It took about ten days to walk from Yecheng to Xudu.

On the day of his return, the scene of Xudu could only be described with the use of a pot of rice bowls.

After all... this is where Cao Cao made his fortune.

Emperor Liu Xiehua went out of the city twenty miles to greet him.

Ma Teng led the guards to make the welcoming team as luxurious as possible.

The emperor returned from a parade, but only [-] miles out of the city.

Cao Cao is still in the position of Secretary Kong now, and Liu Xie has done his best to leave the city twenty miles away, saving himself a little bit of face.

Cao Cao dismounted and laughed when he saw Liu Xie, who was slightly taller than him:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for going out of the city to welcome you, I am so grateful!"


Saying that he was very grateful, Cao Cao's eyes only stayed on Liu Xie for a moment, and then he began to greet the people and generals on both sides of the road.

Liu Xie was very embarrassed, but he couldn't shout, because he was controlled by others, and Cao Cao had this ability.

"Sikong is joking, no...after today, you should be called Prime Minister Cao!"

Liu Xie smiled embarrassingly, but this was already his greatest irony.

Cao Cao didn't care at all.

"Aiya, what is your Majesty's words? You are still flattered when you push me to the top, but I didn't expect His Majesty to agree so easily. It seems that His Majesty also hates Liu Thief in the south!"

Cao Cao sneered, and Liu Xie broke down in cold sweat.

"Stop talking, Sikong please, the military officials in the palace have been waiting for a long time!"


Cao Cao deservedly became the prime minister.

Not a little bit of turbulence.

No one dared to come out and make trouble, because this is the general trend.

Add Jiuxi and call it Duke of Wei.

The State of Wei was located in Yecheng, and the vicinity of Yecheng was also classified as Wei County.

With the prime minister in front, the three princes are optional, and the first thing Cao Cao did after he came to power was to abolish the three princes.

The second thing was announced shortly after.


The wind is blowing.

The flag fluttered.

In front of Chengguang Hall in Xuchang Palace, Liu Xie and Cao Cao stood side by side.

There is a drum beside him, and a guard beside him.

And under the [-]th order of Chengguang Hall, there are black silhouettes.

This is today's great Han Baiguan.

The wind was still whistling, but it couldn't stop Cao Cao's piercing voice:

"Today, the Prime Minister is here to announce the Dahan Southern Expedition."

"Now that the north has been pacified, Liu Biao and Liu Bei of Jingzhou are still in the name of the Han Dynasty, trying in vain to recover against the Han Dynasty."

"It's my job to help the big man, and it's an inescapable duty!"

"Special rate Master Wang, conquest of traitors!"

"Sacrificial flag!"

Wow - sometimes the wind makes a loud noise, in response to the roar of the soldiers resounding through the heavens and the earth, the blood wafts under the flag, and the big Cao character finally flew in the wind again today.

Only Liu Xie, like a puppet, stood sluggishly in front of the stage, and his thoughts had drifted to where he had drifted.

Chapter [-] Teammates are used to sell

Cao Cao added Jiuxi, entered the kingdom, and finally became the prime minister.

This matter spread quickly like a spark, the news was still in Xudu the day before, and the next day it spread all over the country.

And this time the canonization is huge, and what people are most concerned about is naturally the so-called Master Wang expedition in Cao Cao's mouth.

For a time, Cao Cao was in the limelight.

To this end, Cao Cao also specially asked Chen Lin to make another letter, in which all of them denounced Liu Bei and Liu Biao for their disrespect to the Han royal family, as well as the fact that the Sun family in the south was the dove occupying the magpie's nest.

Where there is war, there is Chen Lin. Writing an essay seems to squeeze out all the writing and ink of Chen Lin in this life. The wording in the text is heartbreaking. It is no wonder that Liu Biao turned his back on the spot after reading it.

That's not it, if there is a person who scolds your ancestor for the eighteenth generation in a different way, it is difficult for you to find an opportunity to refute him. It's okay to have a big heart, and a little narrow-minded. If you don't go, then you won't get sick.

So Liu Biao panicked, and even Liu Bei panicked.

Sun Quan will not mention it for the time being. Although the Sun family in Jingzhou and Yangzhou are basically close to each other, few people will jump in such a hurry when the soldiers are not in the city.

Liu Biao panicked naturally because he was afraid of Cao Cao's momentum.

In any case, Liu Biao was a scholar. Although he was cowardly in his bones, what he really feared was not war, but being treated as a traitor and cast aside by people all over the world.

A scholar, a scholar, is just for a name. After taking off Liu Biao's high-sounding hat, Liu Biao felt cold.

Although spring has arrived, for Liu Biao, this is the bitter winter that can kill people.

If Liu Bei panicked, it would be easier.

Since the edict was issued, Liu Bei and Cao Cao had formed a deep relationship. He knew just by looking at the content of the letter, that Cao Cao was clenching his teeth and trying to kill him.

Fan Cheng led Xinye all the way, and as long as Cao Cao went south, they would bear the brunt.

How many soldiers did Cao Cao have?

I heard that it is an army of [-] people, and some people say that it is [-] people. It is impossible to exceed [-] people at most, right?

"Yuanzhi, are you kidding me? Eight hundred thousand?...Hehehe..."

Liu Bei smiled frankly, but the water in the teacup in his hand had already splashed everywhere.

His hands are shaking.

Early in the morning, I heard that Cao Cao was heading south, and no matter how many ideas Xu Shu gave to Liu Bei before, as long as they faced such a desperate situation, no one could not be afraid.

Xu Shu also had a headache.

"My lord, forgive me for my ill-consideration. If Cao Cao insisted on going south, relying on the Jingzhou waterway, and the cooperation between the army and the people, let's not say we can drag him too..."

Xu Shu rubbed his eye sockets, sighed and said:

"It's just that now Cao Cao has reached the position of prime minister, and he is also the teacher of the king. You may not have heard of it - Cao Cao sent troops from Xudu, and the people pulled carts and horses to see them off voluntarily."

"What the people want, and the time and place are right, Cao Cao's chess move is so good that he almost pinned the chess game to death—"

There is no exaggeration in Xu Shuyan's words. He seeks his position in his position. Since he became Liu Bei's first adviser, he has continued day and night, laying out one strategy after another for Liu Bei.

However, when he played against Cao Cao in the air, he only felt that all his strength could not be used.

"Is that Yi Xiaotian again?"

Xu Shu thought to himself, but he couldn't be afraid, so he quickly shook his head and continued to say to Liu Bei:

"Master, this battle cannot be fought hard... No matter how bad it is, we can no longer rely on the city to defend, otherwise, relying on our current strength alone, we will definitely lose!"

"Cao Cao, this time is the invincible division, untouchable."

Xu Shu said it so bluntly, Liu Bei also expected this result, but...

Liu Bei screamed in the sky:

"Could it be that God wants to kill me?"

"After I, Liu Xuande, became King Jing of Zhongshan, the road to recovering the Han family is still dangerous, but this Cao thief! ... Could it be that the big man is really exhausted?"

As he said that, tears ran down Liu Bei's eyes.

Real actors always cry when they say they cry.

Xu Shu was extremely sad when he saw Liu Bei's true expression, but he also determined that he must continue to fight.

"My lord, don't panic... Although this battle cannot be met head-on, and Cao Cao's momentum is hard to stop, but I haven't said it yet, we have nowhere to go!"

"So to say!"

As soon as he heard Xu Shu's words had a turning point, Liu Bei suddenly jumped up from the mat and went directly to Xu Shu's side.

She didn't cry anymore, looking forward with anticipation, Xu Shu looked a little embarrassed.

"Yuanzhi, tell me quickly, does Yuanzhi still have a plan to retreat from the enemy?"

"It's hard to say that we should retreat from the enemy. I told the lord before that Xinye can't hold back, and of course Fancheng is the same - Liu Biao..."

When talking about Liu Biao, Xu Shu suddenly paused.

"Yuanzhi, where is Liu there a problem?"

Liu Bei's people were panicking. Where would they have time to think about it? When they caught Xu Shu, they just asked.

Xu Shu pondered for a moment, and suddenly said to Liu Bei extremely solemnly:

"My lord, please prepare a fast horse and rush to Xiangyang. I'm really worried about Liu Biao's side..."

Xu Shu was worried that Liu Biao was fake, and that Liu Biao's two sons were real.

"Anyway, please go to Xiangyang to stabilize Liu Biao. You must not let Liu Biao make a move out of the city to fight. As long as you stick to it, you will definitely be able to withstand Cao Cao's army!"

"This... why is this?"

Liu Bei was a little confused, and Xu Shu's words sounded a little illogical. Before, he said that he could not stick to Xinye, let alone rely on Xiangyang to defend against Cao Jun, but now, why is it another rhetoric to Liu Biao?

He didn't know that although Xu Yuanzhi was an upright person, he had no idea of ​​relying on Liu Biao's extremely pedantic existence.

"Liu Biao can't be trusted, and we can't defend Jingzhou. My lord, let me give Cao Jun a dismount in Xinye. After that, we will meet in Xiangyang City."

"When the time is right... Sun Quan in Jiangdong may be a better choice..."

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