Huh... Information came out to Cao Cao's ears one by one.

Cao Cao just felt amazed...

Awesome, my brother Yi!

Dare to love, as early as a few months ago when he was dispatched to Wuhuan, he had already deployed all this...

No wonder, when talking to Brother Yi, he swore that all this is in the plan, hehe... Isn't it all in the plan!

This Tian Chou is a local expert, and he hates Wuhuan deeply, so he can't wait to get rid of it.

Even in the early morning, he led the strong men in the villa to open up an inaccessible trail.

He directly pointed out that Wuhuan's protection along the way is concentrated on the Wuending line. As long as he takes this path, he can turn over from Xu Wushan and rush to Zhipinggang County, Peiping County. From there, he can go straight to King Wuhuan. Tatton's lair!

And the road is less traveled.

Although Tian Chou and the strong men in the villa have opened up several times, they are still severely damaged and very difficult to walk. Only by overcoming many difficulties can we achieve unexpected results!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Cao Cao's hearty laughter resounded throughout the entire Chinese army tent.

The last thing he is afraid of is overcoming all kinds of difficulties...

Instead, what was most frightening was that he slammed the cotton with a heavy punch...

Now, the appearance of Tian Chou, coupled with Yi Xiaotian's miraculous plan, has completely turned the whole situation of Cao Jun upside down.

Next, overcoming obstacles and building bridges is what Cao Cao is best at.

"Zixiao, you immediately order [-] tigers and leopards to ride, unload the luggage, and travel lightly... I personally lead, we will attack Wuhuan by surprise since childhood!" Cao Cao ordered directly.

"Here!" Cao Ren handed over and agreed, and went to do it immediately!



The rain was still falling, sometimes heavier and sometimes smaller.

But Cao Junzhai moved. After being stationed here for a long time, they finally moved...

Bear the brunt of…

It was the evacuation of infantry and baggage units. For this reason, Cao Cao humorously erected a bulletin board on the side of the road... It said: Fang is in the summer and summer, the road is not sore, and after the autumn and winter, Naifu will advance to the army... Eight characters!

The meaning couldn't be clearer, Cao Cao took the initiative to tell Wuhuan - ah, this year, the weather is hot, and the road is waterlogged and can't hit you, so we'll go first, we'll be back in the fall, you must actively prepare for the war, do a good job ready yo...

Actually... the sign stands here.

Anyone with a little bit of skill can tell it is a lie at first glance. How can the reasons for the withdrawal of troops be written so clearly.

Cao Cao is either stupid or bad!

Of course... the Wuhuan people are relatively simple, they think Cao Cao is a big stupid donkey...

As a result, the Wuhuan scouts went back all the way in ecstasy to report to their boss, Tadun.

Speaking of which, the Wuhuan leader Tadun was also very cunning at first, but this time he was also fooled...

After all, the main force of Cao Cao's army has been evacuated after the rainstorm, and there is still the main force of Cao Cao's army on the road leading to the tribe... Coupled with the fact that Cao Cao's small sign is written, it is natural to believe it.

Tatton's gratification was beyond words.

How boring is it to fight, how can it be fun to drink with Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi of the Yuan family?


But what Ling Tadun never expected was...

The light cavalry troops organized by Cao Cao threw away the baggage and went up to Xu Wushan. The soldiers meticulously followed the path pointed out by Tian Chou and drove hard!

Trekking hard, the peaks and mountains open up the mountains, and the valleys open up in the valley.

In fact... the trail pointed out by Tian Chou has a name called Lulongsai.

During the Western Han Dynasty, it was the main road on the front line, and the Huns often harassed the border through this small road...

Later, the Huns were beaten and fled all the way to the north, and this path was no longer used.

During the period from the Later Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms, basically no one left, and it was abandoned!

The more wasted and the more difficult it was, the more light in Cao Cao's eyes!

Isn't this the fighter he's been looking for, the surprise attack he's been looking for?

The more difficult it is to move forward, the more difficult it is for the Wuhuan people to detect... The soldiers are expensive and fast, Cao Cao took the lead, came to the road in person, opened the mountains and filled the valleys. The White Wolf Mountain is just over [-] miles away from the Wuhuan Tadun tribe!

"Meng De? I remember Brother Yi mentioned... After arriving in Wuhuan, open the green kit!"

Taking advantage of the stalls for the three armies to rest... Cao Ren reminded. "Brother Yi's red kit has turned the situation around for us before, this time... What tricks are hidden in this green kit?"

For a while, Cao Ren became very looking forward to it.

"Ha ha…"

Cao Cao laughed out loud.

"I only hope that Brother Yi can come up with how to break through the elite cavalry of the Wuhuan on the plain, that's it!"

After all, Cao Cao still has some concerns. After all, the Wuhuan cavalry rampant in the plain is not just talking about it...

Even if he got here, to the White Wolf Mountain, he was still a little clueless in the real fight with the Wuhuan Tadodun tribe.

With this in mind, Cao Cao took out the green kit...

What is Brother Yi going to say?

He was curious and decided to take a peek.



Chapter [-] Within a stick of incense, the Wuhuan will be broken

The White Wolf Mountain of the Wuhuan Tadadun tribe was not too famous in this era.

However, its previous name is famous all over the world, and it is a dazzling existence in Chinese history.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Bailang Mountain was called Shouyang Mountain. The famous Boyi and Shuqi lived here in seclusion. Because they did not eat the food of the Zhou Dynasty, they starved to death.

Cao Cao's efforts to develop a trick here...

The Wuhuan people had already discovered that many people had appeared in the White Wolf Mountain, so they quickly sent out sentries, and only then did they find out that Cao Jun was here.

Tadun suddenly realized, special meow, it turns out that the brand is a lie...

He hurriedly threw away the wine glass, called Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi, and joined several other Shanyus from Western Liaoning to fight in haste.

Not long after... the mighty Wuhuan cavalry attacked the White Wolf Mountain.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly became a little delicate...

Cao's army marched for a long distance and consumed more than half of their physical strength. Although they were all elites, they were less than [-] people and their fighting power was limited.

What's worse is that the war needs to be supplied with luggage. This trip is light and simple, and the luggage is all at the back. Many soldiers don't even have armor.

The enemies on the opposite side are overwhelming, and the darkness is overwhelming. At a glance, the number is almost countless times that of Cao Cao.

In the sweltering August, the weather was hot, and all of a sudden, Cao Jun's heart was cold, and even the big guys started to be afraid!

"Stabilize the formation!"

Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang on the front line commanded Ruoding, and they climbed the hillside to observe the enemy's situation.

Behind him is Lulongzhai, and in front of him is the brave Wuhuan army. The road to retreat is difficult and difficult. If this battle fails, the only thing left for the entire Cao army is death!

Although Cao Jun's generals have been in battle for a long time, it is the first time that they can fight the enemy decisively under such difficult circumstances.

"Hurry up and report to Cao Sikong, that the enemy is about to be killed, and let him make a decision quickly!"

Xiahou Dun ordered the scouts...

"Here!" The scout agreed, and hurriedly walked towards the central army not far behind.

In an instant, the entire Cao army was enveloped in a strange and panic atmosphere.

In contrast, Cao Cao at this time...

He was also a little flustered at first, but as he unfolded the kits left by Yi Xiaotian in turn, his mood seemed to be smoother all of a sudden.

He became calm.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Even his demonic and uninhibited laughter echoed throughout the White Wolf Mountain.


It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Since it can't be avoided, let's fight the Wuhuan decisively!

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed...

At this time, he is very confident...

Of course, he should also be confident.

Because...Yi Xiaotian mentioned in the green kit that the Wuhuan people are good at field battles on the plains. If the battlefield where Cao Jun fought was in the plains, they would definitely lose, but if it was in the mountains...the combat effectiveness of the Wuhuan cavalry was not worth it. carry!


Cao Cao murmured... His eyes narrowed slightly.

Isn't the current White Wolf Mountain just fighting in the mountains?

Because standing at a high place, it is very clear to see...

As mentioned in Yi Xiaotian's kit, although there are many Wuhuan cavalry, but in the process of climbing, the movement is slow, the army is unorganized, the performance is very numb, and there is no momentum at all!

Ha ha…

Suddenly, Cao Cao's mood calmed down.

Brother Yi is honestly not bullying me. Although the Wuhuan people are menacing, they are used to being wild, and they are good at fighting on the plains.

Fighting on the plains, even if there is no formation, will not affect their combat effectiveness.

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