Although there is no magic weapon, this battle is still to be fought, but the loss is likely to be more than twice as high as before.

Whenever he thinks of this, Cao Cao's mood is a little sad.

Unexpectedly, a trivial supply of iron and iron can have such a profound impact on the war situation.

"Well..." Xu Chu nodded beside him, wrote it down silently, and planned to walk out of the office to find General Cao Ren.


Just now.

"There is no reason for this, there is no reason for this..."

At the gate of the government office, there were shouts and roars one after another... The sound became louder and louder than the sound... "Is there still etiquette? Are there any rules?"

It turned out that Xu You and Xu Yuan angrily broke into Cao Cao's government office.

Hearing Cao Cao's return, Xu You, who was full of anger in his heart, rushed over early in the morning with righteous indignation.

Since the Battle of Guandu made great achievements, the entire Yecheng, the entire north... Who wouldn't let him Xu You, who wouldn't be afraid of his Xu family.

It used to be that his Xu family was only allowed to bully others and treat them as fools, but this time, he was simply... he was treated as a fool and played with applause.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

The first time, Xu You was about to find Cao Cao for justice.

After all, although he has no great ability, he is a hero, if not for the pass code of the Wuchao defenders who brought Cao Ying by Xu You?Can Cao Cao defeat Guandu?Can Cao Cao enter Yecheng?

Being bullied, humiliated... I don't need to look for others, it's useless to look for others, so I just come to Cao Cao...


Cao Cao was a little puzzled, what happened to Xu You?So much gas in the early morning?

Speaking of which, because of Xu You's great achievements, Cao Cao turned a blind eye to his unreasonable behavior, even though he was displeased with his unreasonableness, but... the Xu family's uncle and nephew who were used to bullying others?Even being bullied by others?Are you still looking for him Cao Cao to call the shots?How fresh is this!

"Brother Xu, sit down and speak slowly... What happened?" Cao Cao asked politely.


Unexpectedly, Xu You directly shook his face.He snorted coldly, and then shouted loudly. "Cao Ahui, you must call the shots for me in this matter!"

"Deception, my Xu family was deceived by the little bastard surnamed Yi in Youjian Mountain Villa. This is clearly deceit, deception! He Yi Xiaotian robbed and robbed me, has no justice, has no humanity, and has already bullied me Xu You. on the head."

Xu You was not polite, and sat directly on a bamboo chair, slapped the desk slip and shouted in anger.

call out…

Cao Cao heard Xu You's words in a fog.

However, he still extracted some key information?Is it Brother Yi who bullied Xu You?Hey... in my impression, didn't Brother Yi just spend [-] gold to collect a piece of the Xu family's barren mountain that can no longer be barren?Because of this, Brother Yi was about to become the laughing stock of Yecheng.

Who is bullying whom?Why is Cao Cao still a little silly and unclear?

"Mr. Xu, speak slowly, you have to tell me the whole story in detail, right?" Cao Cao frowned, but his tone was gentle. "It's reasonable, but don't make a loud voice anymore!"

"Cao Ahui, I don't care, you must call the shots for our Xu family!"

Xu You emphasized it again, and then began to tell his grievances in detail.

"My Xu You was robbed by his Yi Xiaotian, yes, he was robbed... That Broken Finger Mountain belonged to our Xu family and was worth millions of gold, but... But that Yi Xiaotian, he simply took it away. I, Xu You, treated our Xu family as idiots and fools, and took it for only [-] gold. This is not only an insult to our Xu family, but also an insult to your benefactor, Cao Ahui! Yi Xiaotian didn't take me If Xu You takes it seriously, that means he doesn't take you Cao Ahuo into his eyes. This is humiliating me, but it's actually humiliating you... Cao Ahuo, what do you think about this!"

I don't know if I'm used to it or what.

In Xu You's remarks, there are Cao Cao's nicknames everywhere - "Cao Amu"...

During this time, not only Cao Cao showed a bit of displeasure, but even Xu Chu and Jia Xu frowned. How could Cao Sikong's nickname come from his mouth like this?

Xu Chu was about to attack, but was stopped by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao suppressed his dissatisfaction. With a moustache, he asked as calmly as possible.

"Mr. Xu, do I remember that Broken Finger Mountain is not a barren mountain? Thirty thousand gold is already a lot. How can you say that it is worth a million gold? How can you say that the owner of Youjian Villa is lying to you?"

As soon as these words blurted out... Xu You was out of breath.

He suddenly stood up, and even smashed the teacup on the slip.

The whole person is full of anger... "[-] gold? Hmph, [-] gold, it's all cheap. Cao Ah hides what Cao Ah hides, I'm afraid you don't know, this Broken Finger Mountain has dug up iron and iron, and it's still the best. The good iron is better than the one in Xiapi City... I have already checked it, and it is absolutely true, he Yi Xiaotian is secretly laughing and mocking me!"

Huo... iron?

As soon as these words came out, the brows of Cao Cao, Xu Chu, and Jia Xu all condensed?

What?The Broken Finger Mountain, which was bought by Brother Yi, didn't poop, and the iron was dug out?

It's still the best, and it's even better than Xiapicheng. Doesn't this mean that... he solved it, and solved the urgent need for Cao Jun's weapon supply?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao, Xu Chu, and Jia Xu's eyes were as big as copper bells.

"Mr. Xu..." Cao Cao tried his best to calm the throbbing in his heart, and he hurriedly asked. "You said that the Broken Finger Mountain has dug out the best iron? Is this true?"

Excited, Cao Cao's whole body is about to ignite!



Chapter [-] Open your eyes and see, this Yecheng, who has the final say

"It's true, it's true..."

Xu You's voice was getting louder and louder, and his voice was almost hoarse. Even so, he was still roaring wildly. "Fraud, fraud... With [-] gold, I deceived my Broken Finger Mountain, which can dig out iron and iron. This surnamed Yi is clearly a fraud."

On weekdays, Xu You deceived others for dozens of gold, and he had to count it countless times to ensure that there were no errors.

This time, as soon as he changed hands, he lost hundreds of thousands of gold, and Xu You was going crazy... To be precise, he was already crazy.


On the other hand, Cao Cao seemed very excited.

Putting aside Xu You's nonsensical complaints, it is absolutely true that Broken Finger Mountain can dig up iron, this is a good thing, this is an established fact.

After there was a problem with the iron supply in Xiapi City, I saw that the three armies encountered difficulties in supplying the soldiers' blades. This is good. Brother Yi is the iron tree blooming, and he found a place where iron can be mined. This is simply... Yes Great success.

You know, no matter how Cao Cao deploys and plans afterward.

Is it to conquer the Wuhuan?Or Gongsun Kang who attacked western Liaoning?

This iron, this hundred refined steel, this steel spear, and steel halberd are all extremely important.


Cao Cao Youzi gasped, "Okay, okay..."

It seems that because he was too excited, Cao Cao couldn't help clapping his hands...


This one clapped hands and applauded, but the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

"Cough cough..."

Jia Xu coughed, as if reminding Cao Cao.

Jia Xu understands better than Cao Cao the relationship between Broken Finger Mountain and iron and iron, but... After all, Xu You is a hero, even though he doesn't care about this matter, but he is so determined to seek justice, if there is no answer, Can't even tell!

A bowl of water is afraid that it will be uneven!

"Trouble..." Jia Xu muttered in his heart.

On this side, Yi Xiaotian is Cao Cao's heart and soul, and on the other side is the cry of a meritorious official.


Sure enough, listening to Cao Cao's tone is a bit wrong.

Xu You immediately pointed at Cao Cao's nose...

"Cao Ahuo, what do you mean? Are you playing a favor? Without me, would you be able to enter the gate of Ye City? Can you become the master of the north?"


At this time, Cao Cao came back to his senses, and what about Xu You's side?

Think about it a little...

For a time, Cao Cao's face collapsed, just as Jia Xu judged, this is not easy to handle!

Cao Cao has always paid attention to his reputation for seeking talents, and it is for this reason that he has allowed You to be unreasonable several times, but this time, the situation is different, and this matter is mixed with Yi brother.

No way, because he favored Xu You and took away the Baoshan that Brother Yi finally bought?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's brows furrowed tightly.

"Cao Amo, you have to say something, say something..." Xu You was furious. If his nephew Xu Yuan hadn't stopped him, he would have pulled Cao Cao's sleeves. In short, Xu You seemed extremely sloppy. .


Cao Cao's face was displeased, Xu You was really provoking his bottom line again and again!

He was so arrogant at the banquet that he didn't even mention Cao Cao's nickname. Cao Cao had endured them all, but he had offended Brother Yi.

You must know that Yi Xiaotian is Cao Cao's anti-scale, and no one can surpass the past anti-scale.

"I know about it!"

After a long time, Cao Cao finally spoke up.

Xu You raised his neck and said in surprise. "Ahhhhh, quickly issue a warrant to return the Broken Finger Mountain to our Xu family! In addition, the surname Yi of Youjian Villa will be severely punished, and even his backers will have to be found out together. Punishment."

Ha ha…

As soon as these words blurted out, Cao Cao said "hehe".

Yi Xiaotian's backer?Nima, isn't that his Cao Cao?Dare to love, according to Xu You's intention, he Cao Cao has to punish himself?

"I see!"

It's still these four words, Cao Cao's surface is light and calm, but in fact, he is already burning with anger in his heart.

Xu Chu couldn't see it anymore, and he threw his hands away.

"Gong Cao, it was the Xu family who sold the land at the beginning, and the Xu family was still elated when they sold the land! Besides, at that time, when Zhishan was sold off, the wealthy and prominent families in the entire Ye City, the officials and the big family all came to witness it. Paying the money with one hand and the land with the other, what? Now it has been the owner of Yizhuang who took it by force? In the world, how can there be such a reason?"

Xu Chu is a rough person. He doesn't have as many concerns as Cao Cao and Jia Xu.

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