While speaking, Yi Xiaotian's eyes gleamed in vain.

"Isn't it?" Hu Shang shook his head... waved his hand, as if complaining and helpless.

and many more…

Suddenly, Hu Shang seemed to be looking for something, this young man kept looking for wool?Shouldn't he...he has an idea for this wool?

Thinking about this section, the sheep merchant's eyes opened in vain.

"Little son? It seems that you are interested in wool... Well, if you like it, I can give you all the wool, and the price... is just... how about you buy my three sheep?"

The seemingly silly sheep businessman has a very keen sense of smell...

Even if it is a pile of useless wool, he still thinks about getting some benefits from the middle, such as... selling a few sheep.

This is the seemingly harmless, stupid Hu people, but in fact they are very smart and cunning in business.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian waved his hands again and again. "Boss, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious about how to deal with wool. I'm not interested in them?"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian paused for a while, and pointed to the thick pile of wool. "Besides, what's the use of this piece of shit, you can't eat it, you can't use it, and it will stink after a long time. Why don't you buy a few lambs? I'll stew it tonight, and the brothers will have lamb soup. drink!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The sudden change of words made Sheep Merchant a little confused... But he responded quickly and hurriedly echoed with a smile. "Young master has good eyesight. Come, come, come, look at these three heads, they are the fattest three sheep, they grew up on the fattest grass on the grassland, they are the most suitable for stewing soup, how about it, I'll be cheaper How about selling it to the son?"

The sheep businessman laughed, not to mention how happy he was!

But at this moment, Yi Xiaotian straightened up, pursed his mouth, and nodded.

"These three sheep are not bad. Well, I won't cheat on you... If you give me these three sheep, I will help you dispose of the wool, and you don't need to bring them back to the grassland! How about it? "

That's right...

That's what it feels like!

Yi Xiaotian started his performance!



Chapter [-] Flicker, then Flicker

"What? What are you talking about? How can I give you sheep? These sheep are all I want to sell. It is impossible to give such a good sheep!"

The sheep merchant shook his head again and again, his whole head was like a rattle.

...Yi Xiaotian always pays attention to his expression, and refuses again and again, but his body is still very honest... For example, there is a tangled color on his cheeks.

The energy and financial resources consumed by transporting hundreds of catties of wool from this black market back to his grasslands must far exceed the value of these three sheep.

Even so... that's it, send the sheep out?No, absolutely not!

"Yo, am I helping you? Are you still embarrassed?" Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. "Well, twisted melons aren't sweet. I don't like the hardship of strong men the most."

During the conversation, Yi Xiaotian turned around and planned to leave, without a trace of nostalgia, and muttered while walking without forgetting. "It doesn't look like Hu people are very good at doing business. No, they lost the watermelon and picked up sesame seeds! Hahaha..."

The little spy on the side nodded thoughtfully. He had more contact with Yi Xiaotian, and knew that this Mr. Yi's control over people's hearts was amazing!

This time... this time, it's mostly... mostly the Han Chinese' "play hard to catch", hehe, it seems that Mr. Yi is sure of the sheep trader.


Seeing the departure of Yi Xiaotian striding Meteor, the sheep merchant's heart was as uncomfortable as being stabbed by a needle... The thought of having to carry these hundreds of catties of wool back tonight... It's not a good feeling in my heart.

Finally... After going through a complicated psychological struggle, the sheep merchant hurriedly stretched out his hand and shouted. "This son, you...wait...you wait!"


Yi Xiaotian paused in footsteps, grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, and let out a small smile... However, in just an instant, he retracted his smile and turned around. "What? What are you doing?"

"Hey, son, don't go! Come on, these three fat sheep... the three fattest fat sheep, I gave them all to you... but you... you have to take all my wool!"


Yi Xiaotian was overjoyed, and he was done.

He hesitated deliberately, and then nodded in embarrassment. "Hey, I'm doing good deeds too, and I'll help you clean up the wool for three sheep. You really made a lot of money!"

"Yes, yes..." The sheep merchant seemed to be surrounded by Yi Xiaotian, and nodded again and again. "If someone can help me deal with the wool every time, even if I send out a few sheep, I will!"

In fact, in the eyes of the sheep merchant, he brought sheep to sell here. The purpose is not to make money from sheep, but to buy Hanshi Powder by exchanging money and bring it back to his tribe to exchange for more sheep. This profit is much larger than selling sheep. .

That's why, in his opinion, time is money. If he can save a lot of time in wool processing with three sheep, he can even go back and forth a few more times... Don't look at the loss to Yi Xiaotian. Sheep, on the whole, it's a solid profit!

The businessman is still very shrewd.

Of course, Yi Xiaotian didn't know so many twists and turns...

His single mind is to open up the supply and channels of wool.

"Boss, let's see, I am a kind person. Even if I help people to the end and send the Buddha to the west, I will take all the wool from your place in the future... How about three sheep as the price?"

Speaking of which, Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand and pointed at the guards behind him. "You can't keep us busy for a long time without even eating a whole sheep?"

"Naturally, it won't let you work in vain."

Sheep merchants seem quite excited. "I'm so happy that you guys can help me solve this wool problem. In the future... I can bring more sheep to sell, and bring back more Hanshisan. All in all, thank you..."

uh...thank you...

For a while, Yi Xiaotian had a sense of being sold and kidnapped, Zhao Xiaoshan pitted Fan Xiaowei - he pitted others, and they had to thank us!

But this kind of thing, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer...

Fudge, then flicker!


Dusk is approaching, Yi Xiaotian is not in a hurry to leave, just watching the sheep merchants sell sheep in the black market, there are fewer and fewer sheep, and more and more wool, Yi Xiaotian has a feeling of joy.

It seems that the sweater that can defeat the Little Ice Age can finally be arranged.

With nothing to do, Yi Xiaotian also asked the little spy beside him. "Little spy, you said, if I give you two sheep as a reward, can you send someone to send me the wool to Youzhou?"

"Mr. Yi said, I will do it naturally, not to mention there are two sheep as a reward, even if Mr. Yi doesn't give a penny, I have to send it to Mr. Yi properly... It's just..."

At the end, the little spy scratched his head. "I don't understand, what does Mr. Yi want this wool for, it will stink after a long time, and it smells like sheep, it smells bad!"


Hearing this, Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud, the so-called turning waste into treasure...

In the eyes of others, wool is garbage. For him, it is simply an artifact. It is an artifact that can completely cure sister Zhen Luo from the cold. It is an artifact that can surpass the profit of a blacksmith shop and a horse farm.

Of course, Yi Xiaotian didn't tell the little spy so much, just smiled. "When the time comes, I'll give you two woollen garments...you'll know when you try it."

"Don't, don't, don't."

Yi Xiaotian is generous here, and the little spy is also disgusted by it. "Mr. Yi, don't give it away, I'm afraid of coquettish..."

After a while, the little spy looked at Yi Xiaotian, and there were four words in his eyes——

- "You are so rude!"


While talking and laughing, almost all the sheep were sold, and the [-] sheep were all sold out in one day.

"Master, my friend, today's business is over, I specially leave these three fat sheep to you..." The sheep merchant brought the last three fat sheep, "Come, lead!"

After passing the rope, the sheep merchant clapped his hands, greasy, and his eyes looked at the wool on the ground behind him.

"Now, this pile of wool is all yours, and it weighs a hundred pounds, but it has nothing to do with me at all. You have to clean it up, otherwise the shopkeeper nearby will say that I'm not being kind. There are shops that rent trailers, and you can also pay someone to transport them away.”

The sheep merchant also helped Yi Xiaotian come up with ideas...

Looking at the lot of cold food powder that he earned from selling sheep, and looking at the empty carriages, the sheep merchants feel more and more that this business is a good deal!Now that I go back to Xianbei, I don't have any burdens.

The key is that in the future, this young man will also help him deal with wool.

Thinking of this, the corners of Hu Shang's mouth could not be restrained, revealing a sly smile!

"Just leave these wool to me, I will definitely clean it up, you can rest assured." Yi Xiaotian patted his shoulder...

Nima, first-hand oil is dirty!

"Young master, it's been a pleasure working with you. After all, how can I find the son? Didn't we agree to deal with the wool for me at the price of three sheep? I'll be here every time I sell sheep, but Where is your son's shop?"


Yi Xiaotian was immediately stunned, how could he have any shop in this black market?

But if... if there is no store, will it look very low-level?Very cheap?

Just thought of this...

"Ha ha ha ha…"

A hearty laugh came, the laughter was made by the little spy, and I saw him wave his hand. "You businessman has a lot of problems. What are you worried about? My son said that if you deal with wool, you will deal with wool."

Speaking of which, the little spy pointed to the largest shop not far away.

"Have you seen it? The only 'Cold Food Powder' sold on the black market is our son's shop. You can go in and say hello at any time, and there will naturally be a guy to deal with the wool!"

What the little spy said was an understatement...

Boom... boom boom.

But it was like five thunders roaring into the ears of the sheep merchant.

My dear, the one who dares to help him deal with wool is the hottest big businessman in the black market who sells cold food powder. Oh my god, he doesn't know Mount Tai!

"Gong...gong...gongzi, you...you are the shopkeeper of the Hanshi Bulk Shop? I...I...I...I have eyes but don't recognize Mount Tai!"

Ha ha…

Yi Xiaotian "haha" directly.

Being packaged like this by a little spy, he is about to become a big drug lord in this place, alas...

"Okay." Yi Xiaotian waved his hand without saying too much on this issue.

Unexpectedly, the little spy started chattering endlessly. "My shopkeeper said, this is the first time we do business, so much wool will only charge you three sheep, it can't be so cheap in the future, you have to charge you three sheep for every [-] sheep wool processed. Of course, the quantity is large. If so, I can give you some discounts... In addition, if you do business with our shopkeeper, you can't lose money, and Hanshisan will be given priority to you in the future!"


Originally, the sheep merchant felt that it was a bit unfair, and even had a feeling of being bullied by the store. As soon as this guy opened his mouth, he would increase the price... It's not kind!

But what this idiot said was right...

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