It is now the brow of the moon.

"General Zhang... something urgent to report." In front of Zhang Liao's bedroom, a loud and deep voice suddenly came.

Whoosh... Zhang Liao woke up from his sleep with a jolt, and then... he suddenly woke up.

In the faint, he had an ominous premonition that it was so late, there was an urgent matter to report... There is no doubt that something happened to Wuhuan's direction to Yi Xiaotian.

Huh... Yi Xiaotian is the one that Cao Sikong has ordered to protect!

Don't miss out...

With this in mind, Zhang Liao quickly put on his clothes, opened the door and asked urgently. "What's so alarming about?"


At a moment of Yin Shi, it was already [-]:[-] in the morning before the time traveled.

So late at night, the Zhuo County Government Office, which was supposed to be silent, suddenly seemed to explode...

Countless advisors, generals, and officials were quickly summoned to the Prefect's Mansion.

One moment ago, the big guy was still breathing heavily, his eyes narrowed into slits, and the next moment, everyone's eyes were round and huge.

As for the reason, no other...

More than forty Wuhuan tribes in Liaodong dispatched cavalry overnight, targeting Cao Jun's messenger team.

Although, most of the officials in Youzhou did not know who the envoy Yi Xiaotian who was sent to Wuhuan was...

But Wuhuan's large-scale action still made them suspicious.'s so weird.

"General Zhang, the Wuhuan have occupied Liaodong for a long time, and I can't tell from a distance. There has never been such a large-scale joint operation in the past twenty years."

An official from Youzhou talked eloquently. He was not young, in his [-]s. He had held important positions under Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan respectively, and he knew Wuhuan very well.

His understanding of Wuhuan is basically the authority in the entire Youzhou.

"The Wuhuan tribes have always robbed and killed each other because of cattle, sheep, and horses. The relationship between the tribes is very bad. This time, more than [-] tribes with ghosts are united. This is too strange. It's almost impossible! Is the information General Zhang got accurate?"

"It's absolutely true!" Zhang Liao said firmly. "The news that several scouts sent back at the same time, more than [-] tribes, more than [-] cavalry troops rushed over, at most three hours later, these cavalry, enough to arrive at our Caoying mission."


As soon as Zhang Liao's words blurted out, all the officials looked at each other in dismay, and the big guys talked in a low voice. The core point was just like the old man's words, this is wrong, weird, almost impossible, when did the Wuhuan tribes become so united ?

The old man also thought about it for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Since the information is accurate, then... the Wuhuan people are really united. It's not right, it's not right..."

The old man threw out a sentence, immediately shook his head, and immediately denied his own words.

"It shouldn't be! The Wuhuan tribes will never unite. Besides, our messenger team is negotiating with the Qiaowang tribe this time, and it does not affect these small tribes. They can't provoke us!"

The more the old man spoke, the more certain his tone became, and he lowered his head and thought for a moment.

and many more…

It seemed that in an instant, he thought of a point, a crucial point.

"General Zhang..." The old man raised his voice deliberately, "I take the liberty to ask, is there any special person among the envoys sent to Wuhuan this time?"

Um...special people.

Zhang Liao raised his brows and replied. "I don't dare to say that special people, but there is a person who makes Cao Sikong quite valued. For this person, Cao Sikong has made three orders and five applications - this time, Wuhuan must save his life at all costs!"

call out…

The old man thought about it carefully, and then nodded.

"If this is the case, more than forty tribes of Wuhuan are dispatched at the same time, perhaps it is related to this person!"

The old man's tone was firm, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he explained in detail. "General Zhang, in Wuhuan, if you can mobilize the cavalry of so many tribes at the same time, there is only one possibility..."

Hmm... a possibility?

All of a sudden, all the civil servants and military generals looked at the old man in unison, with worry in their eyes, but more curiosity.

Zhang Liao also couldn't help but take a step forward, his entire cheeks were extremely nervous.

Finally... the old man pursed his lips, and then opened his mouth.

"The messenger mentioned by General Zhang is either an existence admired by the Wuhuan people and a spiritual leader with the same status as their Khan king, or this messenger is an enemy that everyone in the Wuhuan people look forward to getting rid of..."

Speaking of this, the old man paused and continued to add. "Fifteen years ago, there were two such figures in the Wuhuan, one was Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, who was admired by everyone in the Wuhuan territory, and the other was the commander of the White Horse Yicong, which made the Wuhuan people tremble. I can't wait to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the white horse general Gongsun Zan!"


As soon as the names of these two people came out, the entire government office was in an uproar.

Indeed, Liu Yu, who has always advocated mutual benefit with the Wuhuan, and has helped many Wuhuan tribes, is worthy of the respect of the Wuhuan people. If he is sent to the Wuhuan, it must be that the tribes will abandon their prejudices. , welcome.

And Gongsun Zan, who advocated the extermination of the Wuhuan by force, and who repeatedly inflicted heavy damage on the Wuhuan, was also worthy of being hated by everyone in the Wuhuan territory!

If he is in the Wuhuan territory, the Wuhuan tribes will also abandon their prejudices... and work together to kill him.

Hiss, Zhang Liao narrowed his eyes and thought carefully.

The theory put forward by the old man is very reasonable...

But theory belongs to theory, in fact... This Yi Xiaotian, who makes Cao Sikong highly valued?It seems that he has never been to Liaodong at all, let alone the Wuhuan, right?

Not to mention that he can reach the level of respect or hatred as Liu Yu or Gongsun Zan, this is incredible!

But unfortunately, more than [-] tribes of Wuhuan really united and rushed towards him in unison... This...

Zhang Liao shook his head sharply, he felt that his IQ was not enough to think about such a complicated situation.


In any case, Yi Xiaotian must be kept safe!

Zhang Liao immediately ordered...

"The generals from all walks of life will immediately order troops and follow me to the territory of Wuhuan... In any case, we have to respond to the mission, and there can be no accidents."

"In addition, Er and other civil officials quickly wrote a document and presented it to Cao Sikong to let him know about this..."

"Hey!" The crowd answered with their hands up...

No matter what, Cao Ying's team of messengers must be preserved. Zhang Liao's actions are not flawed at all, but... if he really fights with Wuhuan, then... without preparation, what is the chance of winning?

What's more, this is a confrontation with the Wuhuan people on the plain!

It seems... in the plains, apart from the white horse, no one knows that the cavalry is their opponent.

"General Zhang..." Seeing Zhang Liao hurriedly planning to leave the office, the old man stretched out his hand to block him. "I suggest General Zhang wait a little longer... After all, this messenger is someone Cao Sikong values. Maybe he can really create something miraculous."

Ha ha…

Faced with the bowl of poisonous chicken soup proposed by the old man, Zhang Liao "hehe".

He doesn't know if Yi Xiaotian can create something magical.

But...if something happened to Yi Xiaotian in Wuhuan territory, he Zhang Liao...even...not just him Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang He, Yu Jin would not be able to eat and walk around!

this point…

From Cao Cao's three orders and five declarations, from Cao Cao's deliberate concealment of his identity, and from the hot eyes in his eyes when Cao Cao mentioned Yi Xiaotian, one or two can be judged.

Zhang Liao is a smart person, he can see that although Yi Xiaotian has no official title, his status in Cao Sikong's heart is extremely important!

Not to mention Zhang Liao alone, even if he ties five good generals and Yingchuan talents together, they may not be able to match the weight of Yi Xiaotian alone in Duke Cao's heart!

bet?Zhang Liao can't gamble, let alone gamble!

Figured this out... Zhang Liao's heavy voice came out again.

"I repeat once again, this time the entire Youzhou has come out in full force, with only one mission - to protect the Cao army mission, if the situation is in crisis and the mission cannot be preserved, then... at least the safety of the envoy Yi Xiaotian in the mission! If he makes a mistake, there is no need to pick and choose, starting from me, we will all be buried with him!"

clang clang...

The loud voice resounded throughout the office.

tao tao…

The vigorous pace made everyone feel excited.

For a time, the civil officials and military generals in the entire Youzhou were in an uproar, and a bigger question arose in their hearts?Who is Yi Xiaotian, the messenger of this mission?

It can make Cao Sikong take this seriously, and make General Zhang Liao protect him at all costs!

"Yi Xiaotian... Yi Xiaotian!"

Each mouth murmured the name.

What followed was a huge question mark that was about to pop out of countless eyebrows!



Chapter [-]: More than [-] Wuhuan leaders, invited by monkeys

"It's not good, it's not good... Wuhuan people are coming from all directions... from all directions."

Yi Xiaotian, who was sleeping, was awakened by the noise of hooves and shouts outside the account.

It seemed that outside the temporarily erected tent, there was a crowd of people moving, and countless Tiger Ben army and Qingzhou soldiers were ready to go out and quickly walked out of their respective tents.

Living in a dangerous place, in order to protect the integrity of the mission, they were undressed and their weapons were by their side. At this time, it was the first time to line up and attack.

"The whole army is on alert..." Le Jin and Xu Chu looked unhurried, but in fact, he was also beating drums in his heart.

Speaking of it, being attacked at night or by sneak attack is commonplace for these generals who have been famous for a long time and have experienced battles.

But the key question is Yi Xiaotian, Yi Xiaotian, who Cao Sikong has ordered five times to protect, once he fights with Wuhuan, who can take care of his safety in the chaos of the army!

With this in mind... Le Jin asked Xu Chu.

"Marquis of Guannei, the Wuhuan people will kill you later, I will lead the Qingzhou army behind the palace, and you will immediately evacuate the convoy with the Huben army escorting the convoy."

Speaking of this, Le Jin did not forget to add a serious matter. "Cao Sikong has instructed to cancel the plan to send Wuhuan as an envoy immediately if there is anything unexpected... No matter what kind of crisis you encounter, the first thing to do is to protect Yi Xiaotian's life and safety."

"I understand." Xu Chu patted his chest, "Mr. Yi rescued my mother, that's my benefactor, a mere Wuhuan offal. To move Mr. Yi, you have to step over my corpse!"

Dong Dong... Xu Chu slapped his chest with his fist and made a "dong dong" sound, showing unusual determination and confidence.

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