"Uncle... Otherwise, let's cut the price and buy a barren mountain for fifty thousand gold. Isn't that a bit too high?" Xu Yuan reminded...


Xu Youlue pondered, then waved his hand. "If you don't surrender, you won't surrender... I, Xu You, want to see if his Zhen family has the courage. Dare to reject me Xu You again!"

Humph... Another cold hum.

Don't look at Xu You's resolute expression, with a strong sense of sight and lightning, but he also has no confidence in his heart... If the Zhen family really doesn't want it, he is actually not easy to deal with. After all, the last Zhen family wedding, Xu You You can see that Yi Xiaotian's ability...

If it is said that he has no support, Xu You decides not to believe it, who is the reliable mountain?After checking for so many days, Xu You was stunned that he didn't find out.

However, this is not necessarily bad news. If it is not found out, it proves that the level of the backer is just like that.

With this in mind, Xu You raised his brows, licked his lips, and muttered in his heart that the grievance of this Yi who prevented him from marrying the Xu family and the Zhen family has not yet been settled!

At this moment.

The door suddenly broke into the main hall. "Master, son... The shopkeeper of Youjian Villa is Yi..."

Don't wait for him to speak...

Xu You read out his name in a conditioned reflex. "Yi Xiaotian? What's wrong with him? Did something happen?"

In Xu You's heart, he always thought that Yi Xiaotian was not good!

While speaking, Xu You twisted the beard under his forehead and squinted at the door.

The doorman was busy and Ai Ai replied. "It's Yi Xiaotian...he...he came to our Xu residence. He said he wanted to see the master, and he also said he wanted to buy land? Buy our Xu family's 'Broken Finger Mountain' piece of land."

What?Buy land?

As soon as these words blurted out, not only Xu You was stunned, but Xu Yuan was also stunned.

How fresh!

The land that their uncle and nephew did not sell with all their efforts, this Yi Xiaotian actually took the initiative to buy it?Shouldn't his brain be kicked by a donkey?

As soon as the doorman's words came out.

Xu Yuan then aimed at Xu You, Xu You was still thoughtful.

"Uncle? Since the other party took the initiative to come to the door? Let's... see each other?" Xu Yuan asked tentatively. "We want to sell Duanzhishan, he wants to buy it, isn't that right!"


Xu You remained silent for a long time as if he was scheming before speaking. "It's really the enemy's road is narrow... No, it must be this surnamed Yi who realized that last time Zhen Mansion offended our Xu family, this is to come to the door to apologize, and spend money to eliminate the disaster, hehe... If this is the case..."

Suddenly, Xu You's eyes were full of silvery gold coins...

he muttered to himself. "I heard that this surnamed Yi has villas in Yecheng, Chenliu, and Xudu. He is a big fat sheep... Hey, this time, I have to slaughter him severely and let him know. What a price to pay for offending our Xu family!"

Speaking of which...

Xu You waved at the door. "Go, call him in, and bring him to me. Master Ben is waiting for him to kowtow to confess his guilt and spend money to eliminate the disaster, hahahaha..."

Rampant laughter resounded throughout the Xu residence, Xu You yawned, and still lay lazily on the bamboo chair, making an expression of disdain for Yi Xiaotian.

It seems...everything is going according to plan.

This is what Xu You thought, and what Yi Xiaotian thought.



Chapter [-] You have a try, in case it works!

The doorman led Yi Xiaotian into the Xu residence. Zhen Luo originally wanted to follow, but was stopped...

It seems that the Xu family is still hostile to the Zhen family.

Yi Xiaotian winked at her, signaling her to rest assured... He walked into Xu's house with great strides, and he was full of self-confidence. After all, he came to spend money. !

Step into the hall…

Xu You was still lying on the bamboo chair, with a look of ignorance and disdain for Yi Xiaotian's arrival.

Xu Yuan sat on the stool, his eyes raised to look at the beam of the house, he also looked like he didn't see Yi Xiaotian, and he was shaking his legs, looking like an "uncle" aloof.

Seeing this scene, Yi Xiaotian was not angry, but just smiled.

"Yijianshan Villa Yi Xiaotian, who has long admired Mr. Xu's 'big name', came here to meet him."

Indeed, isn't it true that he has long admired the famous name, the name of the Xu family's wickedness has spread almost throughout Ye City, even the Youjian Villa thirty miles east of Ye City can hear it.


Xu You's eyes slowly opened, and he glanced at Yi Xiaotian.

"You are young, you have three manors, you are not small..."

Speaking of this, Xu You sat up slowly, and he looked at Yi Xiaotian carefully.

The last time I was in Zhen Mansion, I just glanced at him roughly, and after looking at him from a close distance, Xu You felt like... This guy is too young, right?Should be in his twenties?

this age?Can there be three manors?Kind of incredible...

With this in mind, Xu You took a sip from the tea cup beside him and continued to ask. "How much gold can a manor earn in a year?"

"Two or three hundred thousand..."

Without thinking, Yi Xiaotian replied lightly...

However, the more understatement it is, the more confident it becomes.


Xu You spit out all the tea, two... two, three hundred thousand?

Nima, Nima or...or gold?

You must know that this amount of gold is tens of millions when converted into five baht money. Especially, during the reign of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, when the West Residence was sold as an official, a Guannei Hou only sold for five million yuan, and fifty million was enough. Buy a "three public" level high-ranking official!

Hey... Knowing that Yi Xiaotian is a fat sheep, I didn't expect to be a big fat sheep that is very rich!

Xu You sat up straight for quite a while, except that his gaze towards Yi Xiaotian became serious, he leaned over... "Yo, I didn't expect you to be a rich man at such a young age?"

Yi Xiaotian didn't have the time to chat with Xu You about this irrelevant chat...

He waved his hand directly and cut to the chase, "Mr. Xu? I'm not here to discuss with you whether I'm a rich man, I'm here to buy a mountain, the Broken Finger Mountain that Mr. Xu once wanted to sell. The one for the Zhen family..."


Although he already knew Yi Xiaotian's intention in advance, Xu You was still a little surprised by saying it so unreservedly, not only Xu You was surprised, but Xu Yuan was also surprised.

However, Xu You's reaction was extremely fast.

He looked suspiciously at Yi Xiaotian. "This... this Broken Finger is up, Broken Finger Mountain is a good place, there are mountains... there are... ahaha, and there are mountains... um, yes, this is a treasure mountain!"

Xu Yuan's eyeballs kept rolling, and he continued to reconcile. "That's right, the Broken Finger Mountain is a treasure that our ancestors of the Xu family valued. It cost [-] gold in the past, but when things changed, the price skyrocketed... The [-] gold in the past is now counted... No matter what... Hehe, it can't be taken lightly. Selling it, combined with the price... Now it's worth [-] gold? There's no [-] gold, what to say, this Broken Finger Mountain, our Xu family won't sell it!"

Xu Yuan blurted out these words, and Xu You had four big words in his heart - nice job.

It seems that in the field of flickering, he Xu You is really a successor, and his nephew Xu Yuan is a child who can be taught, haha!

Although... [-], it's a bit too cruel, after all, it's a barren mountain where birds don't lay eggs!

But it's okay, you can leave room for this surnamed Yi to bargain, and it also seems that their Xu family is not so unreasonable.

"Oh... [-] gold? That much?" Yi Xiaotian pursed his mouth, then put his chin in his hands, looking thoughtful.

"For such a big mountain, it's cheap enough to sell for a total of [-] gold."

Seeing Yi Xiaotian hesitate, Xu You suddenly panicked, this broken mountain, he really wanted to sell it...

Even with his power, he can forcefully buy and sell... But let alone [-], a family with [-] gold, who doesn't have any backing...

He Xu You really may not be punished!


Xu You's words were like a barrage of cannons, continuous.

"This refers to the beautiful mountains and rivers, the birds and flowers are fragrant, you build a yard, or you move the villa there... that is the paradise... You think, the Xu family bought this much... many... For many years, they have never rented out this mountain. However, it maintains the most essential and unpretentious appearance of nature there... So, [-] is not expensive at all! Young Master Yi, Young Master Yi, you have found a great deal."

The moment he spoke, Xu You's whole body suddenly stood up, the pretentious coldness was gone, the pretence was gone, and even the name of Yi Xiaotian became the friendly "Yi Gongzi"...

As if, in front of money, he can suddenly become a licking dog.

"You...you can think clearly! Don't miss the opportunity..." Xu You walked slowly to Yi Xiaotian, put his hand on his shoulder gently, and spoke earnestly, just like the elders teaching the younger ones earnestly .


Looking at Xu You's appearance, Yi Xiaotian wanted to laugh very much. How could he write his heart-wrenching thoughts on his face like him?

Of course.

According to the experience of buying land stalls, the more urgent the seller is, the more calm the buyer should be.

Yes, that's it, take it easy.


Yi Xiaotian blinked again, he paced three steps to the left and three steps to the right.

He seems to be muttering something...

"Yeah ah... How did I hear that the Broken Finger Mountain can't even grow food, the whole mountain has no river, it is very barren, except for the crows, even the birds are reluctant to approach, Mr. Xu actually said that it is a Birds and flowers? Xanadu?"


Yi Xiaotian continued with his mouth choked. "Could it be that Mr. Xu doesn't read much, and there is some deviation in his understanding of 'birds and flowers' and 'Xanadu'?"

In a word, Yi Xiaotian looked directly at Xu You, and walked a few steps towards him, full of aura, almost scared Xu You to the point of weakness.

Yi Xiaotian's words will continue.

"A broken mountain, birds don't poop, dogs don't lay eggs, and turtles don't land on the shore? Mr. Xu asked me for [-] gold? Did Mr. Xu deceive me because I was young and ignorant? ?"


Xu You still wanted to speak.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand. "I won't buy it, I won't buy it anymore. This Ye City is not just a mountain. The Taoyuan Valley in the east and the Bingjingya in the west are not fragrant? You can't afford to spend so much money and choose such a bad place..."

As he spoke, Yi Xiaotian turned around and walked towards the outside of the Chaofu gate with great strides...

In fact, he was thinking silently in his heart, "Three, two, one point five, one..."

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