Good thing…

The remuneration he gave was generous enough, and women in ancient times were very patient and simple...

After all, to tell the truth, in this troubled world, it is not easy to find a job with such a lucrative salary to subsidize the family.

"Treasurer, take a look... Are these sweaters alright?"

Several female workers walked to Yi Xiaotian's side, blinking their eyes, as if eager to gain the approval of their shopkeeper.

Hmm... so fast?

Yi Xiaotian turned around, took the sweater quickly, looked up and down, it was really good.

In just seven or eight days, the finished product has already appeared. Sure enough, women in ancient China had a pair of skillful hands and terrible learning ability!

Feudal constraints really suppress their creativity...

"Not bad!"

Yi Xiaotian nodded again and again...

Now I'm so happy to spoil these female workers...

But at this time.

"What's good? Brother Yi... You are full of flowers and spring, I'm afraid you have forgotten the way back to Yecheng, back to the villa, right?"

It is preceded by a question, followed by an exclamation.

Ha ha ha ha…

The voice is loud and clear, accompanied by a unique and magical laughter, without turning back, Yi Xiaotian can guess who is coming, who else is it?

"Brother lie, I'm just talking about business, I don't want you to come." Yi Xiaotian casually threw out a sentence...

"What? You're not welcome?"

Cao Cao smiled lightly, and then laughed sarcastically. "I prepared seventy tables of banquets for you in Yecheng alone. I never thought that when you arrived in Youzhou, you dared not leave... I was still thinking, who is hooking your soul? Shanzhuang, don't even care about that Zhenluo girl? So it turns out... Yingying Yanyan is here, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, it is full of spring! If I were brother Yi, I would not leave, and I would indulge in this gentle village. "

As Cao Cao spoke, he looked around at the countless female workers...

Speaking of which, the female workers hired by Yi Xiaotian have a characteristic, they are very young, very beautiful, and are ingenious...

Of course, when it comes to selecting female workers, Yi Xiaotian has requirements, not the old or ugly. In his words, it affects the professor's mood to make sweaters.

But... in Cao Cao's view, Yi Xiaotian is addicted to beauty.

"Hidden brother? You came all the way? Are you making fun of me?" Yi Xiaotian waved his hand for the female workers to step back first...

He smiled and patted Cao Cao on the shoulder. "Brother lie, I haven't seen you for a few days. You have gained a lot of weight. It seems that people are in good spirits when they have a happy event, and they don't eat less!"

"It's not Brother Yi, you made a great contribution..." Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian crossed each other's shoulders, like a pair of brothers who hadn't seen each other for many years. "Gao Gan really turned the corner. What I didn't expect was that Wuhuan's Qiaowang tribe was persuaded by Brother Yi to go south to help Cao Cao with all his strength... Now, Bingzhou has completely belonged to Cao Cao, and Gao Gan has also changed his life. This is all thanks to you, Yi Xiaotian!"

Cao Cao sighed.

He really sighed... If Yi Xiaotian hadn't predicted the rebellion of Gao Gan in advance, if Yi Xiaotian hadn't made a plan in advance to be embattled, if Yi Xiaotian hadn't rushed to Wuhuan to persuade King Qiao to go south with all his strength, how could this Bingzhou? It would be so easy to belong to him Cao Cao...

How could he, Cao Cao, have the situation in which he is now sitting on the northern border.

Thinking of this... Cao Cao put his hand heavily on Yi Xiaotian's shoulder again... Everything was silent.

"Hidden brother, it won't be... a big deal!" Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, his eyes twitched... The whole person looked calm.

But with this little effort, he noticed the sweater in his hand...

Looking up again, I saw Brother Li and Brother Ren... The whole face, the whole body was frozen straight, just like, running all the way, freezing enough...

"Brother lie... Brother Ren." Yi Xiaotian hurriedly handed the two sweaters in his hands to Cao Cao and Cao Ren. "You guys try this... I'm going to add a new business - selling sweaters?"

uh... cardigan?

Cao Cao and Cao Ren were startled...

Hearing the name, they actually resisted.

After all... wool will stink after a long time. Cao Cao and Cao Ren still know some common sense.

They took over the sweater and subconsciously smelled it first... It seems that there is no smell, to be precise, there is still a fragrance, apparently the spices were added during the washing process!

Then... just wear it?

Cao Cao and Cao Ren looked at each other, and then they took off their coats and put the sweater directly on their bodies.

Originally...because I took off my coat, I suddenly felt a biting cold, but...after putting on this sweater, Cao Cao instantly felt very warm...very warm!

Hiss... Cao Cao frowned slightly...

He specially didn't put on a jacket, so he wore this woolen sweater and walked to the window, where... the cool wind blew into the pavilion... It seemed that he wanted to feel the performance of this dress in the cold wind.

Hey, it doesn't feel good!

As soon as he felt it, Cao Cao was shocked for a while... Where there was still a little bit of ice cold, his whole body was full of warmth, as if the temperature of his body was forever wrapped in it, and his body was isolated from the cold outside the window. two worlds!

He couldn't help but sigh...

Huo... This sweater is really fragrant!

From now on, not far away, come to see Brother Yi, and no longer worry about being attacked by the cold wind!



Chapter [-]: How Can Others Snoring Sleep on the Side of the Couch?

"Brother Yi, your clothes are amazing!"

Cao Cao's eyes were round and huge, and there was light in his eyes, with a dazzling light...

Feeling the warmth of his body, Cao Cao felt a sense of disappointment. The so-called wool sweater in Brother Yi's mouth is not just as simple as keeping out the cold...

You must know that Cao Cao's sword is now referring to Liaodong, Wuhuan... The weather is cold and the ground is cold, and the long journeys, if you can have such a sweater to add to your body, then there is no doubt that the odds of conquering Liaodong can be added. It's a success, it's still a big success.

How could Wuhuan King Tadun think that Cao Jun could brave the bone-chilling cold to travel such a long distance...

Tadun could not have imagined that this was a fighter jet.

Because of a wool sweater, Cao Cao has been keenly aware of the fighters here... the fighters of great victory.

"Brother Yi, how many clothes do you have? I'm coming!"

Cao Cao couldn't hide his excitement and excitement...

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "Just these two pieces in your hands, there are not many more..."

ah... ah...

Suddenly, Cao Cao was disappointed, just... just two?

"Brother Yi?" Cao Cao scratched his head, then waved his hand. "I don't believe it. Brother Yi has been busy for a long time, and he has come up with two artifacts to keep out the cold? It seems... Brother Yi is trying to hide his secrets!"

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian just "haha", he still wants to produce in batches, but the supply of wool is limited, and secondly, the female workers are not yet skilled, who knows, how much can be produced in a day!

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. "Brother Concealer, if you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do, or... go search, and I'll give you what you find for nothing! Besides... Brother Concealer, you don't even ask the price, so you have to buy it all? Sitting on the ground and raising the price, didn't you lose a lot of money?"


As soon as the word blurted out, Cao Cao laughed, doing business with you Yi Xiaotian, it would be strange if you could make money!

With this in mind, Cao Cao shook his head. "It doesn't matter how much money it is, I have been doing business with Brother Yi for so long. I still don't know what Brother Yi is? If I can make a profit... ah no... I would be surprised if I can lose money!"

Almost told the truth.

Cao Cao smiled awkwardly...

"Let's do it, Brother Yi... How many sweaters do you produce, I want them all, so that you don't have to go looking for sales, and you can pay whatever you want!"

"Success!" Yi Xiaotian nodded...

The current wool processing factory is still small, and Guo Jia and the Zhen family have to be involved in the future. It’s just right to expand production. Since my brother is so confident in this wool sweater, he can simply sell it to him. Who is it? Sell ​​it!

After talking here, Yi Xiaotian led Cao Cao into the main hall...

The two sat down separately, while Cao Ren stood behind Cao Cao.

"Brother Yi..."

Cao Cao opened his mouth, because of the sweater, he thought of going to Wuhuan, and this time he came here to ask Yi Xiaotian about going to Liaodong Wuhuan.

"Now that the four northern states have been settled, only Wuhuan in Liaodong and Gongsun Kang in western Liaoning are left... A few days ago, Cao Cao held a military meeting and put the conquest of Wuhuan on the agenda... It seems that Cao Cao really wants to pacify Liaodong and destroy it. Yuan's remnants... However, all the advisors expressed their opposition... Even I hesitated!"

At first, Cao Cao's words were relatively calm, but the more he spoke, the lower his voice and the lower his tone... It seemed that he suddenly lost his confidence.


Yi Xiaotian rolled his eyes and asked subconsciously. "How did Cao Ying's counselors oppose it?"

"Alas..." Cao Cao inevitably sighed when he mentioned this topic, and waved his hand. "All the advisors are right. Of course the Wuhuan is a problem, but Liu Biao, Liu Bei, and the tyrants in Guanzhong also have to guard against them! If Cao Cao goes on an expedition to the Wuhuan, what should Liu Bei do? After all, Jingzhou It’s not far from meeting Xudu…”

Cao Cao revealed Xi Zhicai and Xun You's concerns and...

"Also, Liaodong is too far away from Youzhou. Even if you send troops from Youzhou to travel a long way, it will take more than half a year to attack Liaodong alone. If you are marching on a long distance, there is no map or guide... Supplies are difficult to deliver. If you are not careful, you will become a lonely army and go deep into a desperate situation... Besides, Wuhuan's cavalry is invincible on the plain battlefield, even if Cao's army arrives at the Tadun tribe, here is exhausted, but the Wuhuan army is on the contrary, waiting for work... This is …”

Having said that, Cao Cao glanced back at the sweater he was wearing and added. "Fortunately, Brother Yi made this sweater. If Cao Jun's soldiers can wear it, it will be able to resist the cold to some extent... But there is also a chance to win by surprise. But... After all, it was because of the long journey, because of the threat of Liu Biao and Liu Bei at the rear, Wuhuan is not easy to conquer!"

After speaking for a while, Cao Cao still sighed a little.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the advisors put forward reliable suggestions, but Cao Cao is not reconciled. How can he allow others to sleep on the side of the couch?What's more, this sleepy person is still the remnant of Yuan's family, who cannot share the sky with him.

"This is..."

After listening to Cao Cao's question, Yi Xiaotian's eyes rolled... Then, he reached out and knocked on the forehead, thinking for a moment. deep thought.

Seeing Yi Xiaotian's appearance, Cao Cao didn't interrupt, just looked at him so closely.

One breath, two breaths... In a full breath of time, Yi Xiaotian's eyes opened in vain. In a short period of time, he seemed to have figured out all the related stories here.

"Brother lie, you just mentioned the problem, there are no more than three..." Yi Xiaotian firstly summarized Cao Cao's doubts. "The first point is the threat of Liu Bei and Liu Biao in Jingzhou; the second point is the long-distance march, the lack of maps, the lack of guides, and the difficulty of supplying supplies; the third point, there is no certainty of victory in the confrontation with the Wuhuan cavalry on the plain. The problem!"

As soon as these words blurted out, Cao Cao nodded, and Brother Yi summed it up very thoroughly.

Before he could continue to ask questions, Yi Xiaotian's answers came out one after another.

"Brother lie, in fact... these three points, in your opinion, are a crisis, in my opinion, they are all opportunities, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to conquer the North!"

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