Hmm...isn't it an opportunity?

As soon as these words came out, Cao Cao's heart throbbed inexplicably, and all of a sudden, he was looking forward to Yi Xiaotian's next words.



Chapter [-] How to Find a Reliable Guide

"Brother lie, what do you think..."

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand.

"The three things that you have considered, King Wuhuan Tadadun, Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi, the remnants of the Yuan clan, must also be able to take into account... They will think so... Cao Jun is far away, thousands of miles away, as well as Liu Bei and Liu Biao. Constrained, I would never have imagined that we would send troops to beat them, and basically lost our vigilance, and if we suddenly attacked, it would be a battle."

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian's tone became a little more serious.

"This is actually not just a Wuhuan issue, it's a strategic issue. The Yuan family's roots in the north are too deep and too heavy. If they are let go to the south to fight Liu Biao, then...the Yuan family will definitely use the Wuhuan's power to organize again. , Qingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, it is very likely that it will resurface and become the territory of his Yuan family!"

"As for the Liu Biao you mentioned, Brother Concealer... He, the crane that does not dance, doesn't live up to his name... Except for his eloquence, he has a certain level of eloquence, and other abilities are simply too poor. He also knows that he can't compare to Liu Bei, and he will always be able to. Engraved in his heart to guard against Liu Bei, in other words, if Liu Biao reuses Liu Bei, he is very worried that he will not be able to control him in the future. If he does not give Liu Bei rights, he is afraid that Liu Bei will not be used by himself. They all live in contradictions, even if we transfer our troops to the Northern Expedition, Liu Biao will think it has nothing to do with him, so what should we be afraid of?"

Yi Xiaotian said eloquently...

For Cao Cao, listening to his opinions is simply a kind of enjoyment, perfect and wonderful, with an irresistible magic.

The key is that every sentence and every word of his words is convincing and convincing...


All of a sudden, the problem of Liu Biao and Liu Bei in the backyard that worried Cao Cao the most was solved!


There is no doubt that the next step is to go north to Liaodong and conquer the Wuhuan.

What we should continue to talk about is the specific strategic issue of conquering the Wuhuan...

"Brother Yi, what you said makes sense."

Cao Cao nodded heavily, confirming Yi Xiaotian's words, and then his head came over and asked carefully.

"However, there is one thing... Cao Cao and his advisors are worried about the logistical supply problem for the Wuhuan expedition. To be honest, Liaodong is still too far from Youzhou. For this point, Brother Yi, who has been on a mission to Wuhuan, most of the time. Get some insight!"


It is indeed far, Yi Xiaotian is more than enlightened!Apparently, he almost lost his way.

If it weren't for the guidance of Wuhuan's "big drug lord" little spy...

Cao Jun's convoy of messengers did not know whether they could find the correct way forward, or whether they could purchase materials in time.

So... this supply!

Yi Xiaotian rolled his eyes and thought about it carefully...

Got it!

In an instant, he thought of two canals. In history, in order to ensure the supply problem during the expedition against the Wuhuan, Cao Cao visited the capable and different, and spent several months, and finally found a way to build two canals.

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian spoke directly.

"Hidden brother, it's actually not difficult to do logistical supplies... For example, you can build a canal. There is a waterway between Yecheng and Wuhuan. Just digging through the waterway can form Jizhou, Youzhou, and Liaodong. The canals where the points intersect, the food supply can be transported to the front line along the waterway, and the surrounding land can also be irrigated along the way, and the lakes can be reclaimed.

Dig a canal?

Once this proposal was thrown, Cao Cao frowned slightly, hey, Brother Yi's idea is really ingenious!

Cao Cao is a smart person, he can understand it naturally... Even, he has already connected several lakes that are obvious in the map of Liaodong, Youzhou, and Jizhou.

Estimate carefully, and then think of their difficulty and required construction period!

Fortunately, before that, when the northern border was pacified, under the suggestion of Yi Xiaotian, Cao Cao did not dig canals...


Cao Cao fell into deep thought. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible and feasible to dig a canal and transport it by water to solve the supply problem!

Finally, Cao Cao opened his eyes.

"Brother Yi, your trick is wonderful, wonderful! In fact, it only takes two canals to unite Jizhou, Youzhou, and Liaodong. By water, food can be sent from Yecheng to Liaodong. Three days is enough! Irrigating the surrounding land is of great benefit to the development and prosperity of the North, Brother Yi, your trick is absolutely incredible!"

Cao Cao couldn't stop praising Yi Xiaotian...

After thinking hard for many days, the strategists repeatedly turned over the problems discussed in Yi Xiaotian here in three or two sentences, and it was solved easily and comfortably.

Suddenly, Cao Cao felt that the burden on his shoulders was much lighter...

Now, there is only one last question left, the most crucial question, the map of the Wuhuan, or the guide to the Wuhuan Taedun tribe.


Last time, Yi Xiaotian was able to reach the Qiaowang tribe, thanks to the more than forty Wuhuan cavalry led by the little spy.

But... the eastern border of Liaodong is completely different from the western border. There are many official roads in the west border before. There are maps left by Emperor Wu who attacked the Xiongnu in the north, but the eastern border is all muddy trails... Even if there are maps, they are also recorded. Not detailed?Where did the guide come from?

What's more, Cao Cao's side pays attention to the speed of his troops, and he wants to surprise the Tadun tribe of the Wuhuan.

And so on, it's even more difficult to achieve without a guide!

But when it comes to the guide, Cao Cao is very cautious...

No wonder Cao Cao was cautious, any prince would be extremely cautious.

In the period from the Later Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms, maps were often deviated and could only be seen by people. There were several ditches and several mountains in a route that sometimes could not be clearly displayed.

Therefore, the easiest way for the princes to find their way is to find a guide. Maps are dead, people are alive, foreigners do not understand the terrain, and local people are born and raised, so they naturally understand more in detail.

But since people are alive, there are many possibilities, and it is easy to find a guide.

Just imagine, if the guide is deliberately left by the enemy to bring you into the set up ambush circle, and you don't know the terrain, you can only continue to move forward after being sold...

So finding a reliable guide is a technical job...and a big problem!



Chapter [-]: The old come to have a son, Liu Bei is happy to be a father

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help frowning, and his whole person felt a little melancholy.

Yi Xiaotian seemed to see Cao Cao's troubles.

"Brother? Are you worrying about the guide?"

"I can't hide it from Brother Yi!" Cao Cao waved his hand. "No matter how fast our tigers and leopards ride and how brave our soldiers are, it's hard to achieve the speed of our soldiers without a guide, and it's hard to achieve victory by surprise!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao sighed again...

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Unexpectedly, in the face of Cao Cao's frown, Yi Xiaotian laughed heartily. "Don't worry about this, brother, you should follow the existing map. When you really can't walk, just take a look at this..."

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian took out two kits from his arms, then pushed them gently and handed them to Cao Cao.

One red and one green...

Cao Cao scratched his head, "Brother Yi, what's your trick..."

"Hahahaha." Yi Xiaotian laughed again. "On the way back from Wuhuan, I helped Cao Cao solve the problem of the guide, and even had a plan to pacify Wuhuan!

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian slapped his mouth, and his tone became even more meaningful.

"By the way, brother lie... This kit is opened twice. The first time, in the process of moving forward, when I was in a dilemma, I opened the red kit... The second time, after arriving at Wuhuan, I opened the green kit. Guan Ping determines the success or failure of the Wuhuan, don't forget to hide it from my brother!"

When he said these words, Yi Xiaotian shook his head, like a magic stick!


Cao Cao was a little stunned. Brother Yi was halfway through what he said, which made him a little bit hurt.

If someone else said this, Cao Cao must have thought he was playing tricks on him, making fun of him, but it happened to be Brother Yi, which is... meaningful.

With Zhuyu in the front, Brother Yi never told lies. He said that there is a clever trick in this package, and then there must be a clever plan.



In half a month, Cao Cao dug through the Pinglu Canal and the Quanzhou Canal.

It only takes three days to transport the grain from the granary in Yecheng to Liaodong along the waterway...

The supply problem was solved, everything was ready, Cao Cao defied all opinions and ordered the army to send troops to Liaodong...


And just when Cao Cao attacked Wuhuan in the north.

Liu Bei in the south is in a good mood, because his precious son is three years old...

Speaking of which, Liu Bei, who is now forty-seven years old, finally has a son, and he has grown up and is very chubby and cute. Except for a little bit unlike him... It seems that there are no other shortcomings.

Of course, Liu Bei didn't think much about it, after all, things that follow his mother's appearance also happen from time to time!

Before... Liu Bei didn't have a biological son, he adopted a kind-hearted nephew of Liu Bei from Changsha County as his adopted son. Liu Bei renamed him Liu Feng. After Liu Feng followed Liu Bei, he still made a lot of credit...

However, in history, it was also because of him that Guan Yu's life was indirectly killed!

Of course, these are all later stories.

When Liu Bei came to have a son, he was overjoyed. He named his son Liu Chan. The name was actually a bit prudent. He planned to let his son inherit the throne in the future!

The word "Zen" of his son Liu Chan and the word "Feng" of his adopted son Liu Feng form Fengchan, which means the emperor worships heaven and earth!

In those days, Emperor Qin Shi Huang had Feng Chan in Mount Tai and took this name.

Liu Bei's ambitions are almost all written on his forehead...


He didn't know that Liu Chan, who was born in Mrs. Gan's stomach, was actually the seed of the Cao family!


Jingzhou, Xiangyang City.

"Brother, now Cao Cao is marching north to Wuhuan, which is a good opportunity for my Jingzhou soldiers to attack Xudu! As long as we take Xudu and welcome the emperor to Jingzhou, the great cause of the Han family can be prosperous, and the world can be determined!"

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