Squeak - the door opened.

Zhen Luo gently knocked on the door with small steps, and then placed a stack of incense on the cabinet behind the door.

Yi Xiaotian realized that he was a little rude, straightened his clothes, and sat back again.

He smiled at Zhen Luo, and Zhen Luo also blinked.

The quiet aroma floated from the door, which seemed to cool the atmosphere, and Xun Lingjun's heart was also much calmer.

"Brother Yi, you are right - what I insist on seems to have already become a laughing stock in the eyes of the world."

"Poor... pathetic..."

Xun Yu laughed at himself, while Cao Cao comforted him:

"Where is Xun Lingjun? Everyone has their own perseverance. It's just... If you really want to go against the trend under the torrent of the times, like a moth to a flame, it really doesn't make sense."

Xun Yu shook his head, as if he did not agree with Cao Cao's words.

Yi Xiaotian continued:

"Today's Han family needs a real spokesperson, someone who can lead the Han family forward and is respected by everyone. Apart from that, there is no other choice."

"Liu Biao and Liu Bei in Jingzhou in the south, Sun Quan in Nanjun, they are not afraid of the emperor... But why do they have to build up their defensive forces again and again under such circumstances?"

"Because they are only afraid of Cao Cao."

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and pointed in the direction of Yecheng.

"Sikong is not enough, or in other words, Sikong should not be Sikong anymore. Cao Cao is a character like Huo Guang. In this era, he is Huo Guang, and Huo Guang's general and Sima are added. Where's Shizuku?"

"Besides... Could Xun Ling-Jun be able to find another person who can keep pace with Cao Cao from this Manchu civil and military?"

"Sikong Sikong... But do you have any responsibility for the positions of Situ and Sima?"

"The prime minister was the right-hand man of Gaozu, but now Cao Cao just wants to restart the old system, why is it unkind and unjust?"

Yi Xiaotian's rhetoric made Xun Yu's belief shaken.

The key is that he couldn't find any words to refute Yi Xiaotian, because Yi Xiaotian just explained this cold fact.

Xun Yu was a little sad, but not so sad.

He looked up, suddenly realizing that he was too romantic.

The idea is romantic, but unrealistic. He talks about restoring the Han Dynasty, but he doesn't want to see the thorns of the road ahead.

He urged Cao Cao to move forward, and Cao Cao defended him against all the guns and swords, and he lived safely on the side of the so-called "Han room".


"It turns out that I was just taking care of myself? Hehehe..."

The hardest thing for people is to admit their dark side.

Xun Lingjun suddenly laughed at himself.

He was just doing his own thing, wanting to restore the Han Dynasty, but he was unwilling to take on the mud that passed by—

Yi Xiaotian couldn't bear it any longer.

Because he was lying to Xun Yu.

Once Cao Cao becomes the prime minister, as long as the journey goes smoothly, the later... Han Dynasty... may no longer exist.

Xun Yu is such a contradictory person, and now he can only ask himself...

"I understand, Brother Yi, thank you for clarifying my doubts."

Just when Yi Xiaotian felt that he couldn't continue, Xun Yu let go of all his restraint.

He picked up the glass and drank it in a rough way he had never seen before.

The drink slid down the corner of his lips, scratched on his neck, and fell into his chest.

Xun Yu is a wise man, and he has already understood all the paths in the future.

So he decided to stand until the last moment, the last moment he couldn't accept, to see with his own eyes everything he expected completely collapsed, and finally--

"Brother Yi, you understand, if Cao Cao succeeds, the Han family..."

"So until that day, I don't know if you have a villa, and if there is any room for such a stubborn old man?"

With his face full of drinks, Xun Yu was no longer the Xun Yu he used to be. He laughed and said this to Yi Xiaotian, but Yi Xiaotian did not hesitate at all:

"You are welcome at any time. With Xun Lingjun by your side, the villa can be said to be full of brilliance!"

Yi Xiaotian smiled and toasted, drinking like Xun Yu.

When the wine cup was placed on the table, Yi Xiaotian also blinked at his brother.

Cao Cao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Left tomorrow to see the Son of Heaven."

He said this to himself, making his final decision.

The four hundred and fiftieth chapter adds nine tin, called the prime minister

As expected by Jia Xu and others, after returning from somewhere, Xun Lingjun did not obstruct the crowd.

Cao Cao announced to the crowd about the teacher Xudu in the Sikong Mansion in Yecheng.

An expedited letter came out from Yecheng and ran towards Xu Du overnight.

For only one thing.


Xudu, the imperial city.

Although it was a spring day, the palace was still deserted.

Liu Xie got up early and took a walk in the garden.

When Xun Yu was not there, Ma Teng was the only one by his side.

After Ma Teng came to Xudu, he was the best person for Liu Xie.

After Fu Shou came to the palace to greet him, he stayed by Liu Xie's side all the time. Ma Teng, Fu Shou, and Liu Xie were the three most leisurely people in the palace.

"Marquis Huaili, do you think there is a place where peach blossoms bloom in this Xudu?"

"I heard that there are peach blossoms in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are peach blossoms in Yichuan. When the peach blossoms are in full bloom, they stretch for ten miles, which can be described as a superb view."

Liu Xie was in a good mood. Although he was locked up, he couldn't sigh all day long.

Fu Shou, also known as Queen Fu, can be regarded as Liu Xie's biggest spiritual support after the dress and belt edict. She is gentle and considerate, and can accompany Liu Xie every moment. When she hears that Liu Xie wants to see peach blossoms, He laughed angrily and said:

"Isn't there still a peach tree planted in previous years in the palace? The concubine remembers that there are still more than ten trees in the Baizifang. Why don't you go and see it today?"

"What the queen said is very true. The year before Jiangnan paid tribute, this peach tree was planted, and now it has grown. It is estimated that it has already bloomed this March."

Ma Teng said with a smile, he quite likes the life in this palace, Xuchang is moist and warm, compared to Xiliang, which will freeze to death in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, here is more moist and moisturizing.

"Then let's go!"

Liu Xie said excitedly, but before the excitement was finished, a shout from the corridor lost its momentum.

"Where is the emperor going? Here is an urgent letter from Cao Sikong from Yecheng. Please read the letter before making a decision!"

This voice is extremely thick, and when you hear it, it is the voice of a person who is full of anger.

It was none other than Cao Chun. Although Xun Yu went to Yecheng, there were still many close followers of Cao Cao in Xudu.

Cao Chun was from the Huangmen family back then, but now that the north has been settled, he has once again stayed in Xudu to serve as the servant of the Huangmen family. The purpose is very simple, just to take good care of the little emperor.

Cao Chun's voice was like a life-threatening ghost, and Liu Xie didn't dare to move.

Cao Chun snorted coldly, and was so frightened that Liu Xie almost threw the letter, which was no wonder he - the little emperor had been wandering in the chaos for many years, and the thing he was most afraid of was hearing the cold snorts of these men.

Spreading out the letter, Ma Teng and Queen Fu also stepped forward to watch.

But then, the expressions of the three of them were very sophisticated.

Ma Teng seemed to be indifferent, as if he was still thinking.

Empress Kefu's face turned pale, and Liu Xie's face turned pale.

The words in the letter are very simple, that is, Cao Cao is coming, and he asks to add Jiuxi, enter the country, and finally be the prime minister, let Ma Teng and Liu Xie discuss with the courtiers well—


Ma Teng laughed, thinking that Cao Cao really knew how to speak.

It's not clear what it means to let the little emperor weigh himself and not get involved in it.


This letter is in one place.

The pan was fried in the morning.

This is an early morning that has not been called for a long time.

Liu Xie, the emperor, was actually a little nervous.

"Cough cough..."

"Aiqings, do you have any objection to Cao Sikong's proposal?"

As a result, after these words were asked, the civil and military people of the dynasty suddenly became quiet, and some people kept shaking their heads.

Liu Xie cried.

It was only then that he realized that this group of people was just excited, where did he feel that there was something wrong with Cao Cao's behavior.

"The big man is going to die... Really going to die."

This is Liu Xie's last sigh.



Tigers and leopards took the lead, and Cao Cao's team released rumors along the way that Cao Cao was going to be the prime minister.

On the way, the people basically welcomed him, so Cao Cao's team walked quite slowly.

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