Cao Cao was defeated in Xiakou, the name of Zhuge Wolong has become famous all over the world. Now who does not know that the "wolong and phoenix young" in Mr. Shuijing's mouth is a big one. Talented people?

But Wolong has a master, but the phoenix young people can't find a shadow.

As a result, when Cao Cao was melancholy, Jiang Gan sent Cao Cao such a "great gift", which really made Cao Cao's haze swept away.

Cao Cao was happy, and wanted to drink when he was happy. This time, Cao Ying spent the whole night switching cups.

Of course, the theme of the banquet was to wash the dust for Mr. Feng Chu, Pang Tong.

Pang Tong, an extremely confident person, may be the most suitable for such a job. He has no fear, and naturally no one suspects that he is actually here to cause damage.

Whoever made a toast, he toasted back equally, and when the drink was up, he even took the lead in dancing at the banquet.

The audience laughed, and the meeting was full of joy.

In the barracks on the other side, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang were very depressed.

Pang Tong paved the way for their final defeat of Cao Cao.

But the question is whether they can connect with Pang Tong's strategy. The key is that Cao Cao's side Cai Mao and Zhang Yun do not get rid of them. , still can't reach the other side.

"Shi Yuan said he would attack with fire... But how can this fire reach the other side?"

"The two rivers are [-] to [-] miles apart. When the rocket arrives, Cao Jun has already reacted..."

The wine Zhou Yu and Jiang Gan drank originally thought it was a celebration wine, but unexpectedly it made Zhou Yu more and more anxious.

"Besides, we are at the disadvantage and the other party is at the upper hand. Even if the fire comes from God, it will not be able to burn Cao Jun!"

"Gong Jin... You say, we are underdog?"

When talking about the direction of the wind, Zhuge Liang came to his senses. Seeing Zhuge Liang's gleaming eyes, Zhou Yu was a little dazed. "Yeah, in the past few days, there have been dark clouds, and there are even signs of rain, and the wind is blowing from our lower reaches, I am afraid that before the rockets fly to the other party's ship, we will burn our own people first..."

"Gong Jin, wait a moment... I'll do the math..."

Zhuge Liang suddenly left a meaningful smile, and then ran out of the pavilion in small steps, leaving Zhou Yu in a fog.


Chapter [-]: Watching the sky, the bitter plan, the crisis of Cao Cao

Next, Zhuge Liang gave Zhou Yu a show, what is professionalism.

Zhuge Liang looked up at the starry sky and felt the very subtle information coming from the wind.

His fingers have been fiddling in the void, like a Jianghu old man.

He also looked stupidly at Zhou Yu who came to the side.

"Kong Ming, what did you do before?"

"Can the wind be counted?"

Zhou Yu couldn't believe it.

But looking at Zhuge Liang's posture... Zhou Yu is really thinking... What if it's true?

"Hehe, Liang knows a little bit about this I Ching gossip..."

Zhuge Liang closed his eyes, and simply pushed his performance to the limit.

But only he knows the fact. He looks at the stars, the clouds, the wind, and the rain, just because he has really been a farmer for a long time...

If you grow crops, if you have no idea about these things, you should starve to death...

Of course, Zhuge Liang wouldn't say it. He would only say that he was familiar with the Book of Changes and gossip, and he was able to understand the celestial phenomena.

Suddenly, Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan, with a fierce light in his eyes, he said solemnly to Zhou Yu:

"Three days later, the east wind will rise, our army has the upper hand, and we can use fire attack. As for how to implement this fire attack..."

Da da da--

There was the sound of rapid footsteps from outside the corridor.

The footsteps that sounded quite heavy also indicated that this person was a heavyweight.

Sure enough, Zhou Yu saw the gray-haired strong man walking step by step, and his heart suddenly became clearer.

"General Huang! It's so late, but you want to find me?"

"Captain, let's not talk too much nonsense. The Cao army on the other side seems to use iron cables to link the warships, trying to balance the swaying of the ships... Based on my experience in water warfare over the years, Huang Gai, if you use fire to attack at this time, I will definitely be able to capture Cao Jun in one sweep!"

"Captain, Huang Gai is willing to personally lead five hundred dead soldiers to ram Cao's army with a fireboat, and he will surely be able to burn his army to the flames!"

Zhou Yu listened carefully, and when Huang Gai finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said:

"Commander, the fire attack you want, isn't this coming?"

Zhou Yu also smiled and shook his head, but he had more profound considerations in his heart:

"General Huang, we are planning to do this, but to implement this plan, we also need your cooperation, General Huang..."

The three of them said as they walked, the Chibi night seemed to be extraordinarily bright.


After two days of peace and harmony, Cao Cao did not feel that his time had not come.

He was just waiting, until this day, Cai Mao sent someone to report that three thousand ships, large and small, were all connected by iron cables.

And the effect of this iron cable has been felt by everyone.

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