
But something even more shocking happened.

Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, "Brother Zhen, you are too wordy, I said if you don't sell it, you won't sell it!"

uh... not for sale!

Xu You felt that he was about to collapse, and he suddenly remembered that this Broken Finger Mountain belonged to his Xu family. He Xu You sold it to Yi Xiaotian for [-] yuan, ah no, it was "merely" [-] yuan...

Now?The price has been doubled tenfold, why is Yi Xiaotian still not selling it?

Zhen Yan frowned...

This time, his expression was a little anxious for the first time, but soon, his whole person recovered as before, "I will add another hundred thousand, three hundred thousand gold... This is already the highest price offered by Qingque Firm... "

It seems that if you just throw a simple price, it is not insurance.

Zhen Yan also played the family card. "Master Yi, my fifth sister of the Zhen family, Luo Er, is always by your side, the son-in-law of the Zhen family, Guo Fengxiao, is a brother to you, and my third younger brother, Zhen Yao, treats you as a big brother! If you have money, give the Zhen family a chance, let's make money together!"

It is a huge business opportunity to dig up iron from Broken Finger Mountain. Qingque Firm will not fail to understand that, as the largest commercial organization in the north, as a leader in the business field, Zhen Yan's acumen is excellent, which is why , even if he paid [-] gold, he would still be involved in the mining of Duanzhi Mountain.

"Don't sell..." Who knows, that is, Zhen Yan's words are broken, but Yi Xiaotian's attitude is still firm. "Don't sell it, let alone [-] gold, I won't sell it for [-] gold! Let's not talk about it... I'm hungry, girl Zhen Luo, let's go..."

While talking, Yi Xiaotian greeted Zhen Luo to get on the carriage together.

Zhen Luo was so surprised that she couldn't speak... but instinctively raised her steps, she suddenly felt that her husband seemed to be taller and sturdier today.

Zhen Yan shook his head again and again, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

From [-] gold, to [-] gold, to [-] gold, he tried several times in a row... Now, he can also see that Yi Xiaotian has made up his mind and is unwilling to be involved in the matter of Broken Finger Mountain. Give someone else a piece of the pie.

Considering the mysterious backer behind Yi Xiaotian and the complicated relationship between the Zhen family and him, Zhen Yan really has nothing to do. He regrets it... He regrets it very much, why did the Zhen family fail to spend [-] yuan Where did Jin buy this mountain from the Xu family?

Eyes, ah no... it's the pattern.

In terms of vision, in the field of pattern, even Zhen Yan, who is a leader in the north, has to admit that he must be ashamed of Yi Xiaotian, and he is far from it.


With a sigh, Zhen Yan looked a little dejected and stomped his feet, and he could only surrender to Yi Xiaotian.

"Young Master Yi, in fact, the [-] gold you mentioned is not impossible. Even if it only gives us [-]% of the Qingque Commercial Bank, I, Zhen Yan, are willing to join in. It's just... It's too difficult to raise such a huge amount of gold in a short period of time. Now, even if it is connected to the Zhen family's warehouse, there is no way to get it together quickly..."

"However, the Qingque Commercial Firm may not be able to get it together. After all, in the entire north, our firm has a lot of fields, land deeds, shops, and goods in stock... A hammer in the east and a hammer in the west can always be together, alas... It's just that Young Master Yi has made up his mind, and I, Zhen Yan, are not good at being difficult for others! Let's do it..."

After all, he is a businessman. Zhen Yan's words are not leaking, and it leaves an opportunity for future cooperation.

"[-] gold, I only buy out [-]% of Zhishan's income, but I have to manage it myself. This is my price... If Young Master Yi changes his mind, he can come to Zhen Mansion at any time. The gate of my Qingque Chamber of Commerce will always face Mr. Yi is open, and then we can talk about the details of the excavation of the Broken Finger Mountain in detail, okay...I will take my leave first without delaying Mr. Yi's meal."

After a few words, Zhen Yan shook his head again, and then heaved a long sigh... He hurriedly returned to his carriage and left slowly, even before leaving, you could see Zhen Yan's annoyance and regret through the window. color.

Uh... Zhen Yan was gone, but his words stayed where they were, but they landed on Xu You and Xu Yuan's foreheads like the roar of five thunders.

Five hundred thousand gold?Only buy out [-]% of Zhishan's income?

Xu You's legs were really soft... With a click, he sat in the snow, his face pale and his eyes blank.

This... this Broken Finger Mountain, is it...they belonged to their Xu family?

It was he Xu You who sold this injustice to Yi Xiaotian for [-] gold.

Now, in the blink of an eye, [-], [-]%, if there is no mistake, this Nima has turned over fifty times the price, right?Xu You, who has always loved money like his life, felt that someone was hitting his heart with a needle. The pain...severe pain!

Xu Yuan's expression was even more exaggerated. He felt that Yi Xiaotian was not taking advantage of him, Nima, their Xu family was the number one in the world, no, they were the most invincible take advantage of the universe.

Stepping into the carriage, Yi Xiaotian greeted Xu You and Xu Yuan across the window. "Mr. Xu, Young Master Xu, see you soon... I'm hungry this time. Next time, when I'm rich, I'll invite the two of you to drink!"

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian showed a beautiful smile, very naive, very harmless...

Uh... how thick does this have to be?Only... can I say, "When will you be rich and invite people to drink?" Such words.

Isn't this rubbing the faces of the Xu family's uncle and nephew on the ground?Almost rubbing the pace of the devil.

Xu You: "..."

Xu Yuan: "..."


Watching Yi Xiaotian's carriage drifting away, Xu You really cried, he felt like he had missed a hundred million...

For Xu You, who has always been responsible for accumulating money, it was a huge blow in the depths of his heart. He cried, really cried... Since the Battle of Guandu, Xu You, who has always been arrogant and domineering, actually wept unsatisfactorily. .

The hot tears slipped down faintly, and the teardrops at the corners of the eyes were like beads with broken strings, which could not be contained at all.

Xu Yuan also opened his mouth...

His heart was full of thoughts, and there seemed to be infinite words in his mouth to say, but after all, after a long time, he couldn't say a word.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, the fog gradually rose, Xu You and Xu Yuan's cheeks were quietly covered with snow flakes...

The streets also became colder and colder. Xu You and Xu Yuan, one kneeled like weeping tears, and the other stood shaky. After a long time, Xu Yuan's lips trembled, and he finally spoke, trembling. The voice resounded between heaven and earth.

"Uncle, we... our Xu family has been fooled!"

Ha ha…

Xu You smiled wryly...

Who the hell doesn't know they've been fooled?

I'm afraid it won't take a few days, and the topic of discussion in the streets and alleys of Ye City will be changed to this one.

——The Xu family is the biggest fool in the world, a big idiot... In a single thought, I missed a million gold!

——The owner of Yijian Villa in Youjian Villa, with a little trick, played with the Xu family in the palm of his hand, obtained the treasure and made money, and the sky in Yecheng finally dawned.



Chapter [-]: Cao Agui, you must make the decision for the Xu family in this matter

Yecheng, government office.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The hearty laughter spread throughout the entire office, and Cao Cao's demonic laughter came out one after another.

To be honest, he was really happy...

I just rushed back to Yecheng last night, and I heard the news of Youzhou's surrender early this morning.

Just as Brother Yi expected, Yuan Xi, the second Yuan, and Yuan Shang, the third Yuan.

In Youzhou, the two of them were thinking about being a monk and hitting the clock, but his generals, under a series of plans by Yi Xiaotian and a series of operations by Cao Cao, were very eager to live a good life.

This is not...

One month of black and windy killing night, Youzhou's general Jiao Touch and Zhang Nan defected, and together, they also made the entire Youzhou officials join forces to serve Cao Cao.

Youzhou soldiers took it down without a fight.

This time, the situation in the entire north was completely stabilized. Youzhou, Bingzhou, Qingzhou, and Jizhou, which was already in his hands, realized Cao Cao's dream of sitting on the four states.

The only fly in the ointment is that the pair of good brothers from the Yuan family escaped, and they took their cronies and fled to the Wuhuan tribe...


Whenever I think about this, Cao Cao always feels a pity.

Cao Cao is not a generous person. His heart is neither black nor white, and there is no gray area. Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi are now his mortal enemies.

Even if they fled to the ends of the earth, Cao Cao would not let them go.

Now... Cao Cao has begun to ponder how to further exterminate them, and even ponder whether Wuhuan in the north and Gongsun Kang in Liaodong can also sing "conquer" to the beaters?

Of course... in the formulation of the general strategy, Cao Cao still intends to make a specific plan with Brother Yi.

Besides... Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi are not the only brothers in the north.

Whether it is an alien Wuhuan in the north or Gongsun Kang in Liaodong, they are not fuel-efficient lamps. It is an adventure to go deep alone and travel long distances to attack them.

Also... Cao Cao is too unfamiliar with Wuhuan and the terrain of Liaodong, so he has a high probability of failure!

It seems that the right time, the right place and the people are not on his side of Cao Cao.

With this in mind, Cao Cao thought about going directly to Youjian Mountain Villa and going to Brother Yi to have a good bargain...

By the way, he paid a lot of money to buy the barren mountain of Broken Finger Mountain, and what did he want?

Could it be a misalignment of vision?

Ha ha…

Once this question was thrown, Cao Cao laughed himself.

After all, Zhuyu is in the front, Yi brother's vision, Yi brother's insight, there has never been a mistake, this time is certainly not unexpected.

"Cao Gong."

But at this moment, Jia Xu slowly walked into the hall of the government office. When he saw Cao Cao, he bowed first, and then cupped his hands.

"Just now Xun Lingjun sent an urgent document. I have read it. There is an accident in Xiapi City."

Jia Xu's face became solemn. "The mountain where the iron was excavated in Xiapi City was submerged by flash floods. In a short period of time, the iron can no longer be mined! Naturally, it is impossible to transport the iron to Youjian Villa for forging and refining of steel."

Speaking of this, Jia Xu frowned slightly.

"In the past few years, in the confrontation with the Yuan clan, the steel guns and steel halberds of Youjian Villa have made a lot of credit, but... we have also lost a lot of weapons. Now, there is a lot of iron mining in Xiapi City. Obstructed, I am afraid that some of the villas will not be able to deliver new steel guns and steel halberds on time, which is very unfavorable for our next strategic deployment."


Cao Cao's face suddenly sank.

Others don't know, but he knows it best. At the beginning of the battle of Guandu, [-] people dared to steel Yuan Shao's [-] people. In addition to the bravery of the soldiers, he relied on the hundred refined steel forged by Youjian Villa. The halberd, the spear...

For several years, these steel spears and steel halberds accompany Cao Cao's entire northern journey. With their help, he is invincible in attack and invincible in battle.

Suddenly, there is a problem with the supply of iron and iron, which is really a big trouble!

As the saying goes, from frugality to luxury is easy, and from luxury to frugality is difficult. Cao Jun, who is used to using this magic weapon, suddenly brings up the ordinary weapon, whether he is used to it or not is the second, and the combat effectiveness is probably going to drop several steps. ?


Cao Cao exhaled helplessly, he waved his hand and turned to look at Xu Chu. "There's no other way, just use as many as you want... By the way, I heard that Zixiao also specially gave Brother Yi a part of the deposit for steel guns and steel halberds. I'm afraid that in a short period of time, some blacksmiths will not be able to pay this amount. The arms have been distributed, Guannei Hou, go and tell Xia Zixiao, and tell him not to urge Brother Yi. For the supply of weapons, think of ways to do it elsewhere first."

In desperation…

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