Shouting and slashing, fighting alone... Wuhuan is a good player.

But if the place of battle is the mountain, it is completely different.

First, Cao Cao's army occupies the commanding heights, and it is even better in diving down. Second, mountain warfare pays attention to the formation of the army, and the Tiger and Leopard Riders are precisely a team that cooperates very closely with each other!

Among them, the tiger cavalry fights meleely as a heavy cavalry fighter, while the leopard cavalry acts as a light cavalry, using bows and arrows to cover and shoot...

If it is to fight against the Wuhuan Plains, the advantage of their cooperation will not be so obvious, but it is on this mountain.

Suddenly, Cao Cao became very confident.

He waved...

"The Wuhuan army is not good at fighting in the mountains. Now it is a mess of sand, and it can be broken by blowing bullets. Generals? Who can be the vanguard, attack quickly, and catch the enemy by surprise?"

Cao Cao roared...

The voice echoed in the White Wolf Mountain for a long time.


Cao Cao's confidence... It doesn't mean that his generals and soldiers are confident. After all, in terms of military strength, they are far from Wuhuan. After this attack, they can break up the enemy army and deter the enemy army. But in case there is a mishap, but ... deep in the enemy's line, alone, there is absolutely no room for turning around.

It is for this reason that the generals looked at each other, and none of them dared to fight against the enemy.

"I come!"

Seeing that the generals were frustrated, Zhang Liao raised the crescent halberd and took a step forward. "With one stick of incense, I will break Wuhuan!"

Zhang Liao's tone was very firm, full of courage, and it seemed that he was not timid in the face of an enemy army that was several times his size.

Cao Cao nodded and directly handed the command flag to him!

Zhang Liao didn't write any ink, he held the command flag and shouted.

"Take me as the line. Anyone who retreats from the front team will be killed by the rear team... Those who retreat from the rear team will be killed by myself. If Zhang Liao takes a step back, everyone can behead me!"

Zhang Liao is worthy of being a famous general of the Three Kingdoms, and his final mobilization...attracted a boost to the morale of the three armies.

Immediately afterwards, the flag swung...


Horses galloping, thousands of tigers and leopards rode like arrows from the string, rushing towards the Wuhuan army who was climbing the mountain.

Inspired by Zhang Liao, all Cao Jun knew that there was no way out in this battle, and they had to be put to death and then reborn.

Once this belief is established, Cao Jun will be brave.

Let's fight, each with one as ten!

"Kill kill kill!"

"Wind wind!"

"Bro Po Po..."

The sound of the mountain, the sound of the tsunami, and in an instant, an awe-inspiring force that swept the world, ignited continuously from the top of the White Wolf Mountain!

Wherever you go, no one is there anymore!



Chapter four hundred and thirty-eight small tips, between square inches

On the White Wolf Mountain, corpses were scattered everywhere, and the blood flowed into rivers.


The screams of killing were still in an endless stream, and it was not extinguished for a long time. A great battle was killed from day to night.

Although the Wuhuan has a large number of soldiers, his muscles are also developed, and his equipment is not backward...

But as Yi Xiaotian said in his appeal, they are too bad at fighting in the mountains. They are the kings on the plains, but they are the scumbags in the mountains. In addition, the challenge is too hasty, and they are not mentally prepared. … the command is not good, and the small units fight on their own.

When they were still chasing in a group, Cao Jun rushed over desperately... All of a sudden it was all messed up.

The soldiers in the front wanted to turn around and run away, and the King Khan in the back wanted to organize a counterattack...

As a result, the soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not control the soldiers. Zhang Liao led the army to charge, and could not stop retreating. The entire Wuhuan army was washed away in an instant!

Zhang Liao and Tiger Leopard Riding such a lifeless raid completely deterred them.

The battle is like this, once you are in chaos, once you are in a panic, you can only be slaughtered by others.


Catch the thief first to catch the king.

Zhang Liao is worthy of being the first of the five good generals. He keenly found the Wuhuan who wore the most luxurious clothes in the chaotic army.

Before stepping on the horse... The crescent halberd waved a beautiful arc.

...hands up and down.

The arrogant Wuhuan King Tian suddenly perished!

The Wuhuan army is leaderless, what else is there to fight... Only escape is the first thing left.

In this battle... Cao's army beheaded and killed countless Wuhuan kings who were extremely famous in Tadun, killed Hu people, and rescued more than [-] Han people from captivity!

It can be said that the largest force in the Wuhuan was wiped out in one fell swoop. From then on, only a small tribe of Wuhuan remained!

They are a leaderless group, each competing to be the king of the Khan, and they will only continue to lose each other.

Zhang Liao also relied on the great reputation of this battle to become a rising general in Cao's camp...


"Report, Cao Sikong... Wuhuan's Qiaowang tribe, as well as more than forty small tribes, have supported our army and attacked Wuhuan's rear camp..."

"Report, Cao Sikong, General Zhang Liao won a great victory, slaying tens of thousands of enemies... in one fell swoop, wiped out the Wuhuan tribe!"

"Report, Cao Sikong... Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi fled in a panic and went to Gongsun Kang in western Liaoning! Do you want to send troops into western Liaoning and continue to pursue them?"

One by one, the scouts came one after another...

The continuous good news made Cao Cao extremely excited.


Liaodong has been pacified... The leader of the Wuhuan in the three counties is stunned!Hahaha…

"Okay, okay..."

Cao Cao couldn't stop ecstatic, he clenched his fists. "Zhang Wenyuan has made a great contribution!"

Although you say so...

In fact, in the bottom of my heart, Cao Cao is still willing to give Yi Xiaotian his head work.

After all, this time the expedition against Wuhuan, without everything he had arranged in advance, without Tian Chou to lead the way, without clever tricks, without Bailangshan's suggestions... I don't know what the situation is now!

Brother Yi has no last resort. This time, the great victory in Liaodong is his well-deserved first credit... First credit!


Thinking of this, Cao Cao's mood was particularly throbbing, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

But soon...

He seemed to realize a different problem.

Next, he controlled the Wuhuan as he wished, and the Wuhuan fought for the Khan king to attack himself. Brother Yi had already planned this, so don't worry too much!

The Wuhuan tribe will continue to weaken, and Cao Cao's power will continue to enrich, and then completely assimilate them...

But another…

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang fled to Gongsun Kang's office, and they couldn't ignore it.

It's still the old saying, there is no room for others to snore on the side of the couch... If Yuan's remnants are not eliminated for a day, he will be uneasy.

So... Now is it time to "follow the poor pirates with the remaining brave..." and simply take down Gongsun Zan in western Liaoning in one go, or... take it easy?How about taking a break?

To tell the truth, the soldiers of the three armies were already tired enough for the long march.

If you continue to fight...then...the body and mind are exhausted, and the fighting power can be imagined.

But if he didn't fight, Cao Cao always felt that he should... Yuan Clan's remnants were still alive!


With a long exhale, Cao Cao was worried again.

"Big brother... Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi who fled to western Liaoning? Whether to chase or not, big brother decides quickly!" Cao Ren asked...

"Zixiao..." Cao Cao shook his head and sighed. "Chasing has the risk of chasing, and not chasing has reasons for not chasing, it's not easy to decide!"

As soon as this word comes out...

Cao Cao helplessly looked at the two kits, one red and one green, in his hand.

At this time... let's make plans for him...

It's a pity, now that it is thousands of miles away from Youzhou, I just want to ask Brother Yi's plan, but there is no way...

Thinking of this, Cao Cao shook his head helplessly again.


Cao Cao's annoyed appearance made Cao Ren think of something.

He hurriedly touched it from his arms... as if he was going to catch something, and finally, with great difficulty, in his arms, he finally pulled out a brand new kit.

This is a black kit...

As soon as this kit came out, Cao Cao was shocked... This is?What?What's the matter?

However, Cao Ren scratched his head honestly.

"Actually, when I went on the expedition, I went to look for Brother Yi again, originally to buy wool sweaters... I never thought about it, Brother Yi gave me another tip! He said... When Cao Cao's army has pacified Wuhuan, then... Open this black kit again! I wondered, isn't it too early to pacify Wuhuan?

uh... almost forgot.

Hearing this, Cao Cao "haha" with a complicated expression...

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