How can you lose money doing business with the shopkeeper who sells cold food powder?

You must know how popular the cold food powder is here, but it's not that you have money, you can get it with sheep, you have to queue up... Sometimes you may not be able to get it in three days!

Priority is given to supplying him with Cold Food Powder... This tempting enough!

For a moment, the sheep merchant's eyes shone with a dazzling brilliance.

"Deal, let alone three sheep, six sheep is fine... Today I really met a noble person, I met a noble person..."


Yi Xiaotian is still a little stunned. He dares to make the most of the situation and raise the price. This little spy is also a good hand!



Chapter [-] The name of the God of Fire in Guanzhong is not just talk

Yecheng, Sikong Mansion.


With a bang, a heavy fist slammed on the slip, Cao Cao's brows were raised, and a roar made his voice hoarse.

"The mission was surrounded by Wuhuan cavalry? What's going on? What about Yu Jin? Where is his intelligence? Zhang Liao? Isn't he always paying attention to the deployment of Liaodong's troops? Why is it so sudden, how can the Wuhuan cavalry be silent? Will the regiment be besieged?"

In a word, Cao Cao roared and roared, and his words were hoarse and choked.

"It wasn't the Wuhuan Qiaowang tribe or the Wuhuan Tadun tribe that surrounded the mission, but a small tribe of more than [-] Wuhuan. They used their best cavalry to surround the mission... In the collection of information, these Little tribe, we are all negligent, big brother... big brother, please calm down first... don't be angry with yourself! "

Cao Ren hurried to persuade him, and now Cao Cao is a little too excited.

"Remove? How can I relieve my anger?" Cao Cao shoved the pen and ink on the case slip and spilled it on the ground...

Boom, boom, the sound is endless.

Which tribe of Wuhuan surrounded the mission?

Is it a negligence of intelligence... are these important?It doesn't matter at all...

The important thing is that Yi Xiaotian is in the mission, and now he is in a dangerous place, and his safety is heavier than the sky!

Huh... a long exhale.

Cao Cao Youzi was extremely annoyed, and the veins on his forehead burst out, causing a slight pain.

Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Yu Jin…

This is already the strongest escort team that Cao Cao can send, even if it is...

"Has Brother Yi broke through? Where is Brother Yi now?" Cao Cao suddenly thought of the crux of the problem, and he hurriedly asked.

"Cao Sikong, calm down, calm down!" This time it was Jia Xu...

In today's Sikong Mansion, only he Jia Xu and Cao Ren repeatedly persuaded by Cao Cao's side...

"Mr. Jia, because of my negligence, Brother Yi is in deep danger. You let me calm down? How can I calm down?"

With a bang, Cao Cao slammed his clenched fist on the slip again.

The whole case is shaking...

Cao Cao's hands were all red... But it seemed that this kind of pain could not arouse a wave in Cao Cao's heart.

The information was just sent back by Zhang Liao, who is based in Youzhou. Considering that it takes time to deliver the information...

I'm afraid now... the Wuhuan cavalry has already started a war with the Cao Jun mission?

There are more than forty tribes of Wuhuan, how many cavalry do they need?I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of people, right?

And even if you count all the bravery of Cao Jun's embassy, ​​there are only a thousand people!

Every time he thought of this, Cao Cao felt infinite remorse and anxiety.

"Cao Sikong still needs to be calmer. Now, Duke Cao must not be chaotic!"

Jia Xu waved his hand and explained in detail: "Treasurer Yi has Xu Chu and Hu Ben army guards, Le Jin's Qingzhou soldiers to protect, Xu Huang to help secretly, and Yu Jin's intelligence support, and Zhang Liao from Youzhou even mentioned... He has already sent out the elites of Youzhou to rescue him at the first time, and if he wants to come... I think the shopkeeper Yi will definitely turn the corner!"

Jia Xu's relief calmed Cao Cao's heart.

He was silent, walked quickly to the window, and looked to the north ... towards the east of Liaoning!

"Brother Yi, you... you must... survive!"


The voice just fell.

"Report, Youzhou urgent report, Youzhou urgent report..."

A scout rushed in. Just now, he received a biography of flying pigeons from Youzhou. This is the latest information.

Cao Ren has instructed that it is a very urgent time. Any urgent items related to Youzhou do not need to be passed on to the Sikong Mansion...

"Quick... get it now!"

As Cao Cao spoke, his legs moved uncontrollably. He snatched the cotton cloth from the scout's hand and quickly unfolded it.

His eyes stared at the densely packed small words above...

Cao Ren and Jia Xu also came over, but because the cotton silk was too small and the handwriting was too small, they could not see the font on the cotton silk clearly, and could only spy on Cao Cao's expression.


At first, Cao Cao's expression was very serious, his brows were tightly wrinkled, his cheeks were as white as paper, and his whole back was sweating...

However, as Cao Cao looked back more and more, his eyes slowly opened up, and a bit of redness was added to his pale cheeks, and even the original beads of sweat on his forehead seemed to disappear at once. Back to normal, disappeared.


Ha ha…


Cao Cao was smiling, but it turned out to be a refreshing smile.

Jia Xu and Cao Ren are confused?This, this, this, what's the situation?Brother Yi was surrounded, life and death were on the line, and there was no time to let it go. Cao Cao could still laugh out loud, and he could still laugh so easily.

and many more…

Suddenly, Cao Ren and Jia Xu thought of something at the same time. It seems that when Yi Xiaotian was on his mission to Guanzhong, he also used an almost miraculous method to burn thousands of Xiliang iron cavalry at once.

In the first battle, he played the prestige of the "Vulcan" in Guanzhong. Could it be that this time...the old trick is repeated, Brother Yi has already defeated tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry with a mere [-] people?


Cao Ren and Jia Xu looked at each other, their eyes shifted, and then they nodded in unison, Zhuyu was in front, Yi Xiaotian has this strength, he really has this strength!

"Cao Sikong? But shopkeeper Yi used his soldiers like a god? He won this encounter?" Jia Xu couldn't help but asked curiously. "This time, how did he slaughter tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry?"

"You should still use fire!" Cao Ren said solemnly. "After all, Brother Yi's name 'Guanzhong Vulcan' is not just talking about it!"

Cao Ren and Jia Xu raised their brows, and countless question marks popped out between their brows.

Ha ha ha ha…

Never thought about it, Cao Cao was still laughing, this time it was a big laugh, the sound shook the rubble, and the laughter resounded through the sky. This laughter was very magical and cheerful. It seemed that all of a sudden, his whole person's mood changed a lot.

"Look, look, look!"

Cao Cao handed the urgent report directly to them, and the big stone in his heart seemed to fall to the ground at once. He paced back to his case, and was so leisurely that he bent down to pick up the pen and ink on the ground that he overturned... I feel really good.


Cao Cao's behavior is really surprising.

Jia Xu and Cao Ren were full of question marks, but they only got together, quickly unfolded the cotton silk, and carefully looked at the small characters in seal script.

It doesn't look good...

At a glance, the two were stunned at the same time!

More than [-] Wuhuan tribes, [-] light riders crossed the road to welcome them, and they even... escorted Yi Xiaotian's delegation convoy to the Qiaowang tribe to negotiate along the way!This, this, what's the situation?

Cao Ren and Jia Xu looked at each other, each other's eyes were full of doubts and confusion, this is too, te, te, unbelievable, right?Why... Brother Yi is so popular in Wuhuan?

More than forty tribes, tens of thousands of cavalry, can because of him, abandon their prejudice, unite together, and... escort along the way, this...

In a word, Cao Ren and Jia Xu felt that their IQ was not enough, and they even felt that what happened in Liaodong now was simply rubbing their brains on the ground.

"Cao Gong, doesn't Cao Gong think this is strange?"

Jia Xu, who had woken up from the daze, couldn't help it. He opened his mouth to ask something like this...

"Ha ha ha ha…"

What answered him was Cao Cao's hearty laugh.

"Wenhe!" Cao Cao smiled and put his hand on Jia Xu's shoulder. "If this happened to someone else, I would probably be surprised, amazed, shocked...but..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao's eyes flowed, and the light in it was full of indifference and lightness.

Cao Cao continued. "It just happened to Brother Yi, similar to this situation... Brother Yi has turned the corner too many times, left the dead to live, and turned the rot into a miraculous precedent, I don't seem to find it very strange anymore. !"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao shook his head, as if laughing at his previous worries...

Brother Yi…

It seems that he should trust Brother Yi at all times. After all, he is a person that Cao Cao admires so much that he can't even see through it!The trip to Wuhuan should not be a big problem, right?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao nodded, feeling extremely disappointed...

and many more…

Cao Cao suddenly recalled something.

It seems that the letter also mentioned that in the welcome of more than [-] Wuhuan tribes, under the escort of tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry along the way, Yi brother did not seem to go to the Qiaowang tribe for the first time, but... Went to the black market at the junction of the North?

Hiss... What is Brother Yi going there for?

Is it...

Thinking of this... Cao Cao recalled that Yi Xiaotian asked him specifically, where can he get wool?Brother Yi, shouldn't he go to the black market in the north to capture wool?

Well, it must be so!

Cao Cao nodded, then put his chin in his hands and fell into thought again.

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