To put it simply, horses, cattle, and sheep are the currencies traded in Liaodong, while Dahan's gold and silver jewelry and brocade cotton and silk are symbols of status...


After rushing for a day, the convoy team stopped, and Yi Xiaotian let out a long breath.

He looked around, then tiptoed into the distance.

It seems... it went smoother than expected, and the entire mission did not even encounter the intrusion of the Wuhuan tribe along the way...

"How many more days will we be able to see King Qiao?"

While cooking, Yi Xiaotian asked Xu Chu and Le Jin, who were beside him in charge of escorting the convoy.

They both looked at each other and scratched their heads.

"I do not know…"


No one has ever been to Liaodong, and along the way has not found a guide.

Previously, the big guy was thinking about not touching the Wuhuan tribe, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes.

Now... the big guys are looking forward to the stars and the moon, and if you want to meet some Wuhuan people, at the very least, you can ask about the location of King Qiao!So as not to run around like a headless fly!


Yi Xiaotian let out another long breath. He also realized the problem. Are they smearing their eyes and walking forward with their heads sullen?

With this in mind, look at the sky, and suddenly Yi Xiaotian has a feeling that he has been pitted by himself.


It seems... before you come to Wuhuan, you should get some information first.

Otherwise, as it is now, the eyes will be darkened... let alone King Qiao, the tribal leader of the Wuhuan?Is it the transportation line for wool, and there are other crucial things to do, can't find it?

Whenever he thinks of this, Yi Xiaotian can't stop shaking his head and sighing, alas, he was negligent.

However, let's be safe when it comes...

Listening to Xu Chu's talk, Lord Concealer specially arranged for Zhang He to take the lead, arranged for Yu Jin to collect intelligence, arranged for Xu Huang to sneak into Wuhuan's city first, and lead the way along the way...

It takes a few days at most to know the direction of the next move.

"Mr. Yi, let's rest for two days!"

Le Jin's tone to Yi Xiaotian was very polite, without the air of being a general at all, "This Wuhuan is full of plains and mountains, even if the scouts find out the way, I'm afraid it will take some time!"

"It's okay!" Yi Xiaotian nodded, he smiled lightly, but comforted. "Anyway, we don't panic, just investigate carefully... I'm just curious, why haven't we met a single Wuhuan along the way?"


Le Jin shook his head, still wondering. "Perhaps, General Zhang He opened the way and expelled all the Wuhuan people?"

The words blurted out, and Le Jin shook his head again, he didn't even think it was right.

While they were talking...

In the plain, in the bushes, there are people moving, it seems that someone is quietly watching Yi Xiaotian and his party.

"Quick, quickly report the location of the Han convoy to the Great Khan!" It was a Wuhuan man who spoke... "Tell Great Khan, we have found out that the purpose of this convoy is to negotiate with the Qiaowang tribe. The messenger is a Han Chinese named Yi Xiaotian, this matter is very important, let the king make a quick decision!"


As soon as he agreed, a Wuhuan scout beside him nodded heavily and rode away on a fast horse.

That's right...

Yi Xiaotian and his party were closely watched by the eyes of a tribe of Wuhuan.

Liaodong, the Wuhuan people are too familiar, it is really easy to escape the eyes of Zhang He, Yu Jin, and Xu Huang!

Yi Xiaotian and his party did not find them, let alone know that they are enemies or friends?



Liaodong, dusk.

More than [-] miles north of Yi Xiaotian's convoy, a Caoying Dazhai rises from the ground...

A cavalry procession of several hundred people started a bonfire and appeared to be preparing for a meal.

The general at the head is in his thirties and looks very refined. He is nibbling on a roast leg of lamb, and he looks very tired.

He was Zhang He, and the envoy Wuhuan was responsible for leading the charge.


Cao Cao had written correspondence with King Qiao of Wuhuan, and King Qiao also knew that Cao Cao sent messengers to Wuhuan, but Liaodong was too big and the space was empty. Even if he followed the map, he still got lost.

Today was fine. I met a few Wuhuan people who were grazing. In addition to buying a few sheep, they also found out the specific site of King Qiao. Only then did Zhang He realize that they had gone wrong and went the other way.


The eastern border of Liaodong is the tribe of King Tedun of Wuhuan, the eastern border of Liaoning is the tribe of King Qiao, and there are more than forty small tribes of Wuhuan sitting between the east and west.

The opposite is true!

Zhang He was thinking about taking a good night's rest today and changing the route tomorrow to head towards the Qiaowang tribe.

Speaking of which, he was really tired during this period of time. A dignified vanguard general, he was just doing the errand of finding the way. Not to mention tired, the key is that he has no experience!

Zhang He's side here is especially sighing...


The sound of hooves of "da da da" came from not far away...

Zhang He stood up, frowned and looked closely. The person who came was Cao Jun's scout, a team in charge of investigating intelligence led by Yu Jin.

and many more…

Zhang He rubbed his eyes again, because he noticed that among the people who came, the first one... It was none other than Yu Jin.

When the time came, Zhang He had an ominous premonition in his heart, Yu Jin, he, he, why did he come?

Taking care of...

Yu Jin is in charge of collecting intelligence, and his scout team will be quite secretive. Even if there is information, it is enough to send a scout alone to report it. There is absolutely no need to come here in person?

Unless... something happened!Something happened!

All of a sudden, Zhang He's brows furrowed tightly, and he took a few steps to meet Yu Jinji. "Wen Ze? Is something wrong?"


The warhorse neighed, "dong dong", and the footsteps collided with the ground making a heavy sound.

But seeing that Yu Jin got off his horse and walked to Zhang He's side in three steps and two steps, his entire cheeks were tightly wrinkled, as if he was facing a great enemy.

"General Zhang is not good..."

To make Yu Jin, who has always been calm, say the words "not good", it can be seen that the situation is serious and urgent.

Zhang He seems to have predicted something... "Yes... Yes... Is it over the Wuhuan King Tadun's side?"

The Wuhuan King in the eastern border of Liaodong took in Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi, and it was obvious that he would tear his face with Cao Cao. Zhang Liao, who was mobilized by the horse, should definitely not have noticed it at all?

Is this... so weird?

Zhang He was still thinking about it, and Yu Jin's voice came out one after another. "No, it's not Tadun, but... it's a small tribe of more than [-] Wuhuan. They moved. They sent all their elite cavalry, and they were galloping towards the convoy of emissaries where Mr. Yi was..."


Zhang He was shocked!

Forty or so small tribes?Are they coming towards the messenger convoy in unison?This…


After a brief period of surprise, Zhang He's face was covered with the words "incredible". If it was said that Tadun led his troops to attack them, it would be excusable.

But... more than forty small tribes?Not to mention that it's weird enough that they attacked together, you know, there's absolutely no reason for them to be together when they attack each other?

What's more, offending Cao Cao, who is now pacifying the northern border?Do the leaders of these small tribes have the courage?

Thinking about this...

Zhang He asked again. "Wen Ze, this matter is of great importance. Is the source of the intelligence accurate?"

"It's absolutely true!" Yu Jin nodded heavily. "What the dozens of scouts said with their own eyes, the news that they came to deliver the first time... I am sure!"

Speaking of this, Yu Jin raised his head to look at the moonlight, his brows furrowed even tighter. "According to the strength of their feet, I'm afraid they will be able to kill the convoy's convoy at sunrise... If not, I wouldn't have come to tell General Zhang in person!"


Take a long exhale.

Zhang He tried his best to calm down. This was too big and too sudden. Even now, it was too late to send someone to tell the convoy team!

Then...that's all!

"The whole army is light and simple, and immediately return to the convoy's convoy!"

With a loud voice, Zhang He immediately ordered...

The enemy has already killed, and it is too late to withdraw, then join forces, we must protect Yi Xiaotian's integrity, and cover Yi Xiaotian's successful breakthrough!

To this...

Cao Cao had given a death order. No matter what happened, the first thing he had to do was to protect Mr. Yi's integrity...

Even if it is a critical moment, there is no time to let it go, and the first thing to do is to cover Yi Xiaotian to evacuate...

Cao Cao emphasized again and again...

This is a more important task than negotiation, and it is the "death order" that Cao Cao personally issued!



Chapter [-] If there is a mishap, starting from me, all of them will be buried with you

Youzhou, Zhuo County Prefect's Mansion.

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